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What Is the Best Xbox Console?

On the heels of its 20th anniversary, see what people believe to be the best Xbox console in its storied history. With four major console releases—not counting updated re-releases—Microsoft has made a considerable name for themselves in the gaming space.

What Is the Best Xbox Console? Cover

Debuting in November of 2001, the original Xbox released unto the world with heavy expectations. Microsoft had entered the “console wars,” sporting the first American console since the Atari Jaguar stopped selling in 1996. Given the company’s reputation as an electronics company, it was a bold move to try and compete against established giants like Nintendo and Sony. Cut to present time, and they’re now among the big three of console manufacturers. With that context in mind, and four consoles to the company’s name, which stands out as the best Xbox among the line-up? Users were asked to provide their input, and these are the results!

The following is comprised of data collected through optional polls and viewer responses. What all was collected includes:

  • 2,225 respondents through eight questions.
  • Polls running between the beginning of July to October of 2021.
Info on the best Xbox console.

Info on the best Xbox console.

The following is information collected in more detailed form, going over every aspect of the graph listed above. Summarized information and some occasional discussion will also be present.

Main Topic – Which Xbox Console Is Best?

Like most things in life, the Xbox line-up was an evolving process from the beginning. Supported by the breakout success of Halo: Combat Evolved, Microsoft was well on its way to making an impact on gamers everywhere. Cut to present time, there have been four major console releases for the company, each striving for power and a bang-for-your-buck mantra. With so much history already, what do players consider to be the best Xbox console of all?

Info on the best Xbox console.

Info on the best Xbox console.

Old and new collide in a fierce battle for superiority. In the end, the Xbox 360 narrowly takes first place by just a few votes. The era of the 360 was one of the longer sections of time for Microsoft, selling about 84 million units in its lifetime. To date, that is the highest-selling console in company history. With a stellar line-up of games, including backwards compatibility with prior-gen titles, as well as the continued improvement of Xbox Live, it likely remains a beloved portion of gaming history.

Which Xbox Console Had the Best Games?

Of course, game consoles wouldn’t have much worth if not for the games. While Xbox has historically not had too many big-name exclusives, they do have a vast selection of third-party titles on display. And with the current Xbox Game Pass, one can play literal thousands of games for a monthly fee. Even on just consoles, Xbox has never been short on games—some would just argue on the quality of said games. Nevertheless, which console sported the best games of all?

Info on the best game selection.

Info on the best game selection.

Remember just above when I mentioned that the 360 era had a stellar line-up of games? It’s called reading ahead, as the results show that there’s no debate. It was when Halo was at its peak. It was when Call of Duty was beginning to sink its teeth into the gaming industry. Xbox was ramping up production on better games, consoles, and everything applicable to ensure they remained at the top of the dogpile. Some may say that now it’s more quantity than quality, but it wasn’t always that way.

Which Xbox Console Had the Best Controller?

Controlling games is an essential part of the experience of video games. If your sense of immersion is thwarted for whatever reason, it’s all the harder to really enjoy booting it up. The perfect controller is likely a prerequisite for anyone well-versed in the gaming world, so that they can ensure a seamless link. Xbox controllers haven’t seen too much differentiation recently, but why mess with a good thing? See what players consider the best that the company has provided.

Info on the best Xbox controller.

Info on the best Xbox controller.

Once again, the Series X|S and 360 consoles duked it out ’til the very end. As the dust settled, the 360 won by a single vote. It seems that the progenitor of the now classic Xbox controller ends up getting the final say. The sharp, sleek design has become something of a template for many game controllers nowadays; in fact, the Amazon Luna controller looks quite a bit like it. And the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, but that’s not important here. If nothing else, we can see that the original Xbox controller… just wasn’t it.

Which Xbox Had the Best Visual Design?

One would think, just based on the name, that the Xbox would be box-shaped. Well, depending on your definition of what constitutes as a “box,” you’d either be totally right or completely wrong. As one can gauge from the cover image of this article, the evolution of the Xbox console has taken multiple forms, most with a distinguishably rectangular form. Some lay flat, others stand up; it really depends on how you look at it. And with all that looking, which Xbox console has the best visual design?

Info on the best Xbox visual design.

Info on the best Xbox visual design.

Memes aside, it seems consumers really enjoy the appearance of the Series X and S consoles. Well, actually, it’s safe to consider that the memes aided in ensuring players enjoyed the look. The results also present a fairly common theme thus far: You could make an argument that the last three generations of Xbox consoles have been pretty solid. The original Xbox, though, is better left forgotten…

Are Players Satisfied With Microsoft’s Direction?

With twenty years, four consoles, and an online selection of thousands, Microsoft seems to be pretty well off. If they have the money to spend on purchasing big-name studios, they’re probably not complaining about their current business model. Still, they are those on the opposite side of the fence; players are another side altogether. With all that Microsoft fanatics have gone through, do they believe the company is headed in the right direction with Xbox?

Info on the direction of Xbox consoles.

Info on the direction of Xbox consoles.

Rest easy, Microsoft (though they hardly need my assurance). The consumer base seems to be overall happy with the product you’ve spent two decades working on perfecting. With another generally successful console launch in the last year (sans all the scalping issues), they’ve continued to provide revolutionary gaming experiences for those who choose to indulge themselves. And with the success of Game Pass, that doesn’t seem likely to change.

How Can Xbox Consoles Be Improved?

While nothing of a similar scale has happened too recently, many likely remember the era of “The Red Ring of Death.” A disastrous fatal error that bricked consoles and forced players to have to mail their consoles to the company, in hopes of maybe getting them fixed. Since then, Microsoft has kept a pretty clean record of quality assurance, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing left to improve. What major issue is there still needed to improve the Xbox pastime?

Info on how Xbox consoles could be improved.

Info on how Xbox consoles could be improved.

Remember far earlier when I said Xbox consoles historically haven’t had great big-name exclusives? It’s called reading ahead, as the results show that there’s no debate. Some murmurs of buggy hardware are still present, as well as some complaining of menus and apps being too obtuse. Bigger than any by far, however, is the names that will bring in the waves. With the purchase of Bethesda, they may have added a phenomenal hook to their consoles. But given most will also release alongside PC, well… We’ll have to see how that works out for them.

Do Players Prefer Xbox Over Sony or Nintendo?

Of course, Microsoft isn’t exactly running away from its competition. Maybe in console power, but popularity? That may be a harder case to confirm. They entered the “console wars” with large ambitions, and thus far, they’ve managed to at least remain level with their most powerful competitors in Nintendo and Sony. Considering all that is has to offer, do players prefer Xbox consoles over the PlayStation or whatever console Nintendo currently comes up with?

Info on if people prefer Xbox over others.

Info on if people prefer Xbox over others.

While a little on the close side, the competition seems a little too grand. People don’t prefer Xbox over Nintendo or Sony consoles, though perhaps that could also mean they’re okay with any of them. It could also mean that Xbox consoles don’t have enough about them to really stick out as the “must-have” system compared to the others. With not a great deal of big-name exclusives or any specific identifiable aspect, it’s been business as usual: improve upon what’s already there. I doubt they’d complain much.

Have Xbox Players Owned All or Most Consoles?

With only four major console releases, it’d be easy to assume that a majority of players have owned at least three of four. The poor original Xbox has seen a lot of poor data thus far in this article, but the 360 is beloved—owning every console since then doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch. Based on the results of the poll, have fans owned a majority of Microsoft’s consoles?

Info on the ownership of Xbox consoles.

Info on the ownership of Xbox consoles.

Similar to the last point, while close, it seems new customers have taken the reins. More have not owned a majority of Xbox consoles than otherwise. True, it’s quite the financial commitment to be purchasing every console at or near launch, and trying to acquire a Series X|S seems like a hassle currently. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see that even with the relatively low number of systems, most have likely only owned one or two. Whether this figure changes in the future remains to be seen.

[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”w6ecraubqu” question=”What are your thoughts on the results of this poll?” opened=”1″]What did you think of the results of this poll? Anything surprise you? If you’re an Xbox enthusiast comment below and tell us what you think![/wpdiscuz-feedback]

(Video by 3TopicsGamer.)

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