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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: How to Date Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid

This guide will show you how to make every member in your party dislike Cloud so that Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid show up to his hotel door to take him out on a date. To do this, you have to respond as callously as possible to dialogue when prompted and ignore doing any side quests until after Chapter 12.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: How To Date Cait Sith, Vincent, and CidIn Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the hit sequel to 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, you get a chance to date one of the members of your party in Gold Saucer during Chapter 12, one option being a joke date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid. Each member of your party has a “bonds of friendship” meter and when Cloud performs specific in-game actions – such as completing side quests and choosing the appropriate dialogue options – his bond strength with individual characters can go up or down. You can keep tabs on how each party member feels about Cloud by checking the smiley face logo around them. The character Cloud has the highest standing with will show up to his doorstep, asking him out on a date.

But this begs the question: What if no one ends up liking Cloud? What if you go through the game being rude to everyone and telling them what they don’t want to hear? What if you’re aloof and zoned out and not really interested in social relationships? What if you ignore all the side quests your party members are interested in doing? What if Cloud is so unbearable that no one in his party wants to date him? Who will show up at his hotel room then? Well, the developers took this into account and the answer is: you go on a date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid. This guide will show you how to unlock this comical scenario.

To go on a date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid, you need to follow two simple rules throughout your run through of the game:

  • Choose the absolute worst dialogue options possible whenever prompted by your party members.
  • Avoid doing any side quests until after Chapter 12.
  • Never use synergy skills and abilities with anyone in combat and always shift around the other two members of your party.
Cloud on a date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Cloud on a date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

If done correctly, the trio will show up to Cloud’s hotel room and ask him out on a boy’s night out that involves watching a play and riding the sky wheel – but things don’t go exactly as planned, causing Cait Sith to get upset at the bunch.

If you’d like to check out tips and tricks related to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, check out these other pieces at KeenGamer:

  1. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | The Best Spot for Grinding EXP and AP
  2. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Use and Maximize Synergy Materia
  3. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Defeat Odin
  4. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Romance Tifa
  5. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | How to Romance Aerith

Terrible Dialogue Choices to Help You Go On a Date With Cait Sith

Here is a list of the absolute worst dialogue options for each member of your party. It is imperative you choose each one exactly as shown so no one can have an edge in terms of the “bonds of friendship” meter when Chapter 12 rolls around. One wrong option could give any characters the tiniest advantage over the other, prompting them to go on the date with Cloud. To go out with the boys, we must avoid this. Dialogue options usually happen after key story-driven cutscenes when Cloud is free to roam around a town and talk to his teammates. Just as a note: the game itself has a ranking system for each dialogue option, though it is not available during your first run through. The worst one is always one out of three stars. Also, before we start, I’d like to note that when it comes to the “bonds of friendship” meter, the light blue color means it’s maxed out while the dark blue color means it’s close to being maxed out.


Aerith's dialogue options in Costa Del Sol

Aerith’s dialogue options in Costa Del Sol

The answers you must give Aerith when prompted are:

  • During Chapter 2, in Kalm, Aerith will ask Cloud “Wanna climb the clock tower together?” The worst response you can give is “I’m busy.”
  • During Chapter 4, in Junon, Aerith will ask Cloud “Do you remember the first time we met?” The least favored response is “Nope.”
  • During Chapter 6, in Costa Del Sol, Aerith will state to Cloud “I start thinking things so dark and ugly that it scares me” The coldest response you can give is “Then don’t think.”
  • During Chapter 9, in Gongaga, Aerith will ask Cloud “Pretty selfish, huh? Waltzing in there, stirring up memories” The worst response you can give is “Yeah, you might have crossed the line.”
  • During Chapter 10, in Cosmo Canyon, Aerith will ask Cloud “What will you do?” You should pick “Stop her.”
  • During Chapter 11, in Nibleheim, Aerith will ask Cloud “You’d never came up here, hoping she’d wave?” The worst response you can give her is “What? No way.”


Tifa's dialogue options in Cosmo Canyon

Tifa’s dialogue options in Cosmo Canyon

The answers you must give Tifa when prompted are:

  • During Chapter 2, in Kalm, Tifa will ask Cloud “This tank remind you of anything?” The coldest response you can give is “Any other mako tank.”
  • During Chapter 4, in Junon, Tifa will ask Cloud “Do you remember a guy named Emilio?” The worst response you can give is “No, sorry.”
  • During Chapter 6, in Costa Del Sol, Tifa will state to Cloud “Feels like it’s been ages since Seventh Heaven.” The bottom-ranked response is “hasn’t been that long.”
  • During Chapter 9, in Gongaga, Tifa will ask Cloud “What sorta thing would you go for?” The worst response you can give is “Soup’s good.”
  • During Chapter 10, in Cosmo Canyon, Tifa will ask “Did I sound as awkward as I felt?” What Tifa doesn’t want to hear most is “You just have to laugh it off.”
  • During Chapter 11, in Nibleheim, Tifa will state to Cloud “It was taking a toll… then you turned up.” The least-favored response you can give is “I never knew that.”


Barret's dialogue options in Nibelheim. Choosing the worst option will help you land a date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Barret’s dialogue options in Nibelheim. Choosing the worst option will help you land a date with Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

The answers you must give Barret when prompted are:

  • During Chapter 2, in Kalm, Barret will state to Cloud “Not gonna have a drop till Seventh Heaven’s back up and runnin’.” The weakest response you can give is “No time soon, then.”
  • During Chapter 4, in Junon, Barret will ask Cloud “What do you think Yuffie wants with us?” The worst response you can give is “Those Shinra bounties.”
  • During Chapter 6, in Costa Del Sol, Barret will state to Cloud “I couldn’t do a damn thing for those poor bastards.” The coldest response you can give is “Can’t save everyone.”
  • During Chapter 9, in Gongaga, Barret will state to Cloud “Wonder what kind stuff we’d end up growin’.” The most unfavored response you can give is “Black milly? Red shelly?”
  • During Chapter 10, in Cosmo Canyon, Barret will ask Cloud “So what? We just sit here and theorize?” The worst response you can give is “Maybe you’ll learn something.”
  • During Chapter 11, in Nibleheim, Barret will ask Cloud “We have to do something, right!?” The least appropriate response you can give is “Not much we can do.”


Red XIII's dialogue options in Kalm.

Red XIII’s dialogue options in Kalm.

The answers you must give Red XIII when prompted are:

  • During Chapter 2, in Kalm, Red XIII will state to Cloud “One can never be too careful with Shinra.” The weakest response you can give is “Good boy.”
  • During Chapter 4, in Junon, Red XIII will state to Cloud “I doubt I’ll smell Shinra until it’s too late.” The coldest response you can give is “Don’t worry, never thought you could.”
  • During Chapter 6, in Costa Del Sol, Red XIII will state to Cloud “I know I should strive to maintain my composure around him, but…” The worst response you can give is “Yeah, you should.”
  • During Chapter 9, in Gongaga, Red XIII will ask Cloud to pick which patch of mushrooms he believes are Gongaga mushrooms. The worst choice is to pick the patch of mushrooms on the far left.
  • During Chapter 10, in Cosmo Canyon, Red XIII will state to Cloud “Forget I said anything.” The worst-ranked response you can give is “Wasn’t listening.”
  • During Chapter 11, in Nibleheim, Red XIII will state to Cloud “No one wants to hear people badmouth their hometown.” The most unfavorable response you can give is “Yeah, it does kind of make you feel like shit.”


Yuffie's dialogue options in Costa Del Sol.

Yuffie’s dialogue options in Costa Del Sol.

Though Yuffie doesn’t have any dialogue options in the earlier chapters, she more than makes up for it in the later ones by bombarding you with questions, especially in Costa Del Sol. The answers you must give Yuffie when prompted are:

Chapter 6 (Costa Del Sol)

  • Yuffie will state to Cloud “You’re obviously captivated by my bodacious beach bod.” The coldest response you can give is “Nope.”
  • Yuffie will urge Cloud to let her spar her and let her join the party and ask him “Whaddya say?” The worst response you can give is “Beat it.”
  • Yuffie will ask Cloud “Afraid you’re going to catch a beatdown?” The least favored response possible is “Not at all.”
  • Yuffie will ask Cloud “Bet you’re thrilled, huh?” The worst response you can give is “…Sure.”
  • Yuffie will ask Cloud “You don’t want me around to save your butts?” The bottom-ranked response is “No, we don’t.”

Other Yuffie Dialogue

  • During Chapter 9, in Gongaga, Yuffie will state to Cloud “I am so, so bored… Bored right out of my name.” The weakest response is “Quiet down, will ya?”
  • During Chapter 10, in Cosmo Canyon, Yuffie will state to Cloud “Once you die, that’s it.” The worst response is “Yeah, I totally agree.”
  • During Chapter 11, in Nibleheim, Yuffie will ask Cloud “What about, say, oh…materia?” The least-favored response is “Come to think of it…nope.”

Avoiding Synergy Skills/Abilities Will Help You Go On a Date With Cait Sith

To truly make every character unhappy with Cloud, you have to make sure you never use any synergy skills or abilities with anyone – not even once. Every single synergy ability and skill you use with another character raises said character’s attitude toward Cloud, and since we want everyone to be at their lowest point, using these abilities could trigger them to favor Cloud more than the others, so it’s best to avoid them entirely. Note that in some cases, this can make combat tougher for you in general as synergy abilities tend to be quite powerful, especially when an enemy is staggered, so keep that in mind as you traverse through the game.

Furthermore, if Cloud uses the same two party members for a prolonged period of time, they start to favor him. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you need to rotate the other two members of your party as often as possible to avoid building social rapport with them. I recommend swapping them out every few hours or so and avoiding fighting multiple bosses in a row with the same two members. This mechanism can in some ways be useful – if you notice that a party member or two is getting a little too happy with Cloud for whatever reason, yank them from your party indefinitely and only ever put them back in if another party member starts building rapport with Cloud.

Avoiding Side Quests

This one is not only a gimme, it requires you literally do nothing. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is riddled with side quests – about five per region, sometimes more. Each side mission, which is usually prompted by speaking to a non-playable character or by checking a region’s job’s board, features a storyline and cutscenes centered around one of your party members. Each one you choose to do that involves one of the said party members will raise Cloud’s standing with them, which is exactly what we want to avoid. So quite simply, in this case, the goal is to skip over all side quests, at least until you’re through with Chapter 12. Then you can go through and do them without having to worry about how they impact the “bonds of friendship” meter. 

The Date

Cait Sith dejected.

Cait Sith dejected.

If all goes according to plan – or falls apart, depending on which way you’re looking at it – Cloud’s social reputation with each of his party members should be in the gutter. It will be so low that no one will want to date him – even Tifa or Aerith who seemingly appear to have a crush on him. So Cait Sith, Vincent and Cid show up but the date doesn’t go as planned and ends up with Vincent falling asleep, Cloud being his usual aloof self, Cid looking nonchalant, and Cait Sith getting upset at the rest of the group for being such downers after trying to make the event as fun as possible.

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