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Botany Manor: Chapter 4 Guide

Chapter 4 of Botany Manor is probably the longest and one that will keep you busy, in this fourth guide in a 5-part walkthrough of the game. Learn how to grow Nightfall, Sapphire Gloom, Cradle Fern, and Brooke Chalice.

Botany Manor Chapter 4 Guide

Botany Manor is all about exploring the titular mansion, home to keen botanist Arabella Greene, and growing her wonderfully exotic plants that she has discovered and studied in great detail. Altogether in the roughly 5-hour playthrough consisting of 5 chapters, there are 12 different plants to discover and grow. For each plant, it is your task to figure out, with the clues provided, how to grow them. This game is in effect a puzzle game, and some of the plants are certainly a puzzler. That’s why this 5-part guide has been put together, so if you ever do find yourself lost or stuck, we can help you on your way.

This fourth guide of the Botany Manor walkthrough will cover all of Chapter 4, taking you through how to grow all 4 plants. It gets a little complicated at this stage, with you learning how to grow more than one plant at a time. If you stick with this guide and follow the instructions, you’ll successfully grow all of them and reach the final chapter.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out our review of Botany Manor, which is now available on PC, Xbox consoles, and Nintendo Switch for $24.99.

To see all of our Botany Manor walkthrough, see the links below to the other four parts:

Map of Botany Manor

Botany Manor is set completely in the titular manor and its gorgeous gardens, and has you walking around in first-person. In the whole playthrough, you’ll visit every part of the manor, indoors and out. With such a vast place to explore, you can find yourself getting lost. Thankfully, Botany Manor does provide you with a map within the game, with a complete layout of the manor and gardens, labelling every room and different parts of the gardens. 

All of Chapter 4 takes place indoors, partially in the upper levels of the manor. Here are the maps you’ll need for Chapter 4 so you don’t get lost:

Chapter 4 – Botanical Allies

Brace yourself, as you’re about to be given a heavier workload compared to the last 3 chapters. Chapter 4 of Botany Manor adds 4 new plants for you to discover and grow! You’ll be kept quite busy in this chapter, and it can be easy to mix up clues with 4 plants to learn how to grow, but don’t feel overwhelmed. We’ll take you through everything you need to do to grow all 4 plants.

The Library

First, go through the archway to enter the Library. Approach the table in front of you and you’ll find a book titled “The Fox and the Crow“. Make a note of this. Something else to note is the opening words “One evening“. It will be important later.

On your left, you should see a bookshelf with 5 circular symbols. Keep this in mind for a bit later.

Go to the top far left of the library, where you’ll find another book. You can’t read this one, but it is still very important. It is called “The Night Sky” and has a symbol of a moon and stars on it.

Leave the Library and head up the stairs. Go through the archway and you’ll find yourself on a landing above the Library. Head left and you should see a book on a podium, “The Hare and the Tortoise”. Make another note of this, and its opening words, “At midday“.

Go right to the next section and you’ll find another book. On the cover is the title “The Rising Sun“, with a symbol of a half sun with rays and waves.

Head over to the other side of the landing, where you’ll find your fifth and final book on the right side. This is “The Golden Fish” and it begins with “One bright morning“. 

Now, what is the significance of these 5 books, and those 5 symbols on the bookshelf? Recall the starting words of those books or their book titles. They’re times of the day! Go over to the bookshelf symbols and examine them closer. Notice what’s on them? They match the books! What you need to do now is press the symbols in the correct order, which is this:

  1. Middle, Sun (The Rising Sun)
  2. Second from left, Fish (The Golden Fish, “One Bright Morning”)
  3. Second from right, Hare (The Hare and the Tortoise, “At Midday”)
  4. Far right, Crow (The Fox and the Crow, “One Evening”)
  5. Far left, Moon with stars (The Night Sky)

If you’ve pushed the symbols in the right order, the bookshelf will swing open, unveiling a hidden room! Enter this room as it has some important clues for your plants.

Hidden Room

The first thing you’ll probably notice is the paintings hung up around the walls. You can take a look at them. They’re all paintings of sunsets in various colors, with the dates and colors noted. This is a critical clue for later, so keep it in mind.

In the top right corner from where you enter the secret room, you’ll find a seed packet for Nightfall. 

If you go to the nearby table, there’s a basket with a key inside. This unlocks the Study. There’s something else important on the table: a book about Nightfall. Read it to learn that the plant opens at sunset, but only at a particular time of year. Hmm, those paintings are starting to mean something now.


For now, with the key, enter the Study and head for the desk at the far end. Make note of the bird’s eggs, as these will be important later. There’s also a book on tree diseases. Note the section on root parasites (on the third page).

To the right of the desk is another seed packet, and this one is for Sapphire Gloom. The Tree Diseases book is linked to it, so add that as a clue to its page.

Nearby is another desk with another book. This provides the second clue for the Sapphire Gloom. This plant only has two clues and is very straightforward to grow, so add both clues to the page.

There’s nothing else to find in the Study, and you have everything you need on Sapphire Gloom, so you might as well grow it now. There aren’t any potting benches located so far in the newly unlocked area upstairs, so you’ll have to use the one outside the Main Hall.

Growing the Sapphire Gloom

Pot up a Sapphire Gloom – but what do you do with it? Thinking back to the two clues, have you noticed how that mysterious growing tree in the Main Hall is covered with strange patches? You might have also noticed the saucer placed nearby, a place for a plant. It’s time to see if the Sapphire Gloom works! Take the Sapphire Gloom and set it on the saucer by the tree. Then, watch it grow and spread to the tree, causing the patches to disappear, the tree to produce fresh new leaves, and the branch blocking the door upstairs to move! Not only have you successfully grown a plant, but you’ve gained access to a new area too!

All Clues for Sapphire Gloom (2): Tree Diseases, Mushroom Book

With the Sapphire Gloom done, go back up the stairs – but don’t go back through the Library Hall doors. Instead, head to the end of the landing until you reach the newly-accessible door. Go through it and you’ll enter another section of the manor. You’re now standing in a hall that goes two ways, left and right. 

The previously-inaccessible door can now be opened.

The previously-inaccessible door can now be opened.


Go left first. On the way down, examine the painting on the wall on the right. It’s of a Cradle Fern, one of the 4 plants in this chapter. Notice the eggs in the middle. They’re not labelled, but where have you seen eggs like that before? In the Study! Make a note of the eggs for later; they are pale blue with a blue teardrop pattern.

At the end of the hall, you’ll find a potting bench, as well as two doors. Go through the one by the potting bench first.

Bell Tower – Lower Floor

Head over to the corkboard with the table below. There’s a basket with a key to the Attic. You’ll need it soon so pick it up. Next, turn your attention to the corkboard. Read the first document on the left, which is from the River Trust. The second document on the right provides a vital clue that you must make a note of. Reading both sides, it states that the River Frome was affected by rust pollution caused by scrap metal, but mysteriously cleared. Both these documents are clues for one of the four plants, called Brooke Chalice, so add these to that page.

Go through the door to the left of the corkboard to enter a small room. On the right is a letter which discusses plants that thrive when exposed to sounds from their natural habitat. This letter is a clue for the Cradle Fern. Turn around to find a poster on rivers, another clue for the Brooke Chalice. Note the River Frome on the bottom left. There is some information on here, but the one you need is the average temperature: 25 degrees Celsius. Note down this information.

Leave the small room and head up the stairs into the Bell Tower. You’ll see a row of bells. Look around and you’ll find a book on Bird Calls. If you look through the book, you’ll see a list of tunes with bird names. Piece together the clues for the Cradle Fern. Look back to the painting with the bird’s eggs, and the letter about sounds and natural habitats.

Right now, you probably don’t know which tune you need. This is the final piece of the puzzle. Return to the Study where the bird’s eggs are. Recalling what the eggs looked like in the painting, find the same egg amongst the nine here. The egg you want is on the left. It belongs to a Crested Owl.

Master Bedroom

You now have everything you need to grow the Cradle Fern – except the seeds! If you go back to the potting bench and go through the door on the right, you’ll find Arabella’s Master Bedroom. On a desk on the left, you’ll find the seeds for the Cradle Fern on the top shelf, but there’s more here as well concerning the Brooke Chalice. There’s a Petition linked to the Cradle Fern, but in a bin is a Weed Removal Ad, which mentions Brooke Chalice.

On a small desk nearby, you can find a book titled The Trapped Fairy. You should read this, as it talks about Nightfall and times of day. Add this as a clue for the Nightfall and remember it for later.

The Trapped Fairy Book shares a story about the Nightfall.

The Trapped Fairy Book shares a story about the Nightfall.


For now, go through the door in the Master Bedroom, where you’ll enter the Bathroom. This is a key room for one plant: the Brooke Chalice.

Look to the left and you’ll find a Bath Geyser Manual on a table. We’ll walk you through using the geyser, but it’s a clue needed for the Brooke Chalice.

If you take a look at the geyser, you’ll notice that some pipes are missing. You cannot use the geyser until the pipes have been added. You can find all the pipes around the bathroom in these locations:

  1. On the bottom shelf of the table with the Bath Geyser Manual.
  2. On the table to the left of the sink.
  3. On the floor at the base of the table by the sink.
  4. On the toilet seat
  5. The final two pipes are on a table to the right of the sink

The geyser is now available to use – but you don’t yet have everything you need to grow the Brooke Chalice, so for now, leave the Bathroom.

Bell Tower

Since you have the seeds for the Cradle Fern and all the clues, you might as well grow it. Use the potting bench to pot a Cradle Fern and carry it up to the Bell Tower. The saucer to place it is situated among the bells. 

Take another look at that book of Bird Calls. Turn the page to find Crested Owl. The tune consists of 6 notes: E-C-D-E-G-F. Memorize this tune, then play the notes in the correct order using the bells. If done correctly, the Cradle Fern will grow!

All Clues for Cradle Fern (5): Bird Eggs, Fern Painting, Letter About Melodies, Bird Calls, Petition


At this stage, there are just two plants left: Nightfall and Brooke Chalice. However, we can’t grow either plant until we visit one more area: the Attic. You have the key, so head down the corridor to find the Attic door. On the way down the corridor, don’t miss the painting on the right. This is of a fairy with distinctive wings. Make a note of this. There’s also a letter to the right of the Attic door mentioning the Brooke Chalice blooming at a river.

When entering the Attic, read the letter on the crates on the left. It talks about moths at different times of year, an important clue. Take a look at the poster on the wall. It depicts different moths. Note the moth on the right, called the Garden Tiger Moth. Remembering the painting in the hall, doesn’t the wings match that of the fairy’s? With this in mind, examine the Moth Calendar. You can turn the dial to see the names of moths and their associated times of year. The Garden Tiger Moth only appears in September. Hmm…? Remember those sunset paintings and the dates on them?

First, go up the stairs into another section of the Attic. This is an important area. Look to the left to find two key things: a book and a rusty pig. Leave the pig for now and read the book. It talks about how plants respond to lights and colors and times of day. Now all the clues for the Nightfall are coming together!

Go past the projector to the other end of the Attic. There’s a table with a newspaper and seeds on the right. Collect the Brooke Chalice seeds.

Growing the Brooke Chalice

You now have everything you need to grow the Brooke Chalice. First, don’t forget to collect the rusty pig before you leave the Attic. It seems like an odd item, but it’s vital for growing the Brooke Chalice. Take it into the Bathroom and place it in the bathtub. Go to the potting bench and plant a Brooke Chalice, then carry it to the Bathroom and place it on the saucer in the bathtub.

The final step is filling the tub with water – but not quite yet! Remember how that poster talked about the temperature of the River Frome? You need to change the temperature on the bath geyser to 25 degrees Celsius, so turn the wheel until the dial points to 25. Now you can fill up the tub with water by turning the handle. If everything is done correctly, the Brooke Chalice should grow.

All Clues for Brooke Chalice (6): River Trust, Letter About Weeds, River Poster, Government Notice, Weed Removal Ad, Bath Geyser

Growing the Nightfall

Just one more plant to grow. You nearly have everything you need to grow the Nightfall, except one piece of information. You now know that the Nightfall will only bloom at sunset at a certain time of the year, and thanks to the moth clues, you have narrowed that down to September. But since you need to project certain colors of light onto the Nightfall to make it bloom, what colors do you need?

To find this out, return to the secret room in the Library with all the paintings. Find the one dated for September (it’s on the wall on the right as you enter the room, the middle painting). The September sunset painting has 4 colors: Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Red. Note these colors!

This is the painting you need, dated in September with colors of blue, yellow, orange, and red.

This is the painting you need, dated in September with colors of blue, yellow, orange, and red.

With this new information, first plant a Nightfall at the potting bench, then carry it up to the Attic and place it on the saucer in front of the projector. With the plant ready, it’s now time to produce the colors of light needed to make it grow.

Go to the projector and open the case to its left. Inside are a number of colored light filters. On the right side of the projector are four panels. This is where the light filters go. In order from left to right, you need to put in the blue, yellow, orange, and red filters.

Now the colored filters are in place, there’s just one last thing to do. Push the button to project the slides. The projector goes through the four colors quite quickly, but watch as the Nightfall blooms into life!

All Clues for Nightfall (8): Sunset Paintings, Grandma’s Research, Fairy Story, Trapped Moths, Moths Poster, Moth Calendar, Sight of Plants, Fairy Painting

A Key to the Formal Garden

At last! All four plants for Chapter 4 of Botany Manor have been completed! Once the fourth plant has been grown, you’ll get another delivery at the Gatehouse, so go straight there. This time, there will be a letter and a key. The key will unlock the Formal Garden! 

To get to the Formal Gardens, go through the Back Terrace. The entrance gate into the Formal Garden is at the end of the Rose Garden. Unlock the gate and go through to begin the fifth and final chapter of Botany Manor.


  1. Avatar photo

    The melody you put is off. The last two notes are G-F not F-G

    • Avatar photo

      Thank you for spotting that mistake. My apologies. It has been corrected.


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