
565 Reviews
Donggong (2019)
This may
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This will be all spoilers... This may have been decent up until the point Li Cheng ruins her life! She couldn't even get away from him after ruining her life! That's fine and would be acceptable had they had her marry the crown prince and take him down for rebellion. He could have been tried with treason in both countries but what do they do?!? They think they can wipe the slate clean by erasing their memories and trying to turn the show into a palace drama. I've read reviews where people justify his actions saying he was coerced! Really?!? He was old enough to know right from wrong! Had he did everything the same except marry her, fake liking her family, taking 30,000 of their soldiers it could be forgotten but what he did showed he wasn't crown prince material. Because of his greed and lust for power. I also can't forgive what he did to her loved ones. He could have let 3 people live but he wouldn't allow it. The grandfather died to save 100,000 of his people who are the better people?!? They excepted him and ( I don't care about his mission/ambition he didn't have to do all that to rebel and try take the throne...
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A Girl Like Me (2021– )
So far
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Until lord Chen and now from here will be spoilers... Is he just a bad actor or does he hate everyone. Everything out of his mouth is a lie. Nothing was ever about his "revenge" but for him to selfishly advance. He could say he was protecting her but if so and he really cared he wouldn't have ran off and had lord shin administer it on the last day! I think h played it by ear to see which way the wind blew. The biggest factor was when he took the buried treasure after he got them banished and stripped of everything. Most infuriating was she had like 6 proposals and he scared or threatened them all away. Her best match was the price of Aipo. He was gallant, caring , free willed like her and would of treated her well and actually could of protected her ( even saved the wretched Shen sister). It was a joke that lord Chen kept parroting "I'll keep you safe" when everytime danger appeared she saved him. He wasn't capable. I'll finish and update but even if he is doing it ( in his mind) to protect her and cmes back I'll never believe it because he wanders wherever the wind blows.
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Shogun (2024–2026)
I had
29 April 2024
Thought I had written a review after watching the first few episodes. I guess did not. I would have rated it higher after the first few episodes but then it went completely bizarre and I was left thinking (did I miss a bunch of episodes)? I don't know but it did. I have recently started watching Wuxia-Cdrama and this big production wasn't as good as half of them. If I remember correctly Toranga was charged with a crime punishable by death in the first episode but ( sorry but I've watched so many series in the past month) but I now read a summary and it talks about Toranga and Blackthorne being ambitous men but Blackthorne was bullied into helping Toranga who to me is still unclear of his big ambitions and even what they were and what power he had to in act wield it. What was good in the beginning became an unclear muddled story.
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10 April 2024
Just started this and was compelled to write an early review because of the bashing of concubines. These are fictional dramas and weather anyone likes it or not concubines were a common thing for 2000 years! Weather you agree with it or not or you want t think abandoning it was a reality it's a fictional drama! The fact people don't want to fathom the fact that there were concubines and think because a fictional drama written in 2021 was historically accurate because they abandoned the practice. Most men had 100's of concubines. Any ways I'm finding this to be decent but imo they down play the facts of concubines. I'll keep watching and update if needed..
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7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A half so far and I'm like episode 15? I've just gotten into Cdrama and this is quite different from what I usually watch. I first saw lin Shen in HSDS and loved him and so far in this too except he is always melancholy ( as in other things as well). I'm really liking it so far except the editing and story flow are erratic. They will show a character and a story arc to what seems like abandon it for so many episodes that you entirely forget it. Like the first story arc with the wicked bitter lady and her never ending quest for revenge. Then it turns into a completely new story line and we don't find out the outcome of the previous one. But I do like it ( and there are few reviews) and I will update as needed after completing .
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And a half
6 April 2024
I really liked Zhao Lu si in "who rules the world. She had amazing chemistry with Yang Yang and was willful ,strong and independent. I can't stand her in this! She acts so immature and clueless and the way she talks ( barely able to say anything) is annoying. I am no expert in Cdrama but I loved "who rules the world, Heavenly sword dragon sabre, Heroes and Martial universe. I have watched others that were indeed decent but I didn't have that "I can't wait to watch more feeling. I feel no chemistry at all with her and either male leads. One is creepy and one has no personality/emotions. And the other females are excruciating to watch with their awful down and hateful attitudes. Funny I found another series that was decent The romance of tiger and rose which I thought had great potential ( at first she seemed to be that bad @@s character but... No she is the exact same as in this.
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13 March 2024
I have just gotten into Wuxia and I watched who rules the world with Yang Yang and loved him. So I looked for something else he was in that would be similar. I am not a fan of fantasy really ( tho I loved Merlin) there was as extreme of an element. None the less I'm surprised this has only 13 reviews? Maybe I'll be lucky 14? Who knew Yang Yang could be so funny after seeing how serious he was in Who rules the world tho I loved" black foxy" and this character is closer t him. I don't like how goofy he is ( reminds me of one of the brothers in handsome brothers). I've watched about 19 episodes thus far so I must like it! Lol. I'll update when I'm finished if needed.
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10 March 2024
I'm giving this almost an 8. If can sit through more that a few episodes without even knowing like 25 have passed by then it is worthy of a good rating now a days. I am no expert as this is like my 4th Wuxia. So far I've watched HSDS, Who rules the world and another escaping my mind atm. I tried at least 5 before I had realized I had sat through many episodes of this. I admit the lead is immature and annoying but the bigger picture keeps me watching. I have noticed all the Wuxia I've seen so far they all can fly thru the air and walk on buildings. Lol. But I've gotten used to it and the style of fighting that's basically the same in all of them. I am writing a review early on because I noticed after 1 episode people are making assumptions about the whole series which is impossible in Wuxia. AS I immediately know if it's worthy of my time when I have sat through many episodes without thinking of every other thing but. I will however come back and update when i finished. It's getting good now that the avenging is coming...
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Heroes (2022– )
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Am surprised there is only two reviews. I only got into these series about a week ago because I have Misphonia and have been watching Kungfu movies and watched them all. Lol , so I watched Heavenly sword dragon slaying sabre and loved it. I searched for similar ones and tried about 5 before I saw one of the main actors from HS was in it. I think I liked the other a bit more but loved this as well. The main actor wasn't as annoying in this. It does have some despicable scenes. Lots of Violence plus some darker stuff. I'm so glad that Marquis jerk is gone. I get into genres and the obsession lasts a while so now I am into this I need to find more like the 2 I've watched and ones that aren't about gods and demons...
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And a half
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just when I really start liking this they get rid of story lines, change characters. I liked young Zhang Wuji but in one episode they aged him a few years and changed the actor. The child actor was great and could display emotions well. As a child he was so smart. He was curing illnesses at like 10 Under Qui. Then all of a sudden he's some bummy wanderer. Sorry but as such an intelligent strong boy I expected more. Any ways the leader of the Emei and her one apprentice made me sick! Oh were all "we want to eliminate evil blah, blah and she was the worst of them all. Looking for any chance to kill people she wasn't worthy of her title. I still have quite a few episodes left but I'm really enjoying this.
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Shaolin (2011)
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Been watching all Martial arts movies lately because I've ran out of series and I've been into Kung Fu. I thought this was decent if not a bit confusing though. I had a hard time keeping track of everyone. I felt there were so many despicable characters as well as likable and redeeming ones. The whole thing was bit confusing.

Spoilers... At the end they had characters die that would return. The ending was a complete mess with this? Did Huo Long survive?!? I swear he died a few times.... And the ending was confusing since he laid dead in Buddhas hands and then we see an ending where he s alive and well! Good and decent film but the storyline could have been written better.
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And a half
24 February 2024
I don't really watch movies anymore but I've ran out of series and ever since I watched Marco Polo I've been into Kung Fu. I've watched most of the IP man series so far. I like the ones with Donnie Yen he has grown on me I like his calm cool demeanor. I like Zhang as well I wish they'd make a trilogy with him. To me this one seemed a bit more "Hollywood". I watched it because I love Michelle Yeoh and I saw she was in it I can't believe she has technical martial arts training. The way the Wing Chun Master not a master, apprentice stuff works is confusing. I'm going to look for more similar movies to this and I do recommend this.
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Zorro (I) (2024– )
21 January 2024
An 8! As someone who has never even watched "any" version of Zorro I can say I did like it. All the different cultures competing was confusing. I like and have seen Miguel Bernarduea in elite and liked him in this. Besides him I don't know any of the the other actors but this isn't poorly acted because you don't like or agree with the way it's written! As someone who has never watched anything Zorro I liked it. It may not be of the "original Zorro" but this is 2024 and I thought it was really good. The filming. Acting , and filming was very good. I almost turned it off in the first episode after that slow mo fight scene( as I hate them) but in the end I really liked it! Just wish it had a more fleshed out ending since more than likely a season 2 isn't happening.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I probably should have rated this a 6 based on "this skycrew" idiots! These people are the most unlikable morons that by all accounts should have been dead by know! Not only the youth but the adults especially! Maybe spoilers but... These people show time and time again they aren't worthy of taking up air on the planet! The younger have no common sense or honor! When they stole the bunk and barricaded them selves in the bunker" exclaiming they "should" get the bunker because it was survival of the human race!!! Lol. Hmm , no one is going to reproduce. In all the years not one has. And the ones they 'chose" for the bunker would have never been able to save the human race because they were too old or uninterested in procreating because they weren't hetero. Blame all you want but their is no prejudice in it because the over age bearing wastes of space somehow they thought they were preserving the human race even tho most have outlived their usefulness to this " self sustaining society " which has been proven by their lack of any new children being born etc.
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Invasion (2005–2006)
13 January 2024
An 8. I watched a few episodes of this a while ago and just went back to it because I finished the last series I was watching so I blindly scrolled and came to this. I like William Fitchner in many things. Seems like he's always the misunderstood villain. At first the logic in me kept going over every aspect of these beings and why and how did an alien species that needs water to live do this and how did they get their from space? I fell asleep a bit but I think I missed any ship? That part bothered me a lot until it was over and it was dark and I started seeing glowing orange things every time I glimpsed out the window and then I stood there and though about them falling from a raining sky and it gave me chills and the creepiest feeling. Eddie Sibrion is the classic annoying guy running around all reckless and out of control thinking he knew everything and his way was the right way. All and all it was pretty good but wish there was another season.
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Napoléon (2002)
2 January 2024
Have been into period pieces for a while and have exhasted almost all of them. I then came across this one night and read the date wrong but none the less I continued on with it. I almost turned it off about 3 minutes in due to how horribly it was filmed! Cell phones provide better video image! Then there was the lack of any actors I recognized. Iove Christopher heyaerdahl but he has like a one line episode! The acting but for a few was ridiculous as the war scenes! They looked like people playing in reenactments from a bad play or whatever. Unlike Rome they mus have had a low budget and I wish they had more of a budget filming this..
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Krypton (2018–2019)
1 January 2024
Maybe a half. I usually can't stand superhero kinds of shows but this is not. It's more of a mystery scifi show. I can't stand the main protagonist! He annoyed the H@@k out of me. I started enjoying it and then it seemed like they new there wasn't a season 3 and ended it abruptly. I liked brainiac. Blake Ritson plays a good weird/creepy character. Davincis Demons was one. His voice just screams creepy. I have 188 characters and really not much left to say but I did a search for similar programs and this came up and I tried it and liked it but wish ( not even for another season) but at least a few more episodes to tie it up!
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27 December 2023
A half. I haven't watched a movie in forever ( I watch all series now) but ran out of things and hadn't watched anything n Netflix in around 4 months. So instead of canceling my membership I decided to try this from the meager pickings. I thought it was decent. I feel movies unlike series are half complete/ unfulfilling. This wasn't bad for an action film tho it feels like a video game throughout a lot. Thr characters are ok. Kora leaves little to be desired beyond her action parts. I somehow missed Hopkins? I am looking forward to seeing what Atticus is so will watch the second part but by then i could be disinterested? Edit to add! I also cannot believe there is already over 1k reviews!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
26 December 2023
What makes me mad is it took me years to even get thru one of the Star Trek series for them to ruin it all! I'm no expert but they forgo anything of the previous series for this incoherent junk! I'm new but I'm in the same frame of mind most Trekie fans! They made a compete joke of ST and what it stands for. They've annihilated everything to do with ST stands for. I'm not a expert but can see how they manipulated the story to fit with Millenail junk or what have you but as someone who's recently become a fan this is desicration. They've ruined the complete history of star trek in a few episodes~!
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First Wave (1998–2001)
16 December 2023
Far. Jeez it feels like forever since I've written a review because there hasn't been any decent series of late I've been exploring things frm the 90's ( something I thought I'd never do) even tho I grew up then. I had watched a few episodes of this back then before it was easy to keep track of what you've watched. So watching it in 2023 it is decent. Seems recently I can't connect with any of the horrible stuff that seems a 8 year old wrote it. It's decent but I feel the aliens are inconsistent like the plot. The aliens have integrated themselves into society with no distinguishable features other than a few have extreme telepathy powers. Tho it is a decent watch compared to most of todays recent series. I never thought I'd say that and I hope our choices get better and I will update when I've finished more.
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8 December 2023
I've tried t watch this trite over and over and cant get through more than 10 minutes! This gen z nonsense is a joke! I was trying so hard to get though what they coin Millenial period and now we have a more ignorant group ( if even possible)! What I gather from the excruciating time I put myself through none of these morons should have been "chosen" as guests at this idiots retreat! I so wish I could get past this gen z stuff( but they coined it) and i couldn't put my finger on why it was awful but they did it for me! I guess the future is bleak and we have more "Falls from the house of Usher" coming our way!
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
27 November 2023
A seven. I am not really into Scifi but as of late I ended up watching Star Trek Discovery when i didn't have any thing to watch. I ended up really liking it for Michelle Yeoh and a few others. I then went on to Stargate and ended up loving SG1 and Atlantis! I kept trying all the other Star Trek series since I know how many people are obsessed with it and would watch like 5-10 minutes and then go farther in since most are pretty old and none worked then last night I revisited this again and ended up watching almost all of season 1. It's tame compared to Stargate and Star Trek discovery and Scott Bakula is the most arrogant annoying character but I'm very surprised I ended up thinking t decent. The effects look really old and it's not super exciting but it's decent.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
24 November 2023
Far! I remember this show from years ago but don't know if i watched it because my tastes are all over the place and I was looking for something similar to Stargate . It's not so similar but it's a decent series as I've tried many after Stargate looking for something. There are n characters to really like, tho I can't really stand he child on board? Something about her ( I'm always creepy) vibe! I've watched the first season and think I'm on about episode 13 maybe of season 2. I have to take a break after a few episodes but 'll continue knowing this is more interesting than at least for me like 85% better than anything I could quickly find!
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Earth: Final Conflict (1997–2002)
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Isn't really my genre but I've had nothing to watch lately and watched Stargate and a few others. This is decent but I've no idea why the Taelons pretty much rule Earth ( as visitors) and they have pretty much taken over every facet of society and humans gladly serve them no questions. They let them put drugs out with no trials and none have been successful. Daan is the only decent one. They think humans are so inferior yet they use them as slaves for everything. The only thing they brought was teleportation and they captured humans and experimented on them. They can't make any decisions on their own. The poor Kimera that they captured and experimented on had more humanity in him than any. They are visitors and it makes me so mad the humans are just like servants to them because they didn't evolve they devolved and lost all emotion and logical thinking.
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Farscape (1999–2003)
4 November 2023
A half so far! Ha! I watched Stargate and this was said to be similar. Yes Ben Bowder is in this and Stargate but he's 100 times more repulsive/ annoying! His character was annoying on Stargate but not unbearable but in this he screams annoying over entitled moron!!!! All he does is yell and say unintelligent things and try to boss around aliens from a planet he's never been! Just like Stargate he doesn't respect their culture or anything for that matter but they all listen to this moron who doesn't possess half the intellect that most of the aliens he shares a ship with but his constant ,incessant ignorance is a total hindrance to anyone aboard that ship puts everyone on that ship at risk and his horrendously loud obnoxious way he acts in a situation he knows nothing of just makes the case that we are morons to aliens if they exist!
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