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The Sims 4 Island Conservation Guide

Discover how to bring the island of Sulani in The Sims 4 Island Living back to its full glory thanks to the conservation efforts of your Sims, whether they're simply an enthusiast or working in the Conservationist career.

The Sims 4 Island Conservation Guide

The Sims 4 Island Living Expansion Pack is about your Sims living life on a tropical island, complete with exotic luscious plants, endless beaches, beautiful blue oceans to swim in, and even an active volcano that spews out lava. One feature in Island Living is the ability to restore the island to its full glory by helping to preserve the place by cleaning up, documenting, and spreading the message.

Any Sim is capable of helping the island, but to get full advantage, your Sims need to enlist as a professional Conservationist. This active career gets your Sims traveling around the island, spreading the good word to other Sims and doing everything they can to restore the island’s beauty. Not only is the Conservationist career interesting and good fun, but it is also rewarding. This guide will take you through the steps to conserving Sulani and how to make the most of the Conservationist career.

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Do You Need to Be in the Conservationist Career to Help Sulani?

The bottom line with this question is: no, you do not need to be in the Conservationist career in order to restore Sulani to its full beauty. Any Sim can do their bit to help out. However, being a Conservationist does have many advantages. You’ll find that you can really speed up the process of helping Sulani by enrolling in this career. By working your way up, your Sim will unlock a number of interactions that directly affects Sulani’s status. Conservationist Sims can conduct surveys on Sulani’s wildlife and spray any invasive species that threatens it. They can also confront wrongdoers and anti-conservationists. Plus, your Sim can do some really cool stuff, such as shooting a nature documentary. The Conservationist career is also pretty well paid, no matter which branch you choose. If you’re passionate about island conservation and your Sim wants to make a career out of it, become a Conservationist.

If you choose not to join the Conservationist career, that’s fine. You may not have the same advantages as a Conservationist, but you can still help the island by cleaning up any litter you find and digging for trash in the sand.

Becoming a professional Conservationist has many advantages for helping Sulani.

Becoming a professional Conservationist has many advantages for helping Sulani.

How Bad Is the State of Sulani When You First Start?

If you’ve played Evergreen Harbor that comes with The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion, you may have seen how rundown some of the neighborhoods are, at least initially. Sulani probably isn’t that bad in comparison. The main area for concern in Sulani is Mua Pel’am. This is the place where Sims working from home in the Conservationist career are sent to do tasks, such as taking photos or conducting surveys or cleaning up litter. The other neighborhoods aren’t mentioned, although many tasks can be completed anywhere. For example, samples can be taken from the ocean anywhere in Sulani.

When you first visit Mua Pel’am in its initial state, on the surface, it doesn’t look horrible. You may see litter strewn around the area and algae floating on the ocean’s surface, but the place isn’t a complete wreck. However, Mua Pel’am can look better, thanks to your efforts. You’ll notice as you work to help the area, it starts to look better, more attractive and less infected by whatever has invaded it.

Mua Pel'am looks much better after your Sims have helped out.

Mua Pel’am looks much better after your Sims have helped out.

How to Restore Sulani and Make It Beautiful

More specifically, how to restore and beautify Mua Pel’am. As mentioned above, Mua Pel’am is at first strewn with rubbish, the water is polluted, and you have problems with overfishing, invasive species, and troublemakers such as litterbugs and anti-conservationists. Thanks to your Sims though, you can transform Mua Pel’am into a place of beauty – and this is exactly how you can help.

Whether your Sim is a professional Conservationist or just an enthusiastic volunteer, these are the things you can do to improve the conditions at Mua Pel’am:

  • Clean Up Litter: Across the land at Mua Pel’am, you may notice a small pile of trash on the ground. You can make these disappear by selecting them and then using the Clean Up interaction.
  • Chase Seagulls: These pests begin to appear after conditions at Mua Pel’am start to improve (Level 2, if you wish.) Seagulls are not good for the ecosystem, so you need to get rid of them. They might keep coming back, but every time you deal with seagulls, it’ll help the area. Whenever you see a little group of seagulls hanging out on the ground, just select them and either use Scare Flock or Chase Flock. Either will do, so long as they’re gone.
Seagulls around Mua Pel'am are bad for the environment. Chase them off whenever you see them.

Seagulls around Mua Pel’am are bad for the environment. Chase them off whenever you see them.

The following are the things that Conservationist career Sims can do. These unique interactions are marked with a special icon, so look out for these:

  • Conduct Survey: Even at an early level, Conservationists can use the Survey interaction around Mua Pel’am to gather information and learn the status of the area’s ecosystem. Survey can be used on harvestable plants, algae, fishing spots, and the waterfall. While your Sim is using Survey, they’ll make notes on whatever they’re studying. It doesn’t take forever to complete this interaction, but it does take time, maybe an in-game hour or so. Surveys are a popular task given to Conservationists when they’re working actively.
    There is something important to note about the Survey interaction. If it’s a task you need to complete for the Conservationist career, you need to discover something about 5 points of interest around Mua Pel’am. If your Sim does a survey on something and they don’t find anything important, it doesn’t count towards the task completion, so be aware of this. If a survey fails to come up with anything and count towards the task completion, use the Survey interaction on another object until Survey has successfully been completed 5 times.
    If your Sim does find something significant during a survey and they’re at least a Level 3 Conservationist, they’ll unlock the following interaction…
  • Spray Invasive Species: This interaction appears if your Sim conducts a survey on something in Mua Pel’am and they discover that it is infected. It does not appear before Survey is completed, even if it’s discovered that the subject is in fact infected. Treating infected subjects at Mua Pel’am is very easy. You just select it and choose Spray Invasive Species, and then the subject will be treated. Sometimes, infected wildlife can be noticeable. For example, infected algae will turn from green to a pink color. Once treated, the algae will return to its original green color.
Surveys take time, and don't always come up with something, but can reveal invasive species.

Surveys take time, and don’t always come up with something, but can reveal invasive species.

  • Take Photos: Conservationists have the ability to snap photos for research around Mua Pel’am. You don’t need to buy a camera to use this interaction. Your Sims can take photos of the cave, waterfall, fishing spots, harvestables, and algae. This is another popular task assigned to active working Sims, but is a lot quicker to complete than Surveys.
  • Take Samples of the Ocean: This is yet another job for the professional Conservationists. This is an easy enough task and one that appears quite a bit if you choose to work actively. The only thing you need to note is that when you do this interaction, it is temporarily unavailable. You have to wait a little while before you can do it again, and when doing this as part of your active career, it has to be done 3 times. Luckily, the cooldown time isn’t very long, and should become available again in under less than an in-game hour.
  • Spread Conservation Awareness: This interaction is available right at the start of your Conservationist career, and what better way to help the island by spreading the word to other Sims. This interaction is available with any Sims, whether they’re a family member or stranger, friend or foe, child or adult. It’s available under Friendly > Interests, and you should be able to spot it easily with the Conservationist icon next to it. This is a task that appears for active Conservationists, but you only have to do it with one Sim, not multiple times like many of the other tasks.
One way to improve Sulani is by spreading the message of conservation awareness to other Sims.

One way to improve Sulani is by spreading the message of conservation awareness to other Sims.

  • Deal With Wrongdoers: When Mua Pel’am improves to Level 2, alongside the seagull problem, you also get the Sim problem. Hateful Sims can start showing up in the area, creating trouble for you and the environment. Troublemakers can include Sims who overfish, litterbugs, and anti-environmentalists. But how do you spot these Sims? They can be identified with the flashing red exclamation mark over their head. They may also be in a foul mood when they arrive in Mua Pel’am, angry enough to cause trouble. If you’ve played the Detective career from The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion and have gone out on Patrol, you might be familiar with spotting troublesome Sims. Look for these Sims around Mua Pel’am and be alert for them. Sims who overfish can be found fishing at the designated spots.
    Is there anything you can do for these angry Sims who seem to have it out for the environment? Yes, there is. If you see any Sims with red exclamation marks above their heads while you’re in Mua Pel’am, you get two special interactions: Confront About Wrongdoing and Ask to Leave Nicely. I would suggest using Confront About Wrongdoing first, so your Sim can tell them off. They’ll either listen and take note, or rudely dismiss your Sim. Confronting a Sim isn’t a quick interaction; your Sims will give them a good lecture. After your Sim has finished, if the second interaction is available, I would then use Ask to Leave Nicely, just to make sure that this Sim doesn’t try and do anything else. They’ve already overstayed their welcome.
This Sim is looking to make trouble. It's best to deal with them as soon as you see them.

This Sim is looking to make trouble. It’s best to deal with them as soon as you see them.

If you do everything in your power to help Sulani, your efforts will eventually pay off. Whenever the island starts to improve, you’ll get a special pop up message letting you know its current status and if any new problems have arisen that you can deal with. Once you have fully restored Mua Pel’am, you’ll get a final notification congratulating you. You’ll also be informed that special events will now take place, including the hatching of baby turtles. 

Baby Turtles Event

This is an event completely unique to Sulani and more specifically Mua Pel’am. It will only take place once Mua Pel’am has been completely restored thanks to your conservation efforts. It’s one of those events that doesn’t happen very frequently, perhaps once a week. You’ll get a pop-up message letting you know when the event has started, so head on over to Mua Pel’am to go and see those adorable baby turtles.

Once you arrive at Mua Pel’am, it won’t be hard to spot the event. You’ll see big banners along the beach in one particular spot of the area, with parts of the beach fenced off to give the baby turtles some space and encourage them into the awaiting water as they emerge from the sand.

Your Sims cannot directly interact with the turtles. They cannot pick them up and pet them. The turtles are on an important mission, after all, and nothing’s going to stop them. What you can do is watch the turtles make their way into the water and also cheer them on. Other Sims will show up to the event to watch and encourage them. It’s a truly special event that is well worth watching, so I’d recommend you do it when it takes place.

Baby turtle hatchings start at 8am and go on until 2pm, so you have plenty of time to watch it. If you’re at the event when it comes to an end, everything will vanish at all once.

Turtles hatching at Mua Pel'am is an event well worth checking out.

Turtles hatching at Mua Pel’am is an event well worth checking out.

The Conservationist Career

I’ve talked about the Conservationist career quite a bit in this guide, and that’s because being in this career can really boost the efforts of helping Sulani. It’s beneficial in many ways. You gain access to unique interactions, and you can make good money doing it. Plus, it’s a really cool career in The Sims 4, and it’s active! Let’s take a closer look at the Conservationist career and how you can climb it, whichever branch you choose.

The First Levels

Conservationist Level 1: Wildlife Enthusiast

Salary: §14 per hour

Hours: 8am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Plant Something

This is where you start, at the bottom as a Wildlife Enthusiast. Your Sims will start off studying the environment, namely around Sulani, before they get deeper into proper research and conservation work. 

Tasks can include Research Conservation, which is conducted using a computer. If you don’t own one or can’t afford one, head to a Community Lot with a computer. Libraries typically have a handful of computers you can use for free. Research Conservation builds your Sim’s Logic skill. This skill is prevalent throughout the Conservation career, so you’ll be wanting to spend your time working on it.

Sims working from home may also be asked to Plant Something, which is easy enough. Find a harvestable that you can plant in the ground, and that’s all you need to do. You can find harvestables around Sulani, including coconuts and taro roots.

Your starter Sims may not be able to afford a PC at first, so make use of the ones at the library.

Your starter Sims may not be able to afford a PC at first, so make use of the ones at the library.

Conservationist Level 2: Field Assistant

Salary: §18 per hour

Hours: 8am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 2

Daily Task: Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Plant Something, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

The second level in the Conservationist career, Field Assistant, is similar to the first level, but in order to get the next promotion, you’ll need to get your Sim’s Logic skill to level 2. You’ll also be given more tasks to do when working actively, sending you to Mua Pel’am. If you choose to work actively in the Conservationist career, you’ll find yourself traveling to Mua Pel’am a lot.

From this point, Sims in the Conservationist career can Enthuse About Conservation with other Sims (under Friendly > Interests.) It does not count towards Sulani’s conservation points, but does occasionally appear as an active task.

Struggling to find the cave at Mua Pel'am? Look out for the Residential Lot with the shipwreck; the cave is close by.

Struggling to find the cave at Mua Pel’am? Look out for the Residential Lot with the shipwreck; the cave is close by.

The cave in Mua Pel’am can be found in the wall of the big rock near the Lot with the wrecked ship. Explore is one of the options, as well as Survey. The Survey interaction on the cave counts towards the Survey Wildlife task. You can also survey harvestable plants, algae, and fishing spots. Note that doing the survey won’t count towards the task if your Sim doesn’t find anything of significance. You usually need to successfully conduct 3 surveys to complete the Survey Wildlife task – and they must all be done in Mua Pel’am.

For building Logic, which plays a big part in the Conservationist career, you should think about getting yourself a chess table to build Logic. Get your Sim Focused first by using Browse Simpedia (under Web) on the computer or the interaction Ponder Moves on the chess table. A Focused Sim will gain the Logic skill much faster. The computer interaction Research Conservation also contributes to the Logic skill, so have your Sim Focused when doing that as well. In summary, whenever your Sim is doing something that builds Logic, have them in the Focused mood first.

Your Sim may also need to take photos around Mua Pel’am. There’s no need to shell out for a camera, expensive or otherwise. Just select the cave, waterfall, harvestable plants, fishing spots, and algae and choose Take Photo. It’s quick and easy to do.

Taking photos around Mua Pel'am is a common task for Conservationists.

Taking photos around Mua Pel’am is a common task for Conservationists.

Conservationist Level 3: Land Surveyor

Salary: §25 per hour

Hours: 8am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 3

Daily Task: Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Plant Something, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

The Land Surveyor role isn’t too much different from the previous title, except for the salary raise. Your Sim will need to notch their Logic skill up to the next level, 3, in order to get promoted. At level 3, Sims who have discovered infected wildlife can now use the interaction Spray Invasive Species.

Your Sim may also require to complete another task as a Conservationist: spreading conservation awareness to other Sims. This is a unique interaction for Sims of this career, found under Friendly > Interests, and will have the Conservation icon next to it. It’s a very simple task to do; it can be done with any Sim, even acquaintances. 

Infected algae turns pinkish red after being surveyed.

Infected algae turns pinkish red after being surveyed.

Conservationist Level 4: Wildlife Technician

Salary: §37 per hour

Hours: 8am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 4

Daily Task: Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Plant Something, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

Your Sim is making their way up, but in order to continue doing so, you’ll need to get your Logic skill up as well. At Conservationist Level 4, your Sims will unlock a new interaction on the computer: Write Conservation Article. This is a bit similar to Research Conservation, but it takes more time to complete. Make sure your Sim is Focused when doing this, as it’ll count towards their Logic skill.

Conservation tasks at the computer builds Logic.

Conservation tasks at the computer builds Logic.

Conservationist Level 5: Nature Historian

Salary: §43 per hour

Hours: 8am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 5

Daily Task: Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Plant Something, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Waterfall Sample, Clean Up Trash at Mua Pel’am, Write Conservation Article, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

Keep working on that Logic skill. It’s key to reaching the top of the Conservationist career, whichever branch you choose. At Level 5, you earn yourself a free canoe, which you can ride around the waters of Sulani in.

Tasks to look out for including taking samples from Mua Pel’am’s waterfall. It’s around the corner from the cave, on the left along the beach. There may be a cooldown time for taking samples, but not a long one. You may also need to clean up trash around Mua Pel’am. If there isn’t any trash on the beaches to pick up, you can always Beachcomb for Trash, and this will count if you find anything.

At level 5, Conservationists earn themselves a free canoe to ride the waters.

At level 5, Conservationists earn themselves a free canoe to ride the waters.

Conservationist Level 6: Conservation Director

Salary: §62 per hour

Hours: 8am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 6

Daily Task: Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Plant Something, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Samples From the Ocean, Take Waterfall Sample, Clean Up Trash at Mua Pel’am, Write Conservation Article, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

Your Sim is climbing the Conservationist ranks, and now starting to make some seriously good money out of it. Their responsibilities are growing though, with a higher Logic skill required for promotion and more tasks to complete, such as Take Samples From the Ocean. This particular task isn’t really difficult, but you do need to keep in mind that there’s a cooldown period after taking a sample from the ocean. The wait isn’t long though, so this task should get done relatively quickly.

If you own a canoe, you get a special sail unlocked through the Conservationist career at this level.

Samples can be taken from the ocean, but be aware of the cooldown period before you get another.

Samples can be taken from the ocean, but be aware of the cooldown period before you get another.

Environmental Manager Branch

Once your Sim gets promoted to level 7 of the Conservationist career, they have an important decision to make. At this stage, the Conservationist career splits in two directions: Environmental Manager, or Marine Biologist. The path you pick is up to you, but note that each branch is different. Marine Biologist has more tasks centered on the ocean, including interacting with dolphins, while Environmental Managers do more consultancy work. Both branches eventually require the Logic skill maxed out to reach the top, but Environmental Manager adds the Charisma skill while Marine Biologist gets your Sims working on their Fitness. The pay is good for both branches, although Environmental Managers get paid more.

At level 7 of the Conservationist career, you have an important decision to make: be an Environmental Manager, or a Marine Biologist.

At level 7 of the Conservationist career, you have an important decision to make: be an Environmental Manager, or a Marine Biologist.

Environmental Manager Level 7: Conservation Regulator

Salary: §127 per hour

Hours: 9am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 8, Charisma Skill Level 2

Daily Task: Prepare Grant Application

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Samples From the Ocean, Consult on a Global Policy, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

This role is a big step up from Conservation Director. Your Sim will make twice as much money but be required to work one less hour. Their work days are slightly different now as well, working Monday to Friday. A Logic skill of 8 is required for promotion, and that’s not all. Your Sim will now need to work on their Charisma Skill – but don’t waste your time grinding up to level 10. You only need to get as high as level 6 when you reach the top of the career.

In this role, your Sim will unlock a new task: Consult on a Global Policy. This is done through your Sim’s phone, under the Career panel. When you select this option, a whole list of policies will be shown to you, relating to protecting the environment. There’s plenty to choose from. Pick whichever one you like to complete the task.

Sims who choose this branch immediately unlock the ability to Prepare and Submit Grant Applications, which is done through the computer.

There are a lot of policies you can choose from to help Sulani.

There are a lot of policies you can choose from to help Sulani.

Environmental Manager Level 8: Sustainability Specialist

Salary: §178 per hour

Hours: 9am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 9, Charisma Skill Level 4

Daily Task: Prepare Grant Application

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Consult on a Global Policy, Enthuse About Conservation, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

If your Sim hasn’t got to level 9 Logic yet, they’ll really need to knuckle down now if they want to get to the top.

Sustainability Specialists can now Write Conservation Paper through a computer.

The Logic Skill must be completed maxed out to level 10 if you want to get to the very top.

The Logic Skill must be completed maxed out to level 10 if you want to get to the very top.

Environmental Manager Level 9: Environmental Ambassador

Salary: §231 per hour

Hours: 10am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 10, Charisma Skill Level 6

Daily Task: Prepare Grant Application

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Consult on a Global Policy, Enthuse About Conservation, Prepare Grant Application, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

Your Sim is almost there! Just max out their Logic skill and get their Charisma to a minimum of 6 to get that final promotion.

For Charisma, have your Sims practicing speeches in front of mirrors, after you’ve got your Sims Confident. This can be done with Psych Up Sim. Another way to build Charisma is by socializing with other Sims. Look out for interactions such as Flatter and Brighten Day.

At level 9, in both branches, your Sim unlocks the ability to Shoot Nature Documentary. This is done by selecting your Sim. It costs §500 for each documentary, and your Sim will go off the Lot for hours. When they’re done, you’ll be asked to name the documentary and give it a description. Making documentaries is similar to writing and publishing books. Every day, your Sim will get royalties per documentary. They should make around §100 per documentary per day, so keep this in mind if your Sims want to make some extra money.

Sims can make a little extra money from shooting nature documentaries.

Sims can make a little extra money from shooting nature documentaries.

Environmental Manager Level 10: Chief Sustainability Officer

Salary: §340 per hour

Hours: 10am – 4pm

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Daily Task: Prepare Grant Application

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Consult on a Global Policy, Enthuse About Conservation, Prepare Grant Application, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am

Congratulations! Your Sim has made it to the top of the Conservationist career via the Environmental Manager branch. For their efforts, along with the usual bonus payout, your Sim gains the Natural Speaker reward trait, and gets a free camera! With the Natural Speaker trait, grant applications are more likely to get accepted.

Marine Biologist Branch

As the name suggests, Marine Biologists focus more on ocean life than what’s going on at land. Your Sims will do a lot of swimming and spending time in water, so make sure they don’t have any fears of drowning. This branch is ideal for Child of the Ocean Sims. 

Marine Biologists are more likely to get water-based tasks when working actively.

Marine Biologists are more likely to get water-based tasks when working actively.

Marine Biologist Level 7: Ocean Observer

Salary: §87 per hour

Hours: 8am – 3pm

Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 8, Fitness Skill Level 2

Daily Task: Survey Ocean Wildlife

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Samples From the Ocean, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am, Enthuse About Marine Biology, Enthuse About Conservation

Since your Sim, as a Marine Biologist, is spending a lot of time in the ocean, it’s ideal for them to have a good Fitness Skill. Hopefully by this point, your Sim has done a lot of swimming already, building their Fitness Skill. If it still falls below the mark though, you can send them to a gym and get them working out, or buy your own workout equipment if you have some spare cash. For faster skill climbing, have your Sims feeling Energized first before they do any exercise. Don’t neglect their Logic Skill either, as this is needed for promotion.

Enthuse About Marine Biology is a new interaction given to Sims who are Marine Biologists. Not only does it give them something new to talk about, but it can appear as an active task. They can also Survey Ocean Wildlife, which means swimming out to diving buoys.

Environmental Managers need to work on their Charisma, but Marine Biologists have to focus on their Fitness. Swimming is a good way to build this skill.

Environmental Managers need to work on their Charisma, but Marine Biologists have to focus on their Fitness. Swimming is a good way to build this skill.

Marine Biologist Level 8: Fisheries Specialist

Salary: §130 per hour

Hours: 8am – 3pm

Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 9, Fitness Skill Level 4

Daily Task: Survey Ocean Wildlife

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Samples From the Ocean, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am, Enthuse About Marine Biology, Interact With a Dolphin, Enthuse About Conservation

Marine Biologists focus on the ocean, specifically the wildlife that lives there. In Sulani, one such wildlife is dolphins. These beautiful creatures can be found circling snorkel/diving buoys in the waters of Sulani, whether in the shallows or the deep sea. Whenever you’re in any of Sulani’s neighborhoods, keep an eye on the water around the orange buoys. Look out for two things: the dolphins themselves, and a little swirling group of fish. By selecting the fish, you can call over a dolphin. 

Interacting with a dolphin is very special in The Sims 4. You can pet them, feed them, talk to them, splash them, and even get them to do tricks! Your Sims will automatically interact with dolphins after they are called over, or you can pick your own interactions. Once the timer is up, it will count towards completing the task.

At level 8, Marine Biologists also unlock the ability to Survey Ocean Floor.

It's a magic moment when your Sims are interacting with dolphins.

It’s a magic moment when your Sims are interacting with dolphins.

Marine Biologist Level 9: Aquatic Ecologist

Salary: §208 per hour

Hours: 8am – 3pm

Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Skills Required for Promotion: Logic Skill Level 10, Fitness Skill Level 6

Daily Task: Survey Ocean Wildlife

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Samples From the Ocean, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am, Enthuse About Marine Biology, Interact With a Dolphin, Enthuse About Conservation

This is it, the penultimate step before reaching the top of the Conservationist career as a Marine Biologist. You’ll need to max out your Logic skill and get your Fitness up to level 6 before that final promotion is yours.

Keep an eye on these orange buoys for marine life such as dolphins and fish.

Keep an eye on these orange buoys for marine life such as dolphins and fish.

Marine Biologist Level 10: Master of Marine Affairs

Salary: §325 per hour

Hours: 8am – 3pm

Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Daily Task: Survey Ocean Wildlife

Examples of Active Tasks: Research Conservation, Explore Cave at Mua Pel’am, Survey Wildlife at Mua Pel’am, Spread Conservation Awareness to Other Sims, Take Samples From the Ocean, Take Photos of Mua Pel’am, Enthuse About Marine Biology, Interact With a Dolphin, Enthuse About Conservation

Now your Sim is a top Marine Biologist, they have gained the Master of the Sea reward trait. This means having a much easier time befriending dolphins and mermaids, but also getting around the waters easier.

Sims with the Master of the Sea trait have an easier time befriending dolphins and mermaids.

Sims with the Master of the Sea trait have an easier time befriending dolphins and mermaids.

Final Tips for the Conservationist Career

To round off this guide, I’ll leave you with some (hopefully) useful tips if you choose to work in the Conservationist career in The Sims 4.

  • If you check your Sim’s pockets after spending time out in the field gathering samples, you’ll find them in your Sim’s inventory. These can be analyzed and tested. Tested samples can then be either sold or sent off. I would recommend selling them, as you can get a few hundred Simoleans for each sample from doing so, giving you some extra cash.
  • You may find as you work your way up the Conservationist career, you have several days off in a row. Use this time well to work on your skills needed for promotion. If you’ve done that already, consider signing up for some Odd Jobs to bring in some extra money. The ones that request for you to go looking for treasure is the best paid.
  • It’s recommended that if you’re going to enrol in the Conservationist career, you should move to Sulani. You’ll be much closer to work here, and will be much easier than living in the other worlds. By living in Sulani, your Sims can just step out of the door and get to work.
  • If you want to reach the top of the Conservationist career, you should get yourself a PC, chess table, and either a mirror or fitness equipment (depending on the branch you choose.)

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