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10 Ways to Increase Your Civilization 6 Production in Cities

Here we look at ways players can increase cities’ productivity in Sid Meir’s Civilization 6. Are your settlements’ production yields generally low in Civ 6? If so, check out the ways you can increase your Civilization 6 production in the guide below to make your cities more productive.

10 Ways to Increase Your Civilization 6 Production in Cities

Productivity determines the speed at which your cities can build things in Civilization 6. It’s important to have more productive cities for all Civilization 6 victory conditions since higher production enables you to build (or recruit) more quickly. Greater production is especially important for completing space race projects quicker to secure a scientific victory. Each city in your civilization has a productivity yield you can increase in various ways. These are some of the ways you can increase your Civilization 6 production for more productive cities.

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Build Industrial Zones (With Adjacency Bonuses)

Building more Industrial Zones is one of the more obvious ways to increase your Civilization 6 production. Each Industrial Zone has a +2 production citizen yield. However, the Workshop, Factory, Power Plant, and Nuclear Plant buildings in them will considerably increase production in your cities.

Don’t forget that Industrial Zones have good adjacency bonuses with which you can further boost your Civilization 6 production. Place your Industrial Zones beside two other districts, quarries, mines, or lumber mills for better production yields. There’s also a +1 production adjacency bonus for placing Industrial Zones beside strategic resources.

A German Industrial Zone

A German Industrial Zone

Send Envoys to Industrial City-States

Establishing envoys is always a good way to increase yields for productivity, science, faith, and culture. You can boost your Civilization 6 production by sending envoys to industrial city-states like Hong Kong and Brussels. One envoy sent to an industrial city-state gives your capital a +1 production increase. Sending three and six envoys will provide two +2 production yield bonuses (+4 in total) for all cities in your nation with Workshop and Factory building.

These envoys give you an even bigger production bonus when you establish Suzerains in industrial city-states. For example, Hong Kong’s Suzerain bonus increases city-state project production by 20 percent. That bonus is especially useful for completing space projects more quickly.

The city-state sidebar

The city-state sidebar

Obtain More Resources with Production Yields

Some luxury, bonus, and strategic resources have production yields that will increase productivity for their cities. So, establishing settlements near such resources will increase their productivity. You can also obtain more resources with production yields by purchasing nearby tiles that include them. These are the resources that have production yields.

  • Deer: +1 production
  • Stone: +1 production
  • Gypsum: +1 production and +1 gold
  • Ivory: +1 production and +1 gold
  • Whales: +1 production and +1 gold
  • Horses: +1 production and +1 food
  • Niter: +1 production and +1 food
  • Coal: +2 production
  • Oil: +3 production
  • Uranium: +3 production

Improve Tiles

There are various tile improvements with which you can increase your Civilization 6 production yields for cities. Utilize your Builder units to establish mines on hills or luxury and strategic resources you can improve with them to boost their productivity yields. Lumber mills are a tile improvement that increases production yields for the woods. Quarries, oil wells, pastures, and camps are also improvements you can add to certain resource tiles that increase production yields.

A mine tile improvement

A mine tile improvement

Build Wonders

A few wonders of the world have Civilization 6 production bonuses. So, build those wonders in cities that will benefit the most from their production bonuses. These are the productivity-boosting wonders you can build:

  • Ruhr Valley: Increases productivity in the city that includes it by 20 percent with a +1 mine and quarry production bonus on top.
  • Petra: Provides a +1 production yield bonus for all its city’s desert tiles.
  • Chichen Itza: This wonder has a +1 production yield bonus for all its city’s rainforest tiles.
  • Huey Teocalli: Huey gives all your civilization’s lake tiles a +1 production bonus.
The Ruhr Valley wonder

The Ruhr Valley wonder

Select Military and Economic Policy Cards

You can increase your Civilization 6 production by selecting military and economic policy cards. The military cards are generally focused on increasing production for army units. Economic policy cards offer more general productivity bonuses. These are some of the better policy cards with which to increase your Civilization 6 production:

  • Urban Planning: +1 production bonus in all your cities
  • Ecommerce: +5 production bonus yields for all your international trade routes
  • Lightning Warfare: 100 percent production bonus for all light and heavy cavalry units from the Atomic, Modern, and Information eras
  • Colonization: 50 percent production bonus for recruiting Settlers
  • Public Works: 30 percent production bonus for Builder units
  • Five-Year Plan: 100 percent Industrial Zone district adjacency bonus
Economic policy cards

Economic policy cards

Select Pantheon Beliefs

Some of the pantheon beliefs offer bonuses for increasing production. To select a pantheon, your civilization must accumulate a faith yield of 25 during the early game period. Choose one of these pantheons to increase your Civilization 6 production:

  • God of the Forge: Provides a 25 percent production bonus for Ancient and Classical era units.
  • Gods of the Sea: Increases production yields from fishing boats by +1.
  • Monument of the Gods: Offers a 15 percent bonus for Ancient and Classical era wonders.
  • Lady of the Reeds: Provides a +1 production yield bonuses for marsh, oasis, and floodplains.
  • God of Craftsmen: Gives you +1 production yield bonus for strategic resource mines.

Establish Trade Routes

Establishing trade routes is a good way to increase production for specific cities. Sending a trade caravan to another city in your civilization will give the origin settlement at least a +1 production boost. However, sending a trade caravan to a city in another civilization with an Industrial Zone in it will also increase productivity for the route’s settlement of origin.

Trade routes become a very good way to increase production with the Ecommerce policy card selected. Ecommerce gives all your international trade routes a +5 production yield bonus. Thus, establishing an international trade route will increase production for any city in your civilization by at least +5 when you’ve selected Ecommerce.

The trade routes sidebar

The trade routes sidebar

Plant Woods

Woods are a terrain feature that increases production yields for tiles that include them by +1. However, adding lumber mills to woods further increases that production yield. So, planting more woods on tiles with Builder units is a quick and easy way to increase your Civilization 6 production for cities. You can plant woods on grasslands, plains, and tundra with Builders with Conservation unlocked.

Recruit More Great Engineers

Great engineers are unique historical figures you can recruit with great engineer points or buy with faith or gold. Some of these engineers have special effects that grant production bonuses when activated. To get more great engineers, build more Industrial Zones and buildings to generate points for them. Or save your faith and gold to attract them to your nation with patronage. These are great engineers with whom you can boost your Civilization 6 production.

  • Sergei Korolev: Grants 1,500 production bonus for completing a space project.
  • Gustave Eiffel: Grants a 480-production bonus for building a wonder.
  • James Watt: Builds a Workshop and Factory and provides a +2-factory production bonus for a city.
  • Wernher von Braun: Grants a 100 percent space race project production bonus.
  • Robert Goddard: Grants a 20 percent space race project production bonus and triggers a Rocketry eureka.

You can have more super-productive cities by increasing your Civilization 6 production with the methods above. Higher productivity in your cities is one of the keys to victory in Civilization 6. So, focus on production to get ahead of the game in Civ 6.

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