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Everdream Valley: Get Rid of the Water From the Boar’s Home Quest Guide

The beavers quest is a tricky one in Everdream Valley, and this guide aims to walk you through how to complete it from start to finish. Find out how to grow and plant new trees in the forest, relocate the beavers, and ultimately destroy the dam.

Everdream Valley Get Rid of the Water From the Boar's Home Quest Guide

There are plenty of quests to keep you going in Everdream Valley. One particular quest that seems to stump a lot of players is the quest “Get Rid of the Water From the Boar’s Home”, aka the beaver dam quest. This takes place in the old forest, which you unlock as you progress through the game. The first area you enter is populated with boars – and beavers. Unfortunately, the beavers have created problems for the boar – and to an extent you – by constructing a dam across a river. Your task in this quest is to destroy the dam, but it’s not that straightforward. There are several steps to undertake, including relocating the pesky beavers to another part of the forest so you can get rid of the dam.

This guide aims to take you through exactly what you need to do to complete the beaver dam quest in Everdream Valley. Since this is a main story quest, it’s important to get this quest done so you can continuing playing and experiencing everything Everdream Valley has to offer.

The home of the beavers and boars is located west of the farm. You'll have to fix a big bridge to get there.

The home of the beavers and boars is located west of the farm. You’ll have to fix a big bridge to get there.

Breach the Dam

The first main task you have to do once this quest is initiated is to begin your first steps into ridding the beaver dam, found west of the farm in Everdream Valley. Breaching the beaver dam is straightforward. Just run up to the dam, which is on the opposite side to the area from the bridge. It should be highlighted on your map. You should see it blocking the river. Run right up to it and use the Kick interaction. You don’t need any tools equipped for this. This doesn’t destroy the dam; this quest isn’t that straightforward. However, you’ve made your first step to helping the boar. Plus, doing this unlocks access to more of the “old forest”, which is needed for the next stage in this quest.

Breaching the dam is as simple as kicking it - but this is just the start of this quest.

Breaching the dam is as simple as kicking it – but this is just the start of this quest.

Grow New Trees with the Help of Forest Nurseries

If you want to move the beavers on in Everdream Valley and stop them from rebuilding their dam, you need to relocate them. This involves creating a new forest for them, not far from their current hangout. The first step in this is growing some new trees via forest nurseries. I’ve seen a lot of people asking how forest nurseries work in Everdream Valley. The forest nursery process isn’t too difficult and you’ll have some new tree saplings growing in no time.

Grandfather will give you the crafting recipe for Forest Nursery when you speak to him after having the dream about the wild boar, as part of the “Boar in the Valley” quest. You can construct forest nurseries at the crafting workbench, and you can make as many as you like. You need 4 boards and 10 wood for every forest nursery. Wood can be chopped from trees with the axe, and boards can be cut at the saw. You can make 2 boards at a time with one piece of wood.

The Forest Nursery doesn't require too many materials to craft, just some wood and boards.

The Forest Nursery doesn’t require too many materials to craft, just some wood and boards.

Once you’ve got the required wood and boards, you can craft as many forest nurseries as you like. If you want to get this task done quickly, create 15 forest nurseries. You need to grow 15 tree saplings with forest nurseries, and they take a few in-game days to grow, plus watering. If you only have a few nurseries, it’ll take longer to get the number of trees you need. Once you’ve grown 15 trees with forest nurseries, you’ll complete this task.

How Do You Grow Trees with Forest Nurseries?

Once you’ve got your forest nursery, it’s time to start growing some trees. You can only grow one tree sapling at a time per nursery. First, find a tree you want to make a copy of. Approach the tree, then retrieve the forest nursery from your inventory.

Your crafted Forest Nursery can be retrieved from your inventory.

Your crafted Forest Nursery can be retrieved from your inventory.

With the nursery equipped, you’ll see a ghost version of it. You’ll also see a large ring around the ghost nursery. This ring is important. You must place the nursery near enough to a tree so that it sits in the circle. If the nursery is placed too far away, a tree won’t grow. If the ghost nursery is highlighted red, you cannot place it. If it’s yellow, you can put it down. Once the nursery is close enough to the tree and the ghost version is yellow, place it down. 

When preparing to place a forest nursery, it'll be yellow with a yellow circle around it. The tree needs to be within the boundaries of the nursery's circle.

When preparing to place a forest nursery, it’ll be yellow with a yellow circle around it. The tree needs to be within the boundaries of the nursery’s circle.

Once you set a nursery down, you’ll notice a blue waterdrop sign appear above it. This means it needs watering. Water the nursery, whether with a watering can or bottle. If done correctly, the waterdrop symbol will disappear. At this stage, there’s nothing else you can do until the next day.

When you first set down a forest nursery, a watering sign will appear above it. The tree won't grow without water.

When you first set down a forest nursery, a watering sign will appear above it. The tree won’t grow without water.

The next day, when you check on your nursery, you’ll see that a sign has been put into it. This is a picture of the tree you’re growing. You may also notice the first saplings emerging from the nursery. The tree isn’t ready yet though. You need to wait about 3 days before the tree sapling is ready. Water the nursery every day, even if the waterdrop sign isn’t there. 

The day after you set down a nursery, you'll notice a shoot coming up and a sign with the tree you're growing.

The day after you set down a nursery, you’ll notice a shoot coming up and a sign with the tree you’re growing.

When the tree is ready, you’ll see a small tree growing, now far developed from the first shoots that appeared. You don’t need the shovel or any tools to take the tree sapling. Just approach it and gather it up, and it’ll appear in your inventory.

You'll know the tree is ready for harvesting because you'll be able to put the small tree in your inventory.

You’ll know the tree is ready for harvesting because you’ll be able to put the small tree in your inventory.

After you’ve removed a tree sapling, the forest nursery is ready to grow another tree, starting the process again.

Plant the Trees in the Area Abandoned by Boars

You’ve got all your newly-grown trees thanks to the forest nurseries. Now it’s time to plant them in the wild! But where do you plant them exactly? You might be mistaken in thinking it’s the area where the boars and beavers are hanging around. It’s not. The actual location is marked on the map. If you look to the northeast of the boar and beaver’s area, you should see a large circle highlighting an area. This is where the new trees are to be planted.

The highlighted yellow area on your map shows you where the trees need to go.

The highlighted yellow area on your map shows you where the trees need to go.

Since you breached the dam, the water level has dropped, so you can now access that particular area. Go to the left of the large rock and head in the northwest direction. You’ll eventually come across a small bridge. As with all other bridges, you’ll need to mend this before you can cross it and enter this area. Get some wood together to fix it, and the highlighted area on the map is just beyond the bridge.

Now you’re in the “area abandoned by boars”, it’s time to get the trees out of your inventory and plant them in the ground. Put the trees wherever you like, but make sure they’re within the highlighted area. If you set down a tree and it doesn’t register on the quest log, dig it back up with the shovel and place it somewhere else. It may take a moment for the tree to register as planted on the quest log. 

Once all 15 trees have been planted in the highlighted area, you’ve completed this task.

Chase the Beavers Into the New Forest

You’ve got the new forest all planted up with new trees. Your next task is to relocate the beavers into this new home, away from the troublesome dam they’ve built.

This, along with growing trees with nurseries, is time consuming, not to mention difficult. This, as you’ve guessed, is a herding task. This is trickier than normal for a few reasons. First, you cannot pet the beavers (which is unusual since you can pet other wild animals in Everdream Valley). You cannot interact with the beavers in any way, except for herding them. Second, while they are marked on the map like other animals, beavers are small and can be hard to spot. Third, they’re quick little critters, which may make herding that little bit harder. Generally speaking, this task isn’t impossible, but it is time consuming and not the easiest.

All 5 beavers are found hanging out in the same area as the boar and are marked on your map.

All 5 beavers are found hanging out in the same area as the boar and are marked on your map.

Altogether, you have to herd 5 beavers into the new forest area. There are exactly 5 beavers hanging around the area with the boars. Everdream Valley has the beavers marked on the map, like most other animals.

You can use your dog to herd the beavers if you so wish. If you find herding with the dog difficult, you can just do it without. Using the dog means you can herd up more than one beaver at a time. The method of herding you go with is up to you, whichever is easier.

Whether you use the dog or not, you have to get the 5 beavers into the area where you just planted the trees. This area stays highlighted on the map to help you out.

You can choose whatever route you like to get the beavers into the forest, but this is the route I took. First, guide the beavers to the left side of the giant rock as you leave the boar/beaver area. The stream will be on your left, the rock on your right. There will be another rock in the middle of the path, but it’s not too difficult to get the beaver past this.

The first stage is getting the beaver to the left of the rock towards the new forest.

The first stage is getting the beaver to the left of the rock towards the new forest.

Once you’ve gone past the rock, steer the beaver slightly to the right. There should be water on the right. Keep making the beaver go along, and eventually you’ll come across the small bridge. This is where this task gets tricky. The bridge is narrow and you have to get the beaver across it. To get the beaver to turn an immediate right is very tricky. It’s likely that the beaver will go right past the bridge. One method I used was herding the beaver towards the bridge along the river, but then once the beaver was lined up with the bridge, I ran around the giant rock on the left side and turned right at the end to where the bridge was. With any luck, the beaver will be waiting at the foot of the bridge, or may even have wandered onto it already. With the beaver in position, carefully guide it across the bridge into the next section.

Chase the beaver towards the small bridge that leads to the new forest.

Chase the beaver towards the small bridge that leads to the new forest.

Just ahead of you after the bridge, there’s a giant rock. You can chase the beaver either to the left or the right of the rock. It doesn’t really matter, but if you do go to the left, make sure you herd the beaver through the gap in the rock, as this will lead to the forest.

Once you get the beaver over the bridge, get it around the big rock and towards the forest where it will now reside.

Once you get the beaver over the bridge, get it around the big rock and towards the forest where it will now reside.

Keep following the beaver until it’s in the boundaries of the highlighted area. The beaver counter should be marked on your quest log. Once you’ve got the beaver settled in its new home, go back and find another beaver and start the process again until all 5 beavers have been rehomed.

Now clear of the bridge, just guide the beaver into its new home.

Now clear of the bridge, just guide the beaver into its new home.

This was the way I got all the beavers into the new forest in Everdream Valley, without the dog and doing one beaver at a time, and with the route I chose. It is of course up to you how you complete this particular task, whatever suits you. If you’ve mastered herding more than one animal with the dog, by all means use the dog. If you’re having trouble getting the beaver to follow the path and they keep going off course, you can place fences to guide them in the right direction, especially when it comes to the bridge. So long as you get all 5 beavers into the new forest, this task will be done and dusted.

Destroy the Dam

So, you’ve got the beavers in their new home in the new forest you set up. Now what? Now, all that’s left to do in this Everdream Valley beavers quest is to destroy the dam that started this whole quest. This quest ends with a very easy task. Simply return to the dam – which should be marked on the map – approach it, and use the Kick interaction to get rid of the dam once and for all. Quest completed!

As a reward for all your hard work in this quest, you’ll unlock a clothing reward that you can buy at the merchant.

The area will look a bit different after the dam is gone, with the water levels dropped.

The area will look a bit different after the dam is gone, with the water levels dropped.

After the Quest

After you’ve finished this quest, there’s plenty more to do in Everdream Valley. After removing the beaver dam, you’ll notice that the forest area looks a bit different than it did before, with the water levels dropped, making exploration easier. This will also allow you to do the “Heart of the Forest” quest. Also, with the small bridge now fixed, you can find the horses, which should be marked on the map. Completing this quest and the “Heart of the Forest” quest also allows you to finish the “Small Photographer” quest, as you can now access the areas where you need to take the photos.

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