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Botany Manor: Chapter 3 Guide

In the third of this 5-part walkthrough for Botany Manor, find your way around the Orchard and other areas as you discover how to grow 2 more plants: the Pixie Tears and Wolfglove, which involves a few apples and a very windy tower.

Botany Manor Chapter 3 Guide

Botany Manor is all about exploring the titular mansion, home to keen botanist Arabella Greene, and growing her wonderfully exotic plants that she has discovered and studied in great detail. Altogether in the roughly 5-hour playthrough consisting of 5 chapters, there are 12 different plants to discover and grow. For each plant, it is your task to figure out, with the clues provided, how to grow them. This game is in effect a puzzle game, and some of the plants are certainly a puzzler. That’s why this 5-part guide has been put together, so if you ever do find yourself lost or stuck, we can help you on your way.

In this guide, you’ll find the walkthrough for Chapter 3, which involves growing two plants in and around the manor’s Orchard.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out our review of Botany Manor, which is now available on PC, Xbox consoles, and Nintendo Switch for $24.99.

Below are links to the rest of the parts for this complete walkthrough of Botany Manor:

Map of Botany Manor

Botany Manor is set completely in the titular manor and its gorgeous gardens, and has you walking around in first-person. In the whole playthrough, you’ll visit every part of the manor, indoors and out. With such a vast place to explore, you can find yourself getting lost. Thankfully, Botany Manor does provide you with a map within the game, with a complete layout of the manor and gardens, labelling every room and different parts of the gardens. 

Chapter 3 of Botany Manor mostly takes place outside, but also partially indoors, namely for the Wolfglove. For your convenience, here are the maps for the areas you’ll visit in Chapter 3:

Chapter 3 – Peculiar Petals

The third part of Botany Manor features two new plants: the Pixie Tears and Wolfglove. We’ll look at Pixie Tears first in this guide.

Exploring the Orchard

Follow the path into the Orchard and eventually on the left you’ll see a table. Here is a book and letter. The book is a clue for Wolfglove, a nursery rhyme talking about a plant called a Wolfglove whistling up high. Add Nursery Rhyme to the Wolfglove page.

Further along, you’ll find a potting bench. Note the door leading into another section nearby. 

The potting bench in the Orchard is located near a place where you'll grow the Pixie Tears.

The potting bench in the Orchard is located near a place where you’ll grow the Pixie Tears.

First, make your way over to the covered walkway on the far wall. There are some key things here. Look at the workbench. You’ll see some Microscope Slides. Open up the case to see more. Take a look at all of them, and notice how the Pixie Tears slide looks a little different from the others. It has no green dots. (You can also find a slide for Springdance Shrub, which appears later in this game). Add Microscope Slide to the Pixie Tears page. There’s also an important book on Chloroplasts, another clue to add to the page.

Move further down the walkway where you’ll find a book and letter. The book is about priest holes, and so is the letter. Is there really one at Botany Manor? You’ll find out later!

If you look around the Orchard, you’ll see a shed. Go over to it. Inside on the left is a packet of seeds for Pixie Tears. On the right is notes about different types of pots and soil additives. This is important for Pixie Tears. Note the different shapes and styles of pots. The top right pot looks just like the one normally used to put the plants in. It has 97g written underneath. Remember this! Also, add Pot Notes to the Pixie Tears page.

The Cider Garden

Next, head through the doorway near the potting bench and follow the path to the top. You are now in the Cider Garden. On the right, approach the workbench and examine the Apple Blending pamphlet (another clue for Pixie Tears). Here is a list of apple names, sugar, tanning, and acids. Focus on the apple names and sugar. They are in grams. We know we need to add 97g to the Pixie Tears. What we need to do now is add up these different grams to make 97g. There are 3 apples that add up to this: Knobby Russet (40g), Cat’s Head (30g), and Merlin’s Mist (27g).

So, we have our apples, but what do they look like? To find this out, look along the walls until you find a poster with pictures of apples on it. The Knobby Russet, Cat’s Head, and Merlin’s Mist are all on here. Now you know what they look like, you need to find them.

You may have noticed the apples lying around the Cider Garden. These are the apples you need. The Knobby Russet is the first apple on the left to the right of the Cider Blending pamphlet. The Merlin’s Mist is in a crate to the right of the Cider Apples poster (top right, blue color). Finally, the Cat’s Head is a solid green apple sitting on a table near the apple press.

Have a look at the apple press and note the saucer at the base. This is where the plant goes.

Growing the Pixie Tears

You now have everything you need to grow the Pixie Tears. Prepare the plant at the potting bench and place the Pixie Tears on the saucer at the apple press. Next, carry the Knobby Russet, Cat’s Head and Merlin’s Mist to the press and place them down ready to be pressed. Once all 3 apples are in place, use the handle on the right side to use the press. The apple juice will pour into the pot of the Pixie Tears, and the plant will grow!

All Clues for Pixie Tears (5): Microscope Slides, Chloroplasts Book, Pot Notes, Apple Blending, Cider Apples 

Moving Onto the Wolfglove

Pixie Tears was all about apples, but Wolfglove is a little different – and a little more complicated.

Leave the Cider Garden and head towards the other end of the Orchard, where you can see the tower. On the left, you’ll come across a table with a letter, discussing the Tower and its ferocious winds. Could be useful?

The Orangery

Go up the path past the Tower; you don’t need to go in there yet. Head to the porch just outside the Orangery, where you’ll discover a potting bench. You can use this for the Wolfglove. 

On the table opposite are two important clues for the Wolfglove: a book and pamphlet. The Alpine Exploration pamphlet on the back lists some locations and their wind speeds. Make a note of this for later. Next to it is an equally important clue: a book on Tower Wind Research, Arabella’s tower to be exact. When the time comes, this is very important, so you’ll need to come back to this book.

For now, go through the doors to enter the Orangery. As you enter, look left and down to spot the broken stairs. Go around the landing where you’ll find a letter, stating that the stairs are broken and you need to find another way to get to the bottom level. You can also find a key here for the Painting Room, located near the Back Terrace door. At this stage, you can open the doors that lead out to the Back Terrace, giving you quick access to this very room.

Go around the landing until you reach the end. There are two things to find. Read the letter, discussing a trip to the Alps and a whistling plant: the Wolfglove? Also, take a look at the envelope. It may seem insignificant, but pay attention to the stamp. Note the image of the ram with the star above. This will be important soon.

The Painting Room

Since you have the key to the Painting Room, go there next. On the wall on the right, look at the layout of the manor. Make a note of one thing: 1593. Keep this in mind for something important very soon.

Next, go to the table at the window, which has a book and letter. Read the book on symbology first. If you did happen to explore the Pantry earlier, you might have noticed a peculiar symbol on the bookshelf: a lamb with a flag. That very same symbol appears in this book, labelled as Catholicism. Catholics, priest holes, is there a connection here? Also, make sure to read the letter, mentioning the old scales. This is important too.

The Pantry

It’s time to make a visit to the Pantry. Go to the end where you’ll find a set of scales and a bunch of weights. If you look closely, you’ll observe two things. First, there are 10 weights, 1 to 10oz. Second, there are 4 slots for the scale. Four weights, four numbers – but which numbers? The only four numbers that can be found at the manor are 1-5-9-3. With this in mind, place the 10z, 5oz, 9oz, and 3oz weights in order on the scale. Once the last weight is in the right place, the bookshelf will swing forwards, revealing a secret passageway: a priest hole!

Venture into the priest hole and follow the passageway until you reach a door. Go through to find a secret room. There’s not very much in here, except a decorative duck and a letter from a long-hidden priest. To the left is another door. Go through that, head up the stairs, and go through the next set of doors. You’ll find yourself on the bottom level of the Orangery!

Ground Level of the Orangery

The Orangery provides the final clues that you need to grow the Wolfglove, including the seeds. The seed packet is found on the ledge of the fountain in the middle of the room, so make sure to pick those up.

The first thing you should do when you get to the Orangery is pick up the Wolfglove seeds.

The first thing you should do when you get to the Orangery is pick up the Wolfglove seeds.

If you look left, you should see a little table in the corner with a case on top. Open the case and you’ll see a row of coins. The one in the middle has a familiar symbol on it: a ram with a star. If you turn the coin over, you’ll see the word Weisshorn. Remember that list of wind speeds? 

The Weisshorn coin and the seeds are the key items in this section, but feel free to examine some of the other objects as well. When you’re done, approach the broken stairs of the Orangery. You should see some planks of wood against the wall. Use these so that you can go up the stairs and back out into the Orchard.

Return to the pamphlet with the wind speeds. Look down the list at Mount Weisshorn. The wind speed is noted as 40 f/s. Now look at the book with the Tower research. Turn to the last two pages and look at the page on the left. It notes that the fourth floor of the Tower has a wind speed of 40 f/s. That’s what we want! But wait! There’s something else you need to make a note of, and this is very important otherwise the Wolfglove won’t grow. This is easy enough to miss. If you look carefully at the illustrations of the Tower, you might notice that the window shutters on each drawing is different. There’s a good reason for this. The shutters in the Tower have to match that of the illustration on the 4th floor test page.

The Tower and Growing the Wolfglove

Armed with all this information, it’s time to grow the Wolfglove. Plant the seed and carry it to the Tower. Inside, you should see a saucer. Place the plant on there. To the right is the crank used to move the Tower elevator up and down. Pay attention to these next instructions so you don’t miss anything. Go up to the first floor and you’ll come across your first window. There are two shutters, one on the left and another on the right. Open the right shutter but keep the left one closed. On the second floor, leave the shutters closed and move up to the third floor. Here, open both shutters. Finally, travel up to the fourth floor and open both shutters. There’s no need to go up to the fifth floor, as those shutters need to be left closed anyway. If you’ve done it right, once you open the fourth floor shutters, the Wolfglove will bloom!

All Clues for Wolfglove (7): Nursery Rhyme, Letter From Builder, Alpine Weather, Wind Research, Letter About Alps, Envelope With Stamp, Coin Collection

A Letter From Elizabeth

Now you’ve done both plants for Chapter 3, you’ll get another Gatehouse delivery. Descend the Tower and head over to the Gatehouse. Instead of a key, there’s a new letter waiting for you. This one is from Arabella’s sister Elizabeth. She mentions that she’s changed the Library door lock code, which is the initials of her full name. But what is Elizabeth’s full name? To find that out, go to the Main Hall and have a look at the family tree on the wall. Look at the bottom right and you’ll see Elizabeth’s name there: Elizabeth Ann Greene. But the code isn’t E-A-G. Greene is Elizabeth’s maiden name, and she’s married to an Arthur Hopgood, so the code is actually E-A-H

With this new information, go up the flight of stairs. On the right is a set of double doors securely locked with a padlock. On the padlock, change the letters to E-A-H, then accept to unlock the padlock. You now have access to a new area!

Enter the Library Hall. There isn’t much here, except a Thank You Card, which gives you a foreshadowing for later events. The Study door is locked for now, so go through the other door. Doing so will begin the next chapter of Botany Manor.

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