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15 Greatest Dynasty Warriors OST of All Time

Today I will curate 15 Top Dynasty Warriors OST from the main lines of the franchise. When we're talking about Dynasty Warriors, most of us will think about the one-man army against 1,000 enemies. However, one aspect that is important yet sometimes goes under the radar is the soundtrack, which enriches our experience playing through Dynasty Warriors.

15 Greatest Dynasty Warriors OST of All Time

Dynasty Warriors is a long-standing franchise from Koei Tecmo that spans many games starting from the early 2000s and still going on strong even in the 2020s, with their latest installment being Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires. The franchise is close to my heart as it’s one of the few games that I regularly play as a kid, and I still play the games even in 2023. Two of the main reasons why I always enjoy playing the Dynasty Warriors series for 10+ years are the great and fun hack-and-slash mechanics while enjoying top OST in each stage.

Dynasty Warriors offers distinct hack-and-slash mechanics in which we play in a 1 vs. 1000 situation slashing through enemies in Ancient China’s landscape and its historical sites and cities, such as Luoyang, Xuchang, and Hefei. Every single game managed to hook me into sinking hours after hours battling through the beautiful stages and gaining countless victories over the years, obtaining the rarest weapons for my favorite characters.

And, there’s one part that remains consistent and enjoyable throughout the years: the soundtrack. While the first Dynasty Warriors does not have any particular soundtrack that I enjoy, starting from Dynasty Warriors 2 up until Dynasty Warriors 9, Koei Tecmo managed to bring banger after banger for 20 years straight, fitting their respective roles perfectly, something that some games nowadays fail to bring.

With that in mind, I have curated 15 Dynasty Warriors soundtracks that I feel are the best among the rest for this list. The soundtracks that are on the list below are specifically from the Dynasty Warriors’ main games, which means the soundtracks from the spin-offs like Dynasty Warriors: Strike will not appear on this list.

Bad Vs. Bad From Dynasty Warriors 9

To start this list, I will mention Bad Vs. Bad from Dynasty Warriors 9, which plays during the Battle of Hefei stage as the number 15 of the greatest Dynasty Warriors OST of all time.

Battle of Hefei depicts the heroic tale of Zhang Liao from Wei who managed to drive off Wu’s massive invading army of 100,000 troops with only 7,000 defending troops. Zhang Liao then selected 800 “die-hard” soldiers overnight in preparation for the upcoming battle and threw a banquet for his men.

This soundtrack from Dynasty Warriors 9 perfectly encapsulates the heroism and bravery that Zhang Liao achieved in his battle, and every instrument within the soundtrack, especially the drums, gives us a wonderful beat and progression throughout the music.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the Musou BGM YouTube channel.

The Crest of Thirst From Dynasty Warriors 6: Special Edition

The Crest of Thirst from Dynasty Warriors 6: Special Edition is next on this list. The soundtrack plays during the Battle of Jieting stage, where the Shu army must face off against the Wei army.

Battle of Jieting was part of the first Northern Expedition led by Shu’s chancellor-regent, Zhuge Liang, to attack Wei. Jieting was a crucial region for the securing of supplies, and Zhuge Liang sent Ma Su and Wang Ping to guard the territory. Wei’s general Zhang He led an attack on Ma Su’s camp, which was located on a hilltop with no access to water. Ma Su’s troops were soon surrounded and forced to surrender.

The soundtrack brings forth a beautiful combination between traditional Chinese instruments and modern rock guitars and drums, which gives us a vivid image of Zhang He as one of the best generals of Cao Wei at that period, with his commanding presence and battle prowess that managed to defeat the invading Shu Han army.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the GmodCaboose56 YouTube channel.

Run, Run, Run From Dynasty Warriors 5

Run, Run, Run from Dynasty Warriors 5 is next on this list as the Top 13 of the Greatest Dynasty Warriors OST. The soundtrack plays during multiple stages in the game, and whenever this soundtrack comes on, I was full of adrenaline rush, ready to wreak havoc on the battlefield, slashing all enemies in front of me.

Although this soundtrack is not attached to any specific stage, the fact that we can hear this piece everywhere around some stages gives us a boost of strength as the soundtrack primarily focuses on intense electric guitars and melodies paired with heavy drums.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the GinchiyoTachibanafan YouTube channel.

Revolutionary Dawn From Dynasty Warriors 9

For number 12, I will put Revolutionary Dawn from Dynasty Warriors 9. This top Dynasty Warriors OST piece plays during the game’s Sima Yi’s Coup d’état stage, where the usurpers consisting of the Sima clan wished to kill Cao Shuang and abdicate the Cao Wei Emperor, Cao Fang.

Sima Yi’s Coup d’état was a turning point in Cao Wei’s history as that event resulted in Sima Yi seizing power from Cao Shuang, effectively increasing the Sima family’s influence and paving the way for the eventual replacement of the Cao Wei regime by the Sima family’s Jin dynasty in 266.

The backdrop melody and orchestra paired with the guitar’s progression throughout the soundtrack really gives the vibe of something grand and majestic, and in turn, the soundtrack provides us with a sense of giving way for a new era to commence, something that I find fitting with the events of Sima Yi’s Coup d’état at that time.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the Musou BGM YouTube channel.

Ultimate Pressure From Dynasty Warriors 6

Coming up as number 11 on this list is Ultimate Pressure from Dynasty Warriors 6, which plays during the Battle of Guandu stage, where Cao Cao managed to defeat Yuan Shao’s massive army with intricate strategy.

The Battle of Guandu was decisive in the late Eastern Han Dynasty of China, fought between the warlords Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in 200 AD. Cao Cao’s decisive victory against Yuan Shao’s numerically superior forces marked the turning point in their war. The victory was also the point at which Cao Cao became the dominant power in northern China, leading to the establishment of the state of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms period.

The soundtrack’s constant heaviness through its bass and electric guitar resembles a night full of terror and conflicts, which mirrors The Battle of Guandu’s visceral battles and skirmishes. Paired with the stage itself, where you are at a massive disadvantage, this is one of my personal favorites out of the entire Dynasty Warriors 6 OST.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the Kevin Chu YouTube channel.

Fate Corrodes Me From Dynasty Warriors 5

We now have entered the Top 10 realm for the Greatest Dynasty Warriors OST. And that’s why, for number 10, I chose Fate Corrodes Me from Dynasty Warriors 5. While it’s a piece of relatively slow-paced music, the soundtrack managed to capture the despair surrounding the Battle of Yiling.

Even though every game’s Battle of Yiling soundtracks are incredible in their own right, such as The Battle Without Justice from Dynasty Warriors 6, Wall of Silence from Dynasty Warriors 9, or With Vengeance from Dynasty Warriors 8, Fate Corrodes Me tops them all because the OST shows the emotions that happened on both sides at that time; Liu Bei’s sorrow (reflected by the somber melody) and Sun Quan’s retaliation after Guan Yu forcefully took Jing Province from him.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the Grays83718 YouTube channel.

Stronghold From Dynasty Warriors 8

Up next as the number 9 is Stronghold from Dynasty Warriors 8, which plays during the Battle of New Hefei Castle stage, a culmination of conflicts between Cao Wei and Eastern Wu.

The reason why I picked this soundtrack over others such as Dual NRG from Dynasty Warriors 5 or A Great Giant from Dynasty Warriors 6 is that this soundtrack is the combination of both while providing a new and unique orchestra paired with modern rock, giving us a sensation that the Battle of New Hefei Castle was indeed a grand stage of the battle between Wei and Wu.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the LittleDragonZ YouTube channel.

Struggle for Existence From Dynasty Warriors 4

Up next in the number 8 spot is Struggle for Existence from Dynasty Warriors 4, which plays during the Battle of Chengdu stage, marking the end of the Shu Han kingdom.

The Battle of Chengdu was a military campaign launched by the dynastic state of Cao Wei against its rival Shu Han in late 263 during the Three Kingdoms period of China. The campaign culminated in the fall of Shu Han and the tripartite equilibrium maintained in China for over 40 years since the end of the Eastern Han dynasty in 220.

As stated above, the Battle of Chengdu was a desperate last attempt by Shu to retaliate against Wei’s massive army that was invading their homeland. However, due to many miscalculations and Liu Shan’s inability to quickly counter them, Shu ultimately faced its demise against Wei. And that’s exactly what this soundtrack managed to capture: Shu’s desperation as well as its impending doom.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the Grays83718 YouTube channel.

Rainwater From Dynasty Warriors 9

This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning one of the Battle of Fan Castle OSTs, and so, the number 7 of The Greatest Dynasty Warriors OSTs of all time is Rainwater from Dynasty Warriors 9.

The Battle of Fan Castle marked the shift in the Three Kingdoms Era, where Guan Yu fell from the Wu army after betraying them first by refusing to return Jing Province to Sun Quan, which in turn, executed Guan Yu after he fled to Mai Castle. Meanwhile, Wei had just missed a giant bullet at their throat since Guan Yu threatened their capital of Xuchang as Fan Castle was the only one keeping them separated.

And for me, this soundtrack truly captures the despair that Guan Yu faced after previously having the advantage, and the crying guitars weep for both sides as no one in that conflict truly wins against each other. Instead, Wei was the one who benefited from this battle, keeping the three-way deadlock intact until years later.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the Musou BGM YouTube channel.

Male Roar From Dynasty Warriors 7

Sitting on the number 6 spot is Male Roar from Dynasty Warriors 7, which plays during the Guanqiu Jian and Wen Qin’s Rebellion stage, and saw a change of era from Sima Shi to Sima Zhao as Wei regents.

Guanqiu Jian and Wen Qin’s Rebellion was a punitive uprising led by Guanqiu Jian and Wen Qin, two generals from the state of Cao Wei, against the regent Sima Shi and his clan. This was the second of a series of three rebellions that all took place in Shouchun in the 250s during the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history. The results were Cao Wei’s victory, Guanqiu Jian was slain, and Wen Qin with his family fled to Wu.

Overall, this OST has such a grand theme behind it thanks to the majestic orchestra that plays throughout the soundtrack. Moreover, the melodic guitar riffs are also brilliant, portraying the struggle and eventual triumph of the Sima clan against the rebels.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the KoeiGamer YouTube channel.

Eve From Dynasty Warriors 4

As we are entering the Top 5 realm, I will start it with Eve from Dynasty Warriors 4 as the number 5 of this Top Dynasty Warriors OST list. 

This soundtrack plays on multiple stages within the game, but notably, this can be heard in the Battle of Changban stage. The Battle of Changban was fought between the warlords Cao Cao and Liu Bei in October 208 in the late Eastern Han Dynasty of China. 

This soundtrack displays the utter terror and fear that was prevalent in Liu Bei’s camp at that time, having to retreat and suffer defeat after defeat at the hands of Cao Cao. The flute that plays throughout the soundtrack depicts a sense of security the peasants felt after they joined Liu Bei’s troops, meanwhile, the guitar riffs depict their fear and struggle after having to travel many miles while being chased by an opposing army.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the KoeiTecmoMedia YouTube channel.

Men of Intelligence From Dynasty Warriors 3

For number 4 of this greatest Dynasty Warriors OST list, I’ve put Men of Intelligence from Dynasty Warriors 3, which plays during the Battle of Hefei Castle stage.

The Battle of Hefei, also known as the Battle of Hefei Castle, was fought between the contending states of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu from roughly June to September 234 during the Three Kingdoms period of China. The battle ended with Wei’s victory and the Wu army had to retreat after reinforcements led by Cao Rui arrived there.

The soundtrack matches the hardness of the battle, because my God, it was really, really hard. Battle of Hefei Castle is one of the hardest stages in Dynasty Warriors 3, especially when you are playing on Wei’s side. This soundtrack’s relatively mellow and slow-paced guitars help set the tone of the battle, so even though it was hard, this soundtrack makes us want to keep pushing through and survive Wu’s onslaught.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the KoeiTecmoMedia YouTube channel.

Teary Edge From Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends

We are now entering the top 3 realms of the greatest Dynasty Warriors OST, and I feel that Teary Edge from Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends is a very fitting soundtrack to be number 3. This soundtrack plays during the Battle of Tong Pass stage.

The Battle of Tong Pass was fought between the warlord Cao Cao and a coalition of forces from Guanxi (west of Tong Pass) between April and November 211 in the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. The battle was initiated by Cao Cao’s western expansion, which triggered uprisings in Guanxi. Cao Cao scored a decisive victory over the Guanxi coalition and established a hold of the Guanzhong region.

The soundtrack’s title, Teary Edge, holds significance. The title refers to the thin line between victory and defeat, and it reflects the uncertainty and tension that existed before the battle. The soundtrack’s ending is particularly effective, as the OST ends with a slow and somber passage, which reflects the loss of life and the futility of war. The ending also leaves us with a sense of sadness and reflection.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the KoeiGamer YouTube channel.

The Last Battle From Dynasty Warriors 7

And for number 2, we have The Last Battle from Dynasty Warriors 7, another fantastic and beautiful piece of music that sets itself apart from other soundtracks.

This soundtrack is also dedicated to the Battle of Chengdu stage where the final conflict between Shu and Wei took place. Of course, the grandest battle of them all deserves the grandest soundtrack, and The Last Battle managed to deliver that. The guitars and orchestra pair incredibly well and enable a sense of majesty and grandeur, depicting the marching Wei forces, and in contrast, some riffs show the Shu’s desperation as they are approaching their doom with every step they make, no matter what.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the KoeiGamer YouTube channel.

Capricious Wind From Dynasty Warriors 8

And finally, here we are. Number one for my personal list since I feel that this soundtrack is not only the best Battle of Chibi OST, but I dare say that this is the peak of all soundtracks in the Dynasty Warriors franchise; Capricious Wind.

The main reason why I placed this OST as the number-one soundtrack is that it incorporates all three kingdoms’ respective themes. Starting with the Shu’s theme that plays during the early parts, meaning that it was Shu who started the alliance and ‘rebellion’ against Wei, and then followed by hints of Wu’s theme, indicating that they were the ones who spearheaded the counterattack, and finally giving way for Wei’s grand theme, marking their massive assault onto the Southern Lands, before they were vanquished by the combined forces of Shu-Wu.

Everything about this soundtrack is absolutely amazing and majestic, and the progression throughout the soundtrack is wonderful. It indicates that even when all odds are against you, you can always try to fight back and persevere than bow down to your enemies.

You can listen to the full track using the video below, courtesy of the LittleDragonZ YouTube channel.

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