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Diablo IV Potions, Elixirs, and How to Make Them

Using our guide to elixirs, potions, and crafting ingredients will help you speed up the leveling process in Diablo 4. Learn how to make the best recipes and maximize your ferocity in the world of Sanctuary. Collect as many incense, elixirs, and potions as you can in the coming battle between hell and earth!

Diablo IV Potions, Elixirs, and How to Make Them

Throughout your time on Diablo IV, you’ll be inclined to collect as much loot as possible. One of the various types of loot available is crafting ingredients, another being potions and elixirs. These are a new addition to the Diablo franchise landscape and allow the player to approach dungeons and strongholds in new ways. Added effects that scale with your level, are a great way to power past the competition. Another unique bonus of these fantastic concoctions is experience boosts. A percentage of experience will be increased every time you use most potions, having it as one of the main listed status effects. 

Using the best potions available in the game, combined with the right situation, you can power level any class to 90 with relative ease. Luckily, Diablo IV‘s inventory system includes its own consumable tab which keeps these potions and elixirs from cluttering up your loot stash. You can craft potions and elixirs at Alchemists in many cities, mainly Kyovashad. You can transfer these potions over to new characters on your second playthrough, but they’re more potent as your character levels up. One critical detail to keep in mind is that these potions and Elixirs differ from regular healing potions as they have an effect over time rather than healing. 

How Potions and Elixirs Work

Potions and Elixirs are one of the easiest ways of gaining an edge in battle. They work mechanically by adding a new property to your character temporarily similar to any other role-playing game. The higher level your character is, the more potent potions and Elixirs they can consume. To this end, each is able to provide multiple effects including resistance, damage bonuses, experience boosts, and stat increases. Each of these potions is important in its own way, and can sometimes be situational. One of the most common types of potion is that of Slaying, allowing the player to deal extra damage to certain enemy types for example. 

Obtaining Potions

Players in Diablo IV can get consumables in three unique methods. The first is as rewards from enemies and boss fights, another is through quest rewards, and the last is through crafting. Each has its own merits and difficulties. However, the most reliable method is by far crafting your own consumables. Keep in mind that these are one of the best ways of completing the game without the slog of demanding boss battles. They’re worth investing in!

Potions in the Wild

Potions are common loot drops after level five and will become more common as rewards in dungeons and strongholds. These are often quite potent but are random, usually being worth a fair amount of gold. These potions are a great way to negate the crafting costs of an otherwise expensive recipe, however, they are hard to control. You can also find them through quest rewards, which often offer powerful potions that can help you fight bosses. These are a bit more controllable, but they’re a limited resource since quests can’t be repeated. 

Legendary Potions

Legendary Potions

Crafting Potions

The best way to make sure that you have a firm supply of consumables is simply to craft your own. One of the fundamental means of making your own consumables is by collecting crafting materials around the map and by killing monsters. Most things will have some form of crafting ingredient that can be collected as a form of loot once you defeat them. In this way, you can easily turn a profit by either selling these newly crafted potions or using them for bonuses. Remember, potions are crafted by an alchemist, who also sells and buys ingredients from their shops. Make sure to stop in as often as possible between dungeon runs in order to fill up on the best possible equipment. You never know what boss you might be thrown against next, and these potions can turn the tide of battle quickly. 


In most large cities, including Kyovashad there’s an alchemist shop where players can use their services. Primarily, alchemists are great for upgrading healing potions, buying and selling ingredients, and crafting new consumables. Each of his services is more powerful the higher level you become and can allow the player to increase the potency of their fighting. Each of these services costs either gold or crafting materials, requiring some capital to complete. To be clear, alchemists cannot increase the amount of healing potions available to a player but can increase their power.

Unlocking the Alchemist

When the player gets up to level ten, they will receive a quest that directs them to the alchemist in Kyovashad. You will have to upgrade your basic healing potion to complete it, allowing you to make it more efficient. To complete this task, you’ll require eight gallowvines, and unlock the rest of the basic features of the shop. The higher your character is, the more upgraded features become available, along with more potent consumables. 

Diablo IV's Alchemist

Diablo IV’s Alchemist

Unique Elixir Effects

There are quite a few different types of unique elixirs throughout Diablo IV. Most have been hidden behind either a level lock or a crafting requirement. The effects of different elixirs can be summed up into two groups. These distinct bonus groups are Damage resistances and damage bonuses. Each of which has its own set of unique effect types. These are important to collect because the more unique the situation is, the more likely a unique potion exists to match it.

Damage Increasing Elixirs

The most common form of damage-increasing consumable is slaying elixirs. These include such potent potions as beast-slaying, demon-slaying, man-slaying, and undead-slaying. Others include assault elixirs that have the distinct ability to increase attack speed. Crushing consumables increase ultimate damage making them a great way of protecting yourself from the enemy. Precision elixirs add to the critical chance and damage of a character substantially. While these are great for a particular enemy type, they are one of the best to use purely for an experience boost.

Damage Resistance Elixirs

One of the more helpful elixir types found in Diablo 4 is a damage resistance-oriented one. These include all the straightforward options of fire resistance, poison resistance, lightning resistance, and shadow resistance. Finally, there’s the addition of thorn damage and dodge chance for increased durability during a conflict. These are perfect for dealing with dungeons and strongholds, giving you heightened experience boosts for rapid leveling. These resistances are essential when dealing with particular combatants, such as the blood prophet or the strong-hold bosses, due to their continued use of status effects and elemental damage types. 

Potion Capacity is increased by doing daily challenges, not by crafting them

Upgrading potion slots

Consumables – Potency

There are a few levels of potency that can be unlocked throughout the entirety of the 90-level grind in the game. The scale goes from weak to regular-grade consumables before becoming strong, potent, and, finally, heady potions that act as the most substantial level available. Each of these has to be unlocked by being a certain level and ups the primary effects of each type of potion. For this reason, it’s essential to collect as much of the potent consumables as possible to increase your survivability. 

Upgraded Healing Potions

To acquire better healing potions in Diablo 4, you can mix the crafting ingredients you find with raw gold resources to acquire a richer experience. This will happen after a certain level of experience has been acquired by the player. For instance, the first quest that will become available via the Alchemist will be the upgrade of the basic healing potion at level 10. From here, every ten to fifteen levels, you’ll acquire another set of potion potency upgrades which can make your character more economical in its healing use. 

Plant ingredients can be found around Sanctuary

Plant ingredients can be found around Sanctuary

Healing Upgrade Levels

Each of these upgrade levels grants the player a sizable increase in the amount of life received back from a healing potion when consumed. Due to the fact that you can only hold a limited number of healing potions, these upgrades can make your character’s survival a lot more open-ended. For this reason, upgrading your healing potions as quickly as possible makes it easier to spend less on repairing equipment.

Potion Potency Level Acquired Ingredients Required
Weak Healing Potion Level 1  None
Tiny Healing Potion Level 10 Gallowvine
Minor Healing Potion Level 20 Gallowvine, Biteberry
Light Healing Potion Level 30 Gallowvine, Biteberry, Crushed Beast Bone
Moderate Healing Potion Level 45 Gallowvine, Demon’s Heart, Howler Moss
Strong Healing Potion Level 60 Gallowvine, Reddamine, Paletongue
Greater Healing Potion Level 70 Blightshade, Lifesbane, Grave Dust, Angel Breath
Major Healing Potion Level 80 Angel Breath, Reddamine, Biteberry, Blightshade, Lifesbane, Howler Moss, Fiend Rose
Superior Healing Potion Level 90 Forgotten Soul, Angel Breath, Fiend Rose, Grave Dust, Blightshade, Demon’s Heart, Howler Moss

Collecting Ingredients

While traversing Diablo 4, you’ll find a multitude of plant life and monsters that can be farmed for ingredients. It’s important to note that these have their own slots in the inventory space so they don’t take up your main loot bag. Make sure to take advantage of these ingredients early on by collecting as many as possible. You can find them in the open world, in dungeons, and from monster drops to boost your characters’ powers. Some ingredients are rarer than others, and some are only found in certain acts. To this end exploring every part of Sanctuary is the best way to make the best elixirs and potions!

Diablo IV Incense

Diablo IV Incense

Alchemist Ingredients Plants and Monster Parts

Plant-based crafting materials will be the main ingredients alchemists use. There’s angel breath, biteberry, blightshade, fiend rose, gallowvine, and lifesbane. You should collect reddamine and howler moss in massive quantities the higher you go. You can store crafting ingredients in your bank so other characters can access them!

Alchemists can also use Monster Parts to make potions and elixirs. They’re usually specialized by damage or monster type, but they’re great for keeping a dungeon under control. Some of these parts include crushed beast bones, demon hearts, grave dust, and paletongue. These can generally be found by slaying special creatures or elite enemies, and usually are worth more than other ingredients. 

Incense Crafting

One of the best methods of helping a party of friends defeat a difficult boss fight is through various craftable incense. Alchemists can make them like elixirs and potions and give 20-minute buffs. Like elixirs and potions, but for groups, these consumables make dungeon crawls much easier. Any major alchemist can give you the recipes for this incense. Since incense is for parties, you won’t have to worry about these things if you’re playing alone, by yourself.

-source HawG

Experience Farming

One of the best uses of consumables in Diablo 4 is the constant ability to farm bonus experience through using them. You’re rewarded for using consumables instead of saving them for later. Players feel that they should use their potions as soon as possible since otherwise they would be wasting valuable experience bonuses. Potions have at least a five percent experience bonus when used for the duration of the consumable. As a result, the crafting system becomes more rewarding, as they provide more than temporary damage bonuses.

Elixir Collecting

Make sure you balance your potions and elixirs so that you always have something for a surprise. It’s easy to get caught up in popping potions for extra effects, but make sure you balance your crafting needs and consumption. You can uproot the difficulty of a boss fights with brews tailored to that type. It’s better to be prepared in a fantasy game than to be impromptu! If you find yourself with too many potions, put some in storage. The grind to level 90 ensures there are plenty of opportunities to use one, so having a collection will serve you all the better in the long run!

The Power of Potions

Diablo is a franchise that has always tried to challenge its players with unique and rewarding loot systems. The addition of potions and new consumables that grant new effects for the player is a welcome form of challenge. By increasing the difficulty through strongholds, MMO-quality world events, and overall tenuous combat mechanics. In this way, potions give the player a little bit of wiggle room. Be noted that there could be plenty of expansions, giving a refurbished look to an otherwise general system. The effects and combinations available are so new it feels nothing if not refreshing!

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