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8 Ways to Increase Tile Appeal in Civilization 6

This playing guide discusses how players can increase tile appeal ratings in Civilization 6. Are you wondering how you can make your tiles more appealing in Civ 6 and why you should do so? If so, check out the ways you can increase tile appeal in Civilization 6 in the guide below.

 8 Ways to Increase Tile Appeal in Civilization 6

Civilization 6‘s maps are full of tiles with variable terrains and features. All land tiles also have an appeal rating for how naturally attractive they are. Tile appeal in Civilization 6 is an adjacency bonus with five levels ranging from disgusting to breathtaking. These five levels are based on numerical values ranging from -4 to +4. Tile appeal ratings affect tourism and housing in Civ 6. Here we’ll look at the ways you can increase tile appeal in Civilization 6.

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Why is Tile Appeal in Civilization 6 Important?

Tile appeal in Civilization 6 is of primary importance for players seeking to secure the Culture Victory condition because it directly affects seaside resorts and national park tourist attractions. You can only add seaside resorts to tiles with the maximum breathtaking tile values. National parks have a tile appeal requirement of charming or higher. Thus, you can set up more seaside resorts and national parks in your civilization by increasing tile appeal.

Tile appeal in Civilization 6 also affects the tourism generated by the national parks and seaside resorts. The higher the tile appeal rating, the more tourism those attractions will generate. Seaside resorts also generate more gold based on their tile appeal value.

Highlighted tiles for a national park

Highlighted tiles for a national park

Tiles also affect the amount of houses Neighborhood districts provide. A Neighborhood district built on a breathtaking tile will provide a maximum of six houses. Neighborhoods on disgusting tiles only provide a minimum of two additional houses for a city.

You can view tile appeal in Civilization 6 by hovering your cursor over the tiles to reveal tooltip info for them. There’s also a lens map filter that applies tile colors to highlight their appeal values. These are the tile appeal value categories in Civ 6:

  • 4 or more: breathtaking
  • 2 or 3: charming
  • -1 to 1: average
  • -3 to -2: uninviting
  • -4 or less: disgusting
The Appeal lens filter

The Appeal lens filter

So, increasing tile appeal in Civilization 6 will give you better Neighborhood districts and more areas to set up seaside resorts and national parks. These are eight ways you can increase tile appeal in Civilization 6.

Build the Eiffel Tower

Building the Eiffel Tower is the easiest and best way to generally increase the appeal of all tiles within your nation. The Eiffel Tower provides a +2-appeal value bonus for all tiles in your civilization’s borders. So, this is a good wonder for players seeking the Culture Victory since it will likely increase the number of national parks and seaside resorts you can set up.

Remove Rainforests, Marshes, and Floodplains

Rainforests, marshes, and floodplains are terrain features with a -1 appeal adjacency value. This means they’ll reduce the appeal of any tile next to them by -1. Thus, removing rainforests, marshes, and floodplains will increase the appeal of tiles around them. 

The jungle terrain feature

The jungle terrain feature

Repair Damaged Improvements

Barbarians will often damage title improvements for your cities when they get the chance by pillaging them. Pillaged improvements have a negative -1 appeal value for adjacent tiles. So, repairing damaged improvements will enhance the appeal of all adjacent tiles.

Plant Woods

Woods are a natural terrain feature you can add to tiles with Builder units after unlocking the Conservation civic. Each new wood planted increases their adjacent tiles’ appeal value by +1. An old wood always there also gains an additional +1 appeal boost for the tile it’s on with Conservation unlocked.

A forest tile

A forest tile

Raise Tile Appeal With Charles Correa

Charles Correa is a great engineer with a unique ability to increase the appeal of a city’s tiles. Activating Correa in an Industrial Zone will give all that city’s tiles a +2-appeal value boost. So, purchase Correa with gold or faith via patronage to give one settlement’s tile appeal a boost.

Add Château or Sphinx’s to Tiles

The Château and Sphinx are two unique tile improvements for France and Egypt. These unique improvements have a +1-tile appeal adjacency bonus. So, adding more of them to tiles when playing with France of Egypt will enhance the appeal of those around them.

Remove Improvements That Diminish Tile Appeal

Adding some improvements to tiles will also diminish their appeal in Civilization 6. Mines, quarries, oil wells, and offshore rigs are four tile improvements with negative -1 appeal values for adjacent tiles. Removing those improvements with Builder units will raise the appeal of tiles beside them.

Mined tiles

Mined tiles

Build Theater Squares, Entertainment Complexes, and Holy Sites

Districts can have positive and negative effects on tile appeal in Civilization 6. Theater Squares, Entertainment Complexes, and Holy Sites are three districts that increase the appeal ratings for tiles next to them by +1. Building such districts side-by-side can have a cumulative +3 appeal increase for one tile beside all of them.

Industrial Zones, Encampments, and Aerodromes are the districts that have a negative adjacency effect on tile appeal in Civilization 6. However, you can’t delete districts after building them. So, don’t build those districts beside any tiles for which you need to maintain higher appeal ratings.

Increasing tile appeal in Civilization 6 with the methods above will make your nation more appealing to visitors. Don’t ignore tile appeal when playing for a cultural victory. Make your tiles sparkle to fill your nation with national parks, seaside resorts, and more housing from Neighbourhood districts.

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