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Destiny 2 | All Warlord’s Ruin Secret Bonus Chest Locations

This guide will show you the exact location of all the secret bonus chests in the new Warlord's Ruin Dungeon in Destiny 2, including all possible spawn locations of the fake mimic chests. Warlord's Ruin is a Dungeon full of mysteries and that extends to its hidden bonus chests which will award Guardians with plenty of extra loot should they find them.

Destiny 2 | All Warlord's Ruin Secret Bonus Chest Locations

Warlord’s Ruin is possibly the best Dungeon in Destiny 2 on almost all fronts. From the superb-looking armour to the stellar encounter design, deep lore and a fair amount of challenge, there’s something for everyone in this Dungeon.  As with all Dungeons, Warlord’s Ruin is also hiding away some juicy secrets for Guardians to unearth: between the ten mysterious Ahamkara Bones and the doors locked by Taken magic, there’s more than enough intrigue to make this Dungeon memorable. The main secret we’re concerned about in this article are the two Warlord’s Ruin bonus chests which perceptive Guardians can find to get themselves some additional drops of the Dungeon loot. 

However, the search for bonus chests and secrets is way trickier in Warlord’s Ruin than in any other Destiny 2 Dungeon thanks to the introduction of fake mimic chests and multiple possible spawn locations. This can make tracking down both of the additional loot drops really difficult, even if you know where to go. As such, we’re here to show you exactly where you can find all of the potential chests in the newest D2 Dungeon. 

Here’s where to find all of the secret bonus chests in the new Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon in Destiny 2

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Warlord’s Ruin Secret Chest 1 Location (All Potential Spawn Locations)

The first secret chest in Warlord’s Ruin is, in all honesty, a bit of a mess. Instead of being in a fixed location, there are a total of six different places where this chest can spawn during the Dungeon, with it appearing in a different location each time you run Warlord’s Ruin. 

If that wasn’t all though, Warlord’s Ruin has also decided to borrow an iconic fantasy monster from its snowy, Dark Age inspirations: the ever-lovable, always tricksy Mimics. Even though the bonus chest will only appear in one location, the other five locations will be populated by a fake dummy chest which, if interacted with, will teleport in a bunch of Screebs to kill whoever was unlucky enough to be nearby. You can tell a Mimic chest from a real chest by the eerie blue glow it gives off when you get close (you may have to stand there for a few seconds for it to appear). 

It is also important to note that at least two of the potential spawn locations for this first chest are actually after the second bonus chest location, which is always in a fixed spot run-to-run. All of these factors combine to make searching for this first chest a much more arduous process than in previous Dungeons. 

Fortunately, we’ve catalogued all six possible spawn locations below. 

If the chest is emitting blue mist when you get close enough, it is fake | Warlord's Ruin Bonus Chests

Blue Mist Means It’s a Mimic

Chest Spawn Location 1

The first potential area where the chest can spawn is on your way to the very first encounter, only a few moments after you transmit into the mission. As you’re scaling your way across the mountainside, but before you get to the swinging rope bridge, there’s a small alcove hidden in the rockside. 

Enter this small crook to find the first potential secret chest in Warlord’s Ruin. Remember that, to tell its authenticity, you must walk up to it and wait for it to emit a blue mist… or you can just open it and take a gamble. 

Chest Spawn Location 2

The second and third chest spawns are relatively close together. You’ll find them both after the imprisonment section of Warlord’s Ruin

After wandering through the halls for a while, you’ll eventually walk down a set of stone stairs. At the bottom of those stairs, the path splits and to progress further you’re supposed to head to the left: if, instead, you go to the right, you’ll find a collapsed tunnel with a small honey just big enough for you to fit through.

On the other side of said collapsed tunnel will be the next potential chest spawn in Warlord’s Ruin. 

Chest Spawn Location 3

As for the location of the third chest, return the way you came and then head down the left path to continue progressing towards the next encounter.

Shortly after this, you should be able to spot the chest you just checked on the other side of an iron gate. Like before, the path to progress is at the other end of the tunnel but, halfway between this gate and the exit, there is an easy-to-miss room on the right-hand side. 

Inside this room, you’ll be jumped by a pack of Stasis-wielding Ravagers who are defending the third chest location. 

Chest Spawn Location 4

There’s one more chest location before you reach the second boss fight with the Locus of Wailing Grief. After exiting the winding mess of corridors in the imprisonment section, you’ll find yourself scaling the walls of this castle as you ascend towards its apex. 

As part of this ascent, you’ll have to push through lines of defending Scorn. Eventually, you’ll come to the gates of a massive castle fortress where a bunch of Scorn, including a yellow-bar Abomination, will come crawling out. 

After taking out the enemies, push into the room they just came from and you should spot the next chest location on the right side of the room. 

Chest Spawn Location 5

After you complete the second encounter and pass the courtyard of mimic chests (see Secret Chest 2 section for more details), you’ll come across a section where the path splits.

The intended path takes you deep into the mountain’s interior, next to a massive Taken ball, whereas the other path takes you higher into the mountains itself: that is the path you must take to reach the next chest, which is waiting innocently in a field of snow outlooking the distant mountain range.

Chest Spawn Location 6

The final area where the chest can spawn comes after you pass by the massive Taken orb on your way to the final encounter.

Once you come to the gap in the mountain where a smaller floating Taken orb sits between three bits of the cliff, look for a passage sheltered near the bottom. This path will take you to a hidden part of the cliff where the final chest awaits. 

Warlord’s Ruin Secret Chest 2 Location

The second bonus chest in Warlord’s Ruin can be found between the second and third encounters. In fact, it’s rather hard to ignore as it will appear right in your path to the final boss. 

After conquering the Locus of Wailing Grief, you’ll begin ascending the mountain to the Keep waiting at the top. On your way there, you’ll soon come across a small courtyard filled with Scorn chests. As you can imagine, the majority of these chests are mimics and they’ll spawn a gaggle of Scorn Screebs to ambush you if you try and interact with them. 

However, in this cluster of fakes, there is one real chest. To sniff out which chest is real, walk up to and around each of the chests. You need to be on the lookout for a faint blue glow which will emerge from within: if the chest is glowing this ominous, Screeb-coloured glow, you know it’s a mimic. However, if you find a chest in this cluster without a glow, you can be fairly certain that it’s real. The real bonus chest will differ from run to run so make sure to stop and search each of these chests to uncover the real one hidden among them. 

Second Bonus Chest Room

Second Bonus Chest Room

Secret Chest Loot in Destiny 2

So, now that you know where to find each of the secret chests in Warlord’s Ruin, what can you get from them? 

Bonus chests in Warlord’s Ruin follow the same rules as other Destiny 2 Dungeon chests, with the most important thing to note is that they will only award you gear that you’ve previously acquired from actual encounters. If you find the second bonus chest and you’ve only acquired the Helmet and Bow from the actual encounters, those are the only possible items that can drop from the secret chest. Bonus chests cannot award you new gear so, if you’re hunting for a specific roll on that new Special Rocket Sidearm, make sure you actually have it in your loot pool before you go using up your weekly chests.

Speaking of, the second major thing to note about the bonus chests in Warlord’s Ruin is that they are limited to once per week per character. While Warlord’s Ruin is the pinnacle Dungeon, you can farm it as much as you want for new items and loot from the main three encounters: of course, this loot won’t be pinnacle but it does have the chance to give you new rolls or new gear entirely. However, when it comes to the bonus chests, they can only be claimed once per week per character. As such, if you have all three character Dungeon ready, you can get yourself an additional six pieces of gear just from finding the secrets each week. 

In terms of actual loot, Warlord’s Ruin has four weapons available. There’s the Vengeful Whisper Strand Bow, the Naeem’s Lance Solar Sniper Rifle, the Dragoncult Sickle Strand Sword (which is a Caster frame) and, probably the most exciting item, the Indebted Kindness Sidearm which uses Special ammo instead of Primary. There are also the Dark Age armour sets for each of the three classes which will let you wrap up your Guardians in some nice warm clothes this Winter. 

Warlord's Ruin

Warlord’s Ruin

That was where to find both of the new secret bonus chests in the Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon in Destiny 2

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