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A New Character Could Help the Next Horizon Have Multiple Endings

The next chapter of the Horizon franchise could bring an additional impactful character to conclude the story in a new way. The new character can offer multiple different endings for Aloy's journey, creating a unique Horizon tale for fans.

A New Character Could Help the Next Horizon Have Multiple Endings

Guerrilla Games’ Horizon franchise has been an amazing example of a demonstration of a post-apocalyptic world. The world is infested by deadly machine-driven robots scattered in every corner. There is nothing left from the past except for a few technological computers. People have turned into primitive humans living in caves and fighting with bows and arrows. In this world, a fearless warrior, Aloy, has to find the answers for the most unsolved mysteries impacting the future of the planet.

Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West both presented a marvelous way of bringing this universe into players’ hands. An incredible story, which is still yet to finish, along with smooth gameplay mechanics, has provided unprecedented moments for Aloy’s fans. They can freely take a walk on this amazing map, featuring natural beauties suitable for the Photo Mode. However, there is still something Guerrilla can take into account to make the franchise even more surprising.

When it comes to the characters, the franchise is only based on one character. Aloy is the only one you can control and proceed with the story. This has resulted in having only one single ending for both Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. But, as the next section is going to finalize Aloy’s journey, what if there will be a second controllable character to help the game have different endings?

Aloy heading to rescue Minerva with Varl and Zo

Aloy heading to rescue Minerva with Varl and Zo

An Additional Character Can Bring Diversity

The Horizon franchise is one of the most popular titles among gamers. Players feel delighted to revisit the world time and time again. Aloy is also one of the greatest heroines in the history of video games. Her beauty, power, courage, and curiosity have always persuaded us to explore beyond the limits. While playing as her always feels cool, adding a second character could be interesting.

Generally, games with more than one character are more popular and successful. Titles such as GTA V, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and The Last of Us all relied on adding more protagonists to their stories, and they have gained more success. A second character, specifically controllable, could add new features to Guerrilla’s masterpiece. More combats, skills, and tactics to unlock, and more outfits and weapons to use. Also, more collaborations with Aloy will happen as she is mostly all by herself and doesn’t want to put someone’s life in danger. However, the addition of this new character will be risky and requires a lot of attention. He/She must establish a strong relationship with Aloy, be a great supporter for her, and more importantly, be able to sacrifice his/her life for our main protagonist.

Aloy and Kotallo in The Bulwark

Aloy and Kotallo in The Bulwark

Three Endings Could Happen If The Second Character Is Added

One of the advantages if Guerrilla plans to introduce another protagonist is that the game will be free from having single endings. Of course, Horizon has never been designed to be followed by your choices, and it always proceeds as it is already written. But maybe, taking a further step and making a multiple-ending game for the final chapter could be beneficial for Guerrilla.

According to the final cutscene of Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy is now preparing for the ultimate battle. The biggest threat she has ever faced is approaching the Earth to eradicate everything. It would be even more exciting if she has to leave the planet. This formidable battle surely deserves to be finished with different endings, from good to sad.

Far Zenith shuttle

Far Zenith shuttle

The Good Ending: Everyone Survives

The first ending everyone expects to see is a good ending. In this scenario, no one needs to sacrifice. Aloy and the second protagonist, along with other allies, will defeat the enemy. The story finishes in its best way, and everyone feels content at the end, similar to what happened in Zero Dawn and Forbidden West.

The Bad Ending: The Second Protagonist Sacrifices

The next ending will be based on the added character. As the battle gets more intense, someone needs to do something. This could be a dramatic ending for Aloy’s main ally, as he/she must take a step forward and sacrifice to save life on Earth. There will be no other way, and our hero will be gone forever, leaving Aloy alone again.

The Sad Ending: Aloy Sacrifices

Obviously, no one prefers to see Aloy sacrificing herself for mankind. But, if this is meant to be the only way, she will then have to give away her life to save the planet and finalize her extraordinary journey in the most possible sorrowful way. Perhaps, she could look at her home from above for the last time and close her eyes. This scene could be one of the most heartbreaking moments for gamers, and no one will be able to control his/her emotions. If the second character is controllable, you will be able to continue exploring the map and playing any side quests left.

Aloy with her allies

Aloy with her allies

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