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Botany Manor: Chapter 5 Guide

The final part in this walkthrough for Botany Manor concludes with the fifth chapter and its 3 plants: the Springdance Shrub, Fool's Emerald, and Oscilette. These last plants will require help from a robin, a telegraph, and a gramophone.

Botany Manor Chapter 5 Guide

Botany Manor is all about exploring the titular mansion, home to keen botanist Arabella Greene, and growing her wonderfully exotic plants that she has discovered and studied in great detail. Altogether in the roughly 5-hour playthrough consisting of 5 chapters, there are 12 different plants to discover and grow. For each plant, it is your task to figure out, with the clues provided, how to grow them. This game is in effect a puzzle game, and some of the plants are certainly a puzzler. That’s why this 5-part guide has been put together, so if you ever do find yourself lost or stuck, we can help you on your way.

This is the last guide in the 5-part walkthrough for Botany Manor. The end is in sight, with just 3 plants left to grow, all of it taking place in the beautiful gardens.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out our review of Botany Manor, which is now available on PC, Xbox consoles, and Nintendo Switch for $24.99.

To see the first four parts of this Botany Manor walkthrough, see the links below:

Map of Botany Manor

Botany Manor is set completely in the titular manor and its gorgeous gardens, and has you walking around in first-person. In the whole playthrough, you’ll visit every part of the manor, indoors and out. With such a vast place to explore, you can find yourself getting lost. Thankfully, Botany Manor does provide you with a map within the game, with a complete layout of the manor and gardens, labelling every room and different parts of the gardens. 

The final chapter of Botany Manor is set outside in the Formal Garden and beyond. There’s quite a lot to explore, so here’s a map to stop you getting lost:

A map of the grounds.

A map of the grounds.

Chapter 5 – Climbing Up

Starting chapter 5 of Botany Manor adds the final 3 plants to your Herbarium. Although there’s one less plant than the previous chapter, it’s just as complex, so read this walkthrough to keep track of everything you need to do to finish the game.

Formal Garden

When you first enter the Formal Garden, make a beeline for the picnic set up. There’s just one clue for one plant here, which is a newspaper article linked to the second plant: the Fool’s Emerald. This first clue is critically important: it talks about flashing lights coming from a cave, possibly Morse Code. Don’t forget this!

Not far from the picnic is a gazebo. Here on a little table you’ll find a seed packet for Springdance Shrub.

Gardening Workspace

Looking around the first part of the Formal Garden, you should come across an area with a archway of orange flowers. This is called the Gardening Workspace. Go through here to find some important clues. On the left is a table with a letter. Apparently, someone called Jimmy near ran over a hard object with the lawn mower. This is something you should keep in mind. Another key clue is from a book on the same table: it talks about Morse Code and has a list of codes.

Look right to a table with a saucer and some bottles. Note this for later.

Nearby against a wall is a shed. Enter and look left to find a pamphlet on hydrangeas. This contains important information on growing Springdance Shrub. The color of the flower can change based on the pH level of its environment. On the shelf behind you is another pamphlet, this one a Pot Catalogue. Note this for later; you’ll need it!

As you exit the Gardening Workspace, look for a letter concerning the arrival of a telegraph. It’s at the Boathouse – but you can’t yet go there as it’s locked. You’ll need the key to access it. 

Side Terrace

Next, go up the steps towards the manor in an area called the Side Terrace. There’s nothing on the left side, but on the right, there’s plenty to find. First, on a little table to the left of the blackboard is a seed packet for Fool’s Emerald. There’s also a book that explains bioluminescence. This book is a clue for Fool’s Emerald.

Take a look at the pamphlet pinned to the blackboard. You’ll see that Luciferin is listed next to Fool’s Emerald, another clue for this plant.

On a table nearby, you should find a Greeting Card. This one is actually a clue for Springdance Shrub.

Pond Garden

For your next destination, go down the steps past the gazebo, where you’ll find a pond. This is the Pond Garden. The path eventually leads to the Boathouse, currently locked and out of bounds. 

Nearby, you’ll see a lawn mower that’s been left abandoned. Remember that letter mentioning the lawn mower? Look in front of it on the ground and you’ll see something lying there. It’s a handle – but where does it go? 

Look for an object in front of the lawn mower.

Look for an object in front of the lawn mower.

Accessing the Grotto

Pick up the handle and carry it back past the gazebo. Head to the empty pool between the steps going up to the Side Terrace. To fill it up, place the handle on the pedestal. The water will fill up and lily pads will appear leading up to a doorway at the end. You can walk on these lily pads and go through the doorway, which leads into a dark space called the Grotto. In this mysterious place, there is a saucer. This looks like the ideal growing place for the Fool’s Emerald!

Fill up the pool to access the Grotto.

Fill up the pool to access the Grotto.

But hold your horses! You can’t grow it just yet. There’s one thing you need: the telegraph, needed to produce light to use Morse Code, and that is at the Boathouse, which is still inaccessible.

It’s about time we get that Boathouse unlocked. The key is located in another part of the garden. Go past the Gardening Workspace up the flight of steps.

The Bird Garden

In this new section of the garden, called the Bird Garden, you should see a robin on a bird feeder nearby. If you approach them, they will be spooked and fly away. Don’t worry about them for now.

Follow the path around until you spot a table. Along the way, since you’re passing it, open up the gate that leads into the Entrance Garden.

At the table are two key clues. The first is notes made on the Springdance Shrub and its colors. The second is pH research on soil. Both these clues relate to the Springdance Shrub. We’ll look into them later, as right now the information doesn’t mean much.

Head down the steps through the Bird Garden until you reach the last section. You should see a stone building. Go inside and you’ll see a table with a saucer, which you’ll need later. For now, look to the bottom left corner, where you’ll see a table and poster. Read the Bird Poster first, which provides a big clue for the Springdance Shrub. We’ll talk about it more later when the time comes, but make a note of it, especially one thing in particular: the robin prefers red flowers. For now though, turn your attention to the table, where the Boathouse key is sitting in a basket.

Accessing the Boathouse

Without further ado, take the key to the Boathouse to unlock it. You need to retrieve the telegraph in order to grow the Fool’s Emerald.

Follow the path down to the Boathouse. There’s a potting bench against the wall. Go to the right and through the tunnel under the Boathouse. Here you’ll find the telegraph.

Growing the Fool’s Emerald

Since we’ve found the telegraph, you might as well get the Fool’s Emerald done. Carry the telegraph to the Grotto, placing it next to the saucer. At the potting bench, prepare a pot of Fool’s Emerald. Place it on the Grotto saucer.

Everything’s in place, but what Morse Code do you need to enter to make the plant grow? If you recall the newspaper article at the picnic set up, the witness stated that they recognized the Morse Code, which was “Attention“. If you remember the book of Morse Code messages, “Attention” was listed, with the code being K-A

If you open up the telegraph, you’ll see two things. There’s a sheet with all the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding Morse Code. For K, it’s dash dot dash. For A, it’s dot dash. Put together, the full code for “Attention” is dash dot dash dot dash

The last thing to do now is enter K-A into the telegraph. There are two levers to push, dash and dot. Select the right lever to enter the code, and if done right, Fool’s Emerald will grow, not just in the pot, but all over the Grotto. It’s a true sight to behold!

All Clues for Fool’s Emerald (6): Morse Code, Military Codes, Newspaper Article, Telegraph, Plant Chemicals, Bioluminescence

The Boathouse

Next, let’s turn our attention to the third plant: Oscilette, which is actually quite straightforward. Springdance Shrub is more complex to grow and get right, so we’ll leave that until last.

Return to the Boathouse. Go up the steps and go inside the Boathouse through the green door.

Once inside, look for a desk on the left, which has a book that mentions the Oscilette and animals. This will soon make sense.

Turn your attention to the board game set up in the middle of the room near the fireplace. Have a look at all the critter cards. The one you need is the Red Squirrel.

Make sure to look at the little pile of cards in the middle of the board. One is very important: it has the Oscilette seed and is called a Field Card. If this doesn’t make sense, then look at the instructions for the game. Turn over the instructions and at the bottom you’ll see a list of animals next to different types of cards. Field Card is there, but only one animal is mentioned: the Red Squirrel.

Move away over to the gramophone in the corner. To its right on a windowsill is a seed packet for Oscilette. 

Look to the right of the fireplace at a book on a table. Turn the page to get a list of animals. The Red Squirrel is there (fifth one down on the right). Make a note of the number 120. This is important.

Growing the Oscilette

Head back towards the gramophone. Notice the different rolls on the table and windowsill. Pick them up and Inspect them to get a better look. You need to clearly read the labels. They have on them the BPM for the music. You need the roll with the BPM that matches the one suited for the Red Squirrel. This one is located on the windowsill and is called Meadow’s Bliss, and it has a BPM of 120. Place this roll on the gramophone, but don’t play it yet! You need the Oscilette first.

Pot up an Oscilette seed at the nearby potting bench and place it on the saucer by the gramophone. Turn the handle to play the gramophone, and the Oscilette will bloom!

All Clues for Oscilette (4): Playing Cards, Weeds and Seeds, Boardgame Rules, Animal Heartbeats

How to Grow the Springdance Shrub

There’s just one plant left to grow in this chapter and the whole of Botany Manor: the Springdance Shrub.

The Springdance Shrub has a lot of requirements. To get it to grow, you need a bird to pollinate it. To get a bird to pollinate the plant, you need to attract it. To attract the bird, you need to change the color of the flower. To change the color of the flower, you need to adjust the pH of its soil. To do this, you need to use the right type of pot and add the right additives. See how complex this is? Don’t worry, just follow the walkthrough and you won’t get anything wrong.

With all this information in mind, let’s start with the bird. The only bird we’ve seen in the garden is a robin. According to the Bird Poster, robins are attracted to red flowers. Therefore, we need to make sure the Springdance Shrub produces a red flower. What do we need for that? To make the flower red, the soil needs a pH between 12 and 14. If you go back and look at that pH chart with the different pot types and additives, there’s only one combination that will get it between those numbers: a sandstone pot and seaweed. Now we’ve got all the information we need to grow the Springdance Shrub!

Potting and Preparing the Springdance Shrub

First, you need to find the sandstone pot. The special pots are located in the shed on the right. There’s 5 of them altogether. You can identify them using the Pot Catalogue. The sandstone pot is on the top shelf in the middle.

Take the sandstone pot to the potting bench. If there’s a pot on the saucer, move it aside and place the sandstone there instead. Next, plant the Springdance Shrub seed in the sandstone pot just as you normally would.

The next step is to add the seaweed. Return to the Gardening Workspace and place the pot on the workbench where the bottles are. Seaweed is the bottle on the far left. When you add the seaweed, watch how the flower turns red! It is now ready!

Guiding the Robin to the Springdance Shrub

Carry the plant into the Bird Garden to the gazebo and place it on the saucer. Setting the plant up was the easy part. This next and final step is a little trickier. It requires patience and a little thinking. In order to grow the Springdance Shrub, we need the robin. They won’t fly over on their own accord, and you certainly can’t pick the robin up and carry it over to the plant. The robin is very shy and needs a little coaxing.

But how do you get the robin to the Springdance Shrub? Remember when you first entered the Bird Garden, and the robin was sitting on the feeder? The feeder is the key to getting the robin to help you – but in order to do it, you’ll need a second feeder. The other feeder can be found on a table in the same area as the stone building. Pick it up and carry it to the start of the Bird Garden.

Take the second bird feeder to the start of the Bird Garden. Make sure to examine the bird seeds as well.

Take the second bird feeder to the start of the Bird Garden. Make sure to examine the bird seeds as well.

If you’ve been looking closely, you’ll notice stands with a bird silhouette around the Bird Garden. The first feeder was hanging off the first one. The idea is to hang the feeders on these stands, and the robin will fly from one to the other, until eventually you’ll guide it straight to the awaiting Springdance Shrub.

This is how you lead the robin to the plant. Place one bird feeder near the birdhouse where the robin is. Keep your distance or you’ll spook the robin. Wait a moment and the robin will fly to the feeder. Remember to keep a safe distance! Pick up the second feeder and place it on the next stand. Stand back and let the robin fly over. You’ll probably get the idea by now.

The stands are strategically placed so you can guide the robin right to the Springdance Shrub. Don’t rush as you move around the garden with the feeders. Take your time and plan your next move. Watch where you go; remember not to get too close to the robin. Fortunately, the garden’s layout allows you to find alternate ways around if you can’t get to a feeder without passing right by the robin. Wait for the robin to move over to the next feeder before moving it.

Keep going until you place the feeder on the last stand, located next to the table with the Springdance Shrub. Watch as the robin flies to the feeder and then right onto the Springdance Shrub. It’s a quick moment and easy to miss, but you can see as the robin pollinates the flower, it will bloom into life, spreading up along the walls. You’ll see other robins fliting about as well. Congratulations! You have successfully grown the final plant of Botany Manor!

All Clues for Springdance Shrub (7): Greeting Card, Bird Seeds, Bird Poster, Hydrangeas, Pot Catalogue, Pigment Research, Soil pH Research

Sending Off the Herbarium

So, you’ve grown all the plants in Botany Manor. Now what? Is that it, the end of the game? Not quite.

You get a final call to the Gatehouse – but there’s no deliveries this time. This time, it’s you making a delivery: your completed Herbarium! Simply select the red postbox to send off your Herbarium. It’s a truly satisfying moment.

Before you do send it away, make sure all the clues had been added for all the plants in the Herbarium. Now is a good time to finish anything off. It’s also a good time to have one last look around the manor and gardens, if you wish.

Once the Herbarium is posted, the credits will roll – but that’s not quite the end yet!

Once every plant has been grown and documented in the Herbarium, it's time to send it away in the post.

Once every plant has been grown and documented in the Herbarium, it’s time to send it away in the post.


After the credits, you’ll be taken to one year later. You’ll find yourself where you started in Chapter 3, outside the Library – but it looks a little different now. Look at the table on the left to find two interesting things: a ceremonial key and a certificate. Arabella has opened up her own school of botany!

Enter the Library to discover that the room has been turned into a classroom, complete with desks and a very familiar book: the Herbarium! It turns out that the book was rejected by publishers, but that didn’t stop Arabella. She instead turned her home Botany Manor into the Greene School for Botany, with Arabella as the teacher! On the blackboard, you can see that the prepared lesson is for the Windmill Wort.

If you go to the top left corner of the Library, you’ll find a letter from Elizabeth and the Herbarium. Carry the book and place it on the stand at the front of the class to end the epilogue. It’s a fitting way to end the game!

A very familiar plant is sitting on Arabella's desk in the epilogue.

A very familiar plant is sitting on Arabella’s desk in the epilogue.

That rounds up this (very long and detailed) 5-part guide on how to grow all 12 plants in Botany Manor. I hope you found this walkthrough useful and enjoyed the game as much as I did!

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