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10 Ways to Increase Civilization 6 Science Output

Here we look at the various ways you can increase science research output in Civilization 6. Is your civilization falling behind others on the technology tree? If so, check out the ways you can increase Civilization 6 science output below.

Science output is crucial to Civilization 6’s domination, science, and score victories. A reasonable science research rate is also of some importance for the cultural and religious victory conditions. The higher your science output, the faster your civilization will research and unlock new technologies on the tech tree. Nothing advances your civilization more than new technologies, and the faster you unlock them, the better. These are 10 ways you can increase Civilization 6 science output to unlock new technologies quicker and get ahead on the tech tree.

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Build Campus Districts With Adjacency Bonuses

Building Campus districts and science buildings is the most obvious way to increase Civilization 6 science output. You’ll receive +2 science for each specialist citizen assigned to a Campus. However, you can gain additional +1 science output bonuses for building Campus districts beside mountain tiles. There’s also a +1 district adjacency bonus for science research.

A Campus district

A Campus district

Building the three scientific buildings within a Campus district also boosts Civilization 6 science output. All three of those buildings increase science research by +11. These are the three science buildings you build and their research outputs:

  • Library +2
  • University +4
  • Research +5

Select to Optimize Science Output in Cities

You can optimize science yields for specific cities by clicking the science radio button on the city panel. Selecting that option will reallocate your citizens in the best way to maximize science output. The more cities you optimize for science output, the faster your civilization will unlock new technologies.

The science output optimization option

The science output optimization option

Access Resources That Provide Science Yield Bonuses

Two strategic and three luxury resources increase Civilization 6 science output when you have access to them. Aluminium, Tea, Iron, Mercury, and Turtles will all increase science yields by +1 for cities with access to those resources. You’ll need to apply tile improvements for those resources to access them. Purchase any nearby tiles that include those resources when you can or establish new cities close to them.

The Mercury resource

The Mercury resource

Build Wats in Religious Districts

Some science-obsessed players might overlook Holy Site districts entirely. However, those religious districts can enhance Civilization 6 science research when they include Wats. Wat is a more advanced religious building that provides +2 science yields. You‘ll need the Worship Belief and a prerequisite temple building to add a Wat to a Holiday District.

Select Policies That Increase Civilization 6 Science Output

Numerous Policy Cards boost Civilization 6 science research in different ways. The Rationalism economic policy unlocked with the Enlightenment civic is one of the best cards to have because that increases science building yields by 100 percent. Thus, it doubles the science yields of buildings in your Campus districts. These are some of the other Policy Cards that boost scientific research:

  • Trade Confederation: Increases science yields for trade routes by +1.
  • Five-Year Plan: Gives your civilization a 100-percent Campus district science adjacency bonus.
  • Natural Philosophy: This also provides a 100-percent Campus district adjacency bonus for science.
  • Market Economy: Increases international trade routes’ science yields by +2 for every luxury and strategic resource the destination city has access to.
  • Military Research: A policy that gives Seaports and Military Academies in cities a +1 science yield bonus.
  • International Space Agency: Increases your civilization’s overall science output by 10 percent for each city-state you’re a Suzerain of.

Establish More Trade Routes

Establishing trade routes with cities that have Campus districts is a straightforward way to increase Civilization 6 science output. Trading with one standard city that has a Campus will boost science output by +1. However, city-states such as Geneva offer bigger science trade route yields.

The trade routes selection sidebar in Civilization 6

The trade routes selection sidebar in Civilization 6

Send Envoys to Scientific City States

Sending envoys to scientific city-states is among the better ways to increase Civilization 6 science output. Geneva, Seol, Stockholm, and Hattusa are the four scientific city-states in the game. Sending a single envoy to one of those cities will give your capital a +2 science yield boost. Three envoys boost science output in all your Campus districts by +2. Establishing six envoys provides a further +2 science output bonus.

The scientific city-states offer variable Suzerain bonuses. Geneva has the best Suzerain bonus for boosting science output. Becoming the Suzerain of Geneva increases your civilization’s science output by 15 percent when you’re not at war.

The Geneva city-state

The Geneva city-state

Build the Great Library or Oxford University

Building the Great Library and Oxford University wonders will directly increase your civilization’s scientific output. The Great Library provides a +2 science output bonus and an additional Great Scientist point per turn. Oxford University is the better wonder to go for because that increases science output by 20 percent in the city it’s built with two free random technologies thrown in.

The Oxford wonder of the world

The Oxford wonder of the world

Increase Cities’ Populations

Every citizen in your civilization has a 0.5 science yield. For example, a city with a population of 10 will earn +5 science from all its citizens. So, increasing your cities’ populations will also enhance your civilization’s overall science output. The best way to enhance population growth is to optimize your cities for food production, but that will impact science yields. However, you can also increase food yields by building Granary, Water Mill, Seaport, and Lighthouse buildings.

Boost Civilization 6 Science Output With the Great Scientists

Numerous Great Scientists boost Civilization 6 science output when activated. Some increase yields while others give you a one of science bonus. Those scientists can be unlocked when you’ve amassed enough great person points for them. These are some of the Great Scientists that increase your civilization’s science output in one way or another.

  • Einstein: Increases science yields per a Research Lab by +4.
  • Newton: Increases science yields for each Library in your civilization by +2.
  • Hypatia: Activating Hypatia increases your civilization’s Library science yields by +1.
  • Mead: A Great Scientist who gives your civilization 1,000 science when activated.
  • Ammal: Gives your civilization 400 science for every rainforest tile within its borders.
  • Darwin: Your civilization gains 500 science for an adjacent natural wonder when you activate Darwin.
  • Galileo Galilei: A Great Scientist who gives your civilization 250 science per adjacent mountains in it.

You can make your civilization the most advanced by increasing Civilization 6 science output with the methods listed above. A more advanced civilization will always have an advantage over those with fewer technologies. Gaining a technology lead gets you ahead of the game in Civilization 6.

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