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A Guide to Winning With Pedro II in Civilization 6

This Civilization 6 strategy guide covers how players can win games with Pedro II of Brazil. It tells you about the unique bonuses, infrastructure, and unit the Brazilian civilization has in Civ 6. So, check out the guide to winning with Pedro II in Civilization 6 below to get ahead of the game with Brazil.

A Guide to Winning With Pedro II in Civilization 6

Dom Pedro II (also known as Magnanimous) was the last Brazilian emperor who reigned throughout much of the 19th century. He was a long-serving leader who led Brazil through the victorious War of Triple Alliance and abolished slavery in his country. Pedro II is a historical leader you can select to play with in Civilization 6. Playing with Pedro II in Civilization 6 gives you a district adjacency bonus, great person refunds, a super battleship, and a unique entertainment infrastructure mostly beneficial for cultural and scientific victories.

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Pedro II’s Bonuses: Magnanimous and Amazon

Magnanimous is the leader bonus for Pedro II in Civilization 6. This leader bonus refunds 20 percent of the points cost for recruiting or patronizing great persons. A 20 percent refund for GPPs enables you to recruit great people quicker than other civilizations.

Brazil's rainforest district adjacency bonuses

Brazil’s rainforest district adjacency bonuses

Amazon is Brazil’s unique civ ability that makes rainforest tiles more appealing when playing with Pedro II in Civilization 6. This ability has a +1 appeal bonus for rainforest tiles. It also adds a +1-adjacency bonus for Campus, Theater Square, and Holy Site districts beside rainforest tiles. For example, you’ll receive +3 cultural yields for a Theater Square beside three rainforest tiles.

The standard Campus district already has a rainforest adjacency bonus. However, that adjacency bonus is +1 science for every two rainforests a Campus is beside. Amazon makes that +1-science district adjacency bonus for every rainforest when playing with Brazil.

Pedro II’s Unique Unit: Minas Geraes

The Minas Geraes is a unique Brazilian battleship from the Industrial Era you can deploy when playing with Pedro II in Civilization 6. This unit’s melee attack rating of 70 and ranged attack of 80 make it significantly better than the standard Battleship it replaces. Minas Geraes is also available one era sooner than the Battleship. It’s one of the best naval units in the game with which to assault coast cities.

The Minas Geraes battleship

The Minas Geraes battleship

Pedro II’s Unique Infrastructure: Street Carnival

Street Carnival is Brazil’s unique district replacement for the Entertainment Complex. This unique district provides +2 amenities, one more than the standard Entertainment Complex. It also has a unique Carnival Street project that gives you +1 amenity and additional great person points for engineers, merchants, and cultural figures.

The Street Carnival district

The Street Carnival district

How to Win with Pedro II in Civilization 6

Pedro II in Civilization 6 is a more appealing leader for players seeking cultural victories because of the advantage his Magnanimous bonus gives you for recruiting great persons. Recruiting great people for more great works that generate tourism is most important for securing a Cultural Victory. However, great scientists are also valuable for increasing science output and production for space race projects. So, culture or science are better victory conditions to play for with Brazil in that respect.

You can further increase your great person points advantage with Pedro II in Civilization 6 by selecting the Divine Spark pantheon. This pantheon belief has a +1 great person point bonus for Campus, Theater Squares, and Holy Sites in your civilization. To claim this pantheon or any other, you must amass more than 25 faith during the early game.

The great people recruitment screen

The great people recruitment screen

Look out for rainforest tiles when moving settlers to establish new settlements during the early game and later. The more settlements you’ve established near rainforests, the more you can benefit from Brazil’s Amazon civ ability. Try to set up more cities closer to rainforest tiles than you would usually when playing with Pedro II in Civilization 6. You can then stuff your Theater Squares and Campus districts beside more rainforests for higher adjacency bonuses.

Rainforest tiles also help rather than hinder the establishment of national parks and seaside resorts because they increase the appeal ratings of tiles beside them with Brazil’s Amazon civ ability. You’ll have better opportunities to set up seaside resorts on the coast and national parks inland alongside rainforest tiles. Build the Eiffel Tower wonder to further increase the appeal ratings of all your civilization’s tiles for seaside resorts and national parks.

The World Rankings sidebar

The World Rankings sidebar

Of course, how many rainforests there will be on a map is largely random. Rainforests are typically more central closer to the equator line. However, you can increase the number of rainforests by setting the Rainfall map setting to wet when starting a game for Brazil.

Don’t forget to add some Street Carnival districts to your cities when playing with Pedro II in Civilization 6. This will enable you to increase your great person points accumulation by completing that district’s unique Carnival projects. That’s a superior project to Theater Square Performances for gaining extra cultural great people points. Such extra points will enable you to recruit more cultural figures for stuffing your Theater Squares with art, literature, and music. 

The Carnival project tooltip info

The Carnival project tooltip info

To give yourself an even bigger great people points advantage for securing cultural or scientific victories with Brazil, select the Classical Republic government. Classical Republic has a legacy bonus that increases great people’s points accumulation by 15 percent. This bonus, combined with Magnanimous, will set you up nicely to recruit even more great cultural or scientific people.

Playing with Pedro II in Civilization 6 undoubtedly gives you a notable edge for recruiting great people. Brazil’s Amazon civ ability will also help you increase cultural and scientific yields with rainforest adjacency bonuses. So, it’s best to aim for a cultural or scientific victory when playing with the Brazilian leader.

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