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Diablo IV – Beginner’s Guide for The Pit

This new endgame activity can be rough for newer Diablo IV players. Diablo IV's The Pit is designed to test how powerful your favorite build by putting them against a swarm of deadly monsters and fighting bosses that makes the bossess from the Nightmare Dungeons look like a joke. Here are some tips from someone who's been learning how to maximize your efficiency when doing many Pit runs.

Diablo IV - Beginner's Guide for The Pit

The Pit is a new endgame activity that players can play that was introduced in Diablo IV‘s Season 4: Loot Reborn. It is the type of content you should do when you’re at max level. You don’t necessarily have to be at level 100 to do this content, but you should for maximum efficiency. In The Pit, you are basically fighting swarms of monsters against a timer. It’s basically a race to the dungeon boss and you must kill them before the timer runs out. If you happened to die, you will lose some of your time, so it is best to not die so often while doing this content.

However, if you’re not prepared optimally for The Pit, this content can be fairly deadly. This article will guide you in some of the things you should prioritize before you dive deep into The Pit. There are actually 200 levels of The Pit, but it’s really the kind of content you play just to see how far your build can push towards. Not every build is created equally. Some builds are going to climb up higher tiers, and some of them might not.

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The Pit’s Purpose

The main purpose of The Pit is to gather these special materials that allow you to upgrade your favorite equipment. There are three types of these materials that can be dropped depending on the tier: Obducite, Ingolith, and Neathiron. When your item hits a certain breakpoint while upgrading, you will need the next tier of materials needed.

You are also guaranteed to get a decent amount of Legendary items and a possible chance of a Unique item. There is also a chance for a Stygian Stone to be dropped which is used for creating the harder versions for the various optional bosses. You can tackle them for better quality and quantity of drops, but they are much harder than the standard variant! The bosses are great for faming Uber Uniques. The Pit also rewards you some experience and gold too.

If you ever want to do a Tormented boss, do Lord Zir.

If you ever want to do a Tormented boss, do Lord Zir.

Outside of the crafting materials that are exclusively dropped in The Pit, it’s just fun content to play to benchmark your character. It’s the kind of content that celebrates how powerful your character is when pushing higher tiers. There are a lot of monsters to fight, and the bosses are similar to the ones you fight in the Nightmare Dungeons. They do have a couple of tricks up their sleeves though. The bosses will also get harder as you push into higher tiers. The Pit is basically the true endgame content for those that are willing to invest time into their characters.

Survivability is Important

Level 100 is the max your character will be at and the monsters will only get harder as you push into higher tiers. What that means is you must know what certain stats are extremely important for your build. I can definitely say that you need to have a lot of items with Maximum Life. On top of that, make sure you are using a decent amount of Flawless Rubies in your armor slots. The monsters will definitely start to hit hard while climbing up The Pit, and Maximum Life is basically your number one counter towards that. It definitely can reduce the amount of one shot kills you can suffer from the bosses too! Perfect Rubies are obviously better, but they are quite scarce to make.

Resistances are something you absolutely have to prioritize. Try to go nearly max or completely cap them if you plan on doing many runs of The Pit. Like I mentioned, the monsters will end up hitting severe damage and it’s good to keep your resistances up to nullify them. If you’re struggling to hit decent resistances, you can always use various Elixirs or Incenses to help you out.

Gotta Hit Hard, and Go Fast

Damage is also another crucial thing to look for. Depending on your build, there will always be a wide range of damage stats you’re going to look out for. I highly recommend players to pay attention to either Critical Strike or Vulnerable Damage on your gear because they are universally the desirable stat that most builds should be looking for. It’s really hard to benchmark of what is “good damage” because every build will be different in terms of their overall damage. With that mentioned, being able to do millions of damage on average is definitely an acceptable requirement. You definitely want to be able to try to finish a Pit Run within two or three minutes on average.

When doing The Pit, I recommend players to do the tiers step by step. Don’t try to just hastly progress them because the monsters might end up scaling too high for your character. You can end up struggling and not being able finish the objective. It also should be noted that players must finish The Pit. You cannot town portal your way out of it, and you should definitely remember to repair your items if you haven’t so! Don’t forget to constantly upgrade your items too.

The Pit’s Currency

Last thing to mention is the Runeshards. They are currency that you must have while doing The Pit. They are easily farmable. You can try to do fast Nightmare Dungeons runs above Tier 46 to acquire them. However, it’s much better to do Helltides in the long run. Those chests from Helltides can drop three or six Runeshards. Additionally, you can get some nice crafting materials, Elixirs, and more along the way. It’s just too good to not do Helltides especially they are great from the beginning to late stage of the endgame.

The Pit always costs three Runeshards.

The Pit always costs three Runeshards.

Overall, The Pit is a great addition to Diablo IV endgame loop. It’s definitely designed for those that want to minmax their character and see how far they can push it within The Pit. Hopefully, this article has given you some tips to prepare yourself for The Pit. I can definitely say that once you figure out how to build your characters efficiently, it certainly makes you want to climb up higher tiers.

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