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Civilization VI Leader Guide | Mvemba a Nzinga

When seeking a religious victory, our guide to Mvemba a Nzinga will leave you ahead of the game. Civilization VI can be difficult when trying to acquire these religious victories, but our guide to this powerful leader of the Kongo will leave you as mighty as the rainforests he commands!

Civilization VI Leader Guide Mvemba A NzingaWhere most leaders in Civilization VI specialize in war, technology, or culture, few are as religiously inclined as Mvemba a Nzinga. Bringing faith to the Kongo, he uses his land’s natural beauty to bring wonder to the esoteric. Using his powerful rainforests not only as a means of inspiration but as a natural shield from his enemies. From your place in the great Kongo, you’ll be able to not only collect the riches of culture, but the splendor of your natural resources. Keep in mind that you can’t win the war of the world on your own, and by crafting strong alliances and powerful friends you’ll be remembered.

The Kongo is a powerful starting position with vast rainforests, strategic resources, and luxuries as far as the eye can see. Being the crown jewel of Africa, the Kongolese showcase their willingness to adapt and survive in any endeavor. Though your military may not be the strongest, and your people, are not the most advanced, their tenacity will see them endure for generations. No matter what path you choose, may the will of your ancestors guide you toward eternal glory in the name of the Kongo. Just keep in mind that the natural beauty of your land will be the envy of others, so protect it with everything you have.

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Authors Foreword

With the scaling political turmoil in the Diplomatic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo, I wanted to take time to address that both our hearts go out to those impacted by political tensions, and hope for a safe and peaceful resolution to the growing tensions around the region. This guide is meant to reflect on the kingdom of the Kongo of old, as Civilization VI offers a unique look into the beautifully tolerant past of a beautifully diverse culture.

Leader Basics – Mvemba a Nzinga

As Mvemba a Nzinga, you’ll focus on innovation and enlightenment over warfare and defense. Through powerful allies and religious leaders who share your cause, you’ll find peace. Since you won’t need much of a military, you can focus those resources on trade and development. Kongo can be used as an ally to maintain whatever political interests you want. When you shovel as many resources as you can into maintaining a nation, it’s hard to stop it.

Leader Ability – Religious Convert

While the great nation of the Kongo may not be able to find their own religion, they will receive bonuses from beliefs of any religion. They will receive the founder bonuses of these religions rather than just receiving follower bonuses, making the Kango perfect for any religious run. Whenever a city of the Kongo creates a theatre district, they’ll receive one free apostle of their primary religion, allowing them to continue their religion’s spread. Because of this powerful ability, you’ll take a back seat to any victory type; gaining it passively rather than trying to take it by force. This ability plays right into the hands of the pacifist play that the Kongolese offer players. 

Mvemba A Nzinga Stats

Mvemba A Nzinga Stats

Leader Strategy – Industrial Pacifism

While the Kongo might not be a nation that takes your military passions to new heights, they are a nation with indomitable trade skills. Being able to create a mercantile empire by land and by sea, you can focus on your resources rather than on how you’ll win. By building as much capital and as many resources as possible, you’ll be able to easily outmaneuver the armies of the world. Mvemba a Nzinga is a powerful leader for grabbing up as much land as possible, using as much rainforest as humanly capable to maximize production bonuses. Once acquiring as much land as initially possible, the Kongo is great for building up sprawling cities that are perfect for cultural tourism. 

Leader Religion – Catholicism

While religion doesn’t typically impact how the gameplay of a Civilization VI run goes, Catholicism offers some unique bonuses. One of these bonuses is that Catholicism is one of the largest world religions that is shared by a wide variety of leaders. Because of this, you’ll be able to easily find alliances and use your leadership ability to get a head start on religious victories. While having a large number of potential alliances, and a huge boost to religious victories, these religious ties will also help protect you from potential holy wars. Since you share the same religion with some of the strongest militaries in the world, you can easily protect yourself from some of the more aggressive nations in the game.

Leader Agenda – Enthusiastic Disciple

Being a religion that focuses on the support of others, Mvemba a Nzinga is widely accepting of nations that bring religion to his nation. So long as they are willing to spread their religion into his nation, he’ll be more than willing to trade with them and keep the peace. On the opposite end of these ideas, Mvemba a Nzinga is incredibly hostile towards nations without religion from him. To this end, he considers it an insult that people would avoid spreading their faith with his people, and will often refuse trade deals with them for this. Due to this, it can be hard for him to try and make friends with non-religious nations. This can be a double-edged sword, however, it also leaves him in a room with more level-headed leaders.

Prospering Kongo Nation

Prospering Kongo Nation

Country Basics – Kongolese

The kingdom of the Kongo is one of the most prolific nations in African history. Being a nation that focuses on its culture, faith, and tourism, With its powerful mabanza infrastructure, and ngao mbeba troops they can easily keep themselves fed and protected so long as they have time to prepare. Being one of the nations of Africa that finds its place in the world through trade and religion, you’ll be offered a unique look into a nation whose history is rich and beautiful. With Endless rainforests, powerful strategic and luxury resources, and the might of your religious will; the Kongo will thrive as the bastion of human enlightenment.

Other Leader Variants

While the Kongo may not be the most popular nation to choose from, there are two different leaders you get to choose from. The first is the very religious Mvemba a Nzinga who focuses on culture and trade. The second leader is Nzinga Mbande, a powerful queen who focuses on culture and war. These two different play styles offer the people of the Kongo different levels of response to the growing world they belong to. Since the power of the Kongo lies in their resources and unique starting bonuses, it’s important that either way you protect your land however you can.

Country Ability – Nkisi

While the Kongolese people may not have much in the form of warfare, their cultural and tourism points are by far their most superior aspects. Under their civilization ability, Nkisi, relics, artifacts, and sculptures grant bonus food, production, faith, and gold. Palaces can additionally hold four extra great works which allow them to house more tourist attractions than many other nations. Finally, great merchants, musicians, and artists points will be gained at a fifty percent increase from normal nations, making the Kongo a perfect place for great people’s point generation. These bonuses are great for cultural or religious victories, keeping your nation rich and prepared.

Wonders are easily built by Mvemba a Nzinga with his cultural prowess

Wonders are easily built by Mvemba a Nzinga with his cultural prowess

Unique Units – Ngao Mbeba

Ngao Mbeba is the only specialty unit available to the Kongolese. Because of this, they are often considered one of the best methods of building up a traditional military. Replacing the standard swordsman unlocked after researching Iron Working, these units are great for early-game, falling out of favor when Replacable Parts are researched. These units require iron to produce, costing 110 production, or 440 gold to make. Having additional movement, and bonus damage to anti-cavalry they are perfect for offensive and defensive warfare. Unfortunately, the Kongolese are not known for their combative background, especially under Mvemba a Nzinga, making these units better for emergencies only. They both cost more than traditional swordsmen, as well as have lower combat strength unless occupying a rain forest. 

Unique Infrastructure – Mbanza

The Mbanza is the unique infrastructure of the Kongolese, and is a direct replacement for the neighborhood district. These are potent districts, both costing less than traditional neighborhoods, but also having extra housing, food, and gold. This district is unlocked by the Guilds civic and requires 27 production points in order to create. The specialty buildings of the Mbanza are the food market, and the shopping mall; acting as great methods of building both food and economy for your nation. These are incredibly potent if placed over rainforest or woods titles, as it grants them double the bonus next to, or over one of these tile types. 

Location Bonuses (True Start)

The Kongo has some of the best bonuses for a pacifist run. Being based on a continent rich in resources with plenty of strategic and luxury goods to go round. Within this cradle of civilization, the Kongo have access to the water, and the land itself. Being one of the few African nations that is capable of adequately building a naval merchant empire. While Kongo can be a powerful resource empire, they are also a great political one. Political ties such as the Kongo are built not just through your resource might but also through your enlightenment. Keeping yourself in the best of both worlds, the Kongo is the best means of starting in Africa, saving Egypt, or Nubia. 

Mbanza are the unique infrastructure to the Kongolese, and replaces the neighborhood with a cheaper, more potent alternative!


Leader Strategy – Pacifist King

As a leader building their religious place in the world, the Kongo prefer pacifistic rule over military gains. To this end, they build strong political and economic ties with other nations in order to prevent warfare. Kongo can act as a strong shareholder during wars to make sure your ally wins. Using inquisitions and religious missionaries also lets you be as powerful as those with military conquest. This will save your nation a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on military, religious, or science units. In this sense, you’ll be able to recoup most of your costs for these units since they have economic bonuses. 


The strengths of Mvemba a Nzinga come from both economic prosperity and religious enlightenment. By using your power as a trading empire both on land and at sea, you’ll have an edge on your continent’s nations. While the Kongo may not be as recognizable as Egypt, it is a powerful nation for religious gains. Along with this, the Kongos natural landscape and resource abundance make it perfect for wonder building. In a sense, this allows Mvemba to cultivate a civilization that has cultural significance unlike any other. Through sheer hard words, this man can turn the rainforest into a city of gold.


While Mvemba a Nzinga may be great for building up resources and holding a powerful religion, he fails in military conquest. Since this is the case, they often can’t defend themselves when fighting offensive conflicts. Because of this, there is a subtle need for Mvemba to constantly appease other nations. While appeasing these nations, it often leads the Kongo to lose a large amount of its potential territory. You’ll need to keep your nation out of the way, small, and willing to trade. Since you keep this small act up, it will continue to make other nations push ahead of you. However, if done correctly you can maintain hold of an economic powerhouse. Remember that glory comes to he who waits, so protect your nation from the lie of weakness.

Ngao Mbeba are the only specialty unit available to Mvemba a Nzinga, but can prove a great way to beat back enemy units!

Ngao Mbeba

Military Tactics

Since Mvemba a Nzinga may be a pacifist at heart, his abilities in war come from funding others. By building powerful alliances with other nations, you can easily protect yourself. During these conflicts, funding your alliances and levying armies from city-states allows you to protect yourself. Building your own military will be situational at best as you won’t have many specialty units to help you. To make up for this, large numbers or defensive tactics will keep you protected from prolonged invasions. In any sense, defensive tactics and strategic resources will keep you ahead of your opponents, and keep them from taking you easily. Since Mvemba is mostly a pacifist, military endeavors will be a last resort, as hopefully your enemies can be bought off.

Trading/ Politics

Since the Kongo prefer a relatively pacifistic take on Civilization VI, their trading and politics are a tool of primary purpose. Trading with as many nations as possible, and forming alliances will keep your nation relevant to the warring countries of the world. Since these trading ties will keep your nation wealthy. You’ll be able to create a vastly advanced city quickly through the rainforests and your trade deals. Your political protections will make up for the lack of military forces you’ll need to build. Because of this, you’ll be able to run a game that your most powerful aspects will be in the temple and the diplomacy hall.

Religious Spread

By far the greatest power that Mvemba a Nzinga has is his pious nature. Being part of one of the world’s largest religions, he has the unique ability to befriend most other national leaders. Using missionaries, inquisitions, and the cathedrals Catholics have access to, the Kongo can further exploit their monetary power. Despite not having much in the way of the military, building warrior Monks and nilhogs will allow you to make up for this weakness. Since religion can be a victory condition that’s hard to accomplish, Kongo offers a significantly quicker way to complete this. By focusing on religion and trade over a military, you’ll have the most powerful option available. Focus on these instead of killing power. 

-Source: The Saxy Gamer

The Great Pacifist

The Kongo can be a strange country to play in Civilization VI, especially because of its unorthodox play style. You won’t be leading massive conquests, or keeping your enemies at bay through tall walls. Instead, you will be playing a resource game and one where trade and religious spread become more potent. Since your nation’s power comes from spreading religion and trade, you’ll be a strange voice on the world stage. A strong voice can lead the world to peace, and as Mvemba a Nzinga, you’ll lead countless people to heaven. Show the world a better tomorrow, whether it’s through the majesty of your nation or the word of your scripture.


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    Anyone else feels like this was written with ChatGPT?

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      We do not allow AI to create content on our website and have strict controlling processes. So no, you can be sure that this is not written by any AI. In every case thank you for your concern.

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      Hello! thanks for your interest in the article. I can assure you I don’t use any artificial intelligence when creating my documents. Rest easy knowing the only spoon to touch my sauce other than my own is Grammarly and Wordtune, used to improve basic spelling and punctuation. I appreciate your concern and your viewership, hope the guide was helpful. 🙂


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