Mom's Day Away (TV Movie 2014) Poster

(2014 TV Movie)

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Good watch
jewelch18 February 2021
This was a cute Hallmark movie. I bought it to watch on Movie Night with my wife and we both enjoyed it. Always looking for something clean and cute to watch, and happy when I find it. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 2/18/2021
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Okayish hallmark movie
jml19885 March 2020
For me, this movie is the epitome of why not to have kids. Everything she experienced is what i do NOT want to happen to me. It was a cute, heartwarming movie, but unlike her bestie, it certainly did not make me want her life.
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boblipton11 May 2014
It's Mother's Day Weekend and life is just as swamped as ever with her routine. So Bonnie Somerville wakes up, walks out for the weekend with her old friend Ona Grauer and leaves Dad to make a hash of dealing with the kids in this blandly written but well performed Hallmark TV movie.

Most of the jokes in this one are about the level of 1970s television situation comedies in which the perfectly nice kids drive work-befuddled dad up the wall -- think "Brady Bunch". As such it would make yet another of the interminable series of rote Hallmark movies celebrating some holiday or other. Miss Somerville, however, takes the same sort of rote lines and situations that appear in every other movie and converts them into a funny, neurotic character.

There's still that annoying music score that tells you before anything happens what this particular scene is going to be about and how you should feel about it. It's clearly not the fault of the composer, but someone needs to have a stern word with the musical director. Valerie Biggins, I'm talking to you!
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A lot of cliches
Jackbv12320 April 2024
The family is a disaster. In fact, all the cliches about an unruly and inattentive family are shown to prove it. Yet somehow the tone remains mostly upbeat. Yes the kids seem to have been trained to let mom do all the work. It is a sort of parody of that kind of family. So mom gets disgusted and takes off with her unmarried and glamorous BFF. Much of the movie is them having a great time. They have such a good time that Laura, the mom, even outdoes Trish in the fun department. The parody is that Laura becomes a sort of Trish. Meanwhile back home .... Let's just say that maybe the kids and husband do love the mom.

If you want to look at this as a story about a good family, there are lots of details to ruin that, at least for a while. I saw a comment to the effect that kids and people don't change overnight, but maybe deep down these kids were raised right but drifted into bad habits.

As I said, the tone was mostly upbeat with some fun antics followed by some sappy sentimentality. Sure it was totally predictable. But it was fun. Bonnie Somervile does a nice job keeping the mood light while she transforms.

The plot is fairly simple. There are no great surprises. There is an implied tension of the threat to the marriage, but there is never really a threatening feel.

There is a subplot about Trish and her lifestyle. Again no great surprises.

I enjoyed it. Watching in 2024, it is nothing like most of what appears on Hallmark on a Saturday night these days.
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Lacklustre day away
TheLittleSongbird7 October 2023
Have absolutely nothing against or any bias against Hallmark. Although it does have its fair share of mediocre and less films, it does also have ones that are above average and more. This was obvious in its 2014 output, with a notable example of the latter being 'A Ring by Spring'. Was not entirely sold on the premise for 'Mom's Day Away' to be honest, it didn't sound particularly interesting on paper and was really preparing myself for hating the characters, not a nice feeling watching anything.

And that was the case with 'Mom's Day Away', one the worst cases of it when it comes to any of my recent film watches. Which was as uninteresting as it sounded, some Hallmark films have made interesting and charming films out of unappealing concepts but 'Mom's Day Away' is not one of those. While not hating it, with there being a few good things, and there were worse 2014 Hallmark films (i.e. 'My Gal Sunday'), it just didn't come together for me and was difficult to sit through to be perfectly honest.

Bonnie Sommerville does give a very committed and honest performance and it was easy to feel for her character up to a point. Actually despite the character writing being less to be desired the acting was fine.

Production values are slick enough.

Most of the characters however were incredibly annoying and impossible to like, there are films where one is supposed to dislike the character but the unlikeable character criticism is valid if the unlikeable character never really develops, is one dimensional and has their flaws taken to extremes. And all of that is the case here, have not seen children this hostile, inconsiderate and ungrateful for a long time and the film really overdid it. The mean spirited treatment of the lead character was also overdone. Did feel for Sommerville's character on the whole, but do think that she should have been more assertive and been clearer about how her treatment was making her feel.

Didn't like the script either, which had a lot of forced, tired comedy that would have belonged better in a 70s sitcom, over-sentimental drama and mean spirited banter. Complete with a rather awkward flow. The story is dull, quite thin (especially later on) and has no surprises, the charm, heart and fun factors being low and the tension even lower. There is nothing special about the music, which was forgettable at best, or the routine direction, while the ending was far too neat and very undeserved.

Overall, weak. 3/10.
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for moms
SnoopyStyle9 September 2018
Laura Miller (Bonnie Somerville) is a stay-at-home mom. It's Mother's Day weekend and nobody seems to notice other than her daughter's school assignment. Her dream of Paris is fading as her husband (James Tupper) cancels. An eaten school cake is the last straw and she decides to stay with her successful single sister Trish (Ona Grauer) who has a great boyfriend.

Her family is completely inconsiderate. They're rather annoying when they need to be adorably clueless. The cake is a prime example. It's adorably clueless to take little bites. It's annoying that they finish it off. When they run over the pot, they should comment on it. Her adventures aren't that adventurous. It's set up for one of those girls go wild adventures but this is the all together PG version. Nothing really happens. The only thing that happens is something sad with Trish's boyfriend. The family's lesson learned is a little too earnest. The whole movie needs better jokes. However, stay-at-home moms may find joy in this story.
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dtdenver-987-92554624 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Why bother doing a review for Hallmark pap? A lone voice saying THIS ISN'T A HAPPY ENDING! The kids were behaving the way they were raised; the husband treated her the way the she allowed. No one changes overnight. Kids don't suddenly become responsible, likable human beings. Husbands don't suddenly become eternally appreciative. Women don't suddenly become assertive and take charge. A woman is totally supportive of her college buddy who's never had a job horning in with her clients? Sure. But what really did it for me was the kids eating the bake sale cake. It wasn't cute and funny - it was hostile and ill bred.
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Thumbs up
scenesmusic8 June 2014
I'm not usually partial to Hallmark MOWs, but I rather enjoyed Mom's Day Away. It had the pace, cast, quirky banter and heartfelt moments that you look for in a G-rated Rom Com.

The story follows an under appreciated Mom who ends up taking Mother's Day weekend away with her wild child BFF. It follows a very traditional route, but there's some fun scenes at a Spa Resort. Also there's a very kooky open mic set piece.

Is Bonnie Somerville actually singing??? And also, I believe she said "yay", not "gay". Remember... It's Hallmark...

The chemistry between the two girls, Laura and Trish, really kept the movie going. Laura and Trish were actually the only characters I liked. The husband was kind of a drip, and the two kids were boring to watch. Terrible casting on the kids. Redhead, really? Regardless, it was a fun little movie and well shot. It's supposed to be in Los Angeles, but it looked like Canada to me.

Overall, I'd definitely recommend watching MDA. It's a Hallmark movie with a great cast, a fun script and a perfect way to spend a week night.
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Acting wasn't bad but
casper63911 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The story was typical of what you expect to see on the Hallmark Channel. The issues I had were the condescension and the total disrespect of other characters. The mother while watching a karaoke act made vicious rude comments about a singer and then gets up and does almost as poorly.

They flash back to the 1990's and use phobic terminology of those days with things like "you're so gay." Following a derogatory statement about the main character.

The woman goes out and gets a make-over which makes her look like a street walker and then puts other people down. This could have been good but the writing was awful and the self esteem issues were a put down to any mother. Very disappointed in Hallmark on this one.

The act not bad. The plot was decent. The dialogue was belittling.
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