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Best Ms. Marvel Decks in Marvel Snap (November Season Pass)

This is a guide on how to best use Ms. Marvel and her absolute best decks in Marvel Snap. For ages the Ms. Marvel emote has been taunting players of the game but now is finally the time to put her to the test. Will she dominate the meta and become unstoppable? Or will players only ever see her when it's time to bust out that toxic emote again?

Best Ms. Marvel Decks in Marvel SnapThe November season pass card ‘Ms. Marvel‘ is the latest addition to Marvel Snap. Whilst most players were familiar with the character, she wasn’t a part of the game up until this point (her hostile thumbs-up emote does not count). She is a 4-cost, 5-power card with the ability: ongoing: adjacent locations where your cards have unique costs have +5 power. Right away, we can see that the card’s effect is similar to that of Klaw or Mr. Fantastic. This can be especially useful for extended power horizontally and reaching locations that are restricted. All in all, there are a lot of fun synergies to try so let’s get right into it. These are the absolute best Ms. Marvel decks in Marvel Snap.

For more relevant content, make sure to check out these KeenGamer articles:

  1. Best Werewolf By Night Decks in Marvel Snap
  2. Best Nico Minoru Decks in Marvel Snap
  3. Best Elsa Bloodstone Decks in Marvel Snap
  4. Best Captain Marvel Decks in Marvel Snap

Below is the official Marvel Snap November season pass reveal video:

Ms. Marvel is a Series 5 Marvel Snap card meaning you can pick her up for 6000 Collector’s Tokens if you do not want to purchase the season pass. You could also try opening her in a Spotlight Cache in the future whenever the developers decide to include her in one. Speaking of, the cards available in Spotlight Caches this week are AliothKnull, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

Kamala Khan Do It All – Ongoing List

As an ongoing card, Ms. Marvel is going to naturally have synergy with Onslaught and Spectrum. Unfortunately, that means that she has a plethora of counters as well. Echo, Enchantress, and even Rogue can shut down her ability, not to mention Goblins and Debrii messing up the ‘unique cost’ condition. Regardless, the inclusion of Cosmo can help protect you against these disruptions. Here is the deck list:

  • Ant-Man
  • Lizard
  • Luke Cage (or Colossus, Ebony Maw, Zabu)
  • Mister Fantastic (or Captain America)
  • Wave
  • Cosmo
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Blue Marvel (or Namor)
  • Iron Man (or Omega Red)
  • Klaw
  • Spectrum (or Orka, Devil Dinosaur, America Chavez)
  • Onslaught
Ms. Marvel ongoing deck list

Ms. Marvel ongoing deck list

The main line of play whilst piloting this deck is to generally try and keep your left and right location full of unique costs. For example, you play Ant-Man turn 1 on the left, then Lizard turn 2 on the right. After doing so, you’ll be able to play Ms. Marvel in the middle location and benefit from her effect. As you use this deck more and more, you’ll realize some cool combo plays such as Mr. Fantastic, Ms. Marvel, and Klaw buffing all locations. Top that all off with a turn 6 Onslaught and you’ve got yourself an unstoppable amount of power spread across the board.

In terms of replacements, Omega Red is a fantastic inclusion that can be added instead of Iron Man. It all truly depends on how horizontally or vertically you want to build your power. Another solid addition would be Orka but we’ll get into that later. Spectrum is included in this deck to buff up literally every single card you’ve got in the deck. However, feel free to cut her and change things around to fit your playstyle. At the end of the day, you do not need the full boost of Ms. Marvel as only half of her effect is still pretty decent. Basically, don’t get greedy. Instead, play smart.

Embiggen! – Lockdown List

Very similar to the previous deck, this deck is about the horizontal spread of power. However, this time, we’re leaning into the control side of things. By locking our opponents out of locations, we are able to easily win those lanes by utilizing Ms. Marvel’s useful ability. You’ll never have to worry about misplaying Professor X again! The deck list is as follows:

  • Nebula (or Sunspot)
  • Daredevil
  • Jeff (or Nightcrawler)
  • Psylocke (or Lizard, Nico Minoru)
  • Green Goblin
  • Storm
  • Juggernaut
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Professor X
  • Klaw
  • Hobgoblin (or Alioth, Gamora, Dr. Doom)
Ms. Marvel lockdown deck list

Ms. Marvel lockdown deck list

By using this control deck, you are able to manipulate the field, locking down locations as you please. If you make a mistake and mess up your Professor X or Storm play, you’ve got Ms. Marvel, Jeff, Mister Fantastic, and Klaw all to help you add some extra power. On top of that, those who own Alioth could include him instead of Hobgoblin as a turn 6 play. Basically, you lock your opponent out of a location thus winning that lane then Alioth in a separate lane that you are already winning. If you find that you aren’t putting out as much power as you want, you could always include low-cost, high-power cards such as Lizard.

Green Goblin is a great inclusion to mess with the Elsa Bloodstone, Loki, and Werewolf By Night decks in the current meta. You could even play the goblin after Storm if you do not draw Juggernaut then add more power afterward using Ms. Marvel. Regardless, you’ll always have a tool to work with in this control-style deck list. You could even include a High Evolutionary package to pair up with Ms. Marvel. That deck usually has unique costs as you would generally play: Sunspot, Luke Cage, Cyclops, The Thing (or The Wasp), Abomination, and then Hulk. Therefore, fitting Ms. Marvel instead of The Thing could truly elevate that deck list to new heights.

Kneel Before Your Elders – Galactus List

Of course, we couldn’t resist trying her out in a Galactus list. Following a series of nerfs, Galactus barely sees any play as of late. However, with Alioth and Ms. Marvel maybe this big bad can finally make his way back to the limelight. Nevertheless, too many players using Galactus tends to feel a bit polarizing. However, there are a plethora of counters available. Besides, if you manage to make nerfed Galactus work, then you deserve to see that sweet animation of him destroying other locations. This is the deck list:

  • Wolverine
  • Electro
  • Green Goblin
  • Wave
  • Iron Lad (or Yondu, Klaw)
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Nimrod (or Iron Fist, Shuri)
  • Hobgoblin
  • Klaw
  • Knull
  • Galactus
  • Alioth (or Death)
Ms. Marvel Galactus deck list

Ms. Marvel Galactus deck list

While this deck isn’t the most meta-defining, it definitely is fun to use. There are a number of ways players can approach a Galactus-based deck, this one being one of the most straightforward versions. Of course, feel free to use a different version of this deck such as the one that utilizes Iron Fist into Shuri into Galactus. The best thing about this deck is that you can add +5 power to the location you intend to Galactus via Ms. Marvel. Not only does that mean you technically power boost Galactus, but you can further buff that up with Klaw as well.

The goblins are great counters to all of the Loki and Bounce decks floating around, ridding them of valuable board space. Furthermore, the inclusion of Nimrod and Wolverine helps make an end-of-the-game turn-6 Galactus play all the more viable. If you’ve spent 6000 Collector’s Tokens on this big bad and do not want to see him rot away in the depths of your collection, try a variation of this deck on for size! It’s safe to say that there is a lot of joy to be had whilst piloting this destructive deck.

That being said, these were the absolute best Ms. Marvel decks in Marvel Snap.

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