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A Guide to Winning With Philip II of Spain in Civilization 6

This playing guide discusses how players can win with the Philip II leader of Spain in Civilization 6. Does victory elude you with that Spanish leader? Or are you wondering what bonuses, unique unit, and infrastructure Spain offers players in Civ 6? Either way, check out the guide to winning with Spain in Civilization 6 below.

A Guide to Winning With Philip II of Spain in Civilization 6

Philip II was a king of Spain in the 16th century, the golden era of the Spanish Empire. During his reign, Philip II established and financed a Holy League coalition that defeated the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Lepanto. He also pursued other religiously motivated wars in Europe (primarily against England and in France) to spread Catholicism. Philip II is the leader of Spain in Civilization 6, who offers bonuses and unique infrastructure that can help you secure religious, scientific, or military victory conditions in Civ 6.

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Philip II’s Bonuses: El Escorial and Treasure Fleet

Philip II has an El Escorial leader bonus that helps secure both religious and military (domination) victories in Civilization 6. This gives your military and religious units a +5-melee attack bonus when fighting against civilizations that aren’t following Spain’s established region. El Escorial also gives Inquisitor units an additional Remove Heresy charge. It’s a bonus that reflects Spain’s holy war history during the reign of Philip II.

Treasure Fleet provides +3 gold, +2 faith, and +1 production trade route yield increases when playing with Spain in Civilization 6. This trading bonus triples to +9 gold, +6 faith, and +3 production for trade routes established with cities on different continents. The Treasure Fleet bonus also gives you a 25% production increase for districts in founded cities that aren’t on your capital’s continent.

The Spanish description screen

The Spanish description screen

Philip II’s Unique Unit: Conquistador

The Conquistador is a unique Renaissance-era unit you can recruit when playing with Spain in Civilization 6. This unit replaces the Musketman and has a standard melee attack rating of 58. However, you can increase that attack rating by +10 to 68 by placing a religious unit (Guru, Apostle, or Inquisitor) within one tile of a Conquistador. Capturing a city with a Conquistador also automatically converts the settlement to Spain’s established region.

The Conquistador unit

The Conquistador unit

Philip II’s Unique Infrastructure: Mission

Players who play with Spain in Civilization 6 can improve city tiles with the unique Mission infrastructure. Missions increase faith yields by +2 on all tiles you place them on. They provide a +1-science yield bonus when placed beside Campus districts. Unlocking the Cultural Heritage civic increases science yields on all tiles with the Mission improvement by +2, amounting to a potential +3 science yield bonus when placed beside Campus Districts.

The Mission infrastructure also provides further bonuses when built on continents that don’t include your capital city. A Mission within a tile on a different continent to your capital will generate an additional +2 faith, +1 production, and +1 food. So, the maximum potential yields from a Mission tile on a different continent beside a Campus district are +4 faith, +3 science, +1 production, and +1 food.

The Mission option for a Builder unit

The Mission option for a Builder unit

How to Win With Philip II of Spain in Civilization 6

First, select a continental-style map when starting any new game for Spain in Civilization 6. This will ensure you make the most of Spain’s Treasure Fleet bonus that triples for trade routes established between different continents. Thus, Continents is the best map to play with Spain in Civilization 6. However, Earth, Small Continents, and Island Plates maps may also have continents. Don’t select to play on the Inland Sea, East Asia, Europe, Pangaea, or Archipelago maps.

Religion is the victory condition for which Spain in Civilization 6 is strongest. Philip II’s El Estoril ability can only be activated by establishing a religion. So, it’s worth establishing a religion in Spain even if you’re not going for a Religious Victory because of the +5-melee attack bonus that is given to all units, which is invaluable in wars against heretic civilizations. So, unlock Astrology and build some Holy Sites during the early game to get a region established in Spain.

Spain’s Mission infrastructure enhances your chances of securing a Religious Victory because of the additional faith yields for tiles it provides. So, add lots of Mission tile improvements to your cities to boost faith output. You can then purchase more religious units with all your extra faith points. Inquisitors will be more useful than usual because of the extra Remove Heresy charges they have from the El Escorial leader bonus.

The Religion map lense

The Religion map lense

Make the most of Conquistador for winning a war with Spain in Civilization 6. The Renaissance Era is the best period to pursue holy wars with Spain in Civilization 6, thanks to the Conquistador unit. Conquistadors are extremely strong for Renaissance warfare when combined with adjacent religious units for a 68-melee attack, which is further increased by El Escorial in wars against heretic civilizations. Capturing cities with Conquistadors will also automatically convert them to Spain’s majority religion, furthering a game of religious conquest.

The Gunpowder technology on the tech tree

The Gunpowder technology on the tech tree

Whatever victory condition you pursue with Spain in Civilization 6, continental trade should be at the heart of your strategy. Establishing many continental international trade routes will considerably increase your gold and faith yields when playing with Phillip II. Build Commercial Hubs and Harbors in most of your cities so you establish more trade routes with caravans. Then send your trade caravans to cities on other continents for international trade with +9 gold yield bonuses to make your economy boom!

Spanish continental trade routes

Spanish continental trade routes

Not establishing a religion when playing with Spain in Civilization 6 isn’t a disaster because Phillip II is also a pretty good leader for scientific victories. Unlock the Education technology ASAP so you can add Missions to tiles beside Campus districts for +1 science yields. Their yields will further boost your science output by +3 per Mission tile when you’ve unlocked Cultural Heritage on the civics tree. For example, 30 Mission tiles with +3 science yields will increase scientific output by 90 altogether.

The Treasure Fleet +3 production yield bonus for continental trade routes is also invaluable for securing a Science Victory. This enables you to considerably increase production at cities in your civilization with Spaceports by starting continental trade routes from them. Purchase new trade caravans in cities building Space Projects, and send them to settlements on other continents to increase productivity. You can also buy production buildings with all the extra gold generated from the lucrative continental Spanish trade.

So, Phillip II of Spain in Civilization 6 is primarily a religiously orientated leader most suitable for winning a Religious Victory. However, his combat, unique infrastructure, and trade bonuses also make him a solid choice for pursuing the domination and scientific victory paths. Culture is his one weak spot, and it’s better to play with the likes of Pericles, Gorgo, or Cleopatra to win a tourism victory.

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