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Goddess of Victory: NIKKE Neon: Blue Ocean Character Guide

This guide will provide insights into the newest addition to Goddess of Victory: NIKKE, Neon: Blue Ocean, including her skills overview and potential team compositions. Neon: Blue Ocean is a variant of Neon who now wields a Machine Gun who provides substantial damage against her enemies, especially against Fire Code Raptures.

Goddess of Victory NIKKE Neon Blue Ocean Character Guide

To celebrate the Summer season in Goddess of Victory: NIKKE, SHIFT UP plans on bringing two new variants for two familiar Nikkes, Mary and Neon, dressing up to prepare for their newest journey. And today we will discuss one of the new Nikke, Neon: Blue Ocean’s in-depth guide, focusing on her skills as well as her team synergies. Let’s begin.

The Bluewater Island Summer update starts on June 15 and lasts until July 6, 2023. Goddess of Victory: NIKKE is available on Windows, Android, and iOS.

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Neon: Blue Ocean Combat Overview

To start the guide, let’s take a look at Neon: Blue Ocean’s Nikke Skills. As a variant of the original Neon, Neon: Blue Ocean’s Skills are different than her counterpart. For starters, her Skill 1, Upper Wave, gives her a great bonus Parts Damage up to 12.4% for 20 seconds. This skill activates when Neon: Blue Ocean uses her Burst Skill.

Meanwhile, Neon: Blue Ocean’s Skill 2, Water Jet, will buff herself by increasing her Damage as strong element by 20.56%, 20.2%, and 20.2% for 10 seconds each. This effect activates when entering Burst Stage 3, and the previous effects can trigger repeatedly.

And lastly, her Burst Skill, Full Hydro Shot, replaces her main weapon with a special weapon that has the damage equivalent of 11% of the Final ATK that lasts for 7 seconds. Moreover, if Neon: Blue Ocean hits an enemy that has Fire Code, then she deals additional damage at 11% of her Final ATK. This Burst Skill has a cooldown of 40 seconds.

Overall Neon focuses on enhancing herself to give massive damage barrages, and she’s more potent when pitted against Fire Code enemies. However, she’s a selfish Nikke that doesn’t provide anything to the team other than herself, like Privaty who stuns all enemies, or Helm who heals all allies when using her Burst Skill, which reduces her value for the team substantially.

Skills Priority

Now that you know Neon: Blue Ocean’s Skills, it’s time to move on to her Skills Priority. As she is a Healer/Supporter, here is the hierarchy of what you should upgrade first (in descending order):

  • Full Hydro Shot: Her Burst Skill is the best Skill she has, especially when you use Neon: Blue Ocean against Fire Code enemies/bosses. Not to mention, Water Jet also affects her other Skills, since they can be only activated when her Burst Skill is active. These are the main reasons why you should prioritize upgrading her Burst Skill.
  • Upper Wave: The next Skill to prioritize is her Skill 1, Upper Wave. This Skill allows Neon: Blue Ocean to constantly deal additional Parts Damage when using her Burst Skill, greatly enhancing her damage output. You should prioritize upgrading this Skill after her Burst Skill.
  • Water Jet: Lastly, Skill 2 has the lowest priority among the three due to its limitations to just buffing Neon herself. While this buff is not necessarily bad, the scope of the buff is heavily limited to just one character, not all allies, therefore reducing the priority to enhance this Skill.
Neon's Skills

Neon’s Skills

Best Equipment Substats

Since Neon: Blue Ocean is an Attacker-Class Nikke, she can only use the corresponding equipment designated for that Class. It is not necessary to put your Manufacturer’s Equipment on her as she’s not that demanding in terms of stats. Though you can try upgrading her Equipment Levels to at least Level 2 to maximize her damage.

However, if you do have excess equipment and wish to place them on Neon: Blue Ocean, I recommend you to look out for Increase Element Damage Dealt, Increase Max Ammo Capacity, and Increase Hit Rate sub-stats if you wish to upgrade her equipment to Overload Tier to add more waterpower to her kit.

Neon: Blue Ocean’s Potential Team Composition

As for her potential teammates, Neon: Blue Ocean is a Nikke that can fit into several team lineups since she’s a great main DPS. Unlike Mary: Bay Goddess, she’s not limited to just mono-Water teams, giving more leeway to her team compositions.

Her potential teammates are Liter, Centi/Blanc, Modernia, and Noir

Due to her nature as a Burst 3 Nikke and her 40 seconds Burst Skill cooldown, she needs another Burst 3 Nikke to maximize the Full Burst rotation, and to fill that role, Noir and Modernia are the two best options for the optimal rotation to prevent emptiness during Burst 3 stage.

Neon: Blue Ocean will act as the team’s main Attacker by utilizing her Parts Damage buff and her special Burst stance. Meanwhile, Liter will serve as the team’s main Supporter by enhancing all of her allies as well as recovering some of their Cover’s HP. Meanwhile, Centi acts as the Burst 2 Nikke for the team, by utilizing her Shielding ability and Burst energy generation. 

Lastly, for other Burst 3 Nikkes that you can use to pair up with Neon: Blue Ocean, you should go for Modernia or Noir. These two are among the best DPS in the game, and when combined with Neon, you will have massive burst damage from your team lineup.



Best Stages to Use Neon: Blue Ocean

Now that we’ve gone through her Skills and her Team potential, it’s time to talk about her usability in the Boss stages. In Goddess of Victory: NIKKE, the hardest challenge that players must face are the Special Interception Bosses. As stated before, Neon: Blue Ocean is a solid damage dealer but she’s a selfish unit that does not provide anything for her team.

And so, to close off this Neon: Blue Ocean Nikke guide, we will provide a table that includes her usability against all Interception Bosses + Nihilister, Chapter 20’s Stage Boss, to provide insight about what Bosses she’s strong against and which are the ones you should avoid using her against.

Interception/Stage Bosses

Usability Rank

( E – S)

Nihilister S

Nihilister is a Fire-type Boss, so she is weak against Water Code Nikkes and Neon: Blue Ocean is a great pick since she can deal a massive amount of damage to Nihilister thanks to her Skills that deal added damage to Fire-type enemies.

Recommended Lineup: Neon: Blue Ocean, Liter, Blanc, Noir, and Modernia.

Modernia C Facing Modernia requires top DPS and strong buffs to clear her Interception. Neon: Blue Ocean might have great burst damage and can destroy Modernia’s parts easily, however, she heavily needs other Nikkes’ support and buffs to truly shine against Modernia, therefore you should prioritize other Nikkes as your main DPS.
Chatterbox B

Chatterbox is the easiest Interception Boss, as he is less demanding compared to other Bosses. Neon: Blue Ocean is a solid DPS option here since she can burst down every Chatterbox’s attack relatively easily.

Recommended Lineup: Liter, Centi/Blanc, Modernia, Noir/Rapunzel, and Neon: Blue Ocean.

Blacksmith D

Blacksmith is another Interception Boss that is not suitable for Neon: Blue Ocean due to Blacksmith’s aerial bombardment that targets all on-field Nikkes, which she can’t immediately destroy or target all at once. Not to mention, Blacksmith’s Boss Parts are incredibly sturdy, so much so that Neon: Blue Ocean’s Skill is practically useless against them.

Grave Digger E To complete Grave Digger Interception, you must gather a specific lineup consisting of Shotgun-based Nikkes, so Neon: Blue Ocean is not suitable for that lineup since her Skills are weak against Grave Digger.
Alteisen C Alteisen’s quick missile and turret barrages must be countered by specific Nikkes such as Noise, Sakura, or Ludmilla. Though Neon: Blue Ocean can be a decent unit against Alteisen, her presence may hinder you from using Noise, Sakura, or Ludmilla since she does not benefit from them, giving you a harder time fighting Alteisen.

And that’s the character guide for Neon: Blue Ocean for Goddess of Victory: NIKKE.

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