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A Guide to Winning with the Civilization 6 Gandhi Leader

This Civ 6 strategy guide tells you how players can win more games when playing with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. Are you wondering what India’s great pacifist leader has to offer players? If so, check out the guide below to discover the best ways to win with Gandhi of India in Civilization 6.

A Guide to Winning with the Civilization 6 Gandhi Leader

Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement during the 20th century. He was a leader who organized pacifist resistance against British rule of India, culminating with the country obtaining full independence from the empire in 1947. You can also select to play with Gandhi of India in Civilization 6. The Civilization 6 Gandhi leader is religiously oriented, making him more appealing to players seeking religious victories. He offers players stronger faith generation and more Follower Belief bonuses for cities that can be useful for variable victory conditions.

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Gandhi’s Bonuses: Satyagraha and Dharma

Satyagraha is a Civilization 6 Gandhi leader bonus that increases faith output generation when playing with India. This leader bonus gives you +5 faith for every civilization you’ve met with a founded religion that’s not at war. This can amount to a +25 faith boost for five discovered civilizations on a standard map size or +35 for seven on a larger one. Satyagraha also doubles war weariness for civilizations you’re at war against.

The Gandhi leader description

The Gandhi leader description

Dharma is the civ ability for India. This civ ability gives you a Follower Belief from all religions with followers in your cities. For example, you would receive three Follower Belief bonuses in a city that has citizens following three alternative religions to your own. This makes it better to have a mixture of religions in your city when playing with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader.

Gandhi’s Unique Unit: Varu

Varu is a unique war elephant unit for the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. This Classic Era unique unit replaces Horseman and has a melee attack of 40. It ignores enemy zones of control and diminishes the fighting strength of adjacent enemy units. However, Varu’s movement rating of two is half that of the Horseman it replaces, making this heavy cavalry more vulnerable to ranged units.

The Varu elephant

he Varu elephant

Gandhi’s Unique Infrastructure: Stepwell

Stepwell is a unique improvement you can add to Indian city tiles with Builders when playing with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. This improvement has a base +1 food yield and +1 housing effect. However, it generates +2 food, +1 faith, and +1 housing when beside a Holy Site and farm. The Feudalism, Sanitation, and Professional Sports technologies and civics further increase the faith, housing, and food generated from a Stepwell when unlocked. So, Stepwell is a unique improvement for boosting city growth and faith yields.

A Stepwell

A Stepwell

How to Win With the Civilization 6 Gandhi Leader

Religion is the most suitable victory condition to target when playing with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. The additional faith amassed from Gandhi’s Satyagraha leader bonus and the Stepwell unique infrastructure will enable you to purchase more religious units for spreading your founded religion across the world. You can also purchase more religious buildings with Gandhi’s higher faith output. Faith is a second currency you’ll have more of when playing with Gandhi, and working that to your advantage is crucial.

However, the Satyagraha Civilization 6 Gandhi leader bonus will only kick in when you’ve discovered other nations with founded religions. So, set aside units to explore the map and discover more civilizations during the early game period. Your faith output will increase for every civilization discovered with a founded religion. You can then invest your increased faith output in more religious units.

The faith output tooltip info

The faith output tooltip info

Building many Holy Sites will also enable you to maximize faith output from Stepwells. Place your Stepwells beside Holy Sites to increase their faith yields. Each Stepwell by a holy site will have +2 faith with Feudalism unlocked. So, placing multiple Stepwells around Holy Sites in your cities can amount to quite a substantial faith output boost. These Stepwells will also facilitate population growth in your Indian cities with the extra housing and food yields they provide.

India’s Dharma civ ability makes it better to keep citizens following different religions in your cities. You will reap the Follower Belief bonus from all different religions citizens follow in your cities when you do. So, don’t try to extinguish other followed religions in your cities with Inquisitors unless necessary to keep your own one dominant. You can view followed religions in a city by clicking the Religion button on the settlement info sidebar.

Religion info for a city

Religion info for a city

To boost your faith currency, select the Theocracy government when playing with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. That government gives you a 15 percent discount on all faith purchases, making it cheaper to recruit religious units. Theocracy also enables you to purchase land military units with faith, which is handy if any rival civilization declares war on your nation. Or you can utilize that effect for military conquests with India.

However, you don’t necessarily have to play for a Religious Victory with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. The cultural victory path is an alternative for which India’s higher faith output can come in handy. You can then recruit more cultural great people via patronage and purchase Naturalists for national parks with your higher faith output.

The great people panel

The great people panel

I recommend establishing a religion even when playing for a cultural victory with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader. You can then select beliefs for your religion that have cultural bonuses. A religious city also generates tourism. These are good beliefs you can select for seeking a cultural victory.

  • Choral Music: Shrines and Temple buildings have a cultural output equal to their faith output.
  • Reliquaries: Triples tourism and faith generated from relics.
  • Lay Ministry: +1 culture and +1 faith bonuses for Theater Squares and Holy Sites in cities that follow your religion.
  • Jesuit Education: Enables you to purchase cultural and scientific buildings with faith.
  • World Church: +1 culture yields for every five followers of your religion in rival nations.

Jesuit Education is an especially useful belief for a cultural victory. Selecting that belief will enable you to purchase cultural buildings with faith in cities that follow your religion. Thus, you can invest your faith output in cultural buildings by selecting that belief for your religion when playing with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader.

So, choose to play with the Civilization 6 Gandhi leader if you want to win by spreading the gospel or attracting visitors. The higher faith output you can obtain with this leader’s bonus and Stepwells can propel you to victory, particularly with the Theocracy government. India’s Dharma ability will also enable your cities to benefit from more Follower Belief bonuses, which can boost them in various, albeit random, ways.

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