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The Sims 4 Romance Consultant Career Guide

Get a helping hand in working your way up in the Romance Consultant career, which comes with The Sims 4 Lovestruck. Sims who are experts at Romance will flourish in this career, and will eventually end up becoming Matchmakers or Counselors.

The Sims 4 Romance Consultant Career Guide

Love and romance play a big role in The Sims 4 Lovestruck Expansion Pack. Sims can even become proficient in the art of love thanks to the new Romance skill. In fact, Sims who want to turn their expert knowledge of Romance into a career are able to thanks to the new Romance Consultant career. This isn’t a freelancer gig or a part-time job. This is a full-time career where Sims disappear off to work or can choose to work from home. Sims who do really well eventually end up going down two different paths: Matchmaker or Relationship Counselor. This guide will aid you in getting to the top, no matter which of the two branches you choose to go down. Your Sims will need to excel in Romance, as well as have some Logic and Charisma on their side. And they’ll need a computer.

We’ve got other career guides for The Sims 4, plus a tour of the new world Ciudad Enamorada, how to find all the axolotls, and a guide on how to complete the world-exclusive Sad Bear Ring Quest:

Applying for the Romance Consultant Career

It’s very easy to become a Romance Consultant. Just like all other careers in The Sims 4, there are a few ways to go about it. If your Sim is just starting out or currently unemployed, you can go into their Careers panel and select Join a Career. You can also go into your Sim’s phone, look under Business (amber icon with briefcase) and select Find a Job. The Find a Job option is also available from any computer via the Career option.

Whichever method you choose, the list of all jobs will appear on-screen. From there, look for the Romance Consultant career. Select this and you’ll start immediately. The level that you start on depends on how well your Sim did at high school or university. For starter Sims though, you’ll begin at the bottom at level 1.

Sign up for the Romance Consultant career to get started.

Sign up for the Romance Consultant career to get started.

What You Need for the Romance Consultant Career

You don’t necessarily need to splash out on loads of cash to succeed in the Romance Consultant career. However, there are a few things you should get to ease your journey as you climb the ladder, if you want to reach the top:

  • A computer: A lot of tasks in the Romance Consultant career, whether they’re tasks to complete at home before going off to work or to complete as part of the work day, requires the use of a computer. Researching is a popular task on the computer that comes up. You don’t necessarily need to buy a computer, particularly at first if your funds are low as a starter Sim. However, it will save you countless trips to the library, especially as the computer tasks can take a while. 
  • A Sim who is into romance: By this, I mean Sims who are willing to go out and be romantic with other Sims. Romance Consultants are experts in their field, so naturally, they should be good at romance. It’s no good having a Sim who may be Noncommittal or Unflirty. Ideally, you want Sims who have traits such as Romantic or Lovebug. Why? Because in order to progress in the Romance Consultant career, your Sims need to be experts in the Romance skill, and if they’re not into it, it’s going to be very hard to work their way up.
  • A TV: This may sound a bit odd, but actually it isn’t much. To gain Romance, Sims can watch the channels Romance, Dating Reality TV, and Telenova. It won’t increase their Romance as fast as actually being romantic with other Sims, but every little helps.
  • A shower: Yes, a lot of pre-built properties have showers – but not all of them. If your Sim’s home doesn’t have a shower installed, get one, even a cheap one. This is so Sims can take a Steamy Shower to get into the Flirty mood, making gaining Romance much easier.
  • A mirror: Ditto for mirrors. You should have at least one somewhere on your Sim’s Lot, so they can Freshen Up and get romantic. Mirrors are also needed to build up the Charisma skill, which is the secondary important skill for the Romance Consultant career.
  • A chess table (or other object used to gain Logic skill): Along with the Romance and Charisma skill, another skill needed for promotion in the Romance Consultant career is the Logic skill. It appears as a promotional requirement as you work your way up, and is the secondary skill in the Counselor branch. Although Logic skill objects such as chess tables are readily available in different worlds and Lots, it might be easier to get your own so you can work on your Logic at home.
Sims with traits such as Lovebug and Romantic should have an easier time in the Romance Consultant career.

Sims with traits such as Lovebug and Romantic should have an easier time in the Romance Consultant career.

All Levels in the Romance Consultant Career

Let’s now look through all the levels you can get in the Romance Consultant career. It is a full-time career, often including 9-5 hours, featuring 10 levels.

This career is also optionally active, meaning that you can choose to go into work (aka a rabbithole) or work from home. When you choose to work from home, you’ll have one or two set tasks to complete. If you instead send your Sim away for a few hours, they’ll have a daily task that needs completing to boost your Sim’s performance. An hour before your Sim’s work shift is due to start, your Sim’s phone will ring and you’ll get to choose whether they go into the office or work from home. If you fail to make a choice in time, the game will choose for you to send your Sim to work. When these options come up, there’s also a third choice, which is to take a day off. This uses up one of your Sim’s vacation days.

Like many of the 10-tier careers in The Sims 4, once you reach a certain level, you need to choose which branch to pursue. With Romance Consultant, your Sim can either be a Matchmaker or a Relationship Counselor. The choice is up to you what you decide, but we’ll discuss the details of each branch later to help you out. You won’t need to choose until you get to level 8 anyway, so you have a long way to go until then. For now, here are the first seven levels of the Romance Consultant career.

The First 7 Levels

The first seven levels of the Romance Consultant career are fairly easy to get through and nothing too taxing. You might want to start working on your Romance skill, and even your Charisma and Logic, to help you out much further along the line.

Romance Newbie

Level: 1

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §20 per hour (§160 per Day)

Daily Task: Study Modern Love on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: None

When you first apply to the Romance Consultant career, you might get an optional work assignment. This will ask you to Research Expressions of Love, a task completed on the computer. We’ll go into more detail about individual tasks later in this guide. This is a good way to give you a jump start on the career. Otherwise, there’s nothing you need to do promotion-wise. At the moment, you’re not required to build any skills. However, it never hurts to start working on the Romance, Charisma, and Logic skills.

Make sure your Sim goes into work in a positive mood to build their performance meter. If they choose to work from home, ensure all tasks are completed before the next work shift starts. Sims won’t get paid if they don’t complete their tasks on time, nor will they gain performance.

Many tasks in the Romance Consultant career have your Sims working on a computer. Head to a library or buy your own.

Many tasks in the Romance Consultant career have your Sims working on a computer. Head to a library or buy your own.

Passion Assistant

Level: 2

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §34 per hour (§272 per Day)

Daily Task: Study Modern Love on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Read Romance Novel, Reach Level 2 Romance Skill

Promotion Rewards: §325, Share Romantic Satisfaction Tips Interaction

Okay, so your Sim has got past the first level of the Romance Consultant career. They’re no longer a newbie. Now things are starting to get going. From now on, you’ll have skills to work on and tasks to complete to get future promotions. If you haven’t yet, start working on that Romance skill. It needs to be at least level 2 at this stage.

You’ll also need to read a romance novel. These are available from any bookcase. Don’t worry about buying any romance novels. Your Sim should have one in their collection to get them started, but feel free to buy more if you can spare the cash.

Reading a romance novel is a new requirement for promotion.

Reading a romance novel is a new requirement for promotion.

Love Mediator

Level: 3

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §48 per hour (§384 per Day)

Daily Task: Study Modern Love on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Read Romance Novel, Reach Level 3 Romance Skill

Promotion Rewards: §440

Your Sim is working their way up. For their next promotion, they’ll need to read another romance novel. Plus, you’ll need to bump their Romance skill up to the next level, if they haven’t yet already.

Sims heading to work as a Romance Consultant get to wear a love-themed blouse.

Sims heading to work as a Romance Consultant get to wear a love-themed blouse.

Romance Practitioner

Level: 4

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §64 per hour (§512 per Day)

Daily Task: Study Modern Love on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 4 Romance Skill, Reach Level 2 Logic Skill

Promotion Rewards: §610

Now your Sim has got to the point in their Romance Consultant career where they need to start working on their Logic skill, instead of reading romance novels for promotion. There are some chess tables at the pavilion in Plaza Mariposa in Ciudad Enamorada. You can also buy your own chess table to use at home. Other Logic-building objects including the telescope (the big version and the smaller one) and microscope. There’s also the option of reading Logic skill books. Chess tables are a good way of building Logic because your Sim can Ponder Moves to become Focused, which then builds their Logic faster as they practice their chess moves.

If you haven't already, start working on your Sim's Logic skill.

If you haven’t already, start working on your Sim’s Logic skill.

Emotional Health Counselor

Level: 5

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §80 per hour (§640 per Day)

Daily Task: Run Emergency Romance Hotline on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 5 Romance Skill, Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill

Promotion Rewards: §945, Consultant Plaque Decoration

This stage in the Romance Consultant career throws another curve ball at you. This time, to get promoted, you need to build your Charisma skill to level 2. Luckily, raising Charisma to level 2 is very easy. You can use any mirror to Practice Speeches. Make sure your Sim is Confident beforehand. Using the interaction Psych Sim Up will do this. Your Sim can also do friendly interactions with other Sims to build their Charisma.

Also, instead of the Study Modern Love task on the computer, your Sim will need to Run an Emergency Romance Hotline from a computer. See further down in this guide for more information.

One extra thing: at level 5, your Sim earns a consultant plaque, which is a cool thing to own and put on show at home.

The daily work task will switch from Study Modern Love to Run an Emergency Romance Hotline.

The daily work task will switch from Study Modern Love to Run an Emergency Romance Hotline.

Love Language Expert

Level: 6

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §97 per hour (§776 per Day)

Daily Task: Run Emergency Romance Hotline on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 6 Romance Skill, Reach Level 3 Logic Skill

Promotion Rewards: §1,343

Okay, so this time, we’re going back to the Logic skill. You only need to get it to level 3 at this stage, which isn’t asking too much. Also, make sure to keep building your Romance skill. Just to give you a heads-up, you’ll need it at level 8 if you want the top job.

Keep working on that Romance skill. It needs to be in the upper levels for the later promotions.

Keep working on that Romance skill. It needs to be in the upper levels for the later promotions.

Romantic Health Specialist

Level: 7

Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 5pm (8 Hours in Total)

Salary: §145 per hour (§1,160 per Day)

Daily Task: Run Emergency Romance Hotline on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 7 Romance Skill, Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill

Promotion Rewards: §1,505, Love’s Little Book Collection

Aaand we’re back to the Charisma skill! At least you only need to get it to level 3, so get schmoozing and practicing in front of the mirror. Also, at level 7, you get a new object: a love-themed row of books, complete with heart-shaped bookends.

There’s another important thing you need to know. Once you hit level 7 and get the next promotion, you’re faced with an important decision: deciding what path to take for your Sim regarding their career. Do they become an expert in matchmaking, or counselling?

If you want to decide based on how much salary your Sim will make, Matchmaking brings slightly more money. There really isn’t much difference between them though. The hours are also slightly different depending on the branch. They’re the same number of hours, but Matchmakers start later in the morning and finish later, doing 10 to 5 shifts, while Counselors start a little earlier and finish a little earlier at 9 to 4 hours. Either way, your Sim will get time to sleep in and have breakfast in the morning, plus get home early enough to have a relaxing evening off. Another thought for consideration is that Matchmakers need to work on their Charisma as a secondary skill, while Counselors focus on the Logic skill.

When your Sim's promotion gets them beyond level 7, they have to decide whether to be a Matchmaker or Relationship Counselor.

When your Sim’s promotion gets them beyond level 7, they have to decide whether to be a Matchmaker or Relationship Counselor.

Matchmaker Branch

You’ve decided that your Sim should focus their energy on getting the perfect matches together and setting Sims up on dates.

Love Connection Specialist

Level: 8

Work Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 10am – 5pm (7 Hours in Total)

Salary: §210 per hour (§1,470 per Day)

Daily Task: Research Date Locations on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 8 Romance Skill, Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill

Promotion Rewards: §1,844, Matchmaker Uniform, Suggest Potential Match Interaction

This is your first step in taking the Matchmaker branch. Your Sim has one less hour to work in the day, they’re making plenty more money, and their tasks revolve around getting new matches together. Make sure to keep working on your Romance and Charisma.

Matchmakers unlock this lush romantic outfit as their work uniform. It's also available in Create-A-Sim.

Matchmakers unlock this lush romantic outfit as their work uniform. It’s also available in Create-A-Sim.

Relationship Compatibility Expert

Level: 9

Work Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 10am – 5pm (7 Hours in Total)

Salary: §320 per hour (§2,240 per Day)

Daily Task: Research Date Locations on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 9 Romance Skill, Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill

Promotion Rewards: §2,395

Wow! You’re almost there! Okay, just one last push now. You need to focus on getting your Romance to level 9 and Charisma to level 6. It’ll be a lot of work, schmoozing and being romantic, but it’ll pay off.

There's just one last push to get to the top.

There’s just one last push to get to the top.

Certified Dating Specialist

Level: 10

Work Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 10am – 5pm (7 Hours in Total)

Salary: §402 per hour (§2,814 per Day)

Daily Task: Research Date Locations on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 10 Romance Skill, Reach Level 7 Charisma Skill

Promotion Rewards: §2,690, Heart to Heart Trait

Congratulations! Your Sim is officially a dating specialist and at the top of their game! By doing this, not only does your Sim make lots more money and get a generous promotion bonus, they also earn the Heart to Heart trait. What this does is when your Sim is around couples with a Satisfied relationship, they will feel happy themselves.

You’ve probably noticed that even though your Sim has reached the highest level in the Romance Consultant career, there are still promotion requirements. I’m not sure why this is myself. I went ahead and met the requirements – level 10 Romance and level 7 Charisma – but nothing seems to happen. There aren’t any bonus levels, nor do you get a raise or another bonus for doing this. You can max out your Romance level and continue to build your Charisma if you want, but don’t feel you have to. You won’t get any prizes for it, at least relating to the Romance Consultant career.

Congratulations! Your Sim is a top Matchmaker!

Congratulations! Your Sim is a top Matchmaker!

Relationship Counselor Branch

So your Sim doesn’t want to play matchmaker. They want to get couples together in a different way. Being a Counselor means helping couples mend their fractured relationships.

Intimate Relationship Coach

Level: 8

Work Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 4pm (7 Hours in Total)

Salary: §195 per hour (§1,365 per Day)

Daily Task: Research Romantic Satisfaction on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 8 Romance Skill, Reach Level 5 Logic Skill

Promotion Rewards: §1,877, Romance Counselor Uniform

This is your Sim’s first step into becoming a Counselor. Instead of Charisma, Counselors use Logic in their work, so work on improving your Logic skill.

Relationship Counselors get a unique work uniform.

Relationship Counselors get a unique work uniform.

Qualified Relationship Professional

Level: 9

Work Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am ��� 4pm (7 Hours in Total)

Salary: §275 per hour (§1,925 per Day)

Daily Task: Research Romantic Satisfaction on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 9 Romance Skill, Reach Level 6 Logic Skill

Promotion Rewards: §2,365

Phew! Your Sim is nearly at the top. You just need to keep going a little longer with working on those skills, namely Romance and Logic. That final promotion will be yours before you know it.

Whether your Sim goes into work or works from home, their efforts will eventually lead to the top promotion, providing their skills meet the minimum requirement.

Whether your Sim goes into work or works from home, their efforts will eventually lead to the top promotion, providing their skills meet the minimum requirement.

Licensed Clinical Romance Counselor

Level: 10

Work Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (5 Days in Total)

Work Hours: 9am – 4pm (7 Hours in Total)

Salary: §395 per hour (§2,765 per Day)

Daily Task: Research Romantic Satisfaction on a Computer

Promotion Requirements: Reach Level 10 Romance Skill, Reach Level 7 Logic Skill

Promotion Rewards: §2,770, I Chair-ish You, Kiss of the Night Couch, Cornery Feelings End Table

Hooray! Your Sim has reached the top of their Romance Consultant career in the Counselor branch! Your Sim gets a very generous reward. Not just a cash reward, but three objects exclusive to this branch. Your Sim gets a romantic-themed armchair, loveseat, and end table.

Like the Matchmaker branch, at the top of the Counselor career, it is stated that your Sims need to reach level 10 Romance and level 7 Logic for a promotion. Ignore this. You can do those things by all means, but don’t feel you have to. It doesn’t actually do anything. Your Sim won’t get extra money or a pay rise.

Getting to the highest level of the Counselor branch earns you some cool exclusive objects.

Getting to the highest level of the Counselor branch earns you some cool exclusive objects.

Daily Tasks in the Romance Consultant Career

There are a lot of different daily tasks and work-from-home tasks in the Romance Consultant career, which will keep your Sims busy. Here, you’ll see more details on how to complete each of these tasks as they appear:

  • Research Expressions of Love: Done via any computer, under Web > Research. Takes about 2 hours to complete.
  • Study Modern Love: Done on any computer under Career. Takes about 2 hours to complete.
  • Share Love Insights: A social interaction that is found under the Romance Consultant Career sub-menu.
  • Listen to Romance Radio Station for 1 Hour: By using any stereo, turn the Romance radio station on and then have your Sim Listen To the station for exactly one in-game hour.
  • Watch Reality Dating TV Channel for 2 Hours: The Sims 4 Lovestruck comes with a few new TV channels for Sims to watch: Reality Dating and Telenova. Sometimes, your Sim will be required to watch either channel for exactly 2 in-game hours as a work task.
  • Suggest Potential Match (Matchmaker): This social interaction is located under the Romance Consultant Career sub-menu. Even if it succeeds or fails, the task will still get marked as completed. An unsuccessful interaction may result in a relationship score hit and possibly even a negative moodlet.
  • Research Date Locations on a Computer (Matchmaker): Although this is a research task, it is not found specifically under the Research sub-menu. Instead, it’s just found under Web. You may need to scroll to the next set of options if it doesn’t initially appear. Is often used as a daily work task for Matchmakers.
  • Ask Sims about Recent Dates (Matchmaker): Instead of being found under the Romance Consultant Career menu, this interaction is located under Friendly > Deep Thoughts. Also, your Sim must be in a Flirty mood in order to use the interaction. This usually needs to be done on 3 different Sims to fulfil the work task.
  • Research Romantic Satisfaction on a Computer (Counselor): Counselors need to know everything about romance to help their clients mend their broken relationships. This can be found on computers under Web > Research.
  • Run an Emergency Romance Hotline: In the later levels of the Romance Consultant career, instead of Studying Modern Love, your Sim will be required to Run Emergency Romance Hotlines. This task can be found in the same place, under Career on any computer.

Romance Consultant Chance Cards

When you send your Romance Consultants to work, there might be a random chance that they’ll get a chance card. These are off-screen scenarios where you are faced with making two different decisions. The outcome often affects your Sim’s performance, either boosting it or dropping it. There’s no way of disabling chance cards, nor can you ignore them (except for the Get Famous ones.) You just have to make the best judgment you can. It can be tricky to tell which one is the right answer. If you do get it wrong, it’s not a disaster. Unlike the chance cards from The Sims 2, you won’t risk getting demoted or losing your job. The worst that will happen is you’ll lose some performance, but you can easily earn that back. Also, you’ll get the same chance card again at some point, so you can have another go at getting it right.

You’ll only get chance cards if you send your Sim away to work. They won’t appear if you opt to work from home. Below is a list of chance cards you may encounter while in the Romance Consultant career. Which ones you get depends on your career level and the branch you’re in. We’ll also include the special Fame chance cards you can get with The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack.

Chance cards appear randomly while your Sim is away at work.

Chance cards appear randomly while your Sim is away at work.

Broken Hearted Blues
Of all the things to suffer from, a broken heart might be the worst. At least, that is what today’s client believes. They fear they are next, having lost a close friend to a broken heart. To escape this fate, they have started to completely cut themselves off from love.
Option 1: Encourage Risks
Option 2: Encourage Solitude
Option 1 Outcome, Negative: [Sim Name] offers insight on how taking chances in love can pay off nicely. Sadly, the client disagrees, stating that the main concern in this case appears to be death. (Medium Performance Loss)


Change of Scenery
For Sims who are partial to more conventional approaches, modern dating can be such a bust. The client of today has gone out on dates, tried a variety of restaurants, and taken up a few hobbies, but they still can’t seem to find someone. They’re starting to give up on the idea that love is in their future.
Option 1: Insist on Persistence
Option 2: Suggest Cupid’s Corner
Option 1 Outcome, Positive: While disappointed, the client understands that great things can take time. They worry that switching gears will throw them off their path to the perfect union. (Small Performance Gain)
Option 2 Outcome, Positive: What a fantastic idea! The client is ready to move into the modern world and embrace dating in all its forms. While [Sim Name] takes the time to explain how it works, a match is made!


Emergency Romance Hotline
An angry client calls in complaining that their partner has been ignoring them for hours due to a video game stream. This isn’t the first time this has happened and likely won’t be the last. They insist they just need to vent but maybe more should be done about their joystick-juggling partner.
Option 1: Break up with Them
Option 2: Give them Another Chance
Option 2 Outcome, Positive: The client makes a diplomatic choice and decides to move on from the situation. The next day their partner surprises them with an impromptu date to make up for it!


First Date Destination
Unsure of where to take their first date, a client comes to [Sim Name] for help. There’s potential to be inspired by a night of culture at the museum or a passionate scene on the dance floor of a new hip club.
Option 1: Museum Date
Option 2: Club Date
Option 2 Outcome, Positive: Success! The client and their date end up dancing the night away at their favorite spot, losing track of time. They both exclaim over how much fun they’ve had and decide to do it again soon.


Late Night Notice
Just as [Sim Name] is about to head out for the evening, a distraught couple walks in and demands to be seen. They are on the verge of filing for a divorce and wondering if the relationship is still worth it, a job only [she/he/they] can solve.
Option 1: Stay Late to Help Troubled Couple
Option 2: Turn Them Away
Option 1 Outcome, Neutral: Seeing as the couple appears desperate, [Sim Name] decides to stay back a while and help them sort out their problems. [Sim Name] ends up leaving later than normal with no resolve whatsoever.


A nervous client enters; their friends have finally convinced them to go on a Blind Date. They’re not sure what to do since this will be their first date in a long time. They think their friend’s date choice will make the date go horribly wrong, so they prepare for the worst.
Option 1: Go on the Blind Date
Option 2: Cancel the Date
Option 1 Outcome, Negative: The date was a complete disaster! Those two Sims couldn’t have been more different and the client is annoyed that they trusted [Sim Name]’s judgement. (Small Performance Loss)
Option 2 Outcome, Positive: The client spends the night inside and decides to do some research on their blind date. They seemed to have escaped a bullet after seeing a few problematic posts on the internet. (Medium Performance Gain)


Workhouse Romance
As [Sim Name] is finishing up a session, her client reveals that they have a huge crush on their coworker. Despite being aware of the ethics, they can’t help but wonder if everything would work out okay. Is this a career-ending situation or a match made in heaven?
Option 1: Give Them the Talk
Option 2: Consult HR First
Option 2 Outcome, Positive: Before the client musters the courage to approach their colleague, it seems that a peer has already done so. They observe the events from a distance and are discouraged by what they see.

Get Famous Chance Cards

These chance cards are similar to the ones above, but they are a little different. As mentioned, these can be dismissed. However, Get Famous chance cards come with two options. One gives your Sim Fame, but also has a negative outcome, such as demotion or even costing them their job. It’s up to you to decide whether you should sacrifice your Sim’s career to make them famous.

Will your Sim sacrifice their career for fame?

Will your Sim sacrifice their career for fame?

Celebrity Couple
A famous celebrity couple seeks your guidance for a unique problem. This opportunity could bring you fame, but it must be kept strictly confidential. Will you take up celebrity engagements or turn them down?
Option 1: Celebrity Whisper
Option 2: Private Practice
Option 1 Positive Outcome: Sim will gain fame.
Option 1 Negative Outcome: Sim will lose reputation and job.
Option 2 Outcome: No change


Celebrity Matchmaker
You receive an invitation from a well-known producer to host your own talk show on the difficulties of love. Because of this, you might become a household name. Assuming the pilot sticks. But it could also significantly change the course of your career. Will you choose to stick with a verified gig or take the chance?
Option 1: Embrace the Limelight
Option 2: Maintain the Course
Option 1 Positive Outcome: Sim will gain fame.
Option 1 Negative Outcome: Sim will lose reputation and job.
Option 2 Outcome: No change


Editorial Piece
You’ve been invited to feature in an exclusive editorial piece for your unique approach to romance and relationships. This could easily place you on the fast track to stardom, but it may also lead to a few invasive questions that violate client confidentiality.
Option 1: Seize the Spotlight
Option 2: Respect for Privacy
Option 1 Positive Outcome: Sim will gain fame and Medium Performance Gain.
Option 1 Negative Outcome: Sim will get demoted.
Option 2 Outcome: No change

Romance Consultant Career Rewards

The Romance Consultant career may not have as many rewards available as other careers in The Sims 4. You won’t earn free objects at every promotion. However, you do get some free goodies. Here’s a complete list of all unlockable rewards in the Romance Consultant career:

  • Consultant Plaque Decoration (Level 5)
  • Love’s Little Book Collection (Level 7)
  • I Chair-Ish You (Level 10 Relationship Counselor)
  • Kiss of the Night Couch (Level 10 Relationship Counselor)
  • Cornery Feelings End Table (Level 10 Relationship Counselor)
All the object rewards you can unlock in the Romance Consultant career.

All the object rewards you can unlock in the Romance Consultant career.

Studying for Romance Consultant Career at University

If you have The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion, you might fancy sending your Sim to college to study for a degree, which gives them a jump start in certain careers depending on the degree they graduated with. Unfortunately, there isn’t a degree in Romance at university in The Sims 4. However, there are certain degrees which will help your Sim get a head start in certain skills required for promotion in the Romance Consultant career, namely Charisma and Logic. You might want to consider enrolling in the following:

  • Communications (Charisma, Logic, and Writing skills)
  • Economics (Charisma, Logic, and Research & Debate skills)
  • History (Charisma, Logic, and Research & Debate skills)
  • Psychology (Charisma, Logic, and Research & Debate skills)

Any one of these degrees will help contribute to the Romance Consultant career. However, I would recommend going for Economics, History, or Psychology, as they also have you learning the Research & Debate skill, which allows you to complete homework and assignments faster once you reach certain levels, making your time at university a little easier. For more tips on making life easier at university, see our tips guide.

Additionally, there are Elective Classes available for the Romance skill. Unless your Sim is a frequent romanticizer, I would also recommend you sign up for these classes. You’ll have to sacrifice a class from each term, extending your minimum university stay from 3 weeks to 4, but it’ll be worthwhile.

Sims who want a leg-up in the Romance Consultant career can study the skills needed at university. Unfortunately, there isn't a degree that specializes in Romance.

Sims who want a leg-up in the Romance Consultant career can study the skills needed at university. Unfortunately, there isn’t a degree that specializes in Romance.

Final Tips for the Romance Consultant Career

As we wrap up this guide to the Romance Consultant career from The Sims 4 Lovestruck, let’s leave you with some final tips:

  • Romance Consultants should be experts in Romance, so ideally, you want Sims with the Lovebug or Romantic traits, or better still, both. Sims who are Unflirty or Noncommittal might have a harder time working their way up, as the Romance skill is heavily needed to get to the top.
  • Since your Sim will be spending a lot of time honing in their Romance skill, it’s suggested that your Sim should have a good consistent relationship with their partner, or have a Sim who goes on multiple dates. Use Romantic socials on them to boost their Romance skill. Additionally, do research on romance on the computer and watch the three romance-based channels on TV.
  • When working on your Sim’s Romance skill, make sure they’re in a Flirty mood, as it boosts their skill gain. If you have a Sim who’s a Lovebug or Romantic, they’ll often automatically become Flirty. Otherwise, you can watch romantic TV shows, take a Steamy shower, play one of the romantic party games, or even just get flirty with other Sims.
  • Don’t neglect your Sim’s Logic and Charisma skills. You’ll need to work on them to get further promotions. However, you only need to get them to level 6 at the very most, so don’t feel you have to grind too much; they don’t need to be at max level for the top promotion.

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