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Quake II Cheat Codes List

If the remaster of Quake II got you beaten and blasted by baddies, then this Quake II Cheat Codes list has all the codes you need to get your own back on those mean old Strogg. All tested and all awesome. And features level codes for the Quake II 64 and The Call of the Machine campaigns!

Quake II Cheat Codes List Cover

The release of MachhineGames‘s Quake II remaster was a welcome surprise. Featuring a wealth of content old and new to give veteran fans and newcomers a hell of a time. With a band new campaign as well as the release of the Quake II 64 campaign it is a great time to be a fan of this classic game. However, like most games of its era, it can be a tough nut to crack. And that is where this Quake II Cheat Codes list comes in. So if you want powers to get past a hard section, or want to skip to where you left things off back in the day, this is the guide for you.

Much like the Quake Cheat Codes List all these cheats have been proofread and tested to ensure that they work for the current build of the game. All to try and provide you with the most comprehensive guide around. Goodness, at the time of writing, there are even cheats here that you won’t find on other sites! I’ll be blunt dear reader, the vast majority of the cheat lists for the previous game weren’t accurate; they’d include cheats for this game which naturally didn’t work. Though to be fair it turns out that some cheats from the previous game work here too so maybe that is the reason for the confusion. But regardless I have worked to make sure that these cheats work. Even if some might only work on certain campaigns. Anyway, enough waffling, let’s get cracking!

Before We Begin

Whilst I do feel that this almost goes without saying. I should point out that every cheat featured on this Quake II Cheat Codes list only works on the PC version of this game. In order to get these cheats to work you need to activate the developer console. To do this press the ` or the ~ key on your keyboard. Which key it will be will depend on what part of the world you are in. Once you press the correct button a drop-down menu will appear as shown in the screenshot below. There is a chance that these cheats may work on consoles with the use of a USB keyboard. However, I have been unable to test this myself.

To type in your Quake II Cheat Codes you need to open this menu.

To type in your Quake II Cheat Codes you need to open this menu.

I should point out that some powerups cannot be accessed directly via their cheat code. As those cheats only seem to work on the campaign they were introduced in. And Items like the A-M bomb, doppelganger, and other multi-player powerups cannot be accessed via their cheats in single-player either.  However all of them can be accessed via the “give all” command regardless of the campaign you are on. This guide is intended to be as comprehensive a list of codes as possible. But some codes are incredibly niche or give results that most KeenGamers won’t need. As such I have prioritised the most useful.

General Cheats

Cheat Code Effect
god God Mode
give all Gives you all weapons, ammo, and items in singleplayer
mapname Tells you the file name of the map you are on.
give body armor Gives you body armour
give combat armor Gives you combat armour
give jacket armor Gives you Jacket armour
God mode makes you totally unkillable!

God mode makes you totally unkillable!

give armor Gives you 200 armour points
give ammo Gives you the maximum ammo for all weapons
give health ### Sets your health to a certain value. Replace ### with the number you want.
quit Closes the game.
restart Restarts the game.
screenshot Takes a screenshot.
help Provides a full list of console commands.

Weapon & Item Cheats

Next up on this Quake II Cheat Codes list is the weapons and item lists. You will find a list of all the codes for all the weapons and items you can access. I have not included items that cannot be accessed via their own codes. I have already explained previously why that seems to be the case. But your buddy Chris cannot be certain as I’ve tried to find out how to get the working otherwise. However, said items are only power-ups, so you aren’t missing much. But if you really want them they can be gained via the “Give All” code.

Cheat Code Effect
give chainfist Gives you the Chainfist.
give machinegun Gives you the Machinegun.
give shotgun Gives you the Shotgun.
give super shotgun Gives you the Super Shotgun.
give grenades Gives you grenades.
give grenade launcher Gives you the Grenade Launcher.
give prox launcher Gives you the Proximity Granade Launcher.
give etf rifle Gives you the ETF Rifle.
You can even use weapons from other campaigns!

You can even use weapons from other campaigns!

give chaingun Gives you the Chaingun.
give rocket launcher Gives you the Rocket Launcher.
give hyperblaster Gives you the Hyperblaster weapon.
give railgun Gives you the Rail Gun weapon.
give bfg10k Gives you the BFG10K weapon.
give trap Gives you the Trap weapon.
give ionripper Gives you the Ion Ripper weapon.
give phalanx Gives you the Phalanx weapon.
give plasma beam Gives you the Plasma Beam weapon.
give tesla Gives you the Tesla trap.

Item & Ammo Cheats

give bullets ### Sets the bullet ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give slugs ### Sets the slugs ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give grenades ### Sets the grenade ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give shells ### Sets the shells ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give cells ### Sets the cells ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give rockets ### Sets the rocket ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give mag slug ### Sets the mag slug ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give flechettes ### Sets the flechettes ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give rounds ### Sets the rounds ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
give prox ### Sets the prox ammo count in your inventory to a specific number. Replace ### with the amount you want.
Now you're playing with power!

Now you’re playing with power!

give invulnerability Gives you the Invulnerability power-up.
give bandolier Gives you the Bandolier power-up.
give ammo pack Gives you the Ammo Pack power-up.
give silencer Gives you the Silencer power-up.
give rebreather Gives you the Rebreather power-up.
give flashlight Gives you the flashlight power-up.
give double damage Gives you the Double Damage power-up.
give invisibility Gives you the Invisibility power-up.
give ir goggles Gives you the IR Goggles power-up.
give defender sphere Gives you the Defender Sphere power-up.

Level Select Cheats

As the heading suggests below you’ll find all the level cheat codes across all main games and the expansions included in the 2023 rerelease of the game. There is only one level missing from this Quake II Cheat Codes list which is the final “Level” in the Quake II 64 list. I say “Level” as that is just the credits page. Which seems to count as a level for some reason. But hey, with all the cheats here getting there shouldn’t be too hard. The codes in this section are for the main Quake II campaign.

Cheat Code Map
map base1 Outerbase
map base2 Installation
map base 3 Com Center
map train Lost Station
map bunk1 Ammo Depot
map ware1 Supply Station
map ware2 Warehouse
map jail1 Main Gate
map jail 2 Destination Center
map jail3 Security Complex
map jail4 Torture Chambers
map jail5 Guard House
map security Grid Control
map mintro Mine Entrance
map mine1 Upper Mines
map mine2 Borehole
map mine3 Drilling Area
map mine4 Lower Mines
map fact1 Receiving Chamber
With this Quake II Cheat Codes List you can access levels once only seen in magazines of your youth.

With this Quake II Cheat Codes List you can access levels once only seen in magazines of your youth.

map fact3 Sudden Death
map fact2 Processing Plant
map power1 Power Plant
map power2 The Reactor
map cool1 Cooling Facility
map waste1 Toxic Waste Dump
map waste2 Pumping Station 1
map waste3 Pumping Station 2
map biggun Big Gun
map hanger1 Outer Hanger
map space Comm Satelite
map lab Research Lab
map hanger2 Inner Hanger
map command Launch Command
map strike Outlands
map city1 Outer Courts
map city2 Lower Palace
map city3 Upper Palace
map boss1 Inner Chamber
map boss2 Final Showdown

Call of The Machine Map Codes

Cheat Code Map
map mguhub Strogg Gateway
map mgu1m1 A Grave or Dead Gods
map mgu1trial1 The Casali Effect
map mgu1m2 Megacorpse IV
map mgu1m3 The Death Gate
map mgu1m4 Give Me Back My Moon
map mgu1m5  Strogg Jammers
map mgu2m1 Outer Complex
map mgu2m2 Security Annex
map mgu2m3 Comms Bunker
map mgu3m1 Echos of the Past
map mgu3m2 Ruined Earth
map mgu3m3 Strogg Mining Intake
map mgu3secret Pumping Station 3
With this Quake II Cheat Codes list you can even visit secret levels!

With this Quake II Cheat Codes list you can even visit secret levels!

map mgu3m4 Way of the Marine
map mgu4m1 Uplink Tower
map mgu4m2 Heavy Water
map mgu4trial McGee Station
map mgu4m3 Junkyard
map mgu5m1 Surface Infiltration
map mgu5m2 Strogg Flesh Labs
map mgu5trial Baklava
map mgu5m3 The Mainframe
map mgu6m1 Too Deep
map mgu6m2 Too Greedy
map mgu6trial Turbine
map mgu6m3 Fatalism
map mguboss Temple Of The Creator

The Reckoning Map Codes

Cheat Code Map
map xswamp The Swamps
map xsewer1 Sewers
map xsewer2 Waste Sieve
map xcompnd1 Outer Compound
map xcompnd2 Inner Compound
map xreactor Core Reactor
map xware The Warehouse
map xintell Intelligence Center
map industry Industrial Facility
map outbase Outer Base
These codes are a real blast!

These codes are a real blast!

map refinery Refinery
map w_treat Water Treatment Plant
map badlands Badlands
map xhangar1 Lower Hangers
map xhangar2 The Hangers
map xship Strogg Freighter
map xmoon1 Cargo Bay
map xmoon2 Command Center

Ground Zero Map Codes

Cheat Code Map
map rmine1 Lower Mines
map rlava1 Thaelite Mines
map rlava2 Tetonic Stabilizer
map rmine2 Mine Engineering
map rware1 Eastern Warehouse
map rware2 Waterfront Storage
map rbase1 Logistics Complex
When you load into a map with the level codes you'll only have the starting weapon on you.

When you load into a map with the level codes you’ll only have the starting weapon on you.

map rbase2 Tactical Command
map rhangar1 Research Hanger
map rsewer1 Waste Processing
map rsewer2 Waste Disposal
map rhangar2 Maintenance Hangers
map rammo1 Munitions Plant
map rammo2 Ammo Depot
map rboss Widow’s Lair

Quake II 64 Map Codes

Cheat Code Map
map q64/outpost Strogg Outpost
map q64/complex Central Complex
map q64/intel Intelligence Center
map q64/comm Communications Center
map q64/orbit Orbital Defence
map q64/station Docking Station
map q64/ship Strogg Freighter
map q64/cargo Cargo Bay
map q64/mines Zaxite Mines
Poor guy didn't read the Quake II Cheat Codes list!

Poor guy didn’t read the Quake II Cheat Codes list!

map q64/storage Storage Facility
map q64/organic Organic Storage
map q64/process Processing Center
map q64/geo-stat Geothermal Station
map q64/jail Detention Center
map q64/lab Research Lab
map q64/bio Bio-Waste Treatment
map q64/conduits Access Conduits
map q64/core Descent To Core
map q64/command Command Core

Gameplay Cheats

Finally on this Quake II Cheat Codes list are the random cheats that mostly affect the gameplay directly. They aren’t as essential as the others featured. And with exceptions aren’t all that useful. But they can help here and there. To be honest this is mostly a selection of miscellaneous cheats that don’t fit in anywhere else.

Who needs a bridge when you can noclip?

Who needs a bridge when you can noclip?

Cheat Code Effect
Noclip Allows you to move through walls and fly.
sv_gravity # Allows you to change gravity. 850 is the default. The higher the number the harder it will be to jump. The lower it is the more you’ll float.
kill Kills you and restarts the level with the starting weapons.
skill # Replace # to change game difficulty. 0= Easy, 1= Normal, 2= Hard, 3= Nightmare. You must restart the level for it to take effect.
r_fullbright Deactivates all level lighting and activates fullbright mode. To undo this replace the 1 with 0.
cl_forwardspeed # Replace # to change your forwards movement speed.
sv_stopspeed # Replace # to change how long it takes your character to stop moving.
notarget Enemies won’t target you until you shoot at them. Note, if they already see you this won’t make them stop seeing you.


And so concludes this Quake II Cheat Codes list. I hope that you have found this guide useful. If so be sure to share it with your friends. For more guides, reviews, and gaming news updates be sure to stick around KeenGamer. There is all kinds of stuff here. And if you have any codes you’d like to share with your fellow players leave them in the comments down below.

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