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Destiny 2 | How (and When) to Get All Wish-Keeper Catalysts

Want to learn how to unlock all four of the Catalysts for Destiny 2's newest Exotic, Wish-Keeper, as well as when they're going to become available in game? Then check out this quick and easy guide for all the information you need to know about all the Wish-Keeper Catalysts. Similar to Revision Zero, Wish-Keeper can have four different perks depending on which Catalyst you slot into it, completely changing the weapon's playstyle.

Destiny 2 | How (and When) to Get All Wish-Keeper Catalysts

Season of the Wish’s Exotic Mission arrived in Destiny 2 last week with Starcrossed. In this exciting return to the infamous Black Garden, Guardians were accompanied by Riven and Crow as they sought to understand why the Vex had taken up root in the Lair of a long-dead Ahamkara. At the end of that mission, victorious players were awarded a brand new Exotic Strand Bow, the Wish-Keeper, a unique weapon which lets players set Suspend traps for their enemies. However, aside from just being super cool, Wish-Keeper has a few more tricks up its sleeve. Or, to be more accurate, Wish-Keeper has several Catalysts up its sleeve. 

Similar to last year’s Revision Zero, Wish-Keeper has a total of four different Catalysts which all give it a different perk. You can have one Catalyst active at any time and, depending on which one you decide on, the playstyle of Wish-Keeper can change dramatically: from improving the lethality or viability of the Snareweaver traps to making it do more damage or drop Threalings on kill, the Catalysts can transform Wish-Keeper into whatever you want. However, if you want to get your hands on all four Catalysts you best be ready to dive into Starcrossed many times over multiple weeks. 

Here’s how you can unlock all four of the Wish-Keeper Catalysts in Destiny 2, as well as information about when they will become available in the game.

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How to Check the Wish-Keeper Catalyst

Similar to Revision Zero, Wish-Keeper has a total of four different Catalyst options, each of which gives it a different perk. You need to slot Wish-Keeper’s Catalysts directly onto the weapon itself at the Enclave instead of through the weapon screen like most Exotics. This also means that you can check what perks each Catalyst gives prior to them actually going live in game. 

To do this, head to the Enclave and press Reshape on your Wish-Keeper. Then, head over to the fourth available column which, at this point, should be blank. Here, you can check all four of the perks that Wish-Keeper can get from its Catalysts – namely Enduring Snare, Multi-Thread Snare, Vorpal Weapon and Hatchling – as well as the order those Catalysts will unlock. 

Of course, before you can use or slot any of those perks, you need to unlock their respective Catalysts first. And, just like Revision Zero, that means playing through a special quest each week for four weeks. 

Similar to Revision Zero, Wish-Keeper has a total of four different Catalysts | Wish-Keeper Catalysts

Wish-Keeper, the New Revision Zero

All Wish-Keeper Catalysts and Their Release Dates

Enduring Snare Refit (Constellation: Tower)

The first of Wish-Keeper’s Catalysts, Snareweaver II, has become available with the weekly reset on the 26th of December 2023, one week after the Starcrossed Exotic Mission went live. To start it, you must have completed the Starcrossed Mission at least once already. After that, Mara will invite you to speak to her in the H.E.L.M. where she’ll give you the new Exotic Quest, Constellation: Tower.

This quest – and most likely all of the ones for the other Wish-Keeper Catalysts – can only be completed by entering the Starcrossed Mission on Legend difficulty: this raises the Power Level of the mission to 1830 and adds additional modifiers such as Unstoppable Champions, Elemental Threats and Shielded Foes so definitely come in prepared for some pain. 

Once you load in, the quest will ask you to find a Celestial Anomaly in the Overland area of the mission, which is the starting location before the first encounter. Continue through the mission until you get to the long bridge which leads you to your first yellow-bar Phalanx: instead of crossing the bridge, look right and you’ll see a structure close by, one with a strange glowing light at the top. 

First Celestial Anomaly Location

First Celestial Anomaly Location

Climb on up and you’ll be able to interact with the light, revealing a message by shooting a light up into the sky. At this point, grab your Wish-Keeper, look through the scope towards the light in the sky and then fire off an arrow at it. The newly crowned star will explode and two more will follow in its place which you also need to shoot. Essentially, you need to fire the lights in the sky with Wish-Keeper to form a Constellation

When the final star is shot, the Constellation will be complete and an image of the iconic Dreaming City Tower will shine brightly in the sky. Then, you can return to where you first shot off the star and collect the inscription which now rests there. You’ll be some new dialogue from Riven regarding this place and Taranis, her mate, before being asked to complete the Starcrossed Exotic Mission on Legend. Do so and, at the end of the mission, a second chest will spawn which contains the first Wish-Keeper Catalyst in Destiny 2, the Enduring Snare Refit. 

To equip this, go back to the Enclave, reshape your Wish-Keeper and you’ll be able to slot the Enduring Snare Refit in the fourth column. This first Catalyst will enhance Wish-Keeper with the Enduring Snare perk which lets the weapon’s Snareweaver traps last longer.

This is a pretty nice quality of life buff, allowing you a bit more wiggle-room when it comes to spawning the traps and luring enemies into it: making a trap and watching it fizzle out just as the intended target reaches it is a massive buzzkill and one of the biggest weaknesses with Wish-Keeper and Enduring Snare makes that less likely to happen. 

Enduring Snare Refit

Enduring Snare Refit

Multi-Thread Snare Refit

The second Wish-Keeper Catalyst, the Multi-Thread Snare Refit, is due to release at weekly reset on the 2nd of January 2024. Just like with the first Catalyst, you’ll need to pick up a new Constellation quest – specifically, Constellation: Lock – from Mara which will take you into the Legend version of Starcrossed… after you do something else first. 

Unlike the first Wish-Keeper Catalyst, the Celestial Anomaly you’re looking for isn’t in the Starcrossed mission: instead, after receiving the quest from Mara, you’ll be asked to head into the Dreaming City. To be more specific, you’ll need to head to the Spine of Keres, an area of interconnected islands to the west of the Divalian Mists. Once there, keep an eye out for a beam of light shooting towards the sky, just like the one you found in Starcrossed.

Eventually, you’ll find the hidden message and Constellation on a tall stretch of rock near the Observatory. Just like last time, interact and reveal the message, equip Wish-Keeper, and then shoot the stars as they spawn in the sky to create a beautiful constellation. This time, the image will become an intricate lock, one meant to keep the evils which plague the Awoken at bay. You’ll get another message from Riven and a request to go complete the Starcrossed mission on Legend difficulty once again. 

Head back to the Black Garden, blast through the Vex, and make it back to Taranis’ corpse to get the second Wish-Keeper Catalyst. From there, simply go back to the Enclave where you can equip your snazzy Strand Bow with the Multi-Thread Snare Refit. 

Constellation: Lock

Constellation: Lock

When equipped, the Multi-Thread Snare Refit will allow the Snareweaver trap to Suspend more targets by spawning more lines on the floor. Similar to the Enduring Snare perk, Multi-Thread Snare is a nice buff to the playstyle of Wish-Keeper, allowing you to lock down larger groups with ease. However, it still relies on you being able to successfully guide or predict where enemies are going to go: if you’re finding yourself struggling with playing around that and are looking to make the traps easier to use, go with Enduring Snare, instead.

Multi-Thread Snare Refit

Multi-Thread Snare Refit

Vorpal Weapon Refit

Wish-Keeper’s third Catalyst in Destiny 2 is the Vorpal Weapon Refit. This Catalyst is going to be released on week 7 of Season of the Wish, starting on the 9th of January 2024. Following the trend set by the previous two Constellation quests, you’ll get the third by visiting Mara at the H.E.L.M. Constellation: Pair is the name of this quest and, to complete it, you’ll have to dip back into the Legend version of Starcrossed.

Continue through the mission until you get passed the second major encounter, the one where you need to pass through the death barriers using the Gift of Dam. After that encounter is complete, pass through the maze of obstacles and moving obstacles until you come across several groups of roaming Vex.

Third Celestial Anomaly

Third Celestial Anomaly

Eventually, you’ll come across another place where you can pick up the Gift of Dam. This is intended to be used to get the final intrinsic for the Wish-Keeper but you can also use it to position yourself correctly and find the next Constellation: while standing in the Dam pool, look towards the nearby Vex wall and you should notice a small gap, just big enough for a Guardian to fit into. Enter the hole, follow the connected corridor down to the end and you’ll locate the next Celestial Anchor.

Active the Achor, equip Wish-Keeper and begin shooting for the stars. Once the Constellation is complete, the image of Riven and Taranis will appear bright in the sky. 

Constellation: Pair

Constellation: Pair

Then, just complete Starcrossed on Legend and the third of Wish-Keeper’s Catalysts will be yours. This time, you’ll receive the Vorpal Weapon Refit which, as you can imagine, alloys you to equip Wish-Keeper with the Vorpal Weapon perk, which increases damage against mini-bosses, bosses, vehicles and Guardians in their Super. 

Vorpal Weapon is an interesting perk to put on Wish-Keeper. Because of how easily it can Suspend targets without relying on ability energy, Wish-Keeper works better as a support weapon backed up by a powerful Special or Heavy weapon but, with Vorpal Weapon, things shift slightly. Now, it can act as a great Suspend support tool and a decent tool for dealing with bosses, who you’ll be farming for precision hits anyway for snap damage. However, that extra bump in damage still won’t push it into being a great boss killer – not when compared with other weapons or even other Bows – so keep that in mind. 

Vorpal Weapon Refit

Vorpal Weapon Refit

Hatchling Refit

Finally, the fourth Catalyst for Wish-Keeper in Destiny 2 is the Hatchling. This Catalyst is going to go live on the 16th of January. Once you log in, head on over to Mara and she’ll give you the Constellation: Wish quest, which asks you to venture back into the Dreaming City like you did for the second Catalyst. 

The fourth Celestial Anomaly is located in the Gardens of Esila, a location to the very south of the Dreaming City map which is accessible via the Strand. You may have visited this location earlier in the season if you were on the search for Season of the Wish’s Starcats. 

As for where the Anomaly is exactly, as soon as you enter the Gardens proper, look to your left where the Ascendant Challenge would spawn if you popped a Tincture. If you’re looking in the right spot, the last Anomaly will be waiting for you there. Then, get your Wish-Keeper, shoot those stars and walk away with the Wish Constellation, depicting the very weapon you’re holding in the starry sky. 

To finish off the quest and get your Catalyst proper, you’ll need to revisit Legend Starcrossed one more time. Get through the entire mission and defeat the Hydra at the end to claim your reward.

Constellation: Wish

Constellation: Wish

The fourth Catalyst – Hatchling Refit  – gives Wish-Keeper the Hatchling perk, allowing it to spawn Threadlings on Precision kills. This perk, compared to the other three, serves to give Wish-Keeper a bit more utility and strength outside of Suspend. Hatchling is one of the best elemental perks in the game, giving all of your Strand weapons an offensive incentive to hit headshots. Since their buff, Threadlings are pretty lethal, especially when you combine them with Fragments like Thread of Evolution. While it may sound like a surefire hit on Wish-Keeper, the other three perks all end up being more useful in most circumstances.

Outside of PvP, Wish-Keeper isn’t a slaying weapon so slapping it with a perk which only functions on enemy defeats is a tricky one. When you compare it to longer-lasting traps, better trap efficiency or even higher overall damage to bosses, Hatchling seems like an odd pick, especially when you can emulate its effect with Thread of Rebirth. In the hands of a skilled player capable of making the weapon into a real workhorse or in low-level content, Hatchling is more than enough. For most players, though, Hatchling just pales in comparison to the other Catalyst options. 

Hatchling Refit

Hatchling Refit

That was how to get all of the Wish-Keeper Catalysts from the Starcrossed mission in Destiny 2. One new Catalyst will go live each week for four weeks until all four are out so check back in on this guide each week to learn where to find each of the Celestial Anomaly locations in Destiny 2

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