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8 Ways to Accumulate More Civilization 6 Great People Points

This guide tells you about ways players can increase Civilization 6 great people point accumulation. Do you want to recruit more great people in your Civ 6 games? If so, check out the ways you can increase point accumulation for recruiting great people in Civilization 6 below.

8 Ways to Accumulate More Civilization 6 Great People Points

Great people are historically significant figures you can recruit in Civilization 6. There are great merchants, scientists, generals, admirals, musicians, authors, prophets, and engineers, all of whom have unique ability effects. Great persons are especially important for securing a cultural victory, but recruiting more can be helpful for all victory conditions. You can recruit great people faster by increasing great person points accumulation per turn. These are eight ways you can increase your Civilization 6 great people points accumulation per turn.

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Build Wonders With GPP Bonuses

Numerous wonders of the world offer bonuses for increasing your Civilization 6 great people points per turn. So, building more wonders with GPP bonuses is one way you can increase your great person points per turn. These are some of the wonders that have GPP bonuses:

  • Colossus: +1 great admiral point per turn
  • Broadway: +3 great author and +3 great musician points per turn
  • Great Library: +1 great scientist point per turn
  • Great Lighthouse: +1 great admiral point per turn
  • Great Zimbabwe: +2 great merchant points per turn
  • Hermitage: +3 great artist points per turn
  • Oxford: +3 great scientist points per turn
  • Sydney Opera: +5 great musician points per turn
  • Terracotta Army: +2 great general points per turn
  • Venetian Arsenal: +2 great engineer points per turn
  • Big Ben: +3 great merchant points per turn
  • Bolshoi Theater: +2 great author points per turn and +2 great musician points per turn
  • Alhambra: +1 great general point per turn

So, build wonders that increase points per turn for the type of great persons you need more. For example, Bolshoi Theater, Syndey Opera, and Broadway are better for players who need cultural great persons. However, it’s better to build Oxford University or Great Library to generate more points for scientists when pursuing a Science Victory.

The Oxford wonder description

The Oxford wonder description

Become a Republic

Classical Republic is a government in Civilization 6 with a legacy bonus that gives you 15 percent more great people points per turn. So, selecting the Republic to be your government will increase your Civilization 6 great people points per turn accumulation. America’s legacy civ ability also enhances that Republic bonus effect further.

The government selection screen

The government selection screen

Select Wildcard Policy Cards

Numerous wildcard policy cards will increase your Civilization 6 great people points per turn. You can use your wildcard slots for any type of card, but selecting the purple policies for great people is another way to increase points for them. The Democracy, Monarchy, and Fascism governments enable you to select up to two wildcard policies for increasing GPP points. However, you can increase that to three wildcard slots by building the Forbidden City wonder. These are some of the best cards for increasing points for great people.

  • Military Organization: +4 great general points per turn
  • Symphonies: +4 great musician points per turn
  • Laissez Faire: +4 great merchant points per turn
  • Nobel Prize: +4 great scientist points per turn
  • Revelation: +2 great prophet points per turn
Wildcard policies in Civilization 6

Wildcard policies in Civilization 6

Build More Districts

Building industrial, scientific, cultural, military, and religious districts will increase your Civilization 6 great people points accumulation. This can be considered a natural way to increase great people points per turn because all players will build districts. These are the great people points per turn you’ll receive from different districts:

  • Theater Square: +1 great author points per turn, +1 great artist point per turn, and +1 great musician point per turn
  • Encampment: +1 great general points per turn
  • Campus: +1 great scientist points per turn
  • Commercial Hub: +1 great merchant points per turn
  • Harbor: +1 great admiral points per turn
  • Temple: +1 great prophet points per turn
  • Industrial Zone: +1 great engineer points per turn

Build More District Buildings

Buildings built in districts generate at least one great person point per turn. These buildings generate the same type of great person points as their districts. For example, the Stock Exchange in a Commercial Hub generates +1 great merchant points per turn. So, stuffing many districts with buildings for them is one of the best ways to increase Civilization 6 great people points per turn.

The Research Lab building description

The Research Lab building description

Complete District Projects

Completing district projects is a sometimes-overlooked way to accumulate more Civilization 6 great people points. When you’ve unlocked the required civics and tech, try selecting some district projects in your cities that will provide great people points when completed. You’ll receive great people points for each project completed. The points received from projects amount to a percentage of their production cost, which is typically 22 percent at standard game speed. These are the district projects with great person point bonuses:

  • Campus Research Grants
  • Commercial Hub Investment
  • Encampment Training
  • Harbor Shipping
  • Holy Site Prayers
  • Industrial Zone Logistics
  • Theater Square Performances
The projects selection sidebar

The projects selection sidebar

Select the Divine Spark Pantheon

Divine Spark is one of the best pantheon beliefs you can select during the early game after accumulating 25 faith. This pantheon gives you +1 great person points for each Temple, Campus, and Theater Square district built in your civilization. You’ll receive +1 great writer points for each Theater Square. Thus, Divine Spark is a good pantheon for players seeking religious, cultural, or scientific victories because of the Civilization 6 great people point bonus it offers.

Select the Pingala City Governor (Rise and Fall)

Players with the Rise and Fall expansion for Civilization 6 can select city governors. Pingala is a governor with a Grants promotion that provides a 100% percent increase for great people points generated per turn in his city. So, you can double the great person points accumulated in a city by selecting Pingala to be its governor. Select Pingala to be governor of one of your biggest cities that generates more Civilization 6 great people points for best effect.

You can now recruit more great persons by increasing your Civilization 6 great people point accumulation as covered above. Aside from that, you can purchase patronage grants for great people with gold and faith to recruit more of them. Recruiting more great people will give you more handy bonus effects to activate during your Civ 6 games.

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