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Best Annihilus Decks in Marvel Snap

This guide will showcase all of the absolute best Annihilus decks in Marvel Snap. Not only that, but we go over a deck that can counter your opponent's Annihilus, allowing you to be prepared for anything. This card belongs in toxic and junk decks, proving to be an evil, yet satisfying card. If you're not the one on the receiving end that is...

Best Annihilus Decks in Marvel SnapMarvel Snap‘s Annihilus is the latest new card to arrive in the game and it is extremely interesting. Much like Gladiator, this card also got nerfed prior to its release, signifying that it was overpowered in playtesting. Annihilus is a 5-cost, 7-power card with the on reveal effect: On Reveal: Your cards with 0 or less Power switch sides. Destroy those that can’t. Right off the bat, this card sounds really fun to play. This is because it is a much-needed tool in those toxic and junk decks. Immediately we can identify great synergies with the Goblins, Sentry, and The Hood. Not only that but you can take advantage of locations such as Shadowland and Negative Zone. Annihilus is a Series 5 card costing 5000 tokens and can be opened via Spotlight Caches. That being said, let’s take a look at the absolute best Annihilus decks in Marvel Snap

For more relevant content, make sure to check out these KeenGamer articles:

  1. Best Gladiator Decks in Marvel Snap
  2. Best Nico Minoru Decks in Marvel Snap
  3. Best Elsa Bloodstone Decks in Marvel Snap
  4. Best Ms. Marvel Decks in Marvel Snap

Below is the official Marvel Snap PC launch trailer:

Annihilargh – Junk Deck List

It goes without saying that Annihilus and Sentry go hand in hand. Previously, junk decks used to be pretty risky, attempting to meticulously plan how to clog your opponent’s side of the board efficiently. However, Annihilus introduces a contingency plan, allowing for further calmness while piloting the deck. This deck can win without Annihilus, but he gives it an extra chance at winning even when things go wrong. This is the deck list:

  • The Hood
  • Nebula
  • Luke Cage 
  • Viper
  • Zabu (or Black Widow, Mysterio, Carnage)
  • Debrii
  • Typhoid Mary (or Green Goblin)
  • Man-Thing
  • Sentry
  • Doctor Octopus
  • Annihilus
  • Alioth
Annihilus junk deck list

Annihilus junk deck list

The main goal of this deck is to clog your opponent’s side of the board whilst being able to put out some nice power as well. Nebula will continue to gain power if you’ve clogged a lane. On top of that, it forces your player to play in that location which you could throw some rocks or a Goblin at. Zabu exists to help us play Man-Thing, Sentry, and Typhoid Mary, netting some power. Doctor Octopus is often a great play that ruins your opponent’s turn 6 play. Speaking of turn 6, your play will often include playing Alioth. It will be easy to predict where your opponent will play seeing as how much space on the board will be full. Alternatively, you could play a Zabu-ed Mary (or Man-Thing) and Sentry.

In terms of replacements, Green Goblin can be played instead of Man-Thing, Zabu, or Typhoid Mary. Black Widow is an option for disruption and Carnage is great for freeing up space on your side of the board. Furthermore, you can eat Sentry’s Void and the Hood if you did not draw Annihilus or Viper. Realistically speaking, you’ll want to avoid playing in the right location (unless you’ve got Annihilus in hand). This is because you’ll oftentimes want to keep it isolated for a better chance at Viper-ing the Void over. However, feel free to play The Hood at the right location as it can be Viper-ed over as well. This is especially the case if you’ve got Carnage in hand. Finally, playing Mysterio and sending all 3 illusions over. Sure, you’ll be giving them four 4-powered card, but plan accordingly and it could prove useful.

My Ex – Toxic Deck List

While the previous deck tried to incorporate the best of both worlds between the toxic and junk archetypes. This deck fully leans into the toxic side of things, attempting to flood your opponent’s mood (and board) with negativity. In fact, this deck shines a lot because Annihilus can send opponent’s Goblins back to their side of the board. Additionally, he allows Goblins to switch sides even at a location where there is Cosmo. That being said, the deck list is as follows:

  • The Hood
  • Psylocke (or Black Widow)
  • Hazmat
  • Luke Cage
  • Green Goblin
  • Debrii
  • Rogue (or Sentry)
  • Typhoid Mary
  • Man-Thing
  • Spider-Woman
  • Annihilus
  • Hobgoblin
Toxic Annihilus deck list

Toxic Annihilus deck list

First, let’s take a look at Psylocke’s role in the deck. She’s mainly included to allow you to play a 5-cost earlier. An early Hobgoblin is especially useful as they’ll have more space available on the board thus minimizing the risk. Next up, Rogue. She purely exists to counteract your opponent’s Luke Cage (or even Super Skrull). However, she’s also useful in a variety of situations such as countering Hela decks by shutting down Invisible Woman and stealing Knull’s ability. In terms of replacements, you could definitely add Black Widow instead of Psylocke which is arguably a better play. Realistically, you should include Sentry in every single list that Annihilus is in. However, for the sake of giving players new ideas, we’ve decided to keep it varied to showcase and highlight all the different options.

Counter Attack – Counters Deck List

The most surprising thing about this card is that Annihilus is his own counter. That’s right, if you play Annihilus on 5, then your opponent plays Annihilus on 6, and then everything gets sent right back where it came from. This is why we’ve cooked together a deck that can be fun during the first few days of Annihilus’ release, messing with people who want to use the card. Let’s give them a taste of their own medicine by checking out this decklist:

  • Yellowjacket
  • Wasp
  • The Hood
  • Spider-Ham
  • Carnage
  • Black Widow
  • Debrii
  • Sentry
  • Annihilus
  • Lady Deathstrike (or Viper)
  • Alioth (or Doctor Octopus, Spider-Woman)
  • Odin
Annihilus counter deck list

Annihilus counter deck list

The main goal of this deck is to have answers for everything whilst also putting together some unexpected combos. One of which includes playing Yellowjacket in a lane where you’ve got the likes of Spider-Ham, Wasp, The Hood, Black Widow, or even Debrii’s rocks. This will make them all 0 or negative power, allowing Annihilus to throw them over to your opponent’s side. However, if you find that you yourself got Annihilus-ed on turn 5, then you can Annihilus them back on 6. If you had priority and as a result have already played your Annihilus, you can play Odin, Carnage, or Lady Deathstrike to still have a fighting chance

In terms of replacements, you realistically can include any one cost that had one or less power instead of Spider-Ham. Yet, we found that Spider-Ham’s disruption is valuable and can shut down their own Annihilus if lucky. Yet again the inclusion of Carnage acts as a contingency plan, freeing up space and eating up negative power. Lady Deathstrike works in a similar manner to this, however, she will also destroy the negative cards on your opponent’s side as well. Therefore, you might want to look into including another 5-cost such as Spider-Woman, or simply cutting her for Viper instead. Overall, this deck will surprise your opponents the most, taking you higher on ladder.

That being said, these were the best Annihilus decks in Marvel Snap.

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