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Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail | How to Get the Mehwapyarra Mount (Capybara Mount Guide)

Want to learn how to unlock the rare, and adorable, Capybara Mount in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail? Then check out this quick and easy guide to learn more. The Mehwapyarra Mount is one of the most sought-after mounts in FF14 but, in order to acquire it, you'll have to challenge an extremely hard, and rare, FATE Chain.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail | How to Get the Mehwapyarra Mount (Capybara Mount Guide)

As a major expansion, the lush and exciting lands of Tural in Dawntrail mark the arrival of many new Mounts to Final Fantasy XIV. Whether it’s the humorous combination of flesh and metal that is the Automatoise, the goofy Alpacas, or the stylish Air-Wheeler A9, there’s a new Mount out there for everyone. One of the most sought-after Mounts in Dawntrail is easily the Mehwapyarra Mount, which summons an adorable and tiny ridable Capybara for you to parade around the world of Eorzea and Tural. 

However, unlocking the Capybara Mount is a lot easier said than done. Not only do you have to progress through the majority of the Dawntrail MSQ but you also have to collect several extremely rare items, all of which only drop from a single FATE. If you’re familiar with previous FATE Chain ventures such as Daivadipa, then you’ll know that this is going to be a long grind. 

Here’s how to get the Mehwapyarra Mount (aka the Caybara Mount) in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

If you’d like to read some more Final Fantasy XIV or Dawntrail content, then you can find it here on KeenGamer:

  1. Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail | How to Get the Free Fantasia
  2. Final Fantasy XIV x Fall Guys: How it Works
  3. Final Fantasy XIV: Top 10 MogStation Mounts
  4. FFXIV Online: The Problem With PVP
  5. Final Fantasy XIV: How to Get the Fat Cat Minion
The Caybara of Tural

The Capybara of Tural

How to Get the Mehwapyarra Capybara Mount in FFXIV

To unlock the Caybara Mount, you’ll first need to progress through the Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest until you unlock access to Solution Nine, the massive futuristic city which stands in stark contrast to the quaint traditional dwellings of Tural. Once you arrive at Solution Nine, make your way over to the Nexus Arcade on the western edge of the city.

The Nexus Arcade is the massive shopping hub in Solution Nine where you can find various vendors, including the Tomestone Exchange for Dawntrail’s Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics. The most important vendor for our needs, though, is Uah’shepya, a Viera vendor who is categorised as Miscellany. She has various wares, such as the Totem Gear for both Valigarmanda and Zoraal Ja, but she also has a list of Sublime Curiosities, with the main one being the Mehwapyarra Whistle.

To purchase the Mehwapyarra Mount Whistle in Final Fantasy XIV, you need to acquire 12 Ttokrrone Scales. These Scales only drop from one place, the Ttokrrone boss fight in The Serpentlord Seethes FATE in Shaalaoni. 

The Mehwapyarra Whistle

The Mehwapyarra Whistle

Unlock Flying in Shaaloani

First and foremost, before doing anything else, you need to unlock the ability to fly in the Shaaloani region of Tural. Shaaloani is where the boss fight against Ttokrrone will take place but, unfortunately, the Sandnest, the location of the final FATE you need to get the Ttokrrone Scales, is only accessible via flying. 

Like all of Dawntrail’s new areas, there are a total of 15 Aether Currents to collect before you can take to the skies. 4 of these Aether Currents will come from Featured Quests in Shaaloani’s major towns, 1 will drop while completing the Shaaloani branch of the MSQ, and the final 10 are scattered across the region’s arid plains.

Unlock Flying in Shaaloani

Unlock Flying in Shaaloani

Below, you’ll find the full map of Shaaloani marked with all of the free Aether Currents you can find in the world. Meanwhile, the Featured Quests which award Aether Currents in Shaaloani are:

  • When the Bill Comes Due in Hhusatahwi
  • Meeting of the Spirits in Luwateninyawawsa
  • A Bad Case of the Blue Devils in Shenshenewezi Springs
  • Rroneek Seeker in Mehwahhetsoan 
Shaaloani Aether Current Locations

Shaaloani Aether Current Locations

Serpentlord FATE Chain

Once you’ve unlocked flying, it’s time to begin the real grind for the Caybara Mount in Final Fantasy XIV. As we mentioned earlier, the only way to obtain Ttokrrone Scales is to defeat the FATE boss of the same name. Ttokrrone is a gigantic snake and the fabled Serpentlord in Shaaloani and, to spawn it, you’ll need to complete its FATE chain. 

There are five FATEs in the Serpentlord FATE Chain in Shaaloani. These FATEs will always spawn in the same location every time so, once you’ve done them once or twice, you can easily anticipate where they’re going to show up next. Those Fates are:

  1. The Serpentlord Stirs
  2. The Serpentlord Speaks
  3. The Serpentlord Sires 
  4. The Serpentlord Suffers
  5. The Serpentlord Seethes (Ttokrrone Boss Fight)

Like all FATE Chains in Final Fantasy XIV, you need to successfully complete the previous FATE in the chain to cause the next one to spawn. We should note that, to participate in the Ttokrrone boss battle, you don’t need to have done all the previous FATEs but lending a hand if you see them on the map can make things go much faster.

Serpentlord FATE Chain

Serpentlord FATE Chain

Ttokrrone Boss Fight

Eventually, after a lot of waiting, you’ll eventually get to challenge Ttokrrone in The Serpentlord Seethes boss fight. Ttokrrone is an enormous snake-like monster who is Level 100 and hits like a truck. Even compared to other FATE Chain bosses from previous expansions, Ttokrrone is something else with impressive bulk, monstrous offence, and a long list of moves that you’ll need to memorise. 

Speaking of, here are the main moves you’ll need to watch out for when battling Ttokrrone:

  • Landswallow: Ttokrrone will telegraph a large line AoE to one side of the arena. Then, shortly after, several arrow markers will appear at other locations around the Sandnest to mark where Ttokrrone will go next. After a few seconds, Ttokrrone will begin moving, dealing massive damage to anyone caught in its path. This is Ttokrrone’s deadliest move and your best way of avoiding it is to find the small sliver of safe space in the arena where Ttokrrone doesn’t touch. 
  • Desert Tempest: The whiskers on Ttokrrone’s face will stretch outward, becoming coated in a thick layer of sand. If the tips of the whiskers are covered in sand, you need to get close to Ttokrrone as it will deliver a doughnut AoE around itself. Meanwhile, if the main body of the whiskers is covered in sand, you need to get away from Ttokrrone as it will deliver a large standard AoE centred on itself. 
  • Touchdown: Ttokrrone will spawn several large balls of sand around the arena which explode after a few seconds. There will be two waves of sand balls and, to avoid damage, you’ll need to take shelter in the second set of balls before moving into the space the first set occupied after they explode. 
  • Tailward Dustdevil / Fangward Dustdevil: Ttokrrone will stand still and telegraph a cone AoE in front of itself. At the same time, it will indicate whether it is going to rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise. After a few seconds, Ttokrrone will unleash the attack and then continually unleash more cone AoEs as it rotates. You need to run around Ttokrrone behind its current attack to avoid the attack. #
Ttokrrone, the Serpent Lord

Ttokrrone, the Serpent Lord

Like most FATE bosses, Ttokrrone has a ton of health to chew through and you’ll likely need a large number of players to even think about taking it down. However, if you manage to avoid enough of its attacks, Ttokrrone will go down and you will complete The Serpentlord Seethes FATE. 

Based on your contributions in the fight (damage, healing, damage mitigated, etc.), you’ll get one of three rewards:

  • Bronze Score: 2 Ttokrrone Scales
  • Silver Score: 4 Ttokrrone Scales
  • Gold Score: 6 Ttokrrone Scales

As an additional tip, we recommend setting your Home Point to the Mehwahhetsoan Aetheryte. If you get unlucky enough to die in the Ttokrrone boss fight, you can respawn and, if you have Mehwahhetsoan set as your Home, you’ll respawn in Shaaloani at the closest possible spawn to the boss arena. This way, you can keep your progress in the FATE even if you die and it means you don’t have to teleport multiple times if you die and don’t get Raised.

Ttokrrone's Scales

Ttokrrone’s Scales

How Often Does the Serpentlord FATE Spawn?

Finally, let’s go over how often the Serpentlord FATE actually spawns in FFXIV. Unfortunately, for those hoping for a quick and easy hunt, you’ll be disappointed. Like other similar FATEs, the Serpentlord Chain actually spawns fairly frequently – about four or five times an hour – but the Serpentlord itself is much rarer.

Once you have defeated Ttokrrone, the final FATE in the FATE Chain will not spawn again in that instance for at least another 36 hours. Even once that period is up, it has a chance of spawning at any point during the next 36 hours. This means that, if you get unlucky, you’re looking at a three-day-long hunt. What’s worse is that there’s no way of knowing when Ttokrrone is going to appear, meaning that you need to do the FATE Chain to completion every time.

There are a few upsides to balance this out. Firstly, the FATE can spawn once per instance, not once per server. As such, even if Ttokrrone spawns in on Ragnarok Shaaloani Instance 1, it still has a chance of popping on Instances 2 through 5. Additionally, you aren’t limited to challenging Ttokrrone on your home data centre: if you use a city-state Aetherite to world-hop, you will still get the Scales so long as you’re able to beat the FATE. 

To this end, we recommend joining the Faloop! Discord group if you’re serious about hunting for Ttokrrone and the Capybara Mount. This Discord pings whenever any major FATE boss spawns and which data centre it spawned at, giving you a quick heads up on when to get on without needing to stand around waiting for the FATE to appear.

The Mehwapyarra Grind

The Mehwapyarra Grind

That was how to obtain the new Capybara Mount in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

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