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Genshin Impact: Basic Weapon Guide

Here’s a handy guide to help you understand the different weapon types in Genshin Impact in and out of combat. This collection of basic info and tips will help you understand why each weapon has a place in the game, and where each one has value.

Genshin Impact Basic Weapon Guide

All Genshin Impact players have been in that situation where they want to pull out their big sword and kill something quickly, but then it seems like they’re doing damage much slower than anticipated. You go to battle a boss that flies and realize there’s no real way to deal with it. The weapon types are a bit tricky, but through some experimentation, I’ve put together a showcase guide for all basic weapon types to help you get the most out of your loadout in Genshin Impact.

Need more helpful tips? Check out our other Genshin Impact guides:

  1. Genshin Impact: How To Increase Adventurer Rank Quickly – Get your Adventurer Rank up and explore all the game has to offer!
  2. 6 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Genshin Impact – Avoid these mistakes to get better at knowing the game!
  3. Genshin Impact: Tips for Team Building – Make the most out of your team of characters!


Weapon types can be categorized as the following: bows, catalysts, claymores, polearms, and swords. They can be useful in and out of combat, and each has benefits and drawbacks. Each character can only use one type of weapon. You may notice that the core stats of each weapon are basically the same. A basic sword is no different from a basic claymore. This is because stats are implemented upon these weapons to make them stronger. Typically characters’ stats will make similar adjustments if they wield the same weapon.

Here’s a little gameplay to show how combat works:

We’ll talk about the core of basic weapons, and why each is useful in specific situations in this guide. We’ll also be covering which characters use which weapon type.


Used by: Amber (Pyro), Fischl (Electro), Venti (Anemo)

Basic bow and archers.

Basic bow and archers.

Bows are the obvious choice for range. The long-shot capabilities mean you can deal a good amount of damage to enemies before they get in range. Bows are the single greatest way to handle flying enemies while they’re in the air. For a bigger target, you might find that they have a staggering spot you can hit with a charged shot. 

Bows are good to run CRIT damage on, as you want to do as much damage as possible. If you hit weak points with a CRIT, you’ll maximize your damage output without having to worry about your archer’s health. You’ll want to switch out when an enemy gets in melee range, as bow characters don’t tend to have high damage modifiers. 

Lastly, Bows have a lot of auxiliary use. You will always want an archer in your party just to deal with the countless long-range puzzles you’ll come across. Without a bow, you’ll miss out on a lot of treasure… and then Paimon won’t shut up about it.


Used by: Barbara (Hydro), Klee (Pyro), Lisa (Electro), Mona (Hydro), Ningguang (Geo), Sucrose (Anemo)

Basic catalyst and mages.

Basic catalyst and mages.

Catalysts are really situational. Some catalyst users are healers, and others only deal damage. They all operate at range, but you’ll have a hard time making the range work for you. Though their healing and support uses can be helpful to the party. 

Outside of combat, catalyst users are the quickest way to get elemental damage. If you need a ton of electricity in succession, a catalyst user might be your best bet. Other than that, they are the only other option (next to a bow) to hit a ranged target with elemental damage.



Used by: Beidou (Electro), Chongyun (Cryo), Diluc (Pyro), Noelle (Geo), Razor (Electro)

Basic claymore and users.

Basic claymore and users.

Another must-have party member is the claymore user. These easily put out the most damage and can keep several enemies at bay even if you’re surrounded. Claymore users are also excellent against Geo enemies and Geo Shields. Claymores however don’t do much against other shields without added elemental effects. This is a big reason why Diluc is so popular, as having a pyro claymore user means you can break almost any shield.

For stats, try and increase damage as much as you can. Charged attack damage is a great route to take, as you’ll likely use that a ton.

Claymores are the best mining tools you have, breaking rocks much faster than any other weapon. Those slimes with the spiky backs? Use a claymore and you’ll kill them in no time at all.


Used by: Xiangling (Pyro), Xiao (Anemo)

Basic polearm and users.

Basic polearm and users.

Polearms are really good for hit-and-run style play, where you knock out enemy after enemy and hit anything in between. With a polearm, you’ll be able to damage smaller enemies and stagger them over and over again before they can hit you. This can work really well in Domains of Blessing and Domains of Forgery. 

You’ll be in the middle of everything with polearms, so, if you can, try and add some level of increased HP or HP regen for these characters.

The drawback is that polearms aren’t great against bosses, and have very little auxiliary use outside of combat.


Used by: Bennett (Pyro), Jean (Anemo), Kaeya (Cryo), Keqing (Electro), Qiqi (Cryo), Traveler (Adaptive), Xingqiu (Hydro)

Basic sword and users.

Basic sword and users.

Dealing a standard amount of damage and giving you more freedom to choose your navigation, swords are good to focus on a specific enemy. They deal a good amount of damage rather quickly, and they will probably stagger an enemy after four or five strikes. Sword users tend to have a non-physical elemental ability that will allow you to find a way around enemy shields, pop bubbles, or deal AOE damage without relying on the sword to actually do anything. Sword users will typically be your party filler if you’re looking to synergize with a specific element. 

Outside of combat, sword users have utility in their elemental abilities. They’re quick with a recharge and they’ll be all-around useful for your party.

Wrap Up

Understanding basic weapons will get you to the next point in the game, which is choosing loadouts. It’s like Miyagi-Do Karate, you have to have strong roots! Just make sure you keep in mind as you team build, “What will this character/weapon accomplish for me?” You’ll be able to work out a team that works for how you want to play.

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