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10 Attractions That Generate Civilization 6 Tourism

This KeenGamer guide tells you about 10 attractions that generate Civilization 6 tourism. Do you want your civilization’s tourist industry to be the envy of the world in Civilization 6? If so, you can make your tourist industry boom to secure a Culture Victory with the attractions listed below.

10 Attractions That Generate Civilization 6 Tourism

Civilization 6 tourism represents the overall cultural (or holiday) appeal of your nation in Civ 6. You win a cultural victory in Civ 6 by attracting more foreign visitors to your nation than the highest domestic tourist number of a rival civilization. To do this, you’ll need to establish attractions throughout your civilization that generate tourism, a statistic shown beside your gold total. The more tourist attractions your civilization has, the more foreign visitors it will attract. These are some tourist attractions with which you can attract visitors to your nation in Civilization 6.

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Great Works

Great works are among the biggest attractions for generating the most Civilization 6 tourism. The great works are art, literature, and musical scores you can add to the Art Museum, Amphitheater, and Broadcast Center buildings in Theater Square districts. You can also add these great works to wonders like the Bolshoi Theater and Sydney Opera House. To obtain such works, you must recruit great artists, writers, and musicians when you’ve amassed the great person points (or purchased with faith) and activate them at Theater Districts.

The Theater Square district

The Theater Square district


Artifacts are another big source of Civilization 6 tourism you can add to Archaeological Museum buildings in Theater Squares. Each artifact generates +3 tourism, doubling to +6 for themed museums. A museum with a maximum of three artifacts will generate at least +9 tourism. You can obtain artifacts by building Archaeological Museums and recruiting Archaeologist units to excavate archaeology site tiles.

Wonders of the World

All wonders of the world generate +2 tourism for every era they stand. The cultural wonders that increase culture yields, provide additional great person slots, and other tourism benefits are the best ones to build when pursuing a Culture Victory. These are some of the best Civilization 6 tourism wonders to build:

  • Hermitage: +4 great art slots and +3 great artist points per turn
  • Eiffel Tower: Enhances the appeal of all tiles in your civilization by +2
  • Christo Retentor: Doubles seaside resort tourism and increases culture output by +4
  • Sydney Opera House: +3 great music slots, +5 great musician points, and +8 culture bonus
  • Broadway: +1 great literature slot, +2 great music slots, +3 great writer points, +3 great musician points, and a 20 percent culture bonus in a city
  • Bolshoi Theater: +1 great literature slot, +1 great music slot, +2 great musician points, and +2 great writer points
The Eiffel Tower and Broadway

The Eiffel Tower and Broadway


Pastures can be attractions that generate Civilization 6 tourism, but only when certain conditions are met. To turn pastures into tourist attractions, select the God of the Open Sky pantheon belief so they generate culture yields. A pasture will become an attraction when you’ve unlocked the Flight technology that provides bonus tourism for improvements with culture yields.


Relics are holy objects that generate +8 religious tourism and +4 faith. These are objects showcased within Temple buildings in Holy Site districts. You can obtain relics by losing Apostle units with the Martyr promotion (provided by the Mont St. Michel wonder) in theological combat. The Kandy Suzerain bonus also gives you a relic for every natural wonder you discover. Tribal villages are a random source that sometimes gives you relics when visited.

A holy relic on display

A holy relic on display


Plantations for luxury resources like bananas, citrus, and silk are similar tourist attractions to pastures. They’ll only generate Civilization 6 tourism when they have culture yields. Selecting the Goddess of Festivals pantheon will give all your plantations +1 culture yields. This will convert into tourism after you’ve researched the Flight technology.

A plantation attraction

A plantation attraction


Old defensive walls built around your cities become historic tourist attractions when you’ve unlocked the Conservationism civic. Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Walls are the three types of walls that generate variable amounts of Civilization 6 tourism with Conservationism. Renaissance Walls are the most valuable and generate +3 tourism on their own. All three walls in a single city can generate +6 tourism. So, it’s always worth building some walls when playing for a Culture Victory or Domination Victory.

National Parks

A national park is a special type of tile improvement for generating Civilization 6 tourism you can establish with Naturalists. You can only set these parks up on groups of four tiles that meet strict national park requirements (all tiles must have an appeal rating of charming or higher). Although tricky to establish, national parks are invaluable tourism sources because they generate tourism equal to the combined appeal value of all their tiles plus amenities for nearby cities.

A Naturalist and national park tiles

A Naturalist and national park tiles

Seaside Resorts

Seaside resorts are special tile improvements you can add to coastal grassland, plain, or desert tiles with breathtaking appeal ratings. This tile improvement becomes available when you’ve unlocked the Radio technology. A seaside resort will generate tourism equal to its tile appeal, which will always be high since you can only build a resort on breathtaking tiles. They are all the better when combined with the Christo Retentor wonder that doubles tourism generated from resorts. Seaside resort tourist attractions also have economic value since they generate gold equal to their tiles’ appeal ratings.

A seaside resort

A seaside resort

Unique Tile Improvements

Unique tile improvements that have culture yields will also generate Civilization 6 tourism with the Flight technology unlocked. Egypt, Scythia, Sumeria, and France are some civilizations with unique tile improvements that become tourist attractions with Flight technology. The Colossal Head tile improvement La Venta Suzerain bonus also generates tourism with culture. So, adding many unique improvement attractions to tiles can be a good way to boost tourism. These are some of the unique civilization tile improvements that can attract foreign visitors with Flight researched:

  • Egyptian Sphinx
  • French Château
  • Sumerian Ziggurat
  • La Venta’s Colossal Head
  • Scythian Kurgan
A Sphinx unique tile improvement

A Sphinx unique tile improvement

Those Civilization 6 tourism sources will attract many foreign visitors to your civilization. Great works, artifacts, seaside resorts, and wonders of the world are the essential attractions you must have to secure a cultural victory in Civilization 6. However, you can boost tourism further to win a cultural victory quicker by establishing unique tile improvement, pasture or plantation, wall, relic, and national park attractions in your civilization.

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