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Caravan SandWitch: Where to Find All Flowers, Sandwiches, and Snack Bars for Curry’s FOOD! Quest

If you're having trouble locating everything you need for Curry's FOOD! quest in Caravan SandWitch, then this guide will show you where you can find all the wild mallow flowers, sandwiches, and snack bars you need for him to make a feast for the Nomads.

Caravan SandWitch Where to Find All Flowers, Sandwiches, and Snack Bars for Curry's FOOD! Quest

There are a lot of side quests in the open-world narrative game Caravan SandWitch. Some are timed exclusive to the chapter you’re currently in, and will no longer be available once the chapter ends. Other quests can be completed throughout the game, with no time restrictions. One such quest is one given out by the character Curry, who you can meet in the very first chapter of the game. Curry wants you to gather some items for him in order to create a feast for the Nomads. These items include wild common mallow flowers, triangle sandwiches, and synthetic cereal bars. They can be found around the world. However, with such a vast world, it can be difficult to locate them all. That’s what this guide is for, to help you find all 10 of each item so you can complete Curry’s request.

Caravan SandWitch is now available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch. Be sure to read our review of the game if you haven’t yet.

How to Start the FOOD! Quest (aka Where to Find Curry)

To start the FOOD! quest, you first need to speak to a man named Curry. However, you can start collecting any flowers, snack bars, or sandwiches you may find in the world before you officially initiate the quest. However, by speaking to Curry, the quest gets added to TOASTER, the social media journal that tracks all missions and quests in Caravan SandWitch. This way, whenever you get all the items you need, the game will alert you.

You can find Curry very early on in the game, in the very first chapter in fact. As a main mission, you’ll be tasked with dealing with a signal jammer on the cliffs at Cigalo Calanque Coves. On your way over, you may come across a camp up on a cliff, which is where you’ll find an old man with a beard. This is Curry. Curry can also be found on the game’s map, if you need help locating him. He’s in an area hidden on the map thanks to the local signal jammer. Speak to him and he’ll tell you about the feast he’s planning for the Nomads visiting him. He needs to get 10 of 3 different things; wild common mallows (a flower), 10 triangle sandwiches, and 10 synthetic cereal bars. He asks you if you can find them all for him, since he doesn’t feel up to it.

You may come across Curry's camp when searching for the signal jammer at the Coves.

You may come across Curry’s camp when searching for the signal jammer at the Coves.

This is a pretty straightforward fetch quest, but it is also a long-term one. To get everything you need, you’ll need to play on and unlock the vast desert section in Cigalo. All the items are also scattered around the world. Finding 10 of each of the items can be daunting, but it’s not too tricky to locate everything.

Here’s a general summary of where you can find each item:

  • Wild Common Mallows: Around the Cigalo Calanque Coves area.
  • Triangle Sandwiches: In ruins around Cigalo.
  • Synthetic Cereal Bars: At various Nomads camps.

Once you unlock the first upgrade on your van, the antenna, you can use it to scan the environment to find these three items. However, it can still be tricky to locate them. For one, there are a lot of ruins and camps around Cigalo. Another thing is the mallows. Although they are only found in a concentrated area, it is densely populated with forage, making it a little harder to spot. Below, we’ll guide you through what to look for with each item and where to find all 10 of each.

If you're having trouble locating any of the items, remember to use the scanner on the van. You can also mark items to keep track of them while looking.

If you’re having trouble locating any of the items, remember to use the scanner on the van. You can also mark items to keep track of them while looking.

Where to Find All 10 Wild Common Mallows

Wild Common Mallows are pink flowers found around the Cigalo Calanque Coves area, aka the only place you can explore before chapter 2 of Caravan SandWitch, before the desert becomes accessible.

Although these pink flowers are quite easy to pick out, and the Coves are a relatively small area compared to the desert, they can be tricky to find because they’re hidden up cliffs or amongst the greenery. You may need to deploy your scanner to locate some of them. However, for your convenience, we have listed all 10 locations of the wild common mallows to help you locate them all.

Wild Common Mallows are pink flowers found around the Cigalo Calanque Coves.

Wild Common Mallows are pink flowers found around the Cigalo Calanque Coves.

  1. On the path that goes around the base of the cliff where the Calanque Coves signal jammer is.
  2. Near the building that’s on the cliff to the left as you leave Estello Village (next to the crossroads).
  3. In Rose’s backyard, by the lavender plants.
  4. On the right of the road before the archway that goes out of Rose’s Retreat.
  5. As you leave Rose’s Retreat, on the corner of the junction that leads to the bridge and Hydropost.
  6. In the tunnel cave under the cliff at the beach.
  7. Outside the Hydropost, to the left of the big entrance pipe.
  8. To the left of the road leading up to Estello Village, by the crossroad. It’s also near the Reineto grave spot, where the mushrooms are growing.
  9. On the road to the left as you head down the road from Estello Village to where the signal jammer is.
  10. Before a cliff in Calanque Coves, not too far from Curry’s camp.

Where to Find All 10 Sandwiches

Sandwiches can be distinguished by the red-and-white packaging in the shape of a triangle. The majority of these are found around the desert of Cigalo, so you’ll have to wait until chapter 2 to find all these. Below, you can find out where to find all the sandwiches.

There is something very important to note about locating sandwiches, as well as snack bars, for Curry’s FOOD! quest in Caravan SandWitch, which I discovered when playing the game a third time to gather the notes I needed for this guide. Although sandwiches and snack bars have set locations where you can find them, rather than being randomized, I did discover that instead of just being 10 of each item, you can find more than 10 throughout Cigalo. There are effectively extra ones to find! However, note that once you get 10 of either item, no more will spawn in the world.

Sandwiches are packaged in a triangular orange and white box.

Sandwiches are packaged in a triangular orange and white box.

  1. On a crate on the upper level of the Hydropost, near the radio tower.
  2. At Satellite Watchtower in control room (the same room as the archives for Hyla’s Study Assistant task).
  3. At the Labotech, in a section not far from the underground door.
  4. At the Aqueduct in the control room, on a computer next to a window.
  5. At the Refuge in the control room, on a computer.
  6. At the Docks, on a control panel.
  7. At the Coastal Door, on top of a red barrel.
  8. At Residential Area in the control tower room on a computer.
  9. On a ledge at the top of Mistral Comb.
  10. In the cellar/bottom floor of a building between Mistral Comb and the Docks, on a computer.

Additionally, I found these extra ones:

  1. At the Wind Turbine Transformer, in the small building at the back on a computer.
  2. At the Satellite Watchtower, on a crate on the top of the building.
  3. At the Aqueduct, in the watchtower’s control room.
  4. At the Excavation Watchtower, in an upper room on a shelf by the computer.
  5. In the upper module on a table at the Residential Area.

Where to Find All 10 Snack Bars

Snack bars are slim and a reddish-orange color with green writing on them. They’re not too difficult to find, but like the sandwiches, you need to wait until chapter 2 when you gain access to the desert to find all of them.

Like sandwiches, while snack bars do spawn in specific spots around Cigalo, there are in fact more than 10 you can find. Once you’ve found your 10th snack bar, no more can be found.

Cereal bars, or snack bars, are reddish orange with green writing on them.

Cereal bars, or snack bars, are reddish orange with green writing on them.

  1. At the train station where you first arrive in Cigalo, there’s a snack bar on the ground to the right of the vending machine.
  2. On a broken row of seats not far from the Maritime Receiver signal jammer in Calanque Coves.
  3. On a log at the picnic site on the cliff near the Reinetos cave in the Croaking Forest.
  4. At the back of the tent at Curry’s Camp in the desert (during chapter 2).
  5. On a chair at the makeshift camp at the base of the Satellite Watchtower.
  6. Not far from the Satellite Watchtower, on a table at a camp under the rocky bridge.
  7. On a table on a wooden platform at Mistral Comb.
  8. At the camp at Mistral Comb, on a crate next to Curry (from chapter 3).
  9. At the Aqueduct in a container.
  10. Under the ramp by the crossroad near Estello Village.

There are more snack bars you can find, including these:

  1. At the building between Mistral Comb and Labotech, on top of the building, there’s a snack bar in a cardboard box.
  2. In the upper module building at the Residential Area, on a cushion.

Finishing the FOOD! Quest

As you find each of the 10 items, you can report back to Curry. As the game progresses, he may move around, but not very often. After the desert becomes available, he will move out there, first in his own camp, but he’ll later join the Nomads at Mistral Comb. By the time you find all 30 items, he’s most likely to be there.

With all 30 items gathered for Curry, he will start his feast. And then you’ll get your reward… a frying pan. Yes, really. It does have an interesting story behind it, but for this long-term quest, you don’t get much in the way of rewards. No components, at least. Still, it gives you something to do in Caravan SandWitch, and gives you the chance to explore Cigalo.

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