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5 Reasons to be Hyped about the Super Mario RPG Remake

As announced recently, the Super Mario RPG Remake is coming to the Nintendo Switch on November 17th, 2023. Many fans who have played the original will relive the epic story of Mario's battle against the Smithy Gang. This article lists out five reasons to be hyped for this cinematic remake.

5 Reasons to Be Hyped about the Super Mario RPG Remake

As announced during the latest Nintendo Direct, the upcoming Super Mario RPG remake has won over the hearts of many. Fans of the original have expressed excitement over reliving the wacky adventure of Mario’s battle against the Smithy Gang. In the original 1996 port, fans got to experience Mario’s first role-playing adventure as he encountered quirky allies and bizarre foes that form up the cast of the game.

This game has paved the way for other Mario RPG titles like the Paper Mario or Mario and Luigi series. These notably include partners that aid Mario in combat, a complex emotional story, harmonizing music, and quirky dialogue between characters. I personally think porting this beloved classic to the Nintendo Switch allows audiences of all ages to experience the game that shaped the basis for Mario RPGs. Therefore, here are my top five reasons to get hyped for the Super Mario RPG remake.

Return of Fan-Favorite Geno

The return of Geno, a huge fan favorite amongst the fanbase, was warmly received. He plays an integral role as a high representative from Star Road to aid Mario in his journey. When used in battle, Geno can dish out high amounts of damage with his single- and multi-target attacks. Geno’s design stands out from other Mario characters, as he resembles a wooden doll wearing a blue cape and possesses handguns from his fingertips.

Despite only having a major role in one game, a lot of hardcore Nintendo fans, including myself, have wished for the character to return someday. In the following years of making cameos in other games, Geno’s popularity still rises even today. Geno’s intriguing nature, combined with his cool design and abilities, makes him a useful combatant in battle. Geno’s return to gaming consoles is one that many fans will cherish for a long time.

Geno makes his long awaited return after years of absense from the franchise, and is ready to blast his way into the Nintendo Switch.

Geno makes his long awaited return after years of absense from the franchise, and is ready to blast his way into the Nintendo Switch.

Enhanced Cinematic Graphics

The Super Mario RPG remake enhances its graphics by breathing new life into what already made the original so great. With 16-bit graphics, the 1996 title captivated players of all ages with its distinct and whimsical atmosphere. Now, the remake aims to elevate the enchanted world with vibrant details.

The game’s colorful cast is filled with emotion, and the HD graphics of the remake amplify their emotional range. From Mario’s heroism to Geno’s seriousness, players will experience a visual feast of nuanced emotion that deepens their connection to the story and characters.

By leveraging 3D chibi-like graphics, the remake pays homage by replicating the original’s charming spritework. The Mushroom Kingdom’s worlds become more vibrant and colorful, offering Mario fans a fresh perspective on their exploration. With these enhancements, players are bound to experience a memorable adventure with Mario and his friends.

As the original used 16-bit graphics, the remake goes with a fresh new coat of high-quality 3D graphics that still replicates the charm of the 1996 title.

As the original used 16-bit graphics, the remake goes with a fresh new coat of high-quality 3D graphics that still replicates the charm of the 1996 title.

Amazing Soundtrack from Yoko Shimomura

Yoko Shimomura’s songs have always been a treat to listen to, and her return to compose the remake’s soundtrack was inevitable. She is well-known for composing video game soundtracks for various JRPGs, such as franchises like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Shimomura has been composing the soundtrack to many childhoods for years and is still doing great with it. One can even call her epically composed songs for battle scenes a work of cimena and a masterpiece. Her work still stands out, even when compared to other video game composers of the present time.

Way back then, Shimomura’s first major game she composed for was the original 1996 version of Super Mario RPG. Many of the tracks have become massively popular, most notably the Forest Maze BGM, which has loads of remixes and animations dedicated to it. In addition, her works have spawned loads of fans listening to her compose at video game concerts as well. Shimomura remastering her old works will revive the magic and essence of her music, breathing new life into the remake.

The entire Super Mario RPG soundtrack, including the BGM used for the Forest Maze area, will be remastered by famous video game composer Yoko Shimomura.

The entire Super Mario RPG soundtrack, including the BGM used for the Forest Maze area, will be remastered by famous video game composer Yoko Shimomura.

Quirky New Battle Mechanics

The game’s battle system involves more action-based combat than other titles in the genre. In fact, the Super Mario RPG involves using timed hits to inflict flashy combos to damage enemies. Players will have the option of using normal attacks, skills, and items, or the option to flee in battle. Party members are usually given a turn to inflict damage before bracing themselves to block attacks. Each party member specializes in their own field of combat, creating their own unique fighting style in the process.

Mario himself specializes in offensive attacks, and vice versa for later bruisers like Bowser and Geno. The other two, consisting of Mallow and Peach, specialize more in utilizing a variety of magic attacks or healing their allies in combat. Skills can inflict varying effects on enemies, such as Mario’s “Ultra Flame”, which can deal damage to all enemies. Other skills, like Bowser’s “Poison Gas” or Peach’s “Sleepy Time,”  can cause an enemy to become poisoned or asleep. Either way, players have a chance of utilizing Mario’s party members at full power when taking down any foes they come across in this enhanced remake.

Super Mario RPG's battle system relies on timed hits and button mashing to inflict damage on enemies. New features such as a gauge bar and revamped HUD are shown.

Super Mario RPG’s battle system relies on timed hits and button mashing to inflict damage on enemies. New features such as a gauge bar and revamped HUD are shown.

Recreating the Story of a Beloved Classic

The biggest reason to feel excited for the remake is that it retells the epic adventure Nintendo delivered in 1996. One of the primary reasons to try this one out is that it offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in the captivating tale that made the original so iconic. In fact, many of the original moments, humorous dialogue, and shocking twists included are what made the original game a standout when it was released. It also offers those who haven’t played the game the chance to experience the legendary story and witness the recreation of a beautifully made RPG classic.

Moreover, with improvements in technology and the limitations the Nintendo Switch offers, the remake has high potential to breathe new life into the story. Enhanced visuals will allow players to witness the Mario universe in stunning detail and vibrant colors. The improved combat system promises a more engaging, strategic approach with new abilities to keep players on their toes. Although not confirmed at the moment, the possibility of bonus content could further enrich the narrative. In summary, the Super Mario RPG remake has the potential to recaptivate the hearts of both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

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