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10 Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Game (And What Genre They Should Be)

There are so many superheroes in the world that deserve a proper video game dedicated to them. Something akin to the Batman Arkham series or Insomniac's work with Spider-Man. Here are ten of those heroes that would make an excellent jump from comics to consoles, as well as what their hypothetical game should look like.

10 Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Game

Superheroes have taken over the world in recent years. Dating back to the early 2000’s with the releases of films like The Dark Knight and Iron Man that showed Hollywood just how profitable these IPs could be. Then the release of Batman Arkham Asylum in 2009 revolutionized what a superhero video game could look, feel, and play like. However, since then, very few superheroes have been given the big budget video game treatment.

The only other superhero to have a game like the Arkham series is Spider-Man, with the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man nearly 10 years later. Superheroes may not be dominating the box office like they used to, but there’s still a lot of room for amazing superhero games that aren’t ensembles like Injustice or Marvel vs. Capcom. And I’m going to provide 10 that deserve the love Batman and Spider-Man got. And, for fun, I’ll include what I think the game should look like.

Honorable Mentions: Wonder Woman, Wolverine, & Iron Man. All three heroes are more than deserving of their own games. However, they have games currently in development. And this list is focusing on the ones who don’t have an announced game in the works.

Clark Kent / Superman

Genre: Open World

No one can argue against the fact that Superman is the most iconic comic book character of all time. Perhaps even the most iconic fictional character of all time as well. The Man of Steel has been around for 86 years and, somehow, has no good games to his name. That needs to change. The Man of Tomorrow’s legacy can not just be Superman for the Nintendo 64.

A common critique against the idea of a Superman game is that he’s “too overpowered” to make a fun game around. But there are plenty of ways around that issue. Like an origin story where he gains access to more of his powers as the game goes on. Or a plot where someone like Lex Luthor designs armor for his men that gives them a chance in a fight. Or he has to take on another powerful alien race invading Earth like Brainiac.

The All-Star Hero

The All-Star Hero

One of the biggest joys of Batman Arkham Knight is being able to fully explore Gotham City like never before. And a Superman game should give Metropolis the same treatment. Flying all around the city. Jumping over buildings for fun. And visiting iconic locations. Maybe we even spend some time as Clark Kent at The Daily Planet and see how he balances his two lives.

There is so much opportunity in a proper game featuring The Last Son of Krypton. And it’s uncertain if we’ll ever get one. Especially with Rocksteady falling to the dark side with their live-service disaster Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Barry Allen / The Flash

Genre: Hack & Slash

Who doesn’t want to play as Barry Allen: The Fastest Man Alive? Well, aside from the Reverse-Flash, The Black Flash, Godspeed, Wally West, and pretty much all other speedsters but shush. Barry Allen is by far the most popular hero to take up The Flash mantle. Thanks in no small part to The CW show that aired from 2014 to 2023. Yet the Scarlet Speedster has yet to get a proper modern solo game. Only being in ensemble games like LEGO Batman and Injustice.

The Scarlet Speedster

The Scarlet Speedster

Much like Superman, a common criticism against a Flash game is that he’s just too fast. Just look at pretty much every 3D Sonic the Hedgehog game ever made. However, I think that makes him perfect for a hack & slash game like Bayonetta or Ghost of Tsushima. Fast-paced, hard-hitting combat full of fun combos to make full use of Barry’s super-speed. Then make Central City expansive enough for players to run around without smashing into walls or being abruptly stopped.

They could also borrow from the PlayStation Spider-Man games and highlight Barry’s struggle to balance his life as a CSI with his life as a crime-fighting metahuman. And players could go up against beloved villains like The Reverse-Flash, Captain Cold, Mirror Master, and Gorilla Grodd in high-intensity boss fights that utilize all the powers of the Speed Force. A little creativity at Warner Bros. would really go a long way.

The Fantastic Four

Genre: Action RPG

Marvel’s First Family have consistently received a raw deal when it comes to their endeavors outside the world of comic books. The running joke being that the only good Fantastic Four movie ever made is The Incredibles. And my hopes aren’t too high for their MCU debut given the recent output. But Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing deserve way more than they’ve been given.

Marvel's First Family...even though they aren't related

Marvel’s First Family…even though they aren’t related

I imagine a game similar to Gotham Knights in design, just better in every way. A story that involves all four members of the family and explore who they are as people. How their personalities clash. And how their differences make them work better as a team. It would be fun to get into big fights as a team and be able to switch between the four heroes, maybe even combo-ing moves together to show their unity. And they can tell an epic story about them having to take down Galactus. Or a smaller scale story where they go up against Doctor Doom. 

A Fantastic Four game could absolutely work wonderfully. The main thing it needs is a writer who understands what made them so special from the start. It’s not their powers or the villains they fight. It’s the people on the team. How they behave and act. The secrets they keep. The disagreements they have, and how they overcome them. That’s what the focus should be on.

Oliver Queen / Green Arrow

Genre: Metroidvania

Don’t pretend you cared about the Green Arrow before you saw Stephen Amell’s abs on Arrow. Though I don’t think a Green Arrow game would benefit from the same dark tone as that show. That alone drew enough comparisons to Batman. Though, when half the show is just borrowing Batman villains, it’s kind of justified.

The Emerald Archer

The Emerald Archer

Making a more lighthearted game would be a great way to separate it from the pack. Especially if a core element of the gameplay is discovering and creating new kinds of arrows that allow Oliver to access previously inaccessible areas or help him out in combat. Who doesn’t want to hit a criminal with a boxing glove arrow? That also opens up opportunities for both ranged and close-quarters combat. Showing how both the arrows and the bow itself can be used as weapons.

Interest in the character is not as high as it was while the show was running. However, if done right, I think it would be a success. Though, they may need to borrow a Batman villain or two to boost interest. I don’t know how much Count Vertigo and Clock King can carry a game.

Hal Jordan / Green Lantern

Genre: Cosmic Adventure

Well, we pretty much got a Green Lantern game in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, but I can’t be the only one who would like to see the worlds of Green Lantern as more than bad CGI and bricks. Green Lantern, and all the Lantern Corps in general, are an untapped gold mine of potential for properties outside of comics. 

In Brightest Day...

In Brightest Day…

Think of how fun it would be to explore Oa, Qward, Odym, Okaara, Ysmault, Zamaron, & Nok. Maybe in a Mass Effect fashion where you complete quests on the different planets to boost your standing, obtain new recruits, and earn rewards. There could also be a lot of freedom in the Lantern Constructs. Allowing players to make what they want to complete certain puzzles. While also incorporating the ring’s battery so Hal isn’t completely overpowered.

Going back to Mass Effect, they could use that general structure to tell the Blackest Night story. Or it could be more like an RPG where your actions determine if you’re still worthy of being a Green Lantern. Maybe you could go down a darker path and become a Yellow or Red Lantern. You could even incorporate people’s weird obsession with romanceable aliens. 

There’s money in a Green Lantern adventure through space. Learning all the lore of the different Lantern Corps, and being an awesome space cop. But, as The CEO said in Smiling Friends, “It’s my IP to sit on and do nothing with!”

Steve Rogers / Captain America

Genre: Spy Thriller

Have you seen Captain America: The First Avenger? Yeah, just do that. Well, something similar to it. It could be really fun to have a superhero game set during World War II, where you play as Captain America and take on Hydra.

He's a Real American

He’s a Real American

Wartime period pieces are the perfect setting for thrillers and mysteries, and that’s exactly what this should be. Captain America going around beating up Nazis in an effort to take down Hydra and all of its heads, as well as stop whatever they’re planning. Ultimately leading to a climactic fight against Red Skull. If they want to separate themselves from the film, they could tell two storylines. One set in the past and one set in present day after Steve is rescued.

Like Iron Man, a game starring Captain America is in development. However, Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra splits its attention between Cap, Black Panther, and two extra characters. I have more hope in it than I do the Iron Man game, especially since it’s more aligned with how I think a Captain America game should be done. But only time will tell. 

Michael Carter / Booster Gold

Genre: Action Comedy

Booster Gold is one of the most underrated superheroes just for how fun his origin story is. He’s a night guard from the 25th Century who steals a bunch of technology on display used by 21st Century superheroes and travels back to the 21st Century to become a superhero himself so he can get rich. And he’s not that great at it.

A game following the Goldstar could be a fun commentary on the popularity of superheroes in modern media. Perhaps even a commentary on modern media’s contempt for source material in favor of whatever they believe will make them more money. With Booster fighting crime while constantly changing things about him to be more “profitable.” Something like the old Deadpool game, but actually good.

He gets a gold star from me

He gets a gold star from me

That’s not to say it can’t get serious though. One could easily tell the story of Booster Gold learning to become an actual superhero instead of just being in it for the money. And use his time-traveling capabilities to set the game across multiple different centuries and locations. Sort of like a better version of Legends of Tomorrow. Possibly even including his saving of Ronald Reagan, which is how he got his name. 

But please, for the love of God, do not let someone like Awkwafina or Justin Roiland voice Skeets. Modern gaming already has enough annoying companions. Here’s looking at you, Forspoken.

John Constantine

Genre: Survival Horror

I mean, come on. This one just writes itself. Think The Evil Within but British and with nightmare demons from Hell. You’re sold, right? John Constantine is an occult warlock detective from Liverpool who battles demons both literal and metaphorical and regularly takes trips down to Hell. That alone makes for a perfect game. Then you throw in his dry wit, sarcasm, and addiction problems and you’ve got all you need for a horror game protagonist.

This one might Sting

This one might Sting

Maybe Constantine goes around London having to safe possessed children from the demons trying to take them over by venturing inside their minds and exploring different hellish labyrinths and dreamscapes. Or maybe London is plagued by Anton Arcane and his Un-Men, and only Constantine has the tools to stop them. There could even be a morality system similar to BioShock to represent John’s struggles to do good against his darkest temptations.

Survival horror is a very popular genre thanks to the likes of Resident EvilThe Evil Within, and Alan Wake II. Capitalizing on it with a “superhero” game that stands out from the pack could make for a huge success. They just have to be willing to take the risk. Bringing back Matt Ryan – or even Keanu Reeves – as the occult detective certainly wouldn’t hurt either.

Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange

Genre: Action Fantasy

I feel like all I need to say is that it should be a game where you’re able to play through sections similar to the awesome mirror dimension scenes from the Doctor Strange movies. A mind-bending magic story following the Sorcerer Supreme could be a lot of fun if done right. Especially depending on how they incorporate his different powers.

Sorcerer Supreme sounds like an amazing sandwich

Sorcerer Supreme sounds like an amazing sandwich

It could be an origin story for the doctor as he gains access to new powers and abilities and learns how to harness them properly, or it could follow a more seasoned Doctor Strange who already resides in the Sanctum Sanctorum and has all his powers. Regardless, it should be a game all about showing off his fun magic skills in innovative gameplay segments and an entertaining combat system as he takes on Dormammu and his Mindless Ones. 

This is probably the biggest long shot on the list, since Doctor Strange isn’t very popular from what I’ve seen, especially after his less-than-stellar sequel film. But, if done right, the game could be a big hit that drums up even more interest in the character. 

Teen Titans

Genre: JRPG

This one is a slam dunk just waiting to happen. Especially with how beloved the original Teen Titans animated show still is today. For those unaware; the Teen Titans are a superhero group most famously consisting of Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven. Though there have been many different members since the group’s inception. Something a JRPG could use to its advantage.

The early '00s show is the only Teen Titans show ever

The early ’00s show is the only Teen Titans show ever

Imagine something like Persona, where the Titans have to balance their regular lives with their lives as superheroes. Recruiting new teammates like Aqualad, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Speedy, and more. Thus allowing players to switch up the team used in combat to test out different combinations of heroes with different strengths and weaknesses. Or they could keep it focused on the most popular group and expanding their characters.

There’s a lot of options for the plot as well. Though what makes the most sense to me is having H.I.V.E. as the main villains, with all their supervillain recruits being the different bosses you fight throughout the game. Then maybe there’s a late-game plot twist where H.I.V.E. was working for Trigon the whole time, Raven’s super powerful demon father. It’s not a JRPG if the final boss isn’t a god or god-adjacent. They could also adapt the very famous “Judas Contract” storyline if they wanted to. 

I’m sure I missed out on somebody’s favorite superhero. Or included at least one that someone reading this thinks shouldn’t be on here. So feel free to comment any of your pitches for superhero video games, or add on to the pitches I made! Maybe we’ll get lucky and someone at a game development studio will see this article and think at least one of my ideas has potential. I certainly think they do.

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