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11 Ways to Increase Your Civilization 6 Faith Output

Our guide tells you about the numerous ways you can increase your Civilization 6 faith output. Higher faith output amounts to more religious units in Sid Meier’s Civ 6 game. So, check out the ways you can amass more faith below for securing the Religious Victory condition in Civilization 6.

11 Ways to Increase Your Civilization 6 Faith Output

Civilization 6 faith is a kind of like a second currency with which you can primarily purchase religious units and buildings. You can also recruit Naturalists and more great people to your civilization with faith, which makes it useful for securing a cultural victory. High faith output is crucial to winning the Religious Victory since it enables you to recruit more Missionary and Apostle units for foreign city conversion. These are most of the ways you can increase your Civilization 6 faith output.

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Build Holy Sites

The most obvious way to increase your Civilization 6 faith output is to build more Holy Sites. Each Holy Site generates +2 faith per its specialist citizens. You further increase their faith yields by building Holy Site districts beside natural wonders, mountains, and woods for adjacency bonuses.

Build Worship Buildings for Your Religion

Shrines and Temples are religious buildings that increase faith yields you can always build at Holy Sites. However, worship buildings are tier-three structures you can only build by selecting a worship belief for your civilization’s established religion. Nine alternative tier-three worship buildings for different religions generate at least +3 faith. However, the Synagogue increases faith output by +5 for each Holy Site.

A worship building

A worship building

Select the Faith Optimizer Option for City Yields

The city interface in Civilization 6 includes six yield optimization options for food, culture, science, gold, production, and faith. You can increase your Civilization 6 faith output for a city by selecting the faith radio button. Select that option on its own for maximum faith optimization.

Obtain Resources with Faith Yields

Four luxury resources in Civilization 6 have +1 faith yield bonuses. Those resources are Dyes, Incense, Pearls, and Tobacco. So, keep an eye out for those resources on the map and try to establish settlements close to them. Also, purchase any tiles that include those resources to absorb them into your civilization sooner rather than later.

The Incense resource

The Incense resource

Select Religious Policy Cards

There are government policy cards that increase Civilization 6 faith output when selected. Of those, Simultaneum is one of the most essential to select because it increases faith output for your Holy Site buildings by 100 percent. This means it doubles faith output for all Holy Site buildings, which amounts to one of the most significant boosts. These are some of the policy cards that boost faith accumulation:

  • Scripture: Doubles Holy Sites��� faith adjacency bonuses
  • Triangular Trade: +1 faith for all trade routes
  • Holy Sites: 50 percent faith boost for cities with populations higher than 15
  • Raj: +2 faith from
  • God King: +1 faith in your capital city

Select a Pantheon With a Faith Bonus

A pantheon is a belief you can select after accumulating 25 faith during the early game. You can increase your Civilization 6 faith output by selecting a pantheon with a religion bonus. These are the pantheons with faith bonuses:

  • Stone Circles: +2 faith yields for quarry tile improvements
  • Religious Idols: +2 faith yields for mines on luxury and strategic resources
  • Sacred Path: +1 faith yields for rainforest tiles adjacent to your Holy Sites
  • Desert Folklore: +1 faith yields for desert tiles adjacent to your Holy Sites
  • Dance of the Aurora: +1 faith yields for tundra tiles adjacent to your Holy Sites
  • Earth Goddess: +1 faith yields for all tiles in your nation with charming or breathtaking appeal
  • Initiation Rites: +50 faith for barbarian outputs cleared

Build Wonders With Faith Bonuses

There are numerous religious-orientated wonders of the world with faith yield bonuses for players who build them. So, building some of those wonders will increase your per-turn faith output. These are the wonders with faith yield bonuses in the vanilla Civilization 6 game:

  • Hagia Sophia: +4 faith
  • Jebel Barkal: +4 faith for all city centers within six tiles of this wonder
  • Angkor Wat: +2 faith
  • Mahabodhi Temple: +4 faith
  • Potala Palace: +3 faith
  • Stonehenge: +2 faith
  • Oracle: +1 faith
  • Mont St. Michel: +2 faith
The description for the Hagia Sophia

The description for the Hagia Sophia

Establish Settlements Near Natural Wonders

Natural wonders are those breathtaking landscapes you’ll occasionally discover when playing Civilization 6. Crater Lake, Dead Sea, Mount Everest, and Uluru are four natural wonders that have base or adjacency faith yield tiles bonuses. Establish settlements near those natural wonders so you can reap the benefits from their faith bonuses. These are the faith yield bonuses those natural wonders have:

  • Crater Lake: +5 base faith yield
  • Dead Sea: +2 base faith yield
  • Mount Everest: +1 faith yields for adjacent city tiles
  • Uluru: +2 faith yields for adjacent city tiles
The Crater Lake natural wonder

The Crater Lake natural wonder

Build Unique Tile Improvements

Spain, Egypt, and Scythia are civilizations with unique tile improvements that generate faith yields. Those are improvements you can quickly add to most tile terrains for an easy faith boost. These are the Spanish, Egyptian, and Scythian unique tile improvements you can build to increase your Civilization 6 faith output.

  • Mission (Spain): +2 faith and +2 faith bonus on different continents to your capital
  • Kurgan (Scythia): +1 faith and +1 faith bonus for each adjacent pasture
  • Sphinx (Egypt): +1 faith and +1 faith bonus when adjacent to wonders
The Mission unique improvement

The Mission unique improvement

Send Envoys to Religious City-States

Sending envoys to religious city-states is a good way to increase faith yields. Kandy, Jerusalem, La Venta, Yerevan, are the four religious states you can send envoys to. Six of your envoys at a religious city-state will increase your capital’s faith yield by five and a further four at all your other cities with Holy Site districts. You can also receive religious Suzerain bonuses by having the most envoys in those city-states.

The city-state sidebar

The city-state sidebar

Trade For Higher Faith Yields

Trading is yet another way you can increase your Civilization 6 faith yields. Trade routes to foreign cities with Holy Sites have faith yields. You can also increase that by selecting the Triangular Trade policy card that gives all your trade routes a +1-faith yield bonus.

Playing with Spain is an even better way to amass faith with trade routes. Span has a unique Treasure Fleet civ ability that gives your trade a +2-faith bonus, which triples to +6 for trade routes between continents. You can have international trade routes with +7 or +8 faith yields by selecting the Triangular Trade policy card when playing with Spain.

The trade sidebar

The trade sidebar

You can establish a religiously rich nation by booting your Civilization 6 faith yields with the methods above. This will enable you to buy many more units for spreading your civilization’s religion faster. Or you can invest your higher faith output for recruiting more cultural, scientific, industrial, and economic great people with patronage.

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