41 of 80 found this severe
Sex scenes include frontal nudity of both men and women.
Scenes of sex parties show 20-25 naked men and women engaging in intercourse and dominant bedroom play with each other.
Full view of intercourse between adults, including frontal nudity of both men and women during the act. Scenes of sex parties show 20-25 naked men and women engaging in intercourse and dominant bedroom play with each other. Some bisexuality.
24 of 42 found this severe
Beatings are shown in bloody, graphic detail, including ones that result in murder. Many people use violence and violent threats to influence other people's behavior. Much gun use.
24 of 35 found this severe
Constant strong language (e.g. fuck and shit) and mild language (e.g. damn.)
Name calling, e.g. asshole, dickhead and dipshit.
Constant use of "f--k," "s--t," "a--hole," "d--khead," "damn," and "dips--t."
16 of 39 found this moderate
Excessive drinking at social gatherings (and sexual encounters) is common, and the sale and consumption of cocaine is central to the plot. Access to drugs buys influence and popularity but also puts people in compromising circumstances.
The purchasing and consuming of cocaine is central to the plot.
10 of 31 found this moderate