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9 Total War: Medieval War 2 Tips For Campaigns

This Total War: Medieval War 2 guide includes some campaign game tips. Are your campaigns falling short of victory requirements in Medieval War 2? If so, check out the Total War: Medieval War 2 tips for campaigns below to get yourself on the path to victory.

9 Total War: Medieval War 2 Tips For Campaigns

Total War: Medieval War 2 has a variety of grand and short campaigns players can now play on Android and iOS mobile devices, as well as Windows PCs. The game includes 17 playable factions to battle it with across Europe, the Middle East, and some North Africa. Building a mighty empire during the Middle Ages can be tricky when you must deal with raging Mongol hordes, plagues, and crusades while you’re at it. Here are some Total War: Medieval War 2 tips for completing campaigns.

Read also: 8 Total War: Medieval 2 Tips For Battles

Build and Upgrade Roads For All Your Settlements

Roads are something you should build and upgrade in all your settlements because they offer military and economic benefits. Adding roads to regions increases unit movement range, enabling you to move armies around more quickly within your territory. They also increase land trade income. An expansive road network will make your empire an altogether stronger one.

A paved road

A paved road

Don’t Build Too Many Inns and Brothels

Although inns and brothels improve public order, they also cause your generals to acquire negative traits that can adversely affect their governance. Thus, building inns or brothels in all your settlements won’t do your generals much good. It’s best not to build brothels or inns in settlements where generals are stationed. If you must build some, add them to your cities that don’t have generals in them.

A brothel

A brothel

Keep an Eye on Public Order in Your Settlements

Public order in your settlements is something you must pay close attention to in Total War: Medieval War 2 campaigns. Riots stem from low public order, which can result in uprisings and the loss of regions if you’re not careful. To prevent such things from happening, make sure you keep public order in all your settlements above the red mark by stationing more units in them, adding more buildings that improve order and law, and lowering taxes if necessary.

Note this doesn’t mean you need to build inns and brothels as advised against. Instead, add more religious buildings like churches to your settlements. You can also improve public order by building entertainment buildings like theatres later in the game. Building and upgrading city walls is another way you can boost order.

Public order info for a settlement

Public order info for a settlement

Don’t Make Too Many Enemies

Fighting wars on too many fronts is a recipe for disaster in Total War: Medieval War 2, especially during the early game. This can leave you having to defend your settlements against multiple simultaneous attacks from numerous factions, which makes it somewhat harder to effectively hold them all. Avoid fighting more than two wars at a time during campaigns so you can focus all your military resources on defeating one or two factions.

Of course, factions will sometimes declare war against you as well. If three or four factions do declare war against you, try to establish ceasefires with some of them. Be prepared to offer single payments to make peace with stronger factions when they reject basic ceasefires. It’s worth doing so since fighting fewer enemies will make life easier.

An army attacking an enemy

An army attacking an enemy

Merge Depleted Units

You’ll often have lots of depleted units after fighting grueling battles. A heavily depleted unit with less than 20 soldiers in it won’t be much use for further combat. The best thing to do with heavily depleted units (other than pay to repair) is to bring them back to full strength by merging them with others. You can do that on the mobile TW: Medieval 2 version by tapping and holding your finger on a unit card and dragging it over another you want to merge it with.

The other option is to pay to repair depleted units in settlements that include the required military buildings for recruiting them, which is more expensive. It’s best to do that for depleted units with higher experience ratings, which gives them attack and defense bonuses. Merging can reduce a unit’s experience when combined with another with a lower rating. So, paying to repair units will preserve their experience ratings.

Keep Your Settlements Growing

Bigger populations amount to more tax revenue! So, make sure you keep your settlements’ populations growing, as highlighted by the little green man sign beside their names. To do that, build farms in cities with zero or negative growth. Upgrading city walls and lowering taxes are other ways to facilitate city growth when needed. The latter will, of course, reduce tax revenue, so only consider that option if nothing else works.

Population growth info

Population growth info

Trade With Everybody You Can

Establishing trade agreements with other factions is a great way to boost your economy in Total War: Medieval Total War II. One of the first things you should do in a campaign is recruit a few diplomats to explore the map and establish trade agreements with as many factions as you can find to kick-start your economy. Accept trade agreements from all factions that offer them to you as well.

In addition to that, build and upgrade marketplaces and port buildings in all your settlements to further boost trade income. Then you’ll reap the riches of a booming economy during your Total War: Medieval II campaign!

Don’t Waste Time

Time can be your biggest enemy in Total War: Medieval 2 campaigns. You have 225 turns to capture 45 regions in grand campaigns. This means you need to aim to capture at least one settlement on an average of every five turns to complete a campaign (225 divided by 45 equals five). If you don’t hold more than 20 regions after 100 turns, you’re not on course to complete a grand campaign.

Faction victory condition info

Faction victory condition info

Therefore, you can’t afford to waste too much time during campaigns. To save time, try to capture settlements as quickly as possible without besieging them for many turns; only besiege settlements for protracted periods when you really must do so. Make sure you’ve got strong enough armies to take targeted settlements, for defeats in siege battles will cost you time and money.

Try to Keep the Pope Happy

The pope is the spiritual leader of the Catholic world. So, it’s worth staying in his good books for the sake of avoiding excommunication from the Catholic Church. Excommunication will cause a general drop in public order across your faction’s settlements, potentially leading to uprisings and rebellions. Even worse is the prospect of the pope calling a crusade against you after excommunication, resulting in multiple countries declaring war on your faction with a specific settlement targeted.

Thus, excommunication can cause some big problems for a Catholic faction. To avoid it, be prepared to refrain from attacking in your wars when the pope calls for a temporary cessation of hostilities. Yes, this can be annoying when the pope does it quite often; but you can continue crushing the enemy when the ceasefire period expires (typically three to six turns). It’s also a good idea to go to war with non-Catholic factions. The pope won’t give a dime when you’re waging war against non-Catholic countries.

Papal standing info

Papal standing info

If you must defy a pope’s request that will result in ex-communication, request reconciliation afterwards. Be prepared to offer some (or even a lot) of money to the Papal States for the sake of reconciliation. Either that or be prepared to face battles against crusading armies.

Sticking to those Total War: Medieval War 2 tips for campaigns will give you a better chance of fulfilling their required victory objectives. Getting things right on the campaign map will make it easier to crush your foes on the battlefield. Good luck, and have fun playing Total War: Medieval War 2.

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