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5 Great Tips to Still Preorder a PS5

So you failed to get a preorder for the Playstation 5? Don't worry. Not all is lost. To prepare yourself this time around, try these 5 tips you can use to still preorder a PS5. Utilizing these tips will not only keep you ready for the next batch of console preorders but will help you secure your very own PS5.

5 Great Tips to Still Preorder A PS5 Cover

So you missed out on the PlayStation 5 preorder, did you? How did you miss out on possibly the biggest anticipated console? Was it the site crashes? Are the scalpers preordering multiple consoles? Or maybe you didn’t care? We can all be honest by saying that the PS5 preorder launch was not entirely what people were expecting. Yes, there were millions of people who stalked the internet for their slice of the next-gen. However, Sony’s PS5 preorder was a disaster. Many retailers broke street date releases for the preorders, which was slated for the following day. Websites either blocked people or crashed because of an influx of users on the site. So, it wasn’t the best time to preorder. For those who have not secured a preorder, not all is lost. There are tips you can use to still preorder a PS5.

Suppose you have been saving up money to harness the power of greatness. You may have to wait a few weeks or a month to get your hands on one. Perhaps not even a preorder at all, but the more bold approach of waiting till launch. However, with these helpful tips, I hope that you can be better prepared for hectic preorder situations like the PlayStation 5. Here are 5 great tips to still preorder a PS5.

1. Sign-Up For Notification Emails

Get email notifications on your phone.

Get email notifications on your phone.

Many cases for preorders from sites would offer a heads-up to its customers. If you had your eyes on a new system or game, you might want to be aware of the availability of purchase. Many sites like GameStop and Amazon offer a sign-up in advance for preordering. This is a fantastic way for people to stay alert on the upcoming game or console. You may not be so keen on reading emails daily, but integrating your email to your phone will be a great way to receive updates. Almost like a text message, you stay notified on the go. Another benefit to the notification emails is they contain links that can be easily accessible to you via phone or computer. Thus, you don’t have frantically type in the URL to get to the site. Very convenient for someone in a hurry to preorder before the stock runs out.

2. Be Active On Social Media and Forums

An annoying preorder confirmed post could help you.

An annoying preorder confirmed post could help you.

Okay, we all have that one person that was boasting about their preorder. Showing up on your news feed, your message feed, probably posted on all their social media outlets. Yes, that person is either too excited about the PS5 or a deranged sociopath. Let’s be safe and think of the former option. Does it burn you the wrong way or make you want to block this person? It should, but take this as an opportunity to capitalize on a preorder yourself. I am not joking. Joining groups and forums bring awareness of the availability of items and the sites in stock. Twitter is an excellent source for updates, especially when you search keywords like “PS5” and “preorder” along with the retailer name for help.

Usually, you have the unselfish person that wants to share the wealth with the rest of the gang. The only problem with this is that anyone who hasn’t got their console yet might try to beat you to the punch. Forums are great, but the best example of being active on social media would be to follow the retailer or company. They will have the first-hand insight on when the console will be ready for preorder. Following PlayStation or Sony would be an excellent way to go along with major retailers like Target, Walmart, GameStop, GAME (UK), and Amazon. Another great source would be media outlet sites, like IGN. IGN is very active on social media, especially for preorder updates. This will be a great alternative if you don’t feel like looking at your social media feed of people boasting their PS5 preorders. 

3. Don’t Go To eBay

Don't let the scalpers win!

Don’t let the scalpers win!

Okay, so you were not able to preorder the Playstation 5. All consoles are sold out everywhere. What do you do next? Do you wait, or are you desperate to get your hands on a preorder now? Well, you are in luck, sort of. eBay is always an excellent source for finding whatever you need. However, I wouldn’t recommend using it as a way to preorder a system. Naturally, a game system would have the regular price on a standard retail site.

In contrast, eBay is not one of those sites. People or scalpers will sell a console for double the price or more. It’s not worth buying two items for the price of one. Like past consoles before it, the PS5 will follow in this trend. More preorders will come soon, and many people on eBay are cashing out on the early hype factor. You usually see this happen for a newer console or collector’s editions of games.

It is wise to stray away from preordering a PS5 from eBay. In extremely rare cases, people would upcharge a little bit more than the item. If a seller is offering $50-$100 more than the regular price of a digital or standard PS5, you might want to go for it. Bidding is the absolute worst-case scenario. Typically, bidding on items would increase past the attended value will no guarantee of success. All you are doing is wasting time and money. Honestly, eBay is a no go.

4. Perform Daily Check-Ups

Always stay up to date and aware.

Always stay up to date and aware.

In most cases, for preordering items, there are waves. Waves are a term that is brought up a lot when it comes to preorders. Waves are stocks of products that are available to a retailer or vendor. The process of waves begins with the first wave, then second, third, and so forth. The manufacturer typically doesn’t bring every model into the marketplace. The first wave is the toughest preorder to get. Those are the people who stay up all night, refreshing the same page for hours on in. If you are not one of those people, then you won’t likely reserve a preorder. Never fear, because as the more waves come gradually, the supply increases and the demand decreases. This is simple macroeconomics here, folks. 

When this occurs, perform daily check-ups with your local retail store such as GameStop. Regular phone calls are a great way to gain awareness of product availability. If the product is not in stock, try asking about potential stock coming in. It will at least give you a window of opportunity for a preorder. Sony has confirmed that more consoles will be on the way for preorder. Check store times and call early to get the jump on everyone else. A fantastic way of checking up on stock availability is using the website nowinstock.net. The site gives you up to date insight on preorders daily.

5. Don’t Give Up Hope and Be Patient

Don't worry, more PS5's are coming!

Don’t worry, more PS5’s are coming!

Typically, when you are unsuccessful in securing a preorder, it seems like the end of the world to you. You get mad, upset, and start pending your life choices. Why wasn’t I good enough to get a PS5? Well, don’t count yourself out yet, because more products will be on the way. In such cases, like a game console, there will be plenty to go around. Yes, it’s disappointing not getting a preorder at times. However, you can always prepare yourself during the launch day. There is guaranteed to be more consoles available. You may have to camp out or get up exceptionally early, like before the days of online shopping. So not all hope is lost. There is still a light at the end of the tunnel for you to game on the next-gen.

I hope these tips can help you secure your PS5 preorder. Best of Luck!

Did you have a good experience with the PS5 preorder launch? Leave your comments below.

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