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9 of the Best Countries in Europa Universalis 4 for Beginners

This guide tells you about some of the strongest countries to play with in Europa Universalis 4. There’s a huge selection of countries to choose from in EU 4. If you’re not sure what nation to play with, take your pick from the best countries in Europa Universalis 4 for beginners listed below.

9 of the Best Countries in Europa Universalis 4 for Beginners

Europa Universalis 4 includes hundreds of countries (or nations) for players to choose from, many of which aren’t recognizable today. History itself is a good guide to assist your selection of country to play with from 1444 up to the early 19th century. For beginner players, it’s best to play with the strongest countries in the world of 1444. You can rack up better historic scores with the strongest nations in the game. These are some of the best countries in Europa Universalis 4 for beginners to get started with.

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Many beginner players might overlook playing with Venice because of its small geographical size. However, size can be deceptive for Venice dominates one of the most lucrative trading nodes in the game. In real history, Venice carved out an expansive Mediterranean empire for itself; and you can do the same with this nation (or city) state in Europa Universalis 4. It’s also one of the strongest Italian states with which you can form Italy.




Portugal is one of the best-placed countries for colonial empire building in Europa Universals 4. It’s the closest European country to both Americas, which gives you an advantage for colonizing those continents. Portugal also offers a great pathway to expand into Africa by conquering Morrocco across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Neighboring Castille can also be a strong ally for Portugal. It’s easy to establish a Portuguese alliance with Castille, a country that creates a big buffer between Portugal and the rest of Europe. A Portuguese/Spanish alliance can be very potent, enabling you to defeat nearby Morrocco with ease. Plus, Castille will protect Portugal’s borders from other European nations.

Portugal and Castille

Portugal and Castille


Castille is Portugal’s big brother and the primary country with which you can form modern-day Spain. It’s another of the best European countries for colonizing the American continents thanks to its expansive coastline and southwestern geographical location. Why do you think Columbus was among the first explorers to discover America?

Or you can go a very different historic route by expanding Castille into continental Europe north of the Pyrenees. Such north-easterly expansion could draw Castille into conflict with France. However, the dominance of Western Europe is there for taking with Castile if you can subdue the annoying French and smash the English states outside of Britain.


England is by far the strongest of the British states with which you can form the United Kingdom. Although not quite so well geographically placed for colonization of Africa and South America as Portugal and Castille, England is among the best countries to play with for building an empire in the Western Hemisphere. A good way to play England is to follow the country’s actual historic path to establish the world’s largest colonial empire by colonizing North America, Australia, parts of Asia, and Africa.




France in 1444 doesn’t look much like the France we know and love today. However, it’s still one of the strongest European nations in Europa Universalis 4. The most obvious thing to do when you’re the French is to establish the borders of modern-day France. Then you’re very well placed to go on the rampage throughout Europe in a victorious Napoleon-style conquest of the continent.

However, you can also look far beyond Europe for empire-building with France. As one of the most Western European countries, France is well placed to reach the New World sooner rather than later. North America is there for the taking with France if you focus more on colonial-empire building rather than European expansion. You can grab the Pacific territories from there to make your French empire complete.




If you fancy starting with a country outside of Europe, Ming is one of the best choices for new players. Ming is the closest thing to the country of China in Europa Universalis 4 and one of the biggest starting nations in the game. It’s surrounded by weak neighbors, which makes expansion in the Far East more straightforward. You can’t form the People’s Republic of China in EU 4 with Ming, but you can establish Qing (a Chinese imperial dynasty) with equivalent modern-day borders.

The potential for expansion with Ming is considerable. The whole of Asia is at your fingertips when playing with Ming. That includes Siberia, which is also open for colonization if you can get there before the pesky Russians.




We all love the Russians, right? Well, maybe not (or Putin at least), but Muscovy is the best Russian state candidate with which to form Russia. Muscovy is already a big starting country in EU 4, but you can make it much bigger still with continental expansion east and west into Asia and Europe. You can have lots of fun smashing smaller states in Eastern Europe and peacefully settle the open lands of Siberia with Muscovy to form the world’s largest country.

However, Muscovy isn’t a good choice for colonizing the Americas and Africa. This country doesn’t even have a coastline to start with. So, it’s best to play with one of the Western European coastal nations for overseas empire-building.




Austria is one of the larger central European countries in Europa Universalis 4, with a large army cap. This country houses the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, Austria is one of the best candidates for forming the Holy Roman Empire in central Europe with centralization reforms.

Austria offers numerous routes of expansion. A war against neighboring Venice for dominance of lucrative Adriatic trade is winnable with Austria. Defeating the Venetians could pave the way for an Austrian conquest of the Italian peninsula. An alliance or union with Hungary will enable you to boss Eastern Europe with Austria.




Ottomans is the Turkish empire and another of the largest states in Europa Universalis 4. It’s surrounded by weak nations, such as what’s left of Byzantium, Albania, and Candar, that you can gobble up with ease in the early game. The Ottoman Empire is well placed geographically to dominate the Middle East or expand northwest into the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Plus, you can get a strong foothold in Africa from the north when playing with the Ottomans.



However, playing with the Ottomans isn’t necessarily a piece of cake. The country’s borders are open to attack from the east and west. Hungary and Mamluks pose some threat to the Ottomans from the north and south. So, you can get into a pickle if you don’t handle your international relations right with the Ottomans. If you need some tips, check out this KeenGamer Ottomans guide.

Those are some of the best countries in Europa Universalis 4 for EU 4 beginners to enjoy the game with. Seven are tier one nations (two are tier two) with the highest quantity of flavor vital for EU 4 gameplay. They’re all reasonably affluent countries with useful national ideas that give you a great springboard for continental or colonial empire-building. So, beginners will have a better chance of racking up higher historic scores with those nations.

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