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Caravan SandWitch: How to Activate All 3 Receptacle Relays

This guide will take you through activating all 3 receptacle relays in Caravan SandWitch, which you need to do in order to access the TARAASK storm and find Sauge's sister Garance. This long-term objective takes place over several chapters in the game.

Caravan SandWitch How to Activate All 3 Receptacle Relays

The main goal of Caravan SandWitch is to help playable character and protagonist Sauge find her long-lost sister Garance, who went missing after venturing off into a devastating and ongoing storm called the TARAASK. She believes her sister is still alive thanks to a distress signal she recently received, which kickstarts the events of Caravan SandWitch. Sauge is joined in her quest by fellow friend and mechanic Nèfle, who was also Garance’s lover. The pair eventually realize that in order to penetrate the storm and have any chance of finding Garance, they need to enter through an old ruin called the Aqueduct. The door, unfortunately, is sealed off, and the only way to unlock it is to activate 3 receptacle relays. This action ultimately leads you to accessing Garance’s last location.

Since this part of the game takes up a chunk of the main story and is the key to finding Garance, it’s important that you get it right. That’s what this guide is for. It can sometimes be easy to become lost in Caravan SandWitch, especially when it comes to the receptacle relays, so we’ve put a guide together to walk you through activating all 3, so you don’t miss anything. We’ll try to avoid too many spoilers about the game’s story where possible.

For more Caravan SandWitch articles at KeenGamer, we have our review of the game, plus a guide to finding all the flowers, sandwiches, and snack bars you need for Curry’s FOOD! Quest. You can check these out via the links below.

How to Get to Activating the Receptacle Relays

You don’t get to the stage of activating the receptacle relays until Chapter 3 of Caravan SandWitch. You don’t even unlock access to the desert until Chapter 2, where the receptacle relays are. Before you get to the end of Chapter 3, make sure you have dealt with all the signal jammers around Cigalo, especially the ones around the Aqueduct. You have to do this anyway as requested by Nèfle for the main mission during Chapter 3.

Make sure all signal jammers around the Aqueduct are shut down before you can start activating any relays.

Make sure all signal jammers around the Aqueduct are shut down before you can start activating any relays.

Activating the First Receptacle Relay

When you speak to Nèfle after clearing the Aqueduct area of those pesky jammers, he will accompany you in the van to the Aqueduct. This sparks the beginning of activating the 3 receptacle relays.

With all the signal jammers sorted, it's time to head to the Aqueduct with Nefle.

With all the signal jammers sorted, it’s time to head to the Aqueduct with Nèfle.

At the Aqueduct, it will change to nighttime, and you and Nèfle will be in the control room. Nèfle asks you to activate all the computers in the room. This is a simple enough task; just interact with the 3 levers around the room. Once you’ve done that, report back to Nèfle. He then asks you to enter the receptacle in the control room and retrieve some codes needed to activate the first relay. The receptacle acts as a portal device, warping you to another location.

This portal-like device is a receptacle.

This portal-like device is a receptacle.

Interact with the receptacle. You’ll appear in a simulator space. You should see a set of stairs with a purple cube hovering at the top. This contains the access codes. You’ll also see the mysterious SandWitch. Don’t worry about them for now. Just collect the access codes and return to Nèfle at the Aqueduct’s control room via the receptacle.

Once in the receptacle, pick up the relay codes before returning to Nefle.

Once in the receptacle, pick up the relay codes before returning to Nèfle.

Nèfle will tell you that the receptacle relays are on the roof of the Aqueduct. You may have spotted them before: 3 strange-looking mast-like devices. These are now integral to the mission in finding Garance.

To get onto the roof, climb the crates to the left of the receptacle. As you turn and head over to the receptacle relays, you’ll have yet another encounter with the SandWitch. They’ll soon disappear though and pose no further threat… for now. This allows you to continue with your task.

Get onto the roof of the Aqueduct to access the 3 receptacle relays.

Get onto the roof of the Aqueduct to access the 3 receptacle relays.

With the relay’s access codes, you can only activate one of the receptacle relays. There are 3 in total. For now, you will only be able to activate the first relay, the one on the left. You can try the other two, but the game will tell you that you haven’t got the right access, so don’t bother. Walk up to the control panel of the left-most receptacle relay and interact with it. This powers it up, and a beam of yellow light shoots out from the top, going off into the distance.

Activating the first relay ends Chapter 3 of Caravan SandWitch.

Activating the first relay ends Chapter 3 of Caravan SandWitch.

With that done, speak to Nèfle. Sauge tells him about the SandWitch she saw. Nèfle also discovers that the distress signal Garance sent came from the TARAASK.

When dawn breaks, Sauge and Nèfle discuss the TARAASK and Garance. They are now sure that she is in the storm. Since the van isn’t strong enough to get through the storm, Nèfle comes up with an idea. The TARAASK was connected to a receptacle network linked to Cigalo’s facilities, which allowed engineers to quickly transfer between places. Nèfle deduces that if they get control of the receptacle network, they can use it to get into the storm! Hence, a new major objective in Caravan SandWitch is put together: activating all 3 relays.

With one relay activated and Garance's distress signal located, Sauge and Nefle come up with a plan.

With one relay activated and Garance’s distress signal located, Sauge and Nèfle come up with a plan.

Receptacle Activation Simulator

Throughout Caravan SandWitch, you occasionally find yourself in a simulator-like world. These serve as tutorials. They often come up whenever you get a new upgrade for the van and are learning how to use it. You get the same thing when you are taught how to activate relays and their transfers.

The way receptacle relays work is you activate the first relay with access codes gained from receptacles found in certain locations. Then, you follow the beam of light to each relay, turning each one on as you go, sending off another beam of light. It’s very much like connect-the-dots. Eventually, the relays link to a final one that powers the receptacle.

It may seem a little complicated, but Caravan SandWitch has you covered. Before you go about activating any relays in Cigalo, you’re given a tutorial on how the system works. Use your new hacking tool with the antenna to be able to pass through the door, then find the switch to power the next relay. Once all the relays are powered and connected, you can use the other receptacle to end the tutorial. 

Pay attention in the simulator, as you'll learn how to activate receptacles with relays.

Pay attention in the simulator, as you’ll learn how to activate receptacles with relays.

Activating the First Receptacle

So far, you’ve powered up the first receptacle relay and even done a tutorial on how to activate receptacles and their relays. What’s next? The first receptacle relay in Cigalo might be working, but that’s not it. You have yet to activate the receptacle itself, which is located in an unknown underground area. To do this, you need to turn on the receptacle relays that leads to the receptacle. 

Activating the first receptacle takes place during Chapter 4 of Caravan SandWitch. You now have the hacker to get through previously-inaccessible areas, which you need to reach the relays and receptacles. There are other tasks you can get on with in Chapter 4, but activating the receptacle is your main goal.

By activating the relays, you can gain access to the receptacles located underground.

By activating the relays, you can gain access to the receptacles located underground.

Rather handily, the receptacle that connects Nèfle’s garage in Estello Village to the one at the Aqueduct’s control room is available, saving you a trip in the van. Note that when you use the receptacle, you’re warped into the simulator world, where all the other available receptacles are. Ones that are not activated have an orange glow, while usable ones have a blue glow. The receptacle you need to get to the Aqueduct is right ahead of you. Also, when you travel via receptacles, you bring your van with you. It’ll be parked close by in a designated spot.

Use the receptacle at the garage to quickly warp to the Aqueduct.

Use the receptacle at the garage to quickly warp to the Aqueduct.

At the Aqueduct, take a close look at the ray emerging from the first receptacle relay. You need to follow where it’s going. As it happens, the beam of light is pointing to the neighboring Refuge building (where the robots are based), so head on over there. On the topmost roof, you should see the next receptacle relay. Your next task is to get up to it and switch it on. It does require a bit of a climb, but it’s nothing that’s impossible to do.

The light from the first relay takes you to the Refuge next door to the Aqueduct.

The light from the first relay takes you to the Refuge next door to the Aqueduct.

Drive to the Refuge, where you should see a door that’s blocked off. You just need to use your new hacking tool to access it and pass through. Make your way up the ladder and across the platforms. You should see the robots up here. You may have an introduction to them. After this, continue to ascend the tower at the Refuge. You need to climb lots of ladders and push switches. Soon though, you’ll be at the top of the tower, where the next receptacle relay is.

At the moment, this particular relay is switched off. You just need to turn it on and another beam of light will shoot out of it. Follow this beam of light to the next location. It leads to the Satellite Watchtower, which isn’t too far away from the Refuge.

Follow the next beam to the Satellite Watchtower, not too far from the Refuge.

Follow the next beam to the Satellite Watchtower, not too far from the Refuge.

With your next goal set, drive over to the Satellite Watchtower. There are a few things you can do and explore at the Satellite. However, if you just want to get to the receptacle, all you need to do is drive over to the door at the tower where the receptacle relay is. The door needs hacking, so do that and you’ll be able to access the underground area by driving the van onto the platform.

All you need to do is hack the platform, then you can enter the Refuge Cellars.

All you need to do is hack the platform, then you can enter the Refuge Cellars.

You’ll now be in the Refuge Cellars. There are a lot of underground places you can visit in Caravan SandWitch, and this certainly isn’t the biggest. Drive along the tunnel until you see a ladder on your right. You might notice the blue glowing cable snaking along the tunnel into a section of the Cellars. This is where the receptacle is located.

Follow the glowing cables to the receptacle's location in the Cellars.

Follow the glowing cables to the receptacle’s location in the Cellars.

Exit the van and go up this ladder, then turn right. You’ll find yourself in a room with a switch. Activate the switch to open a door, which leads into the room with the receptacle. When you enter, Nèfle appears. You’ll then join him in another simulator space, which leads to the next stage of this lengthy mission.

The receptacle is in a room full of computers.

The receptacle is in a room full of computers.

Finding the TARAASK Fragment for the Second Receptacle Relay

If you remember back to helping Nèfle in the control room at the Aqueduct, you used the receptacle there and entered a simulator space to get an access code. For this next part, you’ll find yourself doing the same thing. However, the simulator is a little more complex. It requires you to use your van. The main goal of this section is to get the TARAASK Fragment, which Nèfle uses to obtain access codes for you to unlock more receptacle relays.

Jump into the van and drive around until you see a fragile door. Pull it off with the grapple hook, but before you drive through, you need to hack the platform. While you’re at it, hack the platform next to it as well. Next, drive onto the platform to make the ladder drop down. Ascend this ladder. At the top, push the switch to activate the platform to cross over. At the end, drop down onto the ledge and push another switch. This is connected to the door that will allow you to reach the second van platform. Get back in the van and drive onto it. Another ladder will drop down for you, so go up it. From this point, you should be able to make your way over to the TARAASK Fragment in the fenced-in area by jumping across the platforms. Once you have the TARAASK Fragment, return to Nèfle.

As Nèfle instructs, use the receptacle, which sends you to the Refuge Cellars. You’ll see the SandWitch. As you attempt to leave, they will disappear and the door will close, sealing you in the room. Your only option is to use the receptacle again. Once again, you’ll be confronted by the SandWitch. After a brief exchange, you’ll mysteriously wake up at the café in Estello. You’ll find Nèfle nearby. Speak to him. Apparently, you transferred to the garage but collapsed, which explains what happened.

With your exit blocked, your only option is the receptacle.

With your exit blocked, your only option is the receptacle.

This ends this segment. The next step is to upgrade your van in order to move onto Chapter 5. In this chapter, you need to activate the other 2 receptacles and their relays.

Activating the Second Receptacle Relay

Let’s next focus on turning on the second receptacle relay at the Aqueduct. You have the access code in order to activate it, so all you need to do is go up to it and switch it on, just like you did with the first relay. For the second relay, you need to activate the one on the right side of the three. Do this and a yellow beam of light will come out of it. Note that the first relay’s beam is now blue. This makes it easy for you to spot the beam of light you need to follow. Ones in the process of being activated have a yellow light, while activated receptacles have blue lights connecting them.

Watch where the second receptacle relay’s light goes. It’s going to the relay atop the Excavation Watchtower. This is next door to the Residential Area, where the second receptacle is located underground. This is your goal in this portion of this mission of Caravan SandWitch.

Activating the second relay at the Aqueduct points you in the direction you need to go next.

Activating the second relay at the Aqueduct points you in the direction you need to go next.

Activating the Second Receptacle

Drive over to the Excavation Watchtower, which is just past the GeopenQuarry. There, you should see the receptacle relay at the top, receiving the beam of light. You need to activate this one to continue the string of lights. It’s very easy to get to the top of the Watchtower. There’s a pole that you can attach your grapple hook to so you can zipline your way all the way to the top. However, I suggest you go up the hard way, so you can gather some components along the way. First, before you jump out of your van, make sure to hack the platform midway up. This will save you having to go back to the van and climb up again.

The Excavation Watchtower can be reached by driving through the GeopenQuarry.

The Excavation Watchtower can be reached by driving through the GeopenQuarry.

At the bottom, push the lever then go up the ladder. Step on the platform to enter the control room. There will be some components in here. Once you’ve had a quick look around, leave the room again and climb the crates to get onto the next level up. Now you should be at the receptacle relay. Just switch it on and a new beam of light will appear. This one is pointing to the receptacle at the Residential Area. 

Drive over to the Residential Area. You’ll need to hack the platforms at the entrance to get into the zone. There’s a lot to explore in this area. For now though, let’s focus on getting to the receptacle. The underground entrance is in the top left corner, where the beam of light is going. You’ll need to hack the platform to access the underground portion known as the Basements in Residential Areas.

The second receptacle relay eventually leads you to the Residential Area.

The second receptacle relay eventually leads you to the Residential Area.

This underground area is a lot bigger than the Refuge Cellars where the first receptacle was. It can be easy to get lost in these particular tunnels. However, we’ll guide you through what to do and where to go to find the second receptacle.

Head left and you should see a bunch of glowing cables. They lead to the receptacle. You can use the pulley to zipline across to the door that conceals the receptacle. However, the door is closed.

Before you go any further on foot, you’ll need the van in order to hack into a platform at a door below, since this is where you need to go in order to open the door above to reach the receptacle. Step onto the hacked platform on foot to open it. Beyond the door is a switch. Push it to open the door above. You can now get to the receptacle.

Make your way into the room with the receptacle and interact with it. This triggers another simulator where you can get another TARAASK Fragment and access code for the third and final receptacle.

Finding the TARAASK Fragment for the Third Receptacle Relay

When you arrive in the simulator for the third receptacle’s TARAASK Fragment, it may seem a bit daunting. It seems bigger than the last one you did, and you’ll see lots of cubes floating above you. It’s not too complicated, if you follow these instructions.

Get into the van and drive over to the lower cube that has a pole on it. Before you use your grapple hook on it, drive around the cube until you see a fragile door. Yank it off with the hook. Now you can attach your grapple hook to the pole, then zipline up onto the cube. Turn the corner and you’ll see a small room. Inside is a switch you need to push.

You can’t do anything more on this cube or go any further from here, so get back into the van and drive around to another cube with a pole on it. Connect your grapple hook and ride up onto the cube. You’ll see another zipline, but ignore this and turn to the platform. Cross over it, then head up the ramp until you see a ladder. Climb it. 

You’ll now see a lot of ziplines. Look to see where the purple cube is that represents the TARAASK Fragment. You can get to it via the ziplines. You may notice that the zipline that links directly to the TARAASK Fragment is on a cube that isn’t directly connected via zipline. However, there is one that crosses overhead. What you need to do is ride this zipline, then once you are above the cube, drop down off the zipline. Then you’ll be able to reach the zipline that takes you straight to the TARAASK Fragment.

Once you collect the Fragment, head straight back to Nèfle at the bottom. Yet again, the SandWitch will confront you. Use the receptacle. Instead of warping back to the Basements, you’ll be in an unknown area. The mini map is disabled for this portion. Up on the cliff, you’ll see the Witch. Follow them by climbing up the rocks. Now you just need to follow the path. The Witch leads the way. Just keep going after them. Eventually, you’ll find yourself on a cliff overlooking the Residential Area. The minimap will reappear and you can resume playing Caravan SandWitch.

Not the Witch again!

Not the Witch again!

Activating the Third Receptacle Relay

In order to activate the third and final receptacle relay, you need to reach Chapter 6 in Caravan SandWitch. Make sure you complete any outstanding time-restricted missions before you head to the garage and work on the van’s final upgrade: the energy cable. You’ll need this upgrade in order to activate the third receptacle and its relays. Make sure to follow the tutorial on using the energy cable in the simulator. It’s very easy.

The main goal of the sixth chapter is to get the final receptacle up and running. It’s the key to penetrating the TARAASK storm and ultimately locating Garance. You have the access codes via the TARAASK Fragment you found in the last simulator, so you might as well get on and do it.

Just one more relay to go!

Just one more relay to go!

Once again, head over to the Aqueduct. You should know what you need to do by now. There’s only one receptacle relay left to activate: the middle one. A yellow beam of light will emit from it. The beams of light from the first two receptacle relays are blue, so you can easily pick out the yellow of the third relay. Take a look at where the light is going. It’s pointing in the direction of two places: the Wind Turbine Transformer and Rose’s Retreat. Earlier in the game, you might have spotted a dish atop a building at Rose’s, and a big door. This is where the third receptacle is located. The main mission title even says “Under Calanque Coves” to give you another clue of the receptacle’s location. We need to activate some relays first though.

The third relay points in a new direction, heading north-east of Cigalo.

The third relay points in a new direction, heading north-east of Cigalo.

Activating the Third Receptacle

Drive over to the Wind Turbine Transformer. It’s not too far from the Docks and the Coastal Door. There’s quite a bit to do here in order to reach the next relay.

Drive over to the Wind Turbine Transformer, where the next relay is located high up.

Drive over to the Wind Turbine Transformer, where the next relay is located high up.

First, look to the right of the main building. There’s a smaller building in the top corner. Hack the platform and enter the building on foot. There’s a switch in here you need to push. This allows you to progress to the relay. 

With this done, look up at the right side of the main building. You should see a socket and some poles to attach your hook to. You need to plug the energy cable into the socket in order to reach the relay – but not yet! You first need to drop the ladder that allows you to climb up. You cannot use the energy cable and grapple hook at the same time. Use the grapple hook on a pole at the top and make your way to the ladder on the level below. Push the switch to drop the ladder.

Get back into the van. Now you can use the brand-new energy cable on the socket. This powers a switch needed to activate a platform for you to cross. Go up the ladder and cross the wooden platform. You’ll need to jump over the gap in the middle. There’s a switch you need to push to activate another platform to cross over (that was what the switch was for in the small building in the corner). 

Work your way up and around until you reach the next switch at the top. The energy cable is powering this switch. Push the switch and the platform will appear. Cross this platform and you’ll be able to reach a door. Go through this door, head up the stairs, and exit through the next door at the top.

You’ve made it to the relay! All you have to do now is activate it and the next beam of light will appear. This one heads towards Rose’s Retreat – but not directly to the relay above the underground door. It’s actually going to another relay on a cliff overlooking Rose’s Retreat. You may have come across it before by now, or spotted it on the horizon. This is your next destination.

Drive to Rose’s Retreat and park the van near the cliffs opposite her home. Scramble up the rocks to where the relay is. This bit is very easy. Just push the switch and the next beam of light finally connects to the receptacle. Now all you need to do is get to it.

Return to the van and head to the door by Rose’s place. The platform needs hacking, so do what you need to do, then drive onto the platform to enter the Underground Metro.

Drive to the door by Rose's Retreat to enter the Underground Metro.

Drive to the door by Rose’s Retreat to enter the Underground Metro.

You’ll be faced with another long series of tunnels. Drive along until you see the familiar blue glowing cable. Follow it and it will lead you to the location of the receptacle. 

In the tunnel, you’ll hit a junction. Don’t go left; there’s nothing to find at all. Instead, turn right, where you’ll see all the orange cables. The receptacle is here.

You’ll see a section blocked off by a door. It needs to be opened with the energy cable in the socket. The door open, go through it and you’ll see the receptacle.

Finding the Last Data Fragment

Enter the receptacle and you’ll once again be in the simulator. It’s time for another obstacle-course-type scenario. Speak to Nèfle, then go and locate the TARAASK Fragment in this simulator.

Jump into the van and drive up the ramp and along the path. Ride up onto the platform so you can cross over and continue along.

Eventually, you’ll come across a huge gap blocking your way. To form the bridge, you need to put the energy cable into the socket. You must keep the cable in, otherwise when you take it out, the bridge draws back in. Leave the cable in the socket until you cross the bridge, then continue on your way.

You’ll soon be met with a wall. Up on the ledge, you should see a door and socket. Plug the cable into the socket to open the door. But how do you get up there? There’s no ladder or steps or ramp, nothing to climb up. What you do from here is leave the energy cable in the socket, then use that to zipline your way up. Now you can pass through the doorway and collect the TARAASK Fragment.

Return to Nèfle – but he’s not alone. Rose is there! Speak to them, where Rose reveals she was once an engineer and knows how to use the receptacles. Sauge and Nèfle fill her in on their plan to infiltrate the storm and find Garance.

The Final Step

This next section is the final part of the whole activating-the-receptacles mission. Watch as Sauge, Nèfle and Rose use the receptacle, only to be confronted once again by the SandWitch. After using the receptacle once more, something odd happens. Sauge is transported to a strange place, and Nèfle and Rose are nowhere to be found. Your task now is to find a way out. To do this, you need to locate another receptacle.

Hang on... this isn't right...

Hang on… this isn’t right…

The strange place you find yourself in is a massive cave deep underground Cigalo. You’re at the bottom, so you need to work your way up. Ignoring all the vehicles, start climbing up the rocks. The small glowing mushrooms help guide your way. Eventually, when you get to the top, you’ll see a zipline. Ride across it, and then the next one after that. Run across the rocky bridge to the other side, where you can climb up the rocks to the next rocky bridge. Run across the second bridge, then scramble up the rocks to the platform that the long blue glowing cable is going to. Once on the platform, follow the cable. It will lead you to the receptacle.

Interact with the receptacle and you’ll warp back to the Underground Metro. Rose will meet you there. After speaking with her, ride in the van back to Estello Village. Sauge and Rose formulate a plan to go after Nèfle.

And thus ends the long-term goal of activating all the receptacles and their relays. With this done, you’ll now be able to enter the TARAASK storm, where the adventure continues.

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