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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: How to Get Infinite ATB and Limit Break Meter

This guide will show you how to get infinite ATB and Limit Break meters in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth using a specialized materia setup that takes advantage of the abilities of Aerith and Yuffie. To get infinite ATB, you must combine Yuffie’s Brumal Form with Aerith’s ATB Ward. To get infinite Limit Break, you have to combine Aerith’s level three limit break with the Limit Siphon materia.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth How to Get Infinite ATB and Limit Break MeterFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth’s post-game, especially on hard mode, provides some tough challenges for gamers, especially when it comes to fighting summons. Fortunately, there are tricks that can turn any three-party battle into a breeze as they can provide the entire party with either infinite ATB or Limit Break meter, making it easy to melt opponents by spamming high-level attacks. This guide will show a method on how to get infinite ATB for your party and another to get infinite Limit Break in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the hit sequel to 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, with the Limit Siphon and ATB Assist orbs as centerpieces. Per usual, we’ll be using Aerith and Yuffie to pull these maneuvers off!

Here is a summary of the two methods we’ll go over in this guide to get infinite ATB and Limit Break:

  • The first method will take advantage of Aerith’s ATB Ward ability, which used to cost two ATB meters in Final Fantasy VII Remake but only costs one in Rebirth. This method will also utilize Yuffie’s Brumal Form, which boosts her own ATB meter, and the ATB Assist Materia, which boosts the ATB meter of other party members when the equipped person uses repeating commands. The goal is to give Yuffie haste and have her stand in Aerith’s ATB Ward and spam Brumal Form. This gives your entire party unending ATB if done correctly.
  • The second method, which will grant every member of your party infinite Limit Break, involves taking full advantage of Aerith’s level three Limit Break, Rising Fury. This move fills up the Limit Break meters of your other party members. However, Rising Fury combined with Limit Siphon Materia means you can create an endless loop where that gives you infinite Limit Break! (though keep in mind it doesn’t mean all three of them will have infinite Limit Breaks all at the same time).
Aerith using one of her Limit Breaks.

Aerith using one of her Limit Breaks.

If you’d like to check out more tips and tricks related to the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, check out these other pieces on KeenGamer:

  1. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | The Best Spot for Grinding EXP and AP
  2. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | Best Healing Setup for Hard Mode
  3. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Beat the 3D Brawler Mini-Game on Hard Mode
  4. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Romance Barret, Red XIII, and Yuffie
  5. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Romance Cait Sith

One thing to note before we start: some of the materia/equipment listed isn’t available until you’ve completed some post-game tasks, so if you don’t have them, don’t fret, it’s still possible to pull off the combo without them, it just won’t be at maximum efficiency. Without further ado, here is how to get infinite ATB and infinite Limit Break in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth!

Method 1: Getting Infinite ATB Meter

This method will utilize Yuffie’s Brumal Form ability and Aerith’s ATB Ward to give your entire party unending ATB so you can pummel your enemies to your heart’s content. First, let’s go over the materia and weapon setup I recommend for pulling this off.


Aerith’s primary role here is to lay down the ATB Ward for Yuffie so she can get in there and start spamming Brumal Form. Furthermore, since Aerith’s prowess lies in using magic, let’s make sure she has a nasty magic attack setup.

Materia/Equipment Setup

For this strategy, I recommend Aerith has the following materia setup:

  • ATB Boost Materia Magic Efficiency, Magic Focus, Magnify, MP Absorption, and Swifcast linked to fire or lightning (Yes, this will take up a total of 10 materia slots, but Swiftcast isn’t necessary)
  • Magic Up Materia
  • For equipment, I recommend she either has Gambanteinn or the Plumose Rod as her weapon, the Hades Armelt as her armor, and the Genji Gloves as her accessory. The Genji Gloves will allow Aerith to do more than 9,999 damage – this will be useful as we’re pumping her magic up as much as we can. If you don’t have the Genji Gloves, you can simply give her Platinum Earrings to buff up her magic attack even further.


Yuffie’s role here will be to use her Brumal Form ability combined with the ATB Assist Materia to pump up everyone else’s ATB meter as she’s standing in the ATB Ward. The significance of ATB Ward here is that while Yuffie is in it, she herself will gain ATB, allowing her to continue using Brumal Form to pump up everyone else’s ATB, creating an infinite cycle.

Materia/Equipment Setup

Orb of ATB Assist Materia. This materia is crucial for pulling off the infinite ATB strategy.

Orb of ATB Assist Materia attached to Yuffie.

For Yuffie, I recommend the following materia and equipment setup:

  • ATB Boost Materia
  • ATB Assist Materia
  • First Strike Materia
  • For equipment, I recommend the Fuma Shuriken as her weapon and the Cetran Armlet as her armor. There is no specific accessory to use but I highly recommend using the ATB Charge Rate Up weapon skill as this will help keep Yuffie’s ATB meter charged.

Third Party Member

For the third party member, I highly recommend Cloud as he is the character that has the most balance between physical and magic attacks, though either Tifa or Red XIII could work here. Your main job with the third party member is to cast haste on Yuffie as soon as you can as her having that buff enables the infinite combo. Furthermore, your role with the third party member will be to heal when necessary.

Materia/Equipment Setup For Third Party Member

  • Time Materia
  • Magnify Materia linked to Healing Materia
  • Materia MP Absorption linked to Fire or Lightning Materia
  • First Strike Materia Any other favored equipment or materia setup will do in this case

The Strategy

The first thing you need to do is have the third party member cast hate on Yuffie as soon as the battle begins. You also want to get cast ATB Ward on Yuffie with Aerith as quickly as possible as well. Using the ATB Boost Materia we have equipped to Aerith, this shouldn’t be an issue. Next, you want to switch to Yuffie and use Brumal Form as many times as possible while in the ATB Ward zone. This, combined with Yuffie’s materia setup and haste, will give your entire party endless max ATB as Yuffie herself will gain ATB quickly to be able to cast Brumal Form over and over again, continually pumping the ATB meters of your other party members thanks to the ATB Assist Materia.

Also, remember that dodging while in Brumal Form increases its effect, so make sure to take advantage of that. Now you’re free to destroy everyone using Aerith’s pumped up Magic. Since we’re using Magic Efficiency and MP Absorption, her MP shouldn’t drain too much, even if you’re casting third-tier magic spells. Also remember that if you want to target a single enemy, you can toggle off Magnify to give Aerith’s spell a +25% magic attack boost. If you feel like you still need more firepower, you can always cast Arcane Ward to double up on spell casts or use Cloud to cast spells as well. You can find a video of the infinite ATB trick done correclty above.

Method 2: Getting Infinite Limit Break

This next one requires much less setup. Now we’ll explore how to exploit Aerith’s level three Limit Break and some command materia to give everyone in the party endless Limit Break meters. What you need to do is obtain the Limit Siphon materia, which can be bought from Chadley in Gongaga for 40 intel points. For this, all you have to do is active Rising Fury with Aerith to fill up your teammates’ Limit Break meters. Then, you use the Limit Siphon Materia to steal one of the Limit Break meters you just gave your friends to fill yours up, so you can use Rising Fury again, filling up your teammate’s Limit Break meters….and rinse and repeat.

This will allow you to use as many Limit Breaks with the other two party members as you want! However, keep in mind that the entire process nets you one Limit Break per cycle, so you make sure to maximize use of it. To efficiently use this trick, you want to use the Limit Break given to the party member that Aerith IS NOT going to siphon from, each and every time. The cycle would go something like this:

  • Aerith obtains her Limit Break (Rising Fury) and uses it, filling up her party members Limit Break meters.
  • You use the Limit Siphon materia with Aerith to steal one of your teammates Limit Breaks while using the other party member’s Limit Break to attack enemies.
  • Aerith now has Rising Fury again, so you cast it, giving your party members full Limit Break meters.
  • Rinse and Repeat
Orb of Limit Siphon Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This can be purchased from Chadley in Gongaga.

Orb of Limit Siphon Materia. This can be purchased from Chadley in Gongaga.

As you can see, using this method, you’re always one Limit Break attack ahead, essentially giving you infinite Limit Break. Furthermore, there is a way for Aerith to start the battle off with a full Limit Break meter and start the combo, and that’s if she’s equipped with the Enhanced Expeditionary Medal accessory and another character has the Gotterdammerung accessory. Gotterdammerung allows another character to start off with a full Limit Break, which Aerith will steal using the Limit Siphon Materia, and the Enhanced Expeditionary Medal lets Aerith start off at the third level of her Limit Break. If you use Aerith’s unlimited Limit Break combo and you have the Gotterdammerung accessory on another character and have the Enhanced Expeditionary Medal on Aerith, you can beat any battle in the entire game with ease.

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