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Diablo IV – The 10 Deadliest Mobs

These ten mobs are the ones that you need to absolutely play your best and kill them as soon as possible. Not only these mobs can be responsible for your death, but they will slow down your leveling and Paragon progression. If you're trying to get the most out of Diablo IV, you certainly don't want that to happen.

Diablo IV - The 10 Deadliest Mobs

Diablo IV has many different kinds of monsters for the player to kill as they grind to see their character’s truest potential. However, there are some of enemy threats that are certainly more deadly than some which can slow your progression.

I currently have a level 100 Sorcerer and a level 75 Barbarian, so I believe I can finally tell you who are the most deadliest mobs that you need to put your guards up when you encounter them. Also, this will be a ranking of the mobs that are the least deadly to the most.

There will be ten enemy threats that will be mentioned in this ranking. If you ever plan on playing Diablo IV on Hardcore mode or if you want to reduce your death counts, you might want to pay close attention to them and their moves. Not only that, I will be providing some tips on how to fight them efficiently.

Be sure to check out more of our Diablo IV content:

  1. Diablo IV – The Best Endgame Sorcerer Unique Items
  2. Diablo IV – Endgame Arc Lash Blizzard Hybrid Build Guide
  3. Diablo IV – How Patch 1.1 Killed The Sorcerer

Fallen Lunatic

These guys should be familiar to Diablo III players and they are mostly threatening due to their high explosive damage they do when they charge towards the player and explode themselves up. I believe if you do bump into a lot of them, it can be rather scary especially the heavy amount of damage they can do to you, and if there are some sort of slow effect that is on the player like if there’s a Chilling Wind elite pack with them, these guys start to become a living nightmare to fight. The good thing about these guys is you never bump into an elite version of them, and they’re generally easy to take down if your character is moderately effective if they don’t have any real support behind them.

When dealing with Fallen Lunatics and champion packs, try to make them explode on themselves!

When dealing with Fallen Lunatics and champion packs, try to make them explode on themselves!

Quill Rat 

I’ve learned early on in Diablo IV that Quill Rats are a force to be reckoned with especially if you bump into the elite variants of them that have the Multishot affix. They will do a lot of damage if they have that affix and you have to try to kill them as soon as possible if you ever bump into those guys. The standard guys can still be threatening too especially in large packs where the damage is lethal. You definitely need to take things slowly if you’re under geared and fighting large packs of these rats. My best tip to fight these creatures is try to kill them quickly and make sure you keep your eye on your health orb just to be ready for that health potion usage.


These guys are those big and hulking barbarian looking things that will stun lock you if you get too close to them. They’re generally not too bad if there isn’t too many of them, but I believe fighting elite variants of them can be scary especially they’re a lot harder to kill and it means there’s a higher chance you can get crowd controlled. They also hit hard too, and it means it’s an absolute priority to get rid of these guys or else you get overwhelmed. These guys should be one of the main reasons why you want your character to do high amount of damage. If you kill fast enough, you will never have to dread getting stun locked by their heavy attack.


These snake things are one of my least favorite mobs to fight in the game. I mostly avoid any dungeon that forces me to fight these guys in large amounts because I cannot stand their eye ball ability. It’s just there to slow you down as you get stunned by it and if there are a lot of them, you can just get repeatedly stun locked. They also hit rather hard too, so that’s another reason why I don’t enjoy fighting this particular mob. My best advice to fighting these guys is simple. You either kill them quickly with brute force, or you can just try to skip any dungeon that have a lot of these mobs and you don’t have to go through the hassle of getting crowd controlled by them. There are more deadlier enemies in the game, but these guys are just so annoying where I personally want to fight other mobs instead of these snakes.

That's a lot of snakes...

That’s a lot of snakes…

Webbed Spider

There are many different types of spiders that you will be fighting in Diablo IV. The standard ones are generally not too bad, and there are some that will be annoying to fight especially the ones that web you. There was a dungeon that used to be active for Nightmare Dungeons until the developers updated them, and it was one of my least favorites to run. The dungeon was called Abandoned Mineworks and I couldn’t stand fighting so many of those spiders that’ll just instantly web you to force you to fight when you didn’t want too. Not only that, there were also those humanoid spider things that’ll explode on you which made this dungeon one of the scariest ones to run because of how hard hitting it can be. These mobs are basically designed to be more of a support role for other mobs, but they absolutely know how to ruin a player’s day if you’re underestimating them. Better make sure you get your defensive values up if you bump into hordes of these spiders.


These are the giant bees that shoot those small toxic projectiles at you. They’re not too fast, but my god, they do hurt especially when you fight large packs of them! These guys start to show their danger level if you just enter a brand new difficulty and your armor pieces aren’t optimized. You definitely will start to notice how painful their projectiles can be at times. That’s enough reason to list them as noteworthy foe in Diablo IV because of how hard hitting they are even though they don’t look that particularly scary and is rather vulnerable to your attacks. With that mentioned, always take fights slowly and try to kite if you’re fighting some nasty large packs of them while running dungeons.

Despite the Hornets, Gullrhan Slums is one of my favorite dungeons to run.

Despite the Hornets, Gullrhan Slums is one of my favorite dungeons to run.


During the Diablo IV beta, I learned how deadly these stealthy bandits are. They are the ones that’ll temporarily go invisible, and then stab you in the back for massive damage. They were easily one of the most threatening mobs in the beta where we were only forced to level our characters up to 20 or 25, and they are still a mob that can be dangerous in the endgame. Luckily, once your character gets stronger, you can kill them with ease, and they might not feel too deadly. However, you always have to keep your eyes out for them because multiple of them stabbing you without warning can still hurt.

Skeleton Corpse Bow

As a Sorcerer main, I cannot stand dealing with these guys. They always seem to do the most ridiculous amount of damage during my level 100 journey. Sometimes, I get one tapped by them off screen and sometimes I managed to live to fight another day. They were also the enemy where I learned how deadly they were when I was doing my first Capstone Dungeon. Surprisingly enough, they are still as deadly even when you have a level 100 character with good gear. Always try to get rid of these guys and just hope you don’t take ridiculous amount of damage if you’re playing a Sorcerer.


These guys are those ghosts that cast a railgun-like ability on you and it deals massive amount of damage. They are certainly a high priority target and you just have to go for them. You always have to be ready for their railgun because if it hits you while there are many other mobs surrounding you, you’re pretty much screwed in that situation. The elite variants are much worse because they are tougher to kill and fighting multiple of them is a slog. My suggestion to optimally survive against heavy encounters of Wraiths is to pay attention of what’s going on the battlefield and try to kill them quickly and dodge their railgun shots.

Level 100 Wraiths vs Level 100 Sorcerer.

Level 100 Wraiths vs Level 100 Sorcerer.

Moon Clan Shaman

I think anyone who ran Champion’s Demise enough times will recognize how deadly these shamans are. They have to be exactly the Moon Clan variant because there are some different variants, but they don’t cast the same spell. The main reason they are the most threatening enemy in Diablo IV is because this red lightning ability they cast allows the target to have reflective damage towards you and it also seems like it increases the damage of the target too. What that means is you have to kill these Shamans if you want a decent chance of surviving against them. I have tested certain sets up just to see if I can tank their reflective damage, but I can definitely say, it’s not going to do any justice. Always ignore the target that’s getting buffed by the Shaman’s red lightning; just kill the Shamans if you can.

Those are my picks for the 10 deadliest mobs in Diablo IV. There were a couple of more I wanted to add, but I wanted to only mention 10 of them. Diablo IV does got a reasonable amount of monsters that can be lethal if a player isn’t respecting them. What that means is, you should definitely show some respect to these mobs when you’re encountering them while doing your endgame activities. Always remember these foes while playing Diablo IV, and good luck on hunting those precious loot for your favorite builds!

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