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A Guide to Winning With Frederick Barbarossa of Germany in Civilization 6

This strategy guide discusses how players can win with Frederick Barbarossa of Germany in Civilization 6. Are you wondering what bonuses, infrastructure, and unique unit Frederick offers players? Or does victory with the Germans elude you? If it does, check out the guide to winning with Germany in Civilization 6 below.

A Guide to Winning With Frederick Barbarossa of Germany in Civilization 6

Frederick Barbarossa was a renowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (a collection of German states) from 1154. He was an emperor who led military campaigns against northern Italian states and supported the Second and Third Crusades to reclaim the holy lands for Christian countries. Frederick is one of the German leaders you can select to play with in Civilization 6. Germany in Civilization 6 is among the best civilizations in the game and offers significant industrial and military advantages for players who play with Frederick.

Frederick’s Bonuses: Holy Roman Empire and Free Imperial Cities

Frederick of Germany in Civilization 6 has a Holy Roman Empire leader bonus. This bonus gives you one extra military policy card slot for all governments, which is undeniably useful. Holy Roman Empire also gives your units a big +7-combat bonus against city-state militaries.

Free Imperial Cities is the German civilization bonus that enables you to build more districts. You can build one more district in a city than a population limit would usually allow. Thus, population limits are less restrictive on the number of districts you can build when playing with Germany in Civilization 6.

The Frederick description page

The Frederick description page

Frederick’s Unique Unit: U-Boat

The U-boat is the unique unit for Germany in Civilization 6 that replaces the standard Submarine. This unit has a melee attack rating of 65, which is the same as the Submarine unit it replaces. However, German U-boats have a +10-combat bonus when fighting in ocean tiles. It is also slightly cheaper to build and has an extended +3 sight rating.

A German U-boat

A German U-boat

Frederick’s Unique Infrastructure: Hansa

Germany’s Hansa district is among the best unique infrastructure in Civilization 6. Hansa is a district that replaces the Industrial Zone. You can build this German district more quickly because it has a production cost of 27, which is half that of the standard Industrial Zone.

What sets the Hansa apart is its unique adjacency bonuses. The Hansa has a +2 production adjacency bonus when placed beside a Commercial Hub (along with the standard +1 bonus for two adjacent districts). It also offers a +1 production bonus for each adjacent resource. That includes all types of resources, making it a very valuable district adjacency bonus.

The Hansa district

The Hansa district

How to Win With Frederick of Germany in Civilization 6

Domination is one of the best victory conditions to aim for when playing with Germany in Civilization 6. This is largely because of the extra military policy card slot Frederick’s Holy Roman Empire bonus gives you. You can use that extra card slot to select a useful additional policy for your military campaigns throughout the game.

Select a military-orientated government when playing for a Domination Victory with Germany in Civilization 6. Oligarchy is the best military government to choose in the early game, and Fascism is the best overall. You’ll have five military card slots with Fascism when playing with Germany. You can increase that to six by building the Forbidden City Wonder, which gives you an extra wildcard slot. Having six military policy cards will be invaluable for securing a Domination Victory.

Policy card slots for Germany

Policy card slots for Germany

Craftsmen is a good military policy card to select when playing with Germany in Civilization 6. That policy gives you a 100 percent Industrial Zone adjacency bonus. It will effectively double Hansa’s great unique district adjacency bonuses.

Germany’s +7 combat bonus is useful for fighting city-states aligned with civilizations you’re at war with. However, generally attacking city-states for the sake of expansion isn’t always a good idea. Capturing city-states will reduce the number of envoys and Suzerain bonuses available. So, don’t capture the best city-states in Civilization 6 at least.

The Hansa district enables you to establish super-productive cities when playing with Germany in Civilization 6. Research Industrialization ASAP to unlock Industrial Zones sooner rather than later. Build plenty of Commercial Hubs so you can maximize Hansa’s adjacency bonus. Try to build Hansa’s between two Commercial Hubs for different cities to get a +4-adjacency bonus, which doubles to eight with the Craftsman policy selected.

A Hansa between two Commercial Hubs

A Hansa between two Commercial Hubs

Germany’s productivity advantage will enable you to push out military units more quickly than other civilizations when playing for a Domination Victory. However, greater productivity is also important for securing a Science Victory because you’ve got to build Spaceports and complete five space projects. So, Germany in Civilization 6 is also a good choice for winning space races even though it doesn’t offer any science-related bonuses.

You can further increase your chances of winning a Space Victory with Germany in Civilization 6 by sending envoys to scientific and industrial city-states, which is why it’s better to leave them on the map. Send envoys to establish a Suzerain in Hong Kong when you can. Doing this will give you a 20 percent productivity bonus for space city projects. This Suzerain bonus, combined with some super-productive German cities, will enable you to complete space projects quicker than most civilizations.

Overall, Frederick of Germany in Civilization 6 is a good leader choice for players seeking to win games through military and industrial might. His leader bonus will give you an edge for military campaigns. Germany’s Hansa district will increase your civilization’s overall productivity, which is good for any victory condition but most importantly winning space races.

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