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Best Black Swan Decks in Marvel Snap

This article acts as a guide covering the best decks for Marvel Snap's February 2024 season pass card, Black Swan. As a member of The Black Order organized by Thanos, this villainous addition to the game slots nicely in a plethora of decks. Find out exactly where she fits best by taking a look at key card synergies.

Best Black Swan Decks in Marvel SnapThe February season of Marvel Snap has just been revealed and its season pass card is none other than Black Swan. She is a 3-cost, 5-power card with the ability: On Reveal: Until the end of next turn, your 1-Cost cards cost 0. Energy cheat and cost discounts have always been overpowered in this game. As a result, it is without a doubt that this card will definitely bring an interesting shake-up to the current meta, especially with its premium stat line. That being said, let’s take a look at key synergies by dissecting the best Black Swan decks in Marvel Snap.

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Below is the official Marvel Snap season pass trailer for February 2024.

Bouncing Bird – Hit-Monkey Bounce List

Black Swan allows you to play many 1-drops for free which can synergize well with Hit-Monkey. As a result, a Bounce shell that includes the pair seems like a meta list. Not only that, but it is extremely versatile, allowing for different cards to slot in and out of the deck. Her ability also makes it so that she can even make rocks that you draw cost 0, adding power to your Hit-Monkey if played. (Note: Black Swan appears as her former 2-cost, 3-power self, yet this is simply a visual bug by the deck builder). The deck list is as follows:

  • Forge (or Bast)
  • Iceman (or Kitty Pryde, Nebula, Sunspot)
  • The Hood
  • Spider-Ham
  • Angela (or Jeff, Falcon, Iron Man)
  • Black Swan
  • Mysterio
  • Caiera (or Shang-Chi, Rogue, Enchantress)
  • Beast
  • Hit-Monkey
  • Bishop
  • Sera
Black Swan Bounce deck list

Black Swan Bounce deck list

You could turn this deck into a zoo list as Caiera will protect your discounted 1-drops, allowing for some powerful plays. In that case, make sure to add Blue Marvel, Kazar, Iron Man, and possibly even Onslaught. Regardless, this bounce shell performs better than zoo and will consistently net you some cubes. If you do not draw Beast or Sera, Black Swan will be your saving grace, discounting your 1-drops and allowing for an explosive turn 6 play.

In terms of replacements, there are a lot of options available. You could include Kitty Pryde or Nebula for another scaling threat, however, with the current state of Kitty Pryde, she is a bit weak. Hopefully, both Kitty and Elsa Bloodstone can be buffed in the future. If that occurs, then definitely revisit this list and fit them into the deck instead of Iceman and possibly Spider-Ham. If you do not own Caiera or do not see much value in protecting your 1-drops, then you can swap her out for other tech such as Shang-Chi or Enchantress.

One Black Order of Swan, Please – Thanos Destroy List

This season is all about The Black Order which naturally sees the cards released automatically synergize with Thanos. Black Swan is no exception as she can discount the Infinity Stones, allowing for some fantastic Thanos deck lists. Regardless, we’ve decided to go with a destroy shell as destroy has been dominating the meta as of late. (Note: Black Swan appears as her former 2-cost, 3-power self, yet this is simply a visual bug by the deck builder). Here is the list:

  • X-23 (or Yondu)
  • Forge (or Nova)
  • Deadpool
  • Black Swan
  • Carnage
  • Venom
  • Deathlok
  • Killmonger
  • Shang-Chi (or Sabretooth, Bucky Barnes, Wolverine)
  • Knull
  • Thanos
  • Death
Black Swan x Thanos Destroy deck list

Black Swan x Thanos Destroy deck list

Functioning as a generic Deadpool destroy list, the main aim is to buff up the merc with a mouth and kill him repeatedly, doubling his power over and over. The main problem with that is when it came to turn 6, it was impossible to play both Knull and Deadpool. With the introduction of X-23 that play became possible albeit not consistent. However, in this deck, you’ve got X-23, the Time Stone, AND Black Swan all available to help you play both Knull and Deadpool on turn 6.

What this deck does differently than traditional destroy is its use of Killmonger to kill the Infinity Stones, getting an early cheap Death. Doing so results in a boost to Knull’s power as well. Regardless, you could remove Shang-Chi for other Destroy-oriented cards or even lean further into the Thanos side of things and cook up a Blob Lockjaw list. Either way, Thanos’s key synergy allows for some interesting brews involving Black Swan. With more intriguing releases on the horizon, both Series 5 cards will only find better decks as time progresses.

Shenaut Into Feeding Swans – High Evolutionary Shenaut List

Shenaut has been one of the most consistent decks in an ever-changing meta-game. Thankfully, Black Swan fits in nicely, replacing Shocker for a more consistent and beneficial discounting effect. (Note: Black Swan appears as her former 2-cost, 3-power self, yet this is simply a visual bug by the deck builder). This is the deck:

  • Misty Knight
  • Sunspot
  • Nebula
  • Black Swan
  • Caiera (or Armor)
  • Cyclops
  • Magik
  • High Evolutionary
  • Leech
  • She-Hulk
  • The Infinaut
  • The Incredible Hulk
Black Swan High Evolutionary deck list

Black Swan High Evolutionary deck list

The main use of Black Swan is to play Misty Knight, Sunspot, and Nebula for free. Playing those 1-drops without spending energy triggers Cyclops and Misty Knight’s abilities and increases both Hulk and Sunspot’s power. In a deck that relies heavily on playing off curve and not spending all of your energy, Black Swan brings consistency to the table. Do not sleep on this combo as Misty Knight is often the difference when you’re playing a tight game with 8 cubes on the line.

In terms of replacements, this deck is pretty tight. However, Caiera is not a must as you can replace her with Armor. If you want to lean heavier into the High Evolutionary side of things, you can remove The Infinaut, She-Hulk, Leech, and Magik package and replace it with The Thing, Abomination, Shang-Chi, and Wasp. Nevertheless, this version of High Evolutionary decks reigns supreme and is guaranteed to increase your win rate. If you’ve got She-Hulk and either Hulk or Infinaut in hand, it is almost always a snapping opportunity, especially if you have Magik as well.

That being said, these were the best Black Swan decks in Marvel Snap.

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