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Civilization VI Leader Guide | Robert The Bruce

Our guide to Robert the Bruce of Scotland will help you master Civilization VI. Brings a potent mix of economic powerhouse, and military general. There's little he can't do. Take up arms, and fight for the glory of Scotland in Civilization VI!

Civilization VI leader Guide | Robert the BruceRobert the Bruce is a powerful addition to the Civilization VI roster, being equal parts economic leader and warlord. Through his mastery of the land and golf courses and his unique Highlanders, he becomes a potent leader. Using the best of his high terrain, and naval prowess Robert the Bruce can command the respect of any great leader. His strength lies in both his people and his lion-like mentality. Bring forth the ferocity of Scotland, and show the world the might of Robert the Bruce! Allow the ancestors of the Scottish people to sing songs in his honor as he dedicates himself to ruling the world!

Scotland is a potent nation, with multiple bonuses that make it worth any play style. From its sprawling hill-rich landscape full of resources to its natural coastal barriers. Sharing an island nation with Ireland, it gains the unique chance to both be a powerful ally in Gaul, as well as a natural defense against the problems of Europe. Scotland is a nation of self-sufficiency and pride, making it unique to the Civilization VI landscape. In a game with friends, you’ll be able to both make sure they’re well off, and well organized; as well as be thankful as you contribute to the rest of the world.

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Leader Basics – Robert the Bruce

Primarily, when playing as Robert the Bruce you’ll be tasked with building friendships and wealth most of the game. To make up for your small size and limited resources you will need a strong culture and a powerful military. Doing this requires that your nation equips itself with golf courses and takes advantage of both land and coastline. You are not a nation of the seas, but through them, your trade and exploration will become legendary. Remember that not every fight is your own, and every swing of the sword holds consequences forever sown by your actions. Reach for peace, and at all costs, defend it. 

Leader Ability – Bannockburn

Due to Robert the Bruce being a leader who specializes in the defense of others, his ability to Bannockburn likewise helps in this tradition. Being able to declare a war of liberation with the Defensive Tactics Civic rather than the Diplomatic Service. This allows him to protect his allies quickly, and to keep potential war mongers away from those that you do trade with. Additionally, during this time your cities will have one hundred percent increased production capacity, and all units can move two more spaces a turn for up to ten turns after declaring a war of liberation. This means that your nation will constantly be able to assist your allies should they lose ground in a conflict quickly and decisively. 

Leader Strategy – Defender of Peace

The main method of Robert the Bruce’s play style is to build up their city and defenses during peacetime, being able to maintain strong trade and economic gains. Building up political ties, and diplomatic agreements, Robert attempts to gain a foothold over other nations in war by having strong friends in peace. During wartime, Robert the Bruce is a defender of allies; being attached to the main aggression in an attempt to take land back from lost kingdoms. In this way, they can become hyper-aggressive, and inflate their army using their leader perk Bannockburn. Utilizing these key diplomatic warfare stages is the best way to use Robert the Bruce, keeping him above the edge of his enemies. 

Part of leader group eight of the rise and fall DLC

Part of leader group eight of the rise and fall DLC

Leader Religion – Catholicism

A lot of leaders follow Catholicism in Civilization VI, making it one of the biggest religions. Due to its cathedral roots, this religion is great for diplomats. This religion is great for political build-up, and economic revenue, because it’s able to form large coalitions of troops. When building up a small nation like Robert the Bruce’s, it’s important to use every available resource, even though most religions don’t really affect gameplay. One of the biggest religions in the world, it’s easy to spread; and therefore can be one of the best for religious victories.

Leader Agenda – Flower of Scotland

Robert the Bruce values those who are willing to maintain peace with one another since he wants to be a defender of peace. Hence, he’ll befriend any nation that’s peaceful with its neighbors, disliking warmongers. This way, he won’t attack his neighbors unless they break an agreement with him or prove untrustworthy. Robert the Bruce is one of the best nations to play with in Civilization VI since they won’t openly cause trouble. When it comes to political arrangements, remember that if you’re fair with the Scottish, they’ll return the favor.

Country Basics – Scotland

As a small but proud nation, Scotland stands out as the very meaning of nobleness. A vastly beautiful landscape with limitless wealth that has been the pride of Europe throughout history. Capable of dominating culture and trade through its dazzling golf courses, and unstoppable with their Highlanders. These powerful units remain a figurehead of valor in a world otherwise ruled by deceit and trickery. Take the title of a Scottish king, and show the world the peace you have to offer through the ancient wisdom of your ancestors. There’s an endless amount of potential hiding behind those hills; and once acquired, none can hope to stop the great Scottish king!

Robert the Bruce's abilities

Robert the Bruce’s abilities

Country Ability – Scottish Enlightenment

Acting as a nation of peace, Scotland has a really great ability to keep their peaceful incentives. Having happy cities provides your nation with a five percent bonus to science and production, and produces great scientists and great engineers points from campuses and industrial zones. When their cities enter a state of an ecstatic nature, they will gain a ten percent bonus. This is great since it allows your nation to build itself up naturally, and gain bonuses from the welfare of your people. Keeping your people happy also provides a role model for the world to follow, as it instills a sense of peace when your neighbors are also of high cultural and technological standing. 

Unique Units – Highlander

Highlanders act as a unique recon unit for the Scottish people, being great at finding natural wonders and tribal villages. These units replace the ranger and have better combat strength in hills and woods. These units additionally have a zone of control and are generally better in combat both physically and at range. They are unlocked with Rifling technology and cost 380 points of production, or 1520 gold in order to produce. Once made, they have an upkeep of five and can provide pretty costly upkeep for their movement and offensive capabilities. They are, in essence, a great support and scout unit but fall off in combat to mechanized assaults. 

Unique infrastructure – Golf Course

Unique to Scotland, Golf Courses are a great means of acquiring culture, gold, and amenities for your empire. Being unlocked by the reformed church civic, these are simple tile improvements done by builders. When you make them, they give you two gold, one amenity, and culture equal to your city center and entertainment complex. With globalization, you gain housing with these improvements, and they add one appeal to adjacent tiles. They’re great for building revenue and culture in your empire and can be placed over most tile types. Scotland’s small size can make it hard to build economic wealth early on, so golf courses are a great way to build up your initial cities.

Thriving Scotland

Thriving Scotlaand

Location Bonuses (True Start)

Since Scotland began its life on an island, it holds the natural defenses of the water around it. With this strategic advantage and your nation’s hills and landscapes, you’ll have enough to start a thriving empire. You’re small and can only do so much, so trade will be your empire’s focus. You’ll provide a cultural identity the world over through the golden splendor of your golf courses. As a means of trade, production, and culture, you’ll thrive away from the European war! From your place away from the conflict, you can strive to create peace with your neighbors. Through this peaceful nature with your neighbors, you can come out on top as leader of a peaceful coalition of smaller nations!

Leader Strategy – Errant Ally

Robert the Bruce is a potent ally to be attached to any nation, given its own self-sufficiency and military strength. It cannot fight the world on its own, however, with enough allies, it can defeat any nation. Allowing itself to both fund the nations of the world as well as its own, Scotland can easily be seen as an economic stronghold in its own right. Like Australia or the United States, Robert is a leader who values trade and allies over anything else. The difference lies in that during a time of war, Robert the Bruce has no issues fighting a war of independence on his own.


Despite Robert the Bruce being one of Europe’s strongest leaders militarily, it doesn’t come from one place. Instead, his power comes from not only providing income to his allies, but also unique soldiers. You can create a nation that can be the backbone of a joint effort by combining his golf courses and highlanders. He’s one of the strongest leaders in Civilization VI, right up there with Qin Shi Huang and Alexander!

Highlanders are the unique unit of Scotland, and are a great ranged recon unit.




Since Robert the Bruce’s nation of Scotland is small and close to the mainstay of Europe it can run into some issues quickly. For starters, other European nations will be inclined to try and invade your nation while you are in the development stages. Due to how Scotland advances, early and mid-game you will be raked with the issue of things costing more than other nations. This is all subverted with trade and golf courses but at first, it can doom players quickly. Take care to choose your fights wisely as without allies, Robert the Bruce can be left utterly useless. 

Military Tactics

Since Robert the Bruce powers itself through economic trade, its main goal is to ally with as many nations as possible. Because of their economic gains and their trading, they can afford an army of Highlanders that can beat most conventional physical armies. Whether it’s your own invasion or defending against others, these are perfect. Robert shines best when he’s an ally to others, supporting a war far from home. Creating the illusion of a kingdom built on an unscalable hill!

Trading/ Politics

Since Scotland is a country with limited size and resources, trade will be an essential staple of any Robert the Bruce playthrough. Using your golf courses to build up revenue, you should openly trade with allies in order to create an economy. This economy will help you, in the long run, should war eventually break out. Politically, Robert the Bruce has the leverage of a strong military. In essence, being able to be the noble white knight that protects smaller nations from powerful threats. Remember that through your political ties, Scotland is made stronger to make up for its small size.

Golf Courses are one of the best bonuses of Scotland; offering economic and tourism bonuses that can't be matched by other nations.

Golf Courses

Religious Spread

Even though religion wasn’t Robert the Bruce’s biggest asset, it was a valuable means of commerce. It’s a great idea to expand religious beliefs in your cities to make up for your small size. These religious ventures can bring in a lot of resources, and they feed your allies, too. Since Scotland needs a lot of money to fund itself, these religious ventures are ideal. Remember that Robert the Bruce is a warrior of the sword, not a pacifist.

-source: Clips and Gaming

Scotland’s Might

Scotland offers its players the chance to be both a noble king and a shrewd businessman. You can rule the world through friends and fairness using your wits and political alliances. Few leaders send their riches out for good like Robert the Bruce, but under his banner, peace reigns. No matter how you choose to bring the Scottish name to the world, make sure you do so with the fairness of its ancestors, and the pride of its people. May the crown of Scotland be remembered forever by friends and foes alike, whether it’s through a peaceful day on the golf course or the blade of a Highlander.

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