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9 Farlight 84 Tips and Tricks for Beginners

This playing guide includes some tips for Farlight 84’s battle royale matches. Have you recently added the Farlight 84 game to your tablet, smartphone, or Windows PC? If you have, the Farlight 84 tips and tricks below may help you win more matches.

9 Farlight 84 Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Farlight 84 is a relatively new battle royale game Miracle Games released in 2023 for Windows PC and the Android/iOS mobile platforms. The Farlight 84 game is a team-based battle royale shooter with unique hero characters for players to choose from, which makes it comparable to games like Apex Legends and Overwatch. It has pulsating fast-paced gameplay with up to 60 players battling it out until only one team is left standing. Here are some Farlight 84 tips and tricks for emerging victorious in that game’s battle royale matches.

Stick With Teammates

Farlight 84 is a team-orientated battle royale game in which teamplay is more important than Fortnite and PUBG. Going solo in four-player squad matches puts you at a disadvantage since you’ll likely end up in dogfights against enemy teams with nobody nearby to help you. Try to stay reasonably close to your teammates during matches so you can all help each other throughout matches by providing support fire against nearby enemies and reviving allies when required.

A squad of four players falling to the map.

A squad of four players falling to the map.

Don’t Respawn at the Same Place You Just Got Killed At

Farlight 84 enables you to respawn once during the first half of matches after getting killed. When falling to the map again, you choose where to respawn by picking your landing spot. Landing at the same spot where an enemy previously killed you is often a bad idea because you’ll be poorly equipped with only one gun and a small amount of ammunition to immediately resume fighting enemies. Try to respawn in areas where there aren’t any enemies about to give yourself more time to stock up on guns, ammunition, medic kits, and shields.

Take to the High Ground

Standing on higher ground, such as elevated terrain, cliffsides, and rooftops, will enable you to see more of the surrounding map. This will give you a crucial advantage since you’ll usually spot enemies before they see you when standing atop higher buildings or terrain. Getting hits on an unsuspecting enemy from the high ground often results in a kill. Taking to the high ground is even more advantageous when you’ve got a decent gun scope attachment, enabling you to shoot more accurately at enemies in the distance.

Shooting from a rooftop.

Shooting from a rooftop.

Run Up Walls

All heroes in Farlight 84 can run up walls a short distance, which is useful for getting onto rooftops. To do a wall run, jump right in front of a wall and press up on the thumbstick or keyboard while in the air. You can also do a wall run by using your jetpack in front of a wall and pressing up when in the air. Performing a wall run will enable you to get on low-building roofs without wasting your jetpack. Combine the wall run with your jet pack to get on the roofs of two-storey buildings.

Use the Launchpads in Carnivale

Carnivale is the biggest urban location on the Sunset City map that includes a big tower in its approximate center. That tower is surrounded by a few launchpads that will propel you high into the air. Utilize those launchpads to get on top of Carnivale’s tower or other building rooftops. The tower is one of the best sniping positions on the map to shoot down enemies beneath you.

Targeting an enemy from atop the tower in Carnivale.

Targeting an enemy from atop the tower in Carnivale.

Shoot From Cover Positions

Cover is just as important in Farlight 84 as in many other battle royale games. Rocks, trees, and walls are all suitable cover positions to shoot from. Doing so will enable you to hide behind cover and heal yourself with medic kits when you’ve taken serious damage from return fire. You can also duck behind cover for a few seconds to reload a gun when needed.

A player crouching behind a rock.

A player crouching behind a rock.

Dodge Gunfire With Your Jetpack

Cover is just as important in Farlight 84 as in many other battle royale games. Rocks, trees, and walls are all suitable cover positions to shoot from. Doing so will enable you to hide behind cover and heal yourself with medic kits when you’ve taken serious damage from return fire. You can also duck behind cover for a few seconds to reload a gun when needed.

Set a High Frame Rate

Playing any battle royale game at a higher frame rate is important for gameplay performance. A higher frame rate means smoother, more responsive gameplay and lowers input lag. So, select an optimal frame rate setting for your mobile device or PC on Farlight 84’s graphics tab.

Frame rate settings

Frame rate settings

Don’t Carry Two Guns That Utilize the Same Ammunition

Farlight 84 includes submachines, shotguns, sniper rifles, and assault rifles weapons for you to pick up. Never carry two guns of the same type because they’ll both use up the same type of ammunition. Carrying two different gun types increases your overall ammunition pool. It’s best to equip a submachine gun for shorter-distance combat and another weapon for longer-range shooting, such as a sniper or assault rifle with some scope.

Those Farlight 84 tips and tricks will give you a better chance of victory or at least surviving longer in the battle royale matches. Good luck, and have fun playing Farlight 84.

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