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Best Sebastian Shaw Decks in Marvel Snap

This guide will cover the absolute best decks that include Marvel Snap's December season pass card, Sebastian Shaw. This prickly villain makes his way into Snap via the Hellfire Gala season, giving players a powerful tool to use throughout the next couple of weeks. However, in order to use him to his fullest potential, one must first take a look at key synergies and decks.

Best Sebastian Shaw decks in Marvel SnapThe month of December in Marvel Snap is jam-packed with the season pass card being the supervillain X-Men fans know as Sebastian Shaw. Having received a buff before his imminent release, one can safely assume that he’s going to be a fun card to use due to the simplicity of his effect and his on-curve stat line. He is a 3-cost, 4-power card with the ability: ‘When this card permanently gains Power, gain +2 more Power. (wherever this is).‘ At first glance, this card seems easy to understand and pilot. While this might be the case, there are a few interesting hidden combo plays you could pull off. Ultimately, this card will mainly find a home in Surfer decks which is an already powerful archetype. That being said, these are the best Sebastian Shaw decks in Marvel Snap.

For more relevant content, make sure to check out these KeenGamer articles:

  1. Best Martyr Decks in Marvel Snap
  2. Best Annihilus Decks in Marvel Snap
  3. Best Nico Minoru Decks in Marvel Snap
  4. Best Ms. Marvel Decks in Marvel Snap

Below is the official Marvel Snap December season pass reveal trailer:

I Thought I Shaw A Wolf! – Surfer List

It is an absolute no-brainer that Shaw would be used in Surfer. This is not only because he is a 3-cost, but because he can gain an additional +2 power when buffed by Surfer’s ability. When conjuring up Silver Surfer decklists, it is important to note that there are no wrong answers. With plenty of 3-costs at your disposal, there are so many ways to pilot this archetype. The deck list is as follows:

  • Nova
  • Forge
  • Nico Minoru
  • Okoye (or Goose)
  • Werewolf By Night (or Brood)
  • Maximus (or Gladiator)
  • Spider-Man
  • Nakia (or Polaris, Juggernaut)
  • Silver Surfer
  • Killmonger
  • Sera
Sebastian Shaw x Silver Surfer deck list

Sebastian Shaw x Silver Surfer deck list

Finally, Okoye and Nakia feel good to play in a deck! Not only do they successfully buff Shaw (or Brood if you’ve gone that route), but they also trigger your Werewolf By Night to bounce around and gain power. Furthermore, Killmonger, Nova will help spread power across the board whilst simultaneously triggering Shaw and Werewolf By Night’s abilities. Overall, the deck has tremendous synergy and can easily outpower even the best of decks.

In terms of replacements, Spider-Man acts as a good control option and you can add Storm, Juggernaut, and Polaris to lean into the control side of things even more. Nico Minoru is here due to her usefulness but you can swap her out for another 2-drop to keep the deck more balanced on curve. Some good examples of 2-drops to use would include Goose, Elsa Bloodstone, or Mirage.

Sebastian’s Bouncy Castle – Bounce List

Bounce decks are notoriously known for playing a lot of On Reveals. As a result, they synergize well with Werewolf By Night. A lot of these On Reveals can also buff cards, resulting in great chemistry with the main man Shaw. For the past few weeks, almost every meta deck has included a Bounce package of sorts, even making its way into Darkhawk lists! That being said, let’s take a look at the deck list:

  • Kitty Pryde
  • Nico Minoru (or Hawkeye)
  • Iceman (or Spider-Ham)
  • Forge
  • Okoye (or Shadow King, Mysterio)
  • Falcon
  • Elsa Bloodstone
  • Luke Cage (or Bishop, The Collector)
  • Hit-Monkey
  • Sebastian Shaw
  • Beast
  • Werewolf By Night
Sebastian Shaw x Bounce deck list

Sebastian Shaw x Bounce deck list

Similarly to the Surfer list, this deck has a plethora of options when it comes to constructing it. The main goal here is to play a lot of cheap cards, and then bounce them back to your hand. If you use Beast, you get a nice discount that allows your Hit-Monkey play to be even better. However, Falcon works as well as 1-costs are cheap and you can play them again together on a later turn. While all of this is happening, Werewolf by Night is bouncing around receiving buffs. Not only that, but when paired with Elsa, Forge, and Nico, Sebastian Shaw becomes a powerhouse in this list.

Consider including Shadow King to shut down your opponents’ Werewolves and Shaws. In fact, Luke Cage is solely in this deck to protect you from Shadow King. If you want to get nutty with power, you could take a look at adding The Collector in this deck, but you already have a bunch of win conditions in Wolf, Shaw, and Hit-Monkey. Alternatively, you could lean into the Hit-Monkey side of things and create a Sera-based deck with Mysterio and Bishop.

Children of the Atom – Lockdown List

Following Ms. Marvel’s release in Snap, lockdown had seen a resurgence in the meta often including Professor X and Alioth. Following the recent buff to Jessica Jones and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, we’ve decided to cook up a list that aims at locking down locations and ending the game early. If you like to be an absolute menace, who is calculated, methodical, and cunning, then this list is for you!

  • Nebula
  • Forge
  • Jeff
  • Negasonic Teenage Warhead (or Juggernaut, Werewolf By Night)
  • Ironheart
  • Sebastian Shaw
  • Storm
  • Jessica Jones
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Professor X
  • Alioth (or Klaw, White Tiger)
  • Doctor Doom
Sebastian Shaw x Lockdown deck list

Sebastian Shaw x Lockdown deck list

This deck plays as a typical lockdown deck and has a lot of backup options just in case. First, you can access locked-off locations with Ms. Marvel and Jeff. If you do not draw Professor X, you can use Storm and Negasonic to still control the board state. After playing Storm, one can play Jessica Jones and win the lane later using Ms. Marvel or a pre-existing Nebula. On the other hand, you could also play Jessica Jones after Storm, resulting in a huge power swing. Regardless, you’re aiming to lockdown one lane that you can win. Afterward, a turn 6 Alioth will guarantee you the win.

Doctor Doom is an essential inclusion, allowing for great horizontal power spread and accessing difficult locations. In terms of replacements, Ironheart’s shoes can be filled by Surfer, especially if you add a few more 3-drops like Juggernaut and Spider-Man, or Werewolf By Night. Consider adding White Tiger and Klaw if you do not own Alioth, or even Iron Man for power. Ultimately, the most underrated card in this deck is Negasonic as she can completely ruin your opponent’s plans. Playing it mid often causes a problem for those aiming to play Ms. Marvel. Generally speaking, you’ll want to play Negasonic later than turn 3 to truly limit your opponents.

That being said, these were the best Sebastian Shaw decks in Marvel Snap.

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