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Genshin Impact: Collei Quicken Genius Invokation TCG Deck Guide

This guide will show you how to create the Collei Quicken Deck in Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG game mode. The Collei Quicken Deck takes advantage of the Quicken Reaction to quickly ramp up to high levels of damage early in each match. This guide will show you all the cards you need to make the Deck, including its strengths and weaknesses.

Genshin Impact: Collei Quicken Genius Invokation TCG Deck Guide

The Genius Invokation TCG game mode in Genshin Impact continues to grow and expand. As more people play, more strategies and decks come into focus. This includes some very powerful decks which are capable of stalling out entire matches or just eliminating the board in only a few turns. If you want to see how to make some other strong decks, you can find our guide for the Ayamiya Melt Deck, the Freeze Shutdown Deck and the Geo Stall Deck here.

One of the strongest decks in the world right now is the Collei Quicken Deck. Named after its central Character Card (Collei) and the Elemental Reaction that brings this whole deck together, the Collei Quicken Deck has been making waves as a very strong option for high-level play. 

Here’s how to build the Collei Quicken Deck in Genshin Impact’s Genius Invokation TCG. 

Want more Genshin Impact and Genius Invokation TCG content? You can find more here on KeenGamer:

  1. Genshin Impact: Ayamiya (Yoimiya + Ayaka) Genius Invokation TCG Deck Guide
  2. Genshin Impact: How to Easily Get Dynamic Skins for Genius Invokation TCG
  3. Genshin Impact: The Oceanid’s Concern Tavern Challenge Guide
  4. Genshin Impact Wanderer (Scaramouche) Best Build Guide
  5. Genshin Impact Faruzan Best Build Guide

Deck Overview

First and foremost, let’s go over what cards will actually be in our Collei Quicken Deck. This Deck has seen several different iterations and alterations which change up bits and pieces while keeping the core of the experience the same. As such, this overview will be broken down into Essential Cards, which are required to make the deck work, and Non-Essential Cards, which can be swapped and subbed in depending on player preference or your opponent. 

The Essential Cards for this deck are:

  • Collei (Character Card)
  • Keqing (Character Card)
  • Fischl (Character Card)
  • Floral Sidewinder x2 (Collei Talent Card)
  • Paimon x2 (Support Card)
  • Liben x2 (Support Card)
  • Liu Su x2 (Support Card)
  • The Bestest Travel Companion! x2 (Event Card)
  • Changing Shifts x2 (Event Card)
  • Leave it to Me! x2 (Event Card)
  • Toss-Up x2 (Event Card)
  • Strategize x2 (Event Card)
  • Calx’s Art x2 (Event Card)
  • Quick Knit x2 (Event Card)
  • Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder x2 (Event Card)
  • Elemental Resonance: High Voltage x1 (Event Card)
These are Essential Cards needed to make the deck work - Genshin Impact Collei Quicken Deck

Essential Cards

Meanwhile, the Non-Essential Cards include:

  • Favonius Catherdral x1 (Support Card)
  • Timmie x2 (Support Card)
  • I Haven’t Lost Yet! x2 (Event Card)
  • When the Crane Returns x1 (Event Card)
  • Send Off x2 (Event Card)
  • Lotus Flower Crisp x2 (Event Card)

In total, every viable deck needs 3 Character Cards and 30 Action Cards. Pick and choose your Non-Essential Cards as you please. Whether it is to develop a personal strategy or counter an opponent’s deck, make sure you have 30 cards. Your Essential Cards will be doing most of the heavy lifting, anyway, while the Non-Essential Cards are flavourful decisions.

These cards are Non-Essential and can be swapped around - Genshin Impact Collei Quicken Deck

Non-Essential Cards

Character Cards


Collei is our first Character Card and she is, arguably, the most important part of the deck. As of Version 3.3., she is the only Character Card (aside from the Jadeploom Terrorshroom) that can cause Dendro Elemental Reactions. Just like in the base game of Genshin Impact, Dendro proves to be an especially strong and competent Element in Genius Invoklation TCG.

Collei’s abilities and skills are:

  • Supplicant’s Bowmanship (Normal Attack): Deals 2 Physical DMG.
  • Floral Brush (Elemental Skill): Deals 3 Dendro DMG.
  • Trump-Card Kitty (Elemental Burst): Deals 2 Dendro DMG, summons 1 Cuilein-Anbar [Summon: Deals 2 Dendro DMG during the End Phase, 2 Usages]

The main strengths of Collei in this deck come from multiple places. First, she can allow the team access to Quicken, the quintessential Reaction which makes this entire build sing, buffing every one of our Character Cards. Second, she just deals good damage and, with her Elemental Burst, she can create a Summon that perfectly synergises with Fischl’s Oz to allow for big damage in the End Phase.

Collei allows us to use Quicken and Dendro - Genshin Impact Collei Quicken Deck

Collei Character Card


Keqing is up next, and she is here mainly as the second half of our Quicken trigger. She is our Electro damage dealing, capable of quickly dealing high damage and subbing in to protect teammates. 

Keqing’s unique abilities are:

  • Yunlai Swordsmanship (Normal Attack): Deals 2 Physical DMG.
  • Stellar Restoration (Elemental Skill): Deals 3 Electro DMG, creates 1 Lightning Stiletto [Event Card: Switch your Keqing in to be the active character and immediately use Stellar Restoration once. This instance of Stellar Restoration will grant Keqing Electro Infusion without creating another Lighting Stiletto]
  • Starward Sword (Elemental Burst): Deals 4 Electro DMG, deals 3 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.

With her Elemental Skill, Keqing can deal a respectable amount of Electro DMG while giving the player another way to easily switch active characters. In addition, her Burst hits everything on the field, allowing for insane Quicken Reactions if everything is aligned correctly. Overall, Keqing is a great damage dealer to pair alongside the more passive Fischl and the more situational Collei. 

Our main source of damage outside of Reactions and Summons - Genshin Impact Collei Quicken Deck

Keqing Character Card


Last but not least is Fischl. She is an Electro Character Card specialising in Summons, specifically her raven companion Oz. While she won’t be doing a ton of direct Electro DMG herself, Oz paired with Quicken and Cuilein-Anbar can deal some serious damage.

Fischl has the following abilities:

  • Bolts of Downfall (Normal Attack): Deals 2 Physical DMG.
  • Nightrider (Elemental Skill): Deals 1 Electro DMG, summons 1 Oz [Summon: Deals 1 Electro DMG during the End Phase, 2 Usages]
  • Midnight Phantasmagoria (Elemental Burst): Deals 4 Electro DMG, deas 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby. 

While not as inherently strong or mobile as Keqing, Fischl is still a great asset to the team. By using Oz correctly, she can set up the End Phase so that the opponent takes up to 6 or 7 DMG just in the End Phase, guaranteeing the destruction of almost any card. She may be more passive than her two teammates, but Fischl can certainly still pull her weight in this deck.

Fischl helps activate Quicken in the End Phase - Genshin Impact Collei Quicken Deck

Fischl Character Card

Action Cards

Equipment Cards

Surprisingly, there is only one Equipment Card in the entire deck, Essential and Non-Essential alike. Because this deck relies so much on Quicken for buffing our damage output, other Equipment Cards simply take time away from attacking and causing Reactions. There are a few that could go here, but you likely only need one Essential choice.

That Essential choice is Floral Sidewinder, the Talent Card for Collei. You’ll want to pack 2 of these for your deck to ensure that Collei can access it, as this is a great boon for the entire team. The best part about this Talent is how it adds to the already crazy buffs given by Quicken, making them even stronger. 

When equipped onto Collei (while she is the active character), she will instantly cast her Elemental Skill. After using that attack, Collei will have a +1 Dendro DMG bonus to any Dendro-Related Reaction for one round – this includes Reactions dealt by either Keqing, Fischl or your Summons. Quicken already grants a +1 bonus to any Electro/Dendro DMG, making this Talent Card insanely useful for driving up your damage numbers, allowing you to potentially KO entire teams in a single round.

Floral Sidewinder

Floral Sidewinder

Support Cards

There are a decent amount of Support Cards in both the Essential and Non-Essential categories. Some of them are more obviously useful than others, but they all serve a purpose in the Collei Quicken Deck. 

First, the Essential Cards you should always carry are Paimon, Liben and Liu Su. Paimon increases your total Elemental Dice count from 8 to 10 for two whole rounds. This allows for another attack or Reaction that wouldn’t have been possible without her. Similarly, Liben can create 2 free cards as well as 2 additional Omni-Dice so long as you feed him one or two Elemental Dice at the end of each round. Both of these cards are great because they simply give you more dice to work with, allowing you to cast a lot more Skils and Bursts to trigger those juicy Quicken Reactions.

Then there is Liu Su. He is here to make sure that you get your Elemental Bursts as quickly as you can. Once per Round, if you switch to a character with no Burst Energy, they will gain 1 Burst Energy. This is great for Collei, allowing her to simply use her Skill or her Talent Card once before activating her Burst. This gets Summons and Reactions out onto the field much quicker, and it can be combined with Calx’s Arts to guarantee that the right person makes use of that Burst Energy. 



In the Non-Essential pile, we have the Favonius Cathedral, Timmie and Liu Su. The Cathedral may seem like an odd choice for this deck but it has a very specific purpose: keeping you alive. One of the weaknesses of this deck is that because it relies so much on Reactions and switching characters, you will leave yourself open for some heavy hits fairly often. It isn’t too rare to see a fight end with your Character Cards on the brink of defeat. If you find yourself wanting a bit more security, the Favonius Cathedral can heal your active character for 2 HP for 2 rounds. 

Meanwhile, Timmie acts like a scaled-down version of Liben: after you have played the card and 3 Rounds have passed, Timmie will be discarded and give you a free Omni Element Dice and card in return. While not as lucrative as Liben, it is a guaranteed payoff, unlike the famous merchant who can sit on the field killing time if you forget to save some Elemental Dice each round. Some players may prefer that security, while others may like both and want to play Liben and Timmie together to maximise Dice and card profit.

Favonius Cathedral

Favonius Cathedral

Event Cards

In the Essential and Non-Essentia categories, Event Cards are plentiful. A few are more subtly impactful than others, and those will be the ones I will explain more thoroughly. Cards like Calx’s Arts, Changing Tides and Leave it to Me! are quite obvious in their implementation, for example.

Toss-Up and The Bestest Travel Companion! are both extremely useful cards, but there is a specific reason why they need to be in this deck. While playing the Collei Quicken Deck, you only have access to two Elements (Dendro and Electro). This means that there are only three sides on the Elemental Dice that will give you anything of value. This can result in some sour streaks of unluckiness that mean rounds languish in nothingness: these event cards give you either another chance to get something you want or a guaranteed way out with Omni Element Dice.



I Haven’t Lost Yet! is another card that plays into the weakness of this deck rather than shying away from them. As previously discussed, one of the biggest downsides of this deck is the lack of defensive options, meaning that you will be tanking a lot of damage. Against similarly matched opponents this may even result in you losing a few characters at a quicker pace than other decks. In preparation for that, I Haven’t Lost Yet! provides an excellent way to recoup and take the fight back to your opponent with extra Dice and Burst Energy.

Lotus Flower Crisp plays off that same idea of the deck’s weak fortitude. Instead of laying in wait to spring a trap like the last card, the Lotus Flower Crisp aims to stop your deck from failing at all. Equipping this to a character allows them to -3 DMG the next time they take a hit. This can be crucial against enemy Bursts and other high-powered attacks that could prematurely end your combo or run. 

I Haven't Lost Yet!

I Haven’t Lost Yet!

Collei Quicken Deck Playstyle


Next, let’s discuss what key combos this deck implements. Combos are cards that should almost certainly always be played together to achieve the best result. This can be high damage, set-up for another move or future-proofing your characters.

  • Collei + Calx’s Art: After Fischl summons Oz or Keqing attacks with her Stellar Restoration, switch to Collei and use Calx’s Art to give her a head start on her Burst. Not only will it inflict big Dendro DMG and open the opponent up for Quicken, but this will get Cuilein-Anbar onto the field as soon as possible to set up the End Phase.
  • Collei + Floral Sidewinder: Once Collei has accumulated 1 Burst Energy, use her Talent Card to instantly get her Burst, cast her Skill and buff the damage of Quicken even further. 
  • Oz / Cuilein-Anbar + Quick Knit: This gives your Summons another usage, allowing them to continue benefitting from and creating Quicken Reactions. 


Starting Hand

When beginning a duel, having the right set of Action Cards at your disposal will never be a bad thing. Depending on what you draw, the first few Rounds can either go perfectly or miserably. 

For the Collei Quicken Deck, it is recommended that you try to have the following opening hand: 

  • Liben: You can instantly begin setting up for the big payout right from the start of the match. 
  • Toss-Up: Allows you to attempt to correct any cases of bad luck early on.
  • Floral Sidewinder: Let’s you begin setting up Collei for her Dendro buffs. 
  • Changing Tides: Free switch between active characters.
  • Leave it to Me!: Free switch between active characters.
  • Calx’s Art: Allows you to give the Burst Energy from your first character to Collei, speeding up her Burst gain. 

Any of these are sure to serve you well in one way or another. Other cards like Strategize or Liu Su are also very welcome in this opening gambit, but these are the best choice for an opening hand.

A Great Start

A Great Start

Flow State

Here is how an ideal turn of the Collei Quicken Deck will look in Genshin Impact. You will want to try and follow this flow state in all of your matches to achieve the best results and make sure you come out on top.

  1. When the game begins, choose Fischl as your active character.
  2. Use Nightrider to summon Oz and deal Electro DMG to your opponent. After that, switch to Collei (Changing Tides and Leave it to Me! will allow you to do this for free as a Fast Action).
  3. Once on Collei, get her to 1 Burst Energy using either Calx’s Art, High Voltage or Liu Su. Then use Floral Sidewinder to get enough energy for her Burst and trigger Quicken. 
  4. At the end of the Round, Oz and Cuilein-Anbar will attack the opposing active character, benefiting from the Catalyst Field for bonus DMG, while triggering Quicken to refresh the count on said Field.
  5. From here, rotate between Keqing’s Normal Attack and Elemental Skill and Collei’s Elemental Skill to keep up damage on the opponent. When able, use Keqing’s Burst to hit everyone on the field for massive Quicken DMG.
  6. When both of your Summons run out of use, rinse and repeat until the battle is won.

The main thing you will want to be doing each round is to make sure you can trigger Quicken. Whether it is in the End Phase with your Summons, in the Action Phase with Keqing and Collei or some other combination, you need Quicken to make this all work. Without it, the deck won’t come together properly.

Another thing is to keep an eye on who you switch to at the end of a Round. If you have a free Dice spare, it may be tempting to quickly switch to the next character in the combo. Although, if you have Liben on the field it may prove beneficial to wait and give him your leftover Dice instead. There are a lot of additional moving pieces to this deck like that, so keep them in mind.

Make good use of Event Cards like High Voltage and Calx’s Art to keep the uptime on your Bursts high, then use Toss-Up or The Bestest Travel Companion! if you ever get unlucky with Dice Rolls. Other Action Cards, especially your Supports, require a bit of set-up before they bloom so play cautious.

Keep these things in mind and this deck should serve you very well. 

End the Enemy

End the Enemy

General Advice, Strengths and Weaknesses

Lastly, here is some general advice and notes on the deck. 

Perhaps the most important thing to reiterate is to keep Quicken up as often as you can. With Collei as your sole source of Dendro, this can be a bit tricky sometimes. The Quicken and Catalyst Field Reactions are some of the best in the entirety of Genius Invokation. This is especially true in a team with only Dendro and Electro units as everyone benefits from that massive surge in damage. It lasts for a long time, too, at 3 usages with the ability to refresh off of another Quicken Reaction. This really is the core of the deck and neglecting it will only lead to failure. 

Another thing to keep in mind is something that has been mentioned a few times in this guide: this deck is a glass cannon. With Quicken backing it up and the ability to pack a lot of damage into both the Action and End Phases, it can sweep the board and deal crazy damage in a very short space of time. All three of the Character Cards serve a pivotal role that can be executed at a relatively low cost when compared to some other decks and strategies, which require an intricate amount of set-up and a large amount of Dice. 

That power does come at a cost. You lack a way to heal damage or to directly protect yourself with a shield. This will leave you wide open for a lot of decks if you aren’t able to shut down and disrupt their rhythm quickly enough – sometimes, with Quicken and the Summons on your side, you can do it, but there are others who will exploit your squishy characters and sweep you relatively easily. 

In particular, a deck with a lot of defences, such as a Geo-Centric Deck, can counter the Collei Quicken deck very well. They can survive the harder-hitting, Quicken-empowered attacks that you can deal with. This is especially troublesome in the early rounds, where a majority of your damage and influence for the match is established. Another good counter is a Freeze Deck as it will force you to continually switch in and out and interrupt that flow state that is so important to the Collei Quicken Deck.

Collei Quicken

Collei Quicken

Overall, this deck can prove very potent in the right hands. With the ability to quickly ramp up from the beginning of the match and refresh off of itself, Quicken is already a very strong Reaction that only gets better when paired with the Summons of Fischl and Collei. Keqing makes up for the lack of direct damage in most Summon decks, allowing this deck to be especially well-rounded in several areas. However, the one area it lacks is survivability as, without a way to heal or block damage, it can be very easily dismantled by other decks. You are a glass cannon and you need to work around that to succeed.

That is how to build a Collei Quicken Deck for Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact.

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