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Dune Part 2 Review: A Rushed Masterpiece

Dune Part 2 is a transcending experience in more ways than one. Director Denis Villeneuve manages to create a sequel to the first part as mesmerising and epic with all its strengths and weaknesses. The scale and sights of Arrakis are worth the experience in the theater.

Dune Part 2 is an event in movie going. After almost never being made after the first movie was released into theaters along side streaming, almost three years later we have it’s sequel and Denis Villeneuve brings this world to life masterfully. Anyone who plans to see the movie must understand that this movie is a second part through and through. The audience needs to watch the first movie before watching this, as the Dune Part 2 picks up right after the first one.

For context, personally I am someone who loved the first movie. That movie made me a Dune fan, prompting me to read the first three books by Frank Herbert. So here when I go in for the sequel, I go in as a fan…maybe a *fantic*. This is the best adaptation Dune has ever had but it does not mean it is flawless. Rather the movie has a few flaws that I feel like hurt it’s impact and overall execution.

Dune Part 2 is a movie to be watched on the biggest screen you can and delivers in more ways than not. Now, Having watched the movie twice once in IMAX and once on a normal silver screen, I would recommend the bigger screen. Dune Part 2 is is now playing in theatres.

Story – Right Where We Left Off

The story picks up right after Paul along with his mother Lady Jessica are with the Fremen walking into the desert. They are attacked where it is shown how strong Fremen as fighter can be. This is followed up with Paul and Jessica finally go to Sietch Tabr. In Dune, Sietch’s are places where the fremen live and how their society survives under water. The Fremen themself are not sure what to think of this new commer.



They see signs of this person being the Lisan-al-Gaib or “The Voice from the outer World”, a boy and his mother from an ancient prophecy. They see signs leading to worship of Paul but also a lot of scepticism from within. But as the audience know…the prophecy is a sham, created by the Bene Gesserit in order to propagate myth and control the people. That is all I am gonna say about the movie as this is a film best watched with no spoilers. The movie does feel a bit rushed and clunky in my opinion but as an overall experience it is stunning.

Themes of Control, Power and Religion

The story of the Dune books and the movie is concerned with Religion and how it influences people. Dune Part 2 fully leans into those themes. Of what happens when a group of people are manipulated using their belief. What happens when a God appears in front of you? How can a person convince people that he is not a god while they worship his ever move? Is this really good for the universe?

Dune Part 2 Review A Rushed Masterpiece_ Paul and Chani

Paul and Chani

Thematically, Dune Part 2 is dense with these musing. It does lead to the movie feeling pretty rushed even with 2 hour 40 minute runtime. The themes and musing are carried forward along side the action adventure story which fits great with th plot, leaving one yearning for more.

Characters and Performances – Firing on all Cylinders

Almost every actor in Dune Part 2 is giving it their all. Honestly, there is not one weak performance in the film. Zendaya in my opinion gives her career best acting performance playing Chani as she struggles with the love of her life becoming the god for her people against her will. And for me Zendaya was the weakest part of the cast. Timothée Chalamet manages to play a charismatic but reluctant leader in such a great way.

Dune Part 2 Review A Rushed Masterpiece_ Lady Jessica and her macinations

Lady Jessica and her machinations

The supporting cast of Rebecca Ferguson along with Javier Bardem, Austin Butler, Dave Bautista, Florence Pugh and Josh Brolin all just were on the top of their game. This is especially true with Javier Bardem. His charecter of Stilgar manages to switch from Comedic to dead serious naturally and it works. The cast just elevates the move overall.

Music, VFX and Cinematography – Breathtaking

The Music is excellent when it kicks in, mostly carried over from the first movie. But it feels underused in the movie, making me year for it kick in at vital points. Just like the first movie Dune Part 2 was stunning. The VFX are exceptionally well done to the point where almost all film expect maybe Avatar 2 look flawed. It is a master class in how these characters look so small with how the shorts are framed.

Dune Part 2 Review A Rushed Masterpiece _Still

The stunning shots of Dune part 2

The world of Arrakis with his Deserts is just such a treat to experience along with the Sandworms. The movie’s cinematography elevates that with the vistas and the colours. Greg Frasier is showing how is a master of his craft with cinematography just carrying so much weight overall. This is not an experience one should skip and must be experienced in movie theatres. Ideally, in IMAX where the movie really does shine.

Editing & Pacing – Compressed and Engaging but Rushed

The movie is relatively long with about 2h 46m of run time. As  I watched the film, I never felt it’s length both the times. It is fast and movies fast and paced pretty well, but this fast pacing feels rushed. This is the biggest issue with the movie where it sometimes feels like there are missing scenes in between. We get all the context but I wanted more, I wanted more out of the details and more out of the characters. There seems to be a missed opportunity with more out of these conversations. This does hurt the movie in a few ways where the impact of a scene is not as big as it is supposed to be as it just goes by so damn fast. 

As a fan of the books and the series Dune Part 2 is really damn good. It may have a few issues but it is a cinematic experience worth going to the theaters for.

Dune Part 2 is a movie worth watching and rewatching in the theaters, on the biggest screen. Dune Part 2 is not flawless, the movie feels rushed and paced too quick in parts. But through all that it is a spectacular movie with it's imagery, story and performances all across.
  • Great atmosphere
  • Epic Scale and Spectacle
  • Excellent Cast and Performances
  • Spectacular VFX and effects
  • Rushed Pacing
  • Music being used too less

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