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A Guide to Winning With Theodore Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6

This strategy guide tells you how to win with Theodore Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6. It provides details for all of Roosevelt’s unique bonuses, units, and infrastructure, along with some handy tips for securing victory with that leader. So, check out the guide to winning with one of the USA’s great presidents in Civilization 6.

A Guide to Winning With Theodore Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6

Theodore Roosevelt was a U.S. president in the early 20th century. He was a president who expanded the U.S. Navy and brokered an armistice for the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. Roosevelt was a renowned conservationist who adopted perseveration policies for America’s natural landscapes. Theodore is also one of the leaders of America in Civilization 6 you can select to play. Playing as Roosevelt gives you military and cultural bonuses, two unique units, and Hollywood-inspired unique infrastructure.

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Roosevelt’s Bonuses: Roosevelt Corollary and Founding Fathers

Roosevelt Corollary is the leader bonus for Theodore of America in Civilization 6. This is a bonus that offers military and cultural benefits. The military advantage is the +5 combat strength bonus it gives to units fighting on your home continent. It also increases the appeal of all tiles within national parks by +1.

Combat bonuses for an American military unit

Combat bonuses for an American military unit

Founding Fathers is a civ ability you get when playing with America in Civilization 6. This civ ability reduces the time it takes to accumulate government legacy bonuses. It halves the number of turns needed for legacy point accumulation. However, note that legacy bonuses are more redundant in Rise and Fall.

Roosevelt’s Unique Units: Rough Rider and P-51 Mustang

Theodore Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6 is one of the few leaders in the game that has two unique units. The Rough Rider replacement for the Cuirassier is one of those unique units. That is a unique cavalry unit with a melee attack of 67 and a high movement rating of five. Rough Rider gets a substantial +10 combat bonus when fighting on hill terrain. It also generates culture when killing units on your capital city’s continent.

The P-51 Mustang is a unique American air unit for the Atomic Era. This unit replaces the Fighter and has a melee and range attack rating of 105. The Mustang plane also has a 50-percent combat experience bonus, enabling you to promote that unit with less combat required.

The P-51 Mustang

The P-51 Mustang

Roosevelt’s Unique Infrastructure: Film Studio

Film Studio is a unique building replacement for the Broadcast Center you can build when playing with Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6. This unique building doesn’t offer any higher cultural yield than the Broadcast Center. However, it has a unique 100-percent tourism pressure effect on all other rival civilizations within the Modern Era. That effect effectively doubles the tourism output for a city that includes a Film Studio during the late game, attracting more foreign visitors to your nation.

A description for the Film Studio building

A description for the Film Studio building

How to Win With Teddy Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6

The Roosevelt Corollary bonus makes it easier to secure a Domination Victory when playing with America in Civilization 6. That +5 combat strength bonus will give you the upper hand when fighting wars on your home continent. The first thing you should do for a Roosevelt Civ 6 game is select the Continents map that will enable you to fully exploit his combat bonus against more rival civilizations. That type of map includes two large continents. Focus on conquering your home continent first.

Rough Rider is a unique unit that should come into your plan when playing for a Domination Victory. Recruit some Rough Riders in the Industrial Era and try to place them on hills when fighting enemies. Doing this will give your Rough Rider units a big +15 combat strength bonus on their home continents. You’ll also benefit from additional culture earned from their kills on your civilization’s home continent.

The Rough Rider unique unit

The Rough Rider unique unit

Military conquest can be for expansion rather than domination. This means you can fight some wars to expand but play primarily for a Culture Victory rather than a domination one with America in Civilization 6. America is a culturally strong civilization in the late game primarily because of its Film Studio’s superior tourism generation. So, stuff your Theater Squares with Film Studios for their tourism effect to kick in against civilizations in the Modern Era.

To further boost your tourism in the late game, unlock the Computer tech ASAP. The Computers technology doubles your civilization’s tourism yields. So, this technology will strengthen the tourism effect of Film Studios, along with all other attractions in your American civilization during the Atomic Era.

In addition, make sure you add some National Parks to your nation when playing for a Cultural Victory with America in Civilization 6. National Parks are even better tourist attractions than usual thanks to the extra tile appeal they gain from Roosevelt’s leadership bonus. The amount of tourism parks generate is based on the appeal ratings of their tiles. Thus, Roosevelt’s parks generate more tourism.

An American national park

An American national park

Build the Eiffel Tower wonder to make your national parks even better when playing with Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6. The Eiffel Tower is a wonder that increases the appeal ratings of all tiles within the civilization that built it by +2. This wonder, combined with the Roosevelt Corollary bonus, will raise the appeal of tiles in American national parks by +3. So, national parks can be big tourist magnets in Roosevelt’s America.

The Eiffel Tower in construction

The Eiffel Tower in construction

Selecting the best cultural governments will also help you secure a Cultural Victory more than usual when playing with America in Civilization 6. This is because of the superior legacy bonus America’s Founding Fathers civ ability gives you. Classical Republic and Democracy are the best governments for a cultural victory. That civ ability will enable you to accumulate more great people points from the Classical Republic when playing with Theodore Roosevelt.

So, war and culture go hand-in-hand when playing with Theodore Roosevelt of America in Civilization 6. Establish a large American empire on one continent with your military that’s choc-a-block with national parks, Film Studio buildings, and other tourist attractions for securing a Cultural Victory. Alternatively, pursue military conquest to its fullest by crushing all rival civilizations in a game!

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